A/N: As of 05/10/2015 this chapter has been started. At this time I have 7 classes of homework to do- begin- and it's for the 13th so, shit.

Chapter 2 - Kyuubi

In the three years since Naruto had learned of his inner demon, he had spent the entire time attempting to summon the power he had used that day. Surprisingly, he wasn't even slightly as traumatized as he should be, to have killed so many and barely care. That, was the sign of a true monster. He had woke up, in his bed, a huge grin plastered on his face, that very first day he immediately rushed out, not exactly sure what he was going to do.

He had tried everything from telling the demon to give him it, to almost killing himself to bring it out. Nothing had even gotten close to working, today was no different, he had been trying all day to meditate and bring it out, of course it hadn't worked, and the longer he waited, the less he was able to concentrate, meaning he had less chance of bringing it out.

Sighing in frustration, he stood and stretched.

'I knew I shouldn't have sat for so long, the Old Man even said not to.' He put his shoes on and looked at the only part of the village he could see from his current location. The 'Big Red Tower', which he had eventually found out was actually called, 'Hokage Tower', a name that he thought truly sucked. He had even suggested that they re-name the tower, he was of course ignored.

'I should probably just head home.' He sighed. 'I have my very first day of the academy tomorrow.'

Once he got home, he immediately fell into bed, not even bothering to take his clothes, or even shoes off. Falling asleep right away.

Blue eyes opened wide in wonder. The blonde was sure he had fell asleep just a few seconds ago, so why was he awake in such a different area than his house? He pushed himself into a sitting position and began studying his surroundings, looking left he saw nothing but a large wall. Looking right he saw the exact same thing, looking behind him he saw, once again a large wall, blocking his way. Sighing once again, he gazed forward. 'Only one way to go.' He stood and began walking.

He walked for around 5 minutes before he heard a low growl coming from the very direction he was walking. Coming to a stop he looked ahead in wonder.

'What, was that?' Forcing himself to move he pushed ahead. The growl getting louder with each step he took. 'He stopped once again when he began to hear dripping. 'Water?' Looking down he realized his feet were indeed inside water.

'How have I not noticed this yet?' He sighed as his eyes followed the water behind him until it was out of his line of sight. He then realized it looked. Crimson, almost like. 'Blood.' He shook his head and began walking once again, almost fully blocking out the growing sound of the growl.

He continued walking until he bumped into metal bars. He rubbed his head and stepped back, hoping to get a better look at whatever it was. He looked up and noticed that it seemed to be cage, or a gate atleast, in the center, he noticed a paper tag, with a strange symbol on it.

'What is tha-' The growl came once again, only it seemed to be coming from right infront of him.

"Co... oser." Naruto looked up as blood red orbs came into view.

"What, was that?" Naruto stepped back.

"No... ay... oser." Naruto suddenly felt a sharp pain come from his left leg.

"Argh!" He looked towards his leg, he saw red... tentacles? Crawling up it and wrapping around it slowly. 'W-what is this?' A low chuckle came from behind the gate.

"Do you, feel it?" Naruto looked up with a pained expression on his face. "My chakra, it will soon consume and kill you. Unless..."

"U-unless?" Naruto found himself unable to move anywhere.

"Unless, you bend to my will." Naruto felt himself being pulled forward, and that seemed to be the only direction the tentacles- chakra would allow how to go.

"Like, hell." Naruto stopped moving and slowly, began moving backwards.

"Hmm, you can resist? Interesting." Naruto was stopped when more chakra wrapped around his right leg, leaving him immobile.

"Just, just who are you anyway?" Naruto choked out, a chuckle then came from the gate, and the chakra slightly weakened.

"I think you know, full well who I am." Naruto's eyes widened.

"You're, the..." The chuckling stopped and a bloodthirsty smirk came into Naruto's field of vision.

"You seem to have figured it out.. Good." Naruto began shaking as the chakra tentacles released him and formed a cage around him.

"The Nine-Tailed... Fox." Naruto whispered and fell head first into the bars, breaking him out of his stupor. "Hey fox! Let me out of here!" Naruto half yelled causing the smirk to fade into the darkness of the gate. A growl replacing it.

"You, brat. You dare speak to me like that. I am apart of you! Don't ever speak to me with such disrespect again!" A roar came from behind the gate, lighting the area somehow and revealing a large fox with nine majestic tails.

"Just shut up." The fox snarled. "You're not apart of me, and you never will be." Naruto began raising his voice. "So shut up. And let, me. Out!" The bars forming a cage around Naruto retreated and sunk into the ground around him. Rather than running- which was the smart thing to do- Naruto stood and looked into the eyes of the fox, causing it to chuckle, further irritating the blonde.

"You have courage, however you are very, very wrong." Naruto's defiant look fell from his face as he became rather confused.

"Wrong? How the hell am I wrong?" The fox smirked.

"You haven't forgotten the reason you have potential to use my power, have you?" Naruto narrowed his eyes.

"That's a seal, the Old Man even said so, it traps you within me." The Nine-Tails chuckled.

"Yes, it makes you, my vessel." Naruto clenched his fists.

"Yeah, so what, the vessel is different from what it's holding." The fox chuckled, again.

"Is it really though, a vessel isn't a vessel, without something to contain." Naruto eyes widened as he completely dropped his guard, causing the Nine-Tails to smirk. One more push. "You wanna know something?" Naruto looked up with watery eyes. "Those villagers who hate you are smarter than you think. They realized immediately, that we are one in the same."

"B-but, the Old Man said that, I'm not, the fox." Naruto seemed to have forgotten he was talking to a demon, the fox grinned.

"And he was right." Naruto looked into the foxes eyes, a little hope appearing. "You aren't me, because I am you, I am your conscience, that little voice at the back of your head, the one that ultimately decides your actions." The hope immediately fled from his eyes.

"So, that's why..." The Nine-Tails smirked.

"That's why you killed all those people." The fox smirked when tears began to fall from Naruto's eyes, a little resistance still present. 'Not for long.' As Naruto began to slowly back away, red chakra shot from the water/blood and bound him.

"N-no!" The chakra loosened, even if only slightly. "You're wrong."

"How so?" Naruto gulped.

"We're not the same, if anything." Naruto let out a long breath, it wasn't quite a sigh, he then looked into the bloodthirsty eyes of the demon. "You're the prisoner." The fox snarled. "And I'm the guard!" Confidence returning, Naruto grinned as the chakra holding him in place dissolved into nothing.

"You little runt." The fox grunted, then smirked, causing Naruto's grin to falter. "Well, I suppose that's true. You're not as dumb as you look, brat. But, Don't forget I can kill you at a moments notice, so don't ever talk to me in such a way ever!" Naruto took a step back, the fox smirked. "I suppose you want some answers, huh?" Naruto slowly nodded, not trusting himself to speak. "That day, 3 years ago. You used my power to kill a group villagers." Naruto narrowed his eyes.

"You said it yourself, you were manipulating me that day!" The demon grinned once again.

"You said I was wrong about that." Naruto gritted his teeth. "Since when has a guard ever been manipulated by the prisoner?"

"Yeah well since when has the guard been 5 years old and when has the prisoner ever been a demon?!" The foxes grin got even wider if that was possible.

"So you have finally accepted it have you?" Naruto snarled. "You are nothing without me, and if you accept that. You get the answers you desire."

"Fine, now tell me what I wanna know!" The Nine-Tails smirked, not his normal 'You're mine' smirk Naruto was used to but a victorious smirk, playful perhaps.

"Fine, now tell me what it is you wanna know!" Naruto gritted his teeth at the obvious mockery.

"First of all, what you began before you got so off course." The Nine-Tails snarled.

'That was you.' "Fine, as strong as my power is, it isn't powerful enough to destroy that much of the village, not the tiny amount you used." Naruto quirked and eyebrow.

"So what does that mean?" The Nine-Tails gritted his teeth.

"As much as I hate to admit it, you have a Kekkei Genkai, which awakened 3 years ago." Naruto became confused.

"What's a Kenkay Gekkei?" The fox grunted.

"A Kekkei Genkai, is something passed down by blood, however you seem to have awakened it another way." Naruto leaned against the wall.

"Alright, so what Kenkkai Genkkay do I have then, and is there an easier way of saying it?" The demon snarled.

"Well, your Kekkei Genkai, is something only ever seen used by those with the Rinnegan, the Júryokuton, and there is only one other way of saying it, which I would prefer you don't use, and that is bloodline limit." Naruto quirked an eyebrow.

"Okay cool, but what's a Riggenan and Jorocktin then?" The Nine-Tails snarled.

"The Rinnegan, I'll tell you about later, and the Júryokuton, is in your 'Easier way of saying it', is the Gravity Style, you manipulate gravity itself to doing what you please, and three years ago..." Naruto by now had stars in his eyes. "You made it into a shock wave." Naruto nodded in understanding.

"So you're gonna help me, right?" The Nine-Tails looked at the boy incredulously.

"Help you? Why the hell would I do that?" Naruto grinned.

"Because I'm the warden, so you gotta listen to me!" The fox scoffed.

"And if I refuse?" Naruto gained an evil glint in his eyes causing the fox to shiver.

"You don't wanna know." The great demon took a step back.

"A-Alright, I won't help you, but I'll give you a few tips, how does that sound?" Naruto nodded. "However, tell me why you want this power. Why do you wish to be powerful?" Naruto thought for a moment before looking into the fox's eyes.

"To protect those most precious to me!" The Nine-Tails grinned.

"And who are these precious people?" Naruto smiled.

"Uhm, the Old Man, and the people at Ichiraku Ramen, oh and Dog Man too!" The fox smirked.

'Perfect.' "Oh really? Because the people at this 'Ichiraku Ramen' are store owners, they simply let you in so you can buy from them. This 'Old Man', is the Hokage of the village, meaning he is the strongest, if anyone is saving someone. He will save you." Naruto flinched.

"W-Well what about, Dog Man?" The Nine-Tails grinned.

"Hm, this 'Dog Man', is an ANBU, meaning the very same as the Hokage, he protects you." The demon grinned as Naruto looked down, his grin faltered however when Naruto looked back up, fire in his eyes.

"Well then, I'll surpass them, and then I'll be protecting them!" The fox snarled.

"Stop lying to yourself, why do you really want my power?" Naruto looked away began thinking.

"Well, it could be, no, well them maybe to, no. I-I don't exactly know why I want it, I just. I just know I do!" Tears began to fall from Naruto's eyes, the Nine-Tails smirked.

"You'll realize soon enough, oh and call me Kyuubi, I hate how humans speak nowadays." Naruto looked at the demon in wonder.

"How humans speak, now-a-days?" The fox snarled.

"Look it doesn't matter, it's time you leave this place, it's morning." Naruto pouted.

"It's not morning yet, let me stick around Nine-Tail- Kyuubi." The Kyuubi grunted.

"Are you accusing me of being a liar? Get out!" The Kyuubi roared creating a large, shock wave coincidentally, causing Naruto to fly back just as everything faded to black.

Naruto woke with the sun in his eyes, moving his arm infront of his eyes, he slowly opened them and groaned. 'Morning already?' He lay back and stared at the ceiling. 'What a strange dream.' Sitting up and stretching, he realized he was still wearing his clothes.

'Damn, I gotta shower now.' He sniffed both his armpits, then grinned. 'It's probably fine.' He stood and walked into the kitchen, he made some instant ramen, ate it then headed out, not bothering to brush his teeth or, shower.

Naruto began his long and tedious journey to the academy, before he realized he had forgot everything he would need that day. Sighing in frustration he ran home, hoping not to be late for his very first day at the academy.

He got home and quickly everything he would need, in his pocket, all he took was a pencil and an eraser. Sighing he opened the door and stepped out, turning to lock it he suddenly felt like someone was looking at him, locking quickly he turned to see 3 people standing infront of him, snarling.

"Uhm, hello?" The three stepped forward, Naruto then saw that they wore headbands with the same symbol Dog Man's mask had. 'They must be ninja.'

"Shinobi." Naruto blinked and found himself infront of the cage he saw in his dream.

'What the hell?'

"You've forgotten already?" Red orbs became visible which Naruto realized matched that of the Kyuubi's from his dream, speaking of which.

"Kyuubi? You can, hear my thoughts?" The demon appeared in all it's glory and grinned as Naruto's eyes widened.

"You are smarter than I imagined. Yes I hear what you think, I'm part of you." Naruto shook his head.

"You aren't part of me I explained this earlier!" The Kyuubi grunted.

"Oh really? Well in your current situation, I know your scared and I can get you out of this mess." Naruto looked down mumbling 'I'm not scared.' He looked up into the demon's eyes.

"Well, what did you have in mind?" The Kyuubi grunted.

'Far too credulous, I gotta fix that.' "Just say exactly what I tell you to, now listen carefully." Naruto nodded as the Kyuubi began explaining, once done he finished, Naruto didn't get a chance to reply as he blinked and found himself looking into the eyes of the three ninj- shinobi.

'Dammit.' "Y-you guys should probably leave." The three snarled.

"Or what?"

"Don't order us around."

"Dumb brat."

"Or else." Naruto gritted his teeth. "There's gonna be a repeat of what happened 3 years ago." The three took a step back and pulled out kunai.

"Is that right?"

"Bring it on!"

"You disgust me."

"Hold still." Naruto heard a voice from seemingly everywhere as he did just that.

'Kyuubi?' His response was a red aura surrounding him, making the three shinobi look on in both fear, and shock. Naruto's eyes turned to red slits as he looked up to finish the final order of the Kyuubi, he smirked and stepped forward, the three stepping back. "Leave!"

"L-Let's go!"

"Yeah, I don't wanna die."

The third simply spat as the three fled, the red aura disappeared and Naruto's eyes turned back to normal. He sighed looking up to the cloudy sky. 'Never again, that was far too much.' He looked forward and remembered exactly what he was doing that day, his eyes widened as he rushed down the stairs of his apartment building and rushed in the direction of the academy, not failing to notice the hate-filled glares sent his way.

'Kyuubi?' He heard a grunt from, everywhere. 'What is that, way of speaking?'

"I assume you mean my way of saying things." Naruto nodded, causing people to look at him strangely. "That, is a language people spoke long ago, it died out during the clan wars when people spoke differently to confuse there enemies, eventually everyone was forced to create another as they forgot the other."

'What was it called?'

"Japanese, I remember it a little, however during my time as a 'prisoner', as you so kindly put it, I was almost forced to learn this, English you speak, all that remained from my native language, was suffixes."


"Yes, you remember what, 'Dog Man', called the 'Old Man', don't you?"


"Yes, -sama is a suffix, it means lord, however -sama is easier to say."

'I see, so one question. What are the 'Clan Wars'?'

"I'll tell you about it later." Naruto sighed.


"I think you should also use Japanese, it will throw opponents off."


"Enemies, god even the way things are phrased has changed."

'So does anything change using, Jaypenseasy?'

"It's Japanese, and nothing changes, it sounds cooler though." Naruto sighed as he arrived at the academy. "We begin our training tomorrow." Naruto nodded and headed inside, walking to his assigned class slowly, he was already late why tire himself out, he reasoned that no matter how late he was still late so screw it.

He sat up the back ignoring the stares from others.

"That's that kid."

"My mom told me he's dangerous."

"He doesn't look very tough."

"I could take'em."

"My mom would kill me if I went near the kid."

"I guess we should leave it then."


Naruto did his best to ignore the kids, and just as he was about to break, a men entered the class and stood at the front, silencing everyone in the process.

"Hey, my name is Mizuki."

"Dammit Mizuki these kids are here for 4 years, atleast try and be nice."

"I said hey didn't I?"

"Whatever." A man with a scar on his face cleared his throat. "Hello there everyone, my name is Iruka Umino. Me and Mizuki here." He motioned to the other man- Mizuki- and smiled. "Will be your brand new senseis until you graduate and become real ninja. Now, why doesn't everyone introduce themselves."

A/N: Yess, finally, I finished, it's about damn time, I remembered to add Mizuki this time so, yeah. Júryokuton, kinda made it up, it's based off of Pains Deva Path, the shock wave is what he used against the toads in his fight against Naruto when the three jumped him at the same time. How do you like Naruto's child-like misspelling? I know the whole 3 years thing is kinda cliche, since almost every horrible or unique thing happens then in all shows, but hey, screw it. Gravity Style, Menma used a Almighty Push like Jutsu in the movie, so screw it, I have an idea of how Naruto's abilities are gonna advance, and how Sasuke will keep up, since it's not Naruto without badass Sasuke.

Yep, Kyuubi and Japanese, in the R.A.W version I just said it died out but I never explained how, the clan wars seemed perfect. I didn't get all the homework done, only 5 of them, it sucked but I got till the 15th to finish, so woohoo.