Alright new story, nothing related to my others but anyways here we go.
Oh and since I'm not Kishimoto, I don't own Naruto. Only gonna say it once.
Why It's Forbidden
Days usually dragged by for Naruto. He would show up to work, do paperwork, go to a village meeting, more paperwork, lunch, paperwork, missions, team assignments, and then more paperwork. His dream of being hokage was met several years ago after Kakashi stepped down and finally announced him as his successor.
But hey, it wasn't all that bad. He had his dream job, everyone respected him, and most importantly he had a family to go home to every night. His wife Hinata, his son Boruto, and last but not least his daughter Himawari. He couldn't be happier than he was right now.
He loved spending time with his family since he never had one growing up but once he figured out his feelings for Hinata it all just seemed to fall into place. That's why he always looked forward to going home to spend time with his family. Because they loved him and he them.
He remembered the day he got married like it was yesterday. Everyone was there. Well, except Sasuke, he was going to get an ass-whipping when he got back to the village. He was supposed to be Naruto's best man, but no, he decided to be all lone wolf again and miss his best friends' wedding.
Naruto didn't really care all that much, everyone else was there, that was alive that is. Many times Naruto often wondered what Neji would have thought of him and Hinata's relationship. Naruto always assumed Neji would have chaperoned them on dates and whatnot, and when they were married he would always assume that if he were still alive he would pop up occasionally, threaten him, then leave.
But these trains of thoughts left him in a depressed mood, such as many other things throughout his time as hokage. There were several instances that he would go home a wreck and cry his eyes out. The stress got to him and when he learned of a shinobi's death it hit him hard. Even more so when it was a fresh out of the academy genin.
If it weren't for Hinata comforting him those times he had no clue what could have happened to him. That's why he cherished her like no other. She would always know what to say to him to calm him down. She would always liven his days up every time he saw her smile.
He wouldn't change a thing about her. She was kind, smart, caring, fun, strong, absolutely beautiful, and so much more. The only thing he would have changed from the time he started dating her, was the actual time he started dating her. He wished he would have known how she felt before. It would have been so much better than chasing Sakura around.
Another thing he always loved about Hinata was she was one helluva cook. She always made the best food and always enjoyed when he would complement her on it. She would smile and it lit his whole day up again. He loved her and that was that.
After Naruto took his daily stroll through both his memories and the village, he returned home to where his loving wife and kids were waiting. He hastened his trip for the last little stretch of land. Sure he knew his father's jutsu but walking always seemed a better option. Plus there was always something about walking in through the front door that he loved.
He approached the door and grabbed hold of the handle turning it quietly so nobody knew he was home. He tiptoed quietly through the house to see Hinata over the stove preparing what smelled like his favorite dish, ramen. It's amazing how some things never change.
He was about to sneak up on her when movement caught his eye to the right. Himawari was right next to him about to say something but he quickly put a finger up to his mouth to silence her to which she only nodded. He kept quietly sneaking up on Hinata when he grabbed ahold of her and screamed. "IM HOME!"
Hinata jumped and quickly turned cracking him upside the head with the wooden spoon she was using to make dinner.
"Ow Hina." He began rubbing the side of his head to ease away the pain. Even if she was off the active duty roster she still had one hell of a backswing like she would if she were throwing a kunai.
"You should know better than to sneak up on me Naruto." She lightly scolded as she moved his hand out of the way of where he was rubbing. She lightly caressed the area before giving him a kiss on the lips. It was relatively short but he never minded. "Welcome home." She lovingly replied.
"Daddy, are you ok?" Himawari asked looking at her mother still rubbing the sore spot on the side of his face.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Mommy just likes to beat daddy up and make him hurt a lot." Naruto teased.
"Only when you scare me Naruto." She teased right back. "Now go wash up, dinner will be ready here shortly, you too Himawari." She instructed.
A little while later the three were sat around the table enjoying ramen. "So where is our loving son tonight Hinata?"
"I'm not sure, he said something about wanting to outclass you again and ran outside. He said he was going to do something you did when you were younger but at an earlier age to prove he is better than you." Hinata said slightly looking down.
"Now I wonder what it could have been that I did that he wants to try and pass me at, at a younger age no less." Naruto held his hand up to his chin, cupping it slightly while pondering.
"Daddy, why does brother like to pull a lot of pranks?" Himawari questioned.
"Well, from what I understand is that he wants the attention. Something like what I was as a kid I guess. At least that's what he told me last week after he painted the hokage monument, before the meeting of kages." Himawari simply nodded in response as they went back to eating their food.
Hinata was starting to get worried that Bolt hadn't shown up for dinner and still hadn't even after she finished cleaning up. "Naruto? Maybe we should go look for Bolt, he still hasn't shown up." She called out to him as he was walking out of the bathroom from a shower.
"Alright give me a sec." 'And by we, she means me.' Naruto finished drying his hair off and as he was about to leave an ANBU appeared in front of him.
"Lord Hokage." The wolf ANBU said.
"The forbidden scroll has been stolen, it was Bolt."
"HE DID WHAT?!" Naruto screamed out.
"What's wrong Naruto?" Hinata asked now coming out of the kitchen.
"Bolt stole the forbidden scroll. Ohhhh I'm gonna have a few choice words for him. How could he do something so damn stupid? I thought we raised him better." Naruto was livid and Hinata noticed so she decided to speak up.
"Didn't you do the same when you were younger Naruto?" She asked.
"That's how I know it's stupid, now If you excuse me." Naruto flashed out of the room in a splay of orange. While he was working on his father's jutsu several years ago, he changed it to suit him more. After all he was the Orange Hokage.
He was going to find Bolt, and Bolt was not going to be happy about the punishment he got this time.
Bolt sat still with the scroll in hand. He was sitting next to an old shack somewhere in one of the training fields. He had learned his father stole the scroll when he was twelve so to prove that he was better than him he stole it at age eleven.
"Well I'm guessing I have a little bit before dad gets here might as well open this up and have a looksee." Bolt quickly slung the scroll open revealing majority of its contents. He read off the first jutsu. "Shadow clone jutsu, nah, dad taught me that one a while ago. This must be where he learned it though."
He kept reading through the scroll until a certain category sparked his interest. Space Time Jutsus.
"Space time barrier, boring. Space time illusion? No, looks a little complicated. Time jump? Now there's an interesting one, I could go back and pull way more pranks. I'll beat your record yet dad."
He quickly set to work on practicing the seals to work on. Rat, monkey, bird, dragon, monkey, rat, snake, ox, hare, monkey, bird, dragon, rat, ram. 'Not too hard.'
He worked on memorizing the hand seals a few more times. Once he was sure he had it down pact he decided to put a little chakra in it. As he was on the fifth seal he heard a familiar sound and a flash of orange.
'Uh oh.' Craning his neck so he could see his dad behind him he just grinned sheepishly. "Uh, hey dad! What're you doing way out here?"
"You know exactly why I'm out here Bolt. You're in sooooo much trouble it's not even funny." Naruto's face was a frown and he wasn't exactly going to change his mood. "Let's go, I'll let your mother decided your punishment."
Bolt may be scared of his father, but when his mom was mad, it was game over. "Uh, ummm." 'Time to test the new jutsu!' He stated as his dad was walking towards him. He ran through the hand seals as fast as he possibly could as his dad approached.
Right as he was grabbed by the collar he yelled out the name of the jutsu. "Ninja Art: Time Jump!"
"Bolt, what're you?" Naruto was caught short as a rift opened around them swallowing them. Blackness surrounded them both as they moved through time. About ten seconds of the jutsu Bolt was panting heavily and about to lose consciousness. Not knowing what else to do he began pumping chakra into Bolt to keep him stable, even if still panting hard.
A few minutes into the jutsu and Naruto started to feel winded. 'Kurama!' Naruto heard a grunt of affirmation and his skin lit up gold. "If he doesn't end this jutsu soon, you're both going to die. And I may like you now Naruto, but if you die now, you'll be on my shit list for a while."
After a few more minutes Naruto made his decision to force Bolt out of the jutsu causing him to disappear. Soon after Naruto's world went black from chakra exhaustion.
Naruto awoke to the sound of an alarm going off. He read it off reading 6:30 in the morning. 'I haven't overslept in years. Bolt's jutsu must have done a bit of damage to me.' Naruto reached over shutting it off and rolled over to pull his wife into an embrace.
The only issue being she wasn't there and the bed was three times smaller than what it should have been. This resulted in him falling directly to the floor on a heap tangled in his bed sheets. A black and white sleep cap fell to the ground in front of Naruto right between his hands.
'The hell? I haven't seen that thing in years since I lost it training with pervy sage.' That was when it hit him his right arm was different. 'Where the hell are the bandages?!'
Naruto stood up rolling the sleeve back on his pajamas. His arm was now completely back to normal. "What the hell?!" he yelled out as he ran to the bathroom almost on autopilot. He quickly noticed that he was in his old rundown apartment.
He made it to the bathroom of the apartment and took one glance in the mirror. Staring back at him was the face of his twelve year old self. He would have fainted if he were a bit younger, but it was still a shock. He tried to collect his thoughts but only one name seemed to pop into his mind at the time.
Well here is chapter 1 of this story. I started thinking about what would happen if Bolt stole the forbidden scroll and what he would do with it. This is my rendition of what would happen.
So far this is only going to be a side story, but I will probably put a bit of work into this. Let me know what you guys think! And take a look at my other stories if you haven't!
Follow/Fave/Review guys!
See ya next time!