Here Comes the Reign

Full Summary: There has been peace since the months after Corypheus' defeat, leaving the Inquisition to grow and Olivianna Trevelyan and her companions time to rest and move on. Then suddenly a small sect of Venatori begin making waves in The Hissing Wastes, drawing the attention of the Inquisitions advisers. The Inquisitor and a small group leave Skyhold, assuring their people they will be back by the months end, but when an explosion destroys a keep the group was investigating the Inquisition is suddenly left leaderless and scrambling. Eventually the Inquisitor's group returns, but Lady Trevelyan is not among them, and the news they carry breeds more concern than hope. Suddenly, the peace the Inquisition has created is being threatened, and this time the one person who can truly stop it is missing, or worse…dead.

Rating: SFW for now, later chapters will be NSFW due to violence.

Pairings: Cullen x f!Trevelyan; Iron Bull x Dorian;

It had been a wonderful few months since Corypheus'defeat, Skyhold being the epicenter for a world in celebration. The Inquisitor had only left her home a few times since, enjoying for the first time in what seemed like ages a normal, peaceful life, one where she didn't have to worry about an evil old god or a world lost to her failings. She now spent most her days filling out reports, meeting with dignitaries and training with the troops, leaving Skyhold only when something immediately pressing came up. which was not often.

For as much as Olivianna teased her advisers about keeping her pined down now that the main threat had passed she truly enjoyed the chance to relax, especially when she was relaxing with her friends. She, Dorian, Bull, Sera and Varric often found themselves in the pub on more nights a week than they probably should have. They shared stories, drank, and every now and then managed to convince the Commander to join them for a game or two of Wicked Grace, though it was especially hard when Josephine was dealing.

Dorian never failed to mention how he still needed to head back to Tevinter, his home still waiting for him to bring it redemption, but still he remained at Skyhold. Olivianna guessed it had something to do with Bull, seeing as the two had become quite the pair, never leaving each others side since the old god's defeat. She knew Dorian would never openly admit it, but he would miss Bull terribly when he left, and until Tevinter was ready for a peaceful Qunari to roam their streets (which she suspected would be no time soon) Bull would be forced to remain behind.

Not that the Charger's leader was doing much better at leaving himself. Dorian continued to bug him about accepting more jobs and leaving Skyhold, but Bull was smart, too smart, for the mage and stayed. He always replied with how the Inquisition had paid the Chargers wages for many years to come, which always earned Olivianna a glare from her friend before the Qunari charmed him into submission. Even without it being said everyone knew the two didn't want to be apart, and Bull knew the moment he accepted a job and left Skyhold Dorian would be gone to Tevinter, knowing it his only time to escape.

So the two remained, helping around the keep any way they could until they were strong enough to part.

Sera stayed with the Inquisition, she and the Inquisitor becoming close friends. The elf refused to relocate from the tavern, though most found they didn't mind her company after a time. She had become something of a site for the travelers, her harmless pranks and ruckus behavior often lifting spirits, especially when she and the Inquisitor were together. She made the mighty Inquisitor look more human, she often said, and while that became more of an excuse to have fun together others soon began to copy their low-key behavior, letting loose more often when they saw their leader do the same.

Varric remained with the Inquisition for a time but proved true to his word and left for Kirkwall some months later. He wrote to the Inquisition often, usually sending multiple letters, each addressed to different friend's who remained behind. All his official updates were sent to 'The Big Five', or 'The War Room's Finest' as he liked to call them. He often filled his letters with the status on Kirkwall and her state of rebuild, which interested Leliana and Cullen more than anyone. He included what he could learn about the nobility and current politics for Josephine while always relaying what he knew about the current state of Mage and Templar affairs for Cullen.

Often he ended his letters with a joke or clever line, always eliciting at a laugh from Olivianna and no less than a disgusted grunt from Cassandra. It became almost a routine, one that they all very much enjoyed, despite their neglect at saying so.

Blackwall, or Thom, stayed true to his word and remained with the Inquisition, often helping in training exercises and venturing out with newer recruits on scouting missions. He had become something of the Inquisitor's second in command, leading quests in her place, she trusting him to give orders and make judgment calls on her behalf while in the field. The two often shared drinks when he was in the keep, sharing stories and talking strategy while sometimes just enjoying each others company in silence.

Sometimes Cassandra joined them, though not as often as Olivianna would have liked given her role of becoming the next Divine. She was continually seeing the warrior less and less, and often when they did finally meet she was never able to stay for long.

Cole still spent most of his time quietly helping around the keep, occasionally causing mischief to entertain himself. He would visit Olivianna when she was stressed over paperwork or nobles, helping ease the tension with candies, kittens or stories. Consequently Skyhold had many cats roaming its grounds, though few complained. After a time most people had to admit; whatever rats or other vermin were there before had been gone since the cats arrived.

The lovely Vivienne had left shortly after the Inquisitions victory, having a short farewell brunch with Olivianna before being seen off by a handful of their party. They did not hear from her as often as they did from Varric, but the mage did send reports whenever she heard of something she thought the Inquisition could make use of. Often Leliana was more pleased with the reports than Olivianna, and when she began complaining about the questionable "political" content (gossip that was wielded like a blade in Orlesian courts) the Scout started keeping the letters to herself, only asking the Inquisitor's opinion on things that would directly affect her or their people.

As for the advisers, both Leliana and Josephine remained with the Inquisition, continuing their jobs with both pride and entertainment. There was no shortage of nobles or travelers since the Inquisitor's final battle with Corypheus, and while she quickly tired of making appearances and repeating the same tales again and again the two women seemed to revel in it.

Josephine was always busy with new visitors, be it scheduling or just talking with them upon arrival or departure. She made certain, as she always did, that everyone left Skyhold happy and in awe, and while Olivianna tried to avoid it as much as she could she found Leliana eventually pulled into the chaos as well.

The bard fell back into old habits, often telling stories of the Inquisitor and her party in the months between the explosion at the conclave and Corypheus' defeat. There was almost always a cluster of children and adults alike in the gardens, hoping for an appearance of the spy master turned story teller, her version of the stories much more entertaining than the Inquisitor's, for which the woman was grateful. If the crowd was extremely lucky they would sometimes hear stories of The Hero of Ferelden and her party during the fifth Blight, though Leliana seemed reluctant more times than not, and so even Olivianna knew little.

As for the Commander, he and Olivianna had been all but inseparable. No longer feeling the need to hide what they felt, it was common knowledge that the two were together almost always. As time passed and their affection for each other only seemed to grow the two became increasingly bombarded with questions of marriage and, by more bold parties, the future of the Inquisition. The two had much the same reaction at first; a blush followed by a stuttering of some words before shrugging off the question, more or less effectively changing the subject. Cullen had mastered the art quicker than Olivanna had, surprisingly, and so the poor Inquisitor had become something of a plaything to her closest friends and confidants, people springing the question on her in the most awkward moments they could think of.

Eventually rumors of their marriage started, ranging anywhere from the two had had a secret joining before Corypheus' defeat to the two had broken apart only recently. No matter how hard Josephine tried she could not quell them, and so visitors came from all walks of life with questions and advise galore, some whispering amongst themselves as they passed while others were far more brazen, confronting the two with no second thought for their privacy or surroundings.

Often the latter of the visitors would leave Olivianna quite irritated, and while Josephine had always been around to stop a rather persistent guest from going too far before, this time Olivianna was not so lucky.

"You don't say?" Olivanna muttered, her words being lost as a group of young Orlesian noblewomen followed her into the main hall of Skyhold, their high pitched voices prattling on about marriage, men and mischief within the empire. "Such inspiring words." She had learned that it didn't matter what she said as the ladies spoke, they wouldn't stop and listen to her unless she screamed.

"Truly, Lady Inquisitor, men of the Empire are so dreadfully dull." One woman said.

"Yes, truly." Another interrupted, "They are more interested in impressing each other these days than us women."

"I often envy you, My Lady." The third woman continued. "To have found such a man here."

Biting her tongue to keep from saying anything too inappropriate the Inquisitor picked up her pace, chuckling quietly as the ladies had to all but run to keep up. Do they ever run out of breath the way they prattle on? She wondered as they passed the door that lead to Josephine's office, her eyes looking on almost pleadingly before she reached her own. Without slowing Olivanna pushed the door open, spinning around to face the woman as she stopped abruptly, hand on the door as she smiled, albeit forcefully. "Well ladies, thank you for quite the intelligent conversation, but I must retire for the evening."

"Excuse me, Lady Herald, but it is only mid-after-"

Olivanna didn't wait for the young woman to finish before slamming the door in her face. With a sigh she leaned her back up against the large piece of wood, exhausted, listening as the women gasped and continued to whisper amongst themselves before moving on. She knew she would have to face some sort of consequence for her actions later, but for the moment she found she didn't care. The nobility of Orleis seemed increasingly interested in her relationship with Cullen as of late, no doubt due to some sort of new rumor that was spreading, and each day Olivianna found her patience with the matter growing less and less.

"If I have to endure one more chat about disappointing noblemen I'll..." Pushing off the door the woman shook her head, making her way towards the stairs that lead to her room when she heard footsteps descending from the opposite direction.

"You'll what, love? I fail to see what could be more insulting than slamming a door in one's face."

As Cullen came into view Olivanna smiled, though the smile did not last long. The Commander was dressed in his normal armor, the feathers on his shoulders fluttering lightly as he made his way down the stone steps, the sound of his boots reverberating throughout the small stair well. His handsome face was knitted into a soft frown, his golden eyes burning holes into her own, and as he came to a stop a few feet from his love he crossed his arms over his chest. "Well?"

Olivianna couldn't help but roll her eyes, crossing her own arms as she focused on a window high above Cullen's head. "Those women had it coming." She spoke softly, knowing full well her excuses wouldn't work.




With a sigh the woman dropped her arms to her sides, rolling her eyes once more before making to walk passed the man and up the stairs. She didn't need a lecture, not right after having to deal with a group of gossips, the type of women she hated most, but Cullen was not going to let her get away so easily.

Stepping in front of her with arms still crossed the man's eyes narrowed, scar twitching before he spoke. "Olivianna, we have been over this, you can not dismiss these women in such a manner." He spoke, voice low but controlled.

"And why not?" She shot back, her own voice laced with frustration that had been building since that morning.

"They are nobles, Olivianna!" He raised his voice barely, his own frustration mounting at her stubbornness to understand. "Orlesian nobles!"

"I don't care if they were Andraste and the Maker themselves, Cullen! Their rank and birth mean nothing to me, especially when all they do is prattle on about useless gossip!" Cullen was about to interject but the woman continued, arms flailing about wildly as she spoke. "Do you know how many times I had to hear about the Duke's ball today? Too many. I don't even know which duke they were speaking of, but I do know what Lady Tillet wore and that it was just shocking. Also, do you know how many men asked Lady Florent to dance?" She asked, her rant leaving her cheeks flushed, "because it was twe-"

Placing his hands on her cheeks Cullen pulled Olivianna into a kiss, effectively cutting off her rant as he pressed his lips to hers. He smirked, watching as her eyes widened in surprise before narrowing in mock anger. After a few seconds he pulled away, one hand slipping to rest on her shoulder as the other caressed her face, his thumb rubbing softly against her cheek bone. "Better, love?" He whispered, chuckling as her cheeks darkened and she broke eye contact to look towards the ceiling. They had been together for well over a year and yet he could still make her blush like a young woman fresh in love.

With a huff the woman shrugged, refusing to respond. With another soft laugh Cullen moved his hand from her face to grasp her hand, squeezing it softly as he placed a kiss to her forehead. "If you are done ranting for the moment then we should go."

"Go?" Olivianna asked, finally looking back to him as the blush faded. "Go where?"

"To the War Room." Cullen responded, "Josephine and Leliana sent for us no more than an hour ago. I decided to wait for you to return from your...meeting in the lower courtyard before heading over myself."

Olivianna scowled, causing Cullen to give her a knowing look before pulling her back towards the door she had entered just minutes ago in escape. "What is this about?" She asked as he opened the door, the woman peeking out slowly before exiting.

"I've no idea." Cullen responded, shutting the door behind himself as he followed. "But the missive was marked as urgent."

Livi laughed dryly, pushing on the door that lead to Josephine's office, noting that the ambassador was not at her desk. "Urgent? Truly? We've had nothing that has truly required my attention for months."

"Well, you do always complain about not being able to leave Skyhold." Cullen teased, opening the door for his lover and waiting for her to walk into the hall beyond. "Perhaps this is your chance to escape."

"Yes, escape these silly nobles and their dreadful stories!" She nearly shouted, her laughter echoing off the stone.

With a laugh of his own Cullen rested a hand on his Inquisitor's shoulder, "Yes, well, I do believe you are probably right, love. I doubt this to be too serious of a matter, though you know how our advisers feel about being kept waiting."

With a smile and a nod Olivianna placed her own hand atop Cullen's, squeezing lightly as she placed the other on the large double doors before them. "Well then," she continued, opening the door that lead to the War Room, "we better not keep them waiting."

"Wait, say that again." Olivianna said, leaning her left hip on the War Table as she crossed her arms over her chest, staring down her advisors.

They had been at the war table for some time now, the four of them, talking recent news and gossip. The Urgent Missive had been the groups way of saving Olivianna the stress of dealing with more nobles, while equally saving the nobles having to deal with her frustrations. Or at least most of them, seeing as how she had already slammed the door in three woman's faces earlier that day. After a time however the lighthearted conversation eventually lead to one of a more business like nature, and while Olivianna had been expecting the usual what Leliana had brought up was anything but.

"There has been Venatori movement in the Hissing Wastes as of late." Leliana repeated, raising a brow as the Inquisitor glanced at the map, her face blatantly showing her confusion. "They seem to have been moving from the East for some time now." Silence. "Do you doubt my information, Inquisitor?"

"No, no, that's not it." Olivianna responded halfheartedly, waving a hand weekly before placing it on the large table before her, followed soon by the other. "It's just..." She trailed off, eyebrows knitting together as she began to think.

"Just what?" Cullen asked, hands resting on the hilt of his sword as he switched his weight from one foot to the other.

"Careful," Josephine teased, "we wouldn't want to interrupt Her Worship in the middle of such deep thought." Leliana shot her friend a sideways smile, the look only growing as their leader huffed in response.

"Oh ha, ha. And let me guess at what comes next, a joke about marriage?"

"Well, well, the lady Inquisitor does catch on after all." Leliana added, lightly snickering with their ambassador as Olivianna rolled her eyes.

"I swear, the two of you are worse than Orlesian housewives." The blond quipped, not bothering to take her eyes off the map as she tried to take in all the markers and their meanings.

"Alright ladies, enough. I do not believe you called us here so "urgently" for just gossip and teasing." The Commander added, giving the other advisors a small smile before turning his attention back to his love. "Now, what are you thinking, love?"

All eyes turned back to Olivianna as she stood straight, raising her left hand to her lips as her other pointed out before her, bringing their attention to one particular spot marked just above Emprise du Lion. "What happened here?" She asked from behind her fingers.

"The people of Sahrnia reported seeing mysterious mages traveling over the mountains a little over a month ago." Cullen responded, the flow of their meeting picking up right where they had left off. "Their descriptions match what we know of the Venatori." He added before Olivianna moved on.

"And here?" Her finger moved to hover above The Emerald Graves.

"Venatori movement, roughly one month ago." Leliana reported, crossing her arms behind her back as she stood straight, feet shoulder length apart. "My scouts say the mages were seen traveling through the thickest areas of trees and brush, avoiding any contact."


"And nothing. They simply traveled, only stopping when necessary to sleep and eat. They avoided the path as often as possible, and while I'm certain they were aware of being watched never attempted to lose or harm my people."



Olivianna finally lifted her head, glancing at her Antivan friend. "Alright. Josephine. Anything to add?"

"No, Inquisitor. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I do not." The woman replied.

"Really?" The blonde's eyes widened slightly, showing her surprise. "No noble complaining about rugged thugs on their lands?" She asked. "No Duke raging about how mages slaughtered his flock? No housewives gossiping about mages seducing the surrounding lords?"

"No." Josephine repeated, a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth, "At least no more than usual. All has been relatively quiet from the nobility these past few months."

"Well, as Varric would say...shit." Turning her attention from Josephine back to Leliana, the Inquisitor crossed her arms over her chest, "Speaking of which, any word from our wordsmith himself?"

The Spymaster shook her head, "Nothing recent. Though if the rumors from that part of Thedas are to be believed then I think our Dwarven friend is likely behind the push for a Hawke memorial in the center of Kirkwall itself."

"Truly?" Cullen asked, the two of them smiling in unison. "Well, I hope he succeeds. I wouldn't think it to take much, I doubt the people of Kirkwall have forgotten their Champion so soon. Especially not after her sacrifice in The Fade..." His words trailed into silence, the subject still sensitive, especially with either Olivianna or Varric present.

"If that is the case then I fully expect missives asking for Inquisition support, either by way of funds or soldiers, fairly soon."Josephine jumped in, taking everyone's minds off the sore subject as the eyes of her fellow advisor's fell to her. "I would suggest you begin to think over how much support you are willing to give, Inquisitor, so that we may respond... Inquisitor?"

Eyes still scanning the map before her Olivianna was lost to her groups chatter, unaware that they all were looking to her, eyes narrowed in confusion or concern.

"Inquisitor?" Josephine asked again, and when the woman still refused to respond both she and Leliana turned to Cullen.

With a small sigh the Commander nodded, rounding the large wooden table slowly. Eventually reaching the same side as his lover and stopped next to her, a gloved hand coming to rest on her shoulder. "Livi." He said softly, watching as her brows knight together for a second before her body shifted slightly.

"Hmm?" She asked, recognizing his presence though she still kept her gaze to the table.

"What's wrong?" When he received no response Cullen turned so his body was facing hers, and with patience reached out with his other hand, fingers taking her chin gently before pulling her to face him. "Olivianna, you are worrying us." This time is voice was gentle but stern, golden amber eyes searching her features as she finally came to realize what was happening. Or at least what she thought was happening.

"Cullen, what are you doing?" She nearly stammered, face turning a deep shade of pink at their sudden closeness.

With a deep chuckle Cullen leaned forward, leaving a quick peck on her lips before pulling back, arms leaving her chin as he crossed them over his armored chest. "Actually, I wasn't doing anything. You, however, were doing a very good job at ignoring us."

"I-I...was?" Olivianna asked, trying to hide the blush that was spreading from the women who were laughing just beyond her. "I'm sorry, I...I was thinking."

"Clearly." Leliana teased, crossing her own arms over her chest. "To not even notice our Commander come upon you...well, I'll spare you the rest of that thought. You seem mortified enough already."

Suddenly Livi's blush was replaced by a scowl, and before anyone could make another comment she slammed both hands on the war table. Everyone jerked in their spots, all laughing and smiles ceasing as Olivianna stood straight and tall. "You called me in here to discuss Venatori, and while I understand the Urgent Missive was merely an excuse to stop me from punching some noblewoman in the face, I think this matter is actually pressing. So, if we are done testing my patience for the day may we continue?"

There was a moment of silence before Cullen coughed, eyes shooting back and forth between the two women across the table. With a nod Leliana spoke first, gesturing to the map before them. "Well then Inquisitor, tell me, what is your plan?"

"My plan is to see what these cultists are up to." She responded curtly, the days noble visitors leaving her with little patience, "but I doubt I should simply walk up to them and ask."

"That may not be such a bad plan," Josephine chimed in. "These Venatori do not seem to be connected to the group from before Corypheous' defeat. Perhaps they are deserters or martyrs of their cult and are only now able to flee." When Cullen's face showed his disapproval the Antivan added, "This is a small sect, Commander, no more than ten men. The Inquisitor and a small group could approach without much threat and attempt to learn their motives. And, in the event that the meeting turns sour,"

"As they always do." Cullen said softly.

Josephine's eyes narrowed in annoyance at being interrupted, but continued. "Then I am sure the Inquisitor and her team will be more than capable at handling the situation. After all, I would suspect she would be a terrifying enemy to the cult, given how many she has alone been responsible for..." The woman paused.

"Killing, Josephine." Olivianna finished. "No need to sugarcoat it."

"Yes, well, no matter how you wish to word it, the Venatori have every right to fear you, and perhaps this fear will help in gathering information."

When Josephine finished silence fell, no one else having an idea to share or a strategy to offer. Eventually Livi rose a hand to her chin, the other holding her elbow as her eyes narrowed in thought. After a moment she spoke, breaking the silence and drawing all attention back to her. "It could work."

"You can't be serious!" Cullen snapped immediately, his voice tight. "That is a no better idea than knowingly walking into a trap!"

"We don't have many other options, Cullen." The blonde woman responded, emerald eyes moving to look at her Commander. "Or do you have a suggestion that you have yet to offer?"

"Well, no, but-"

"The Inquisitor has gone on riskier missions, Commander." Leliana spoke up, face stoic and voice stern. "Besides, Corypheous has been defeated. If these cultists are smart, as they seem to have been so far, they will not attack the person responsible for an Old God's defeat so quickly."

Cullen sighed, rubbing his temples with one hand as Olivianna reached out, resting her own on his shoulder. "A trip will be good for me, anyway." She assured him, a small smile resting on her lips. "I'm not sure how much more of this noble pretending I can stand."

"Inquisitor," Jospehine spoke, voice laced in annoyance, "may I remind you that you are, in fact, nobility."

"Ah yes, Josie, but I'm not Orlesian nobility." The woman teased, placing her hands on her hips as she gave the woman a knowing look, "There's a difference, you know."

The Antivan woman scoffed, rolling her eyes as the Orlesian and Marcher laughed, making her scowl deepen. "Maker. Why did I ever accept this job in the first place?"

"Because it's fun, Josie! Why else?" Leliana continued to tease the woman as they began to organize their things.

"Not when the Inquisitor refuses to play nice with our visiting nobles. Do you know how many messes a week I am left to clean up?"

"Then you will be happy to see me go." Olivanna pipped in with a smile, following the ladies lead as Cullen left her side and rounded the table to do the same. "At any rate, if you can hold on for merely a few more days you will be free of me and my messes! At least for a time."

"Let us hope these Venatori keep your attention then, I will need weeks to clean up the damage you have done." Josephine's voice softened as she finished gathering her things, walking over to join the Inquisitor at her side.

"I can see to it that something keeps her attention." Leliana added, making her way to the woman's free side. "Or rather, if our Commander has better ideas, then by all means..."

"Oh enough! You win!" Livi shouted, laughing as she threw her arms up in surrender, having entered the meeting paperless. "Now, if we are done teasing and torturing each other, let's make a plan to meet back here tomorrow."

Cullen finally joined the group, standing beside Josephine and falling behind his lover as they made their way towards the large doors. "Bright and early, just as you like it, love?" He asked, hands resting on the pommel of his sword as he flashed her a sideways grin.

With a groan Olivianna rolled her eyes, glancing back to him with a playful scowl. "Yes, my favorite."

"Oh don't worry, Inquisitor, I'll make sure our Commander wakes you in time." Leliana flashed the couple a devious smile, "one way or the other."

"Leliana!" The two shouted in unison as they exited the room, both of their faces darkening as the other advisors laughed loudly, the doors shutting behind them as their laughter rang across the hall.

As they said their goodbyes for the night, Cullen couldn't ignore a feeling of unease that had settled in his gut. Something about their plan did not feel right to him, but for the night his concerns were his own. He would voice his worries the next morning and hopefully, the Maker willing, the women of the Inquisition would listen.

Finally starting my longer Dragon Age fic now that I'm not working two jobs. I'm sure I'll edit this a little more later, but it's as good as it's gonna get for a while so I'm just going to post it as is. If anyone has any suggestions or edits feel free to let me know since it's just me, myself and I over here. :3