LAST CHAPTER! Thank you all for your support with this story and I really do appreciate you guys! And if you enjoy this please review and favorite! I love you all and have a blessed day!


I WILL NEVER own FNAF (I'm NOT good enough to be the owner of such an amazing series of games! DX) I am the owner of this great fanfic though.

Mangle POV

Spring seemed happy. He seemed as if he was better of without me. I wanted to confront him, to talk to him about this before he tried to do anything risky but his answer seemed clear. I sighed before solemnly walking to the front door. I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. I pouted before sitting on the floor and after I fell, dirt rises up. I coughed before getting up and trying to get it off of me.

"Stupid dirt..." I muttered as I attempted to remove the dirt but it didn't work. "They need to really clean up around-."

I stopped as I noticed Spring in the distance. The rabbit moved a little closer to me before asking.

"Who are you?"

My eyes widen in shock as the ghosts Springtrap was talking to earlier came over. The puppet glared at me.

"Who is she?!"

"I don't know." Spring answered as I retorted.

"Spring, It's me Mangle. Remember?"

He shook his head in compliance as the bear ghost crossed his arms. "Well since the boss doesn't know you, ya have to leave."

"But I can't!" I exclaimed as tugged the knob but it didn't budge. The phantoms looked at each other before turning to Spring.

"What do we do with her boss?" I heard a Texan accent ask.

"She can stay but she can't bother us." Spring informed them faintly as the ghosts nodded and turned back to face me.

My ears drooped as they told me what Spring just said. I walked away from the group and sat on the floor next to the office entrance. I was going to cry but I wiped my forming tears away when I realized that he fell on his head back at the pizzeria. He lost his memory! He was...

He was broken again. He believed that he was the boss of these ghosts. He believed that he BELONGED here. In this dirty, smelly and dreadful place. I could try to force him out of here. Yeah! That's what I'll do! But I better hurry, it's almost dawn.

I got up and ran into Spring, who seemed to have been standing over me the whole time. I smiled at him before grabbing his arm and tugging it into the direction of the front door. Spring pulled his arm back into his possession before questioning.

"What are you doing?!"

"Just come with me."

"How do I know this isn't a trick?"

"You can trust me Spring."

His grey eyes and posture looked as if he wasn't believing me. I groaned before grabbing his hand and pulling it in my direction. I looked up at him with mournful eyes as I said. "Can you trust me?"

"No." he told me simply as I pulled him towards me and started for the door. As I went he started to resist more and more until he bit me in resistance. I stood there rubbing my arm in shock as I let go of his hand and he raced towards the office. Tears blurred my sight as I fell onto my hands and knees and started to cry.

My Spring is gone..Broken once more and I'm nothing but a crying mess without him! I continued to weep until a voice made me quickly wipe up my tears.

"Miss, what's the matter?"

The ghost that resembled BB was comforting me. I smiled at the boy. He was always so considerate at times.. Heck! All the time! Every time when someone was sad, BB would always try to cheer that person up with a big smile and a balloon in their favorite color but this boy just had a mournful smile on his face. I wanted to hug the kid, really I did but instead I responded with.

"No sweetie..."

"Are you sure?" he asked. "You seem to be crying. I'm sorry that everyone pushed you aside like that. It's just their way of saying you're not wanted."

"It's okay. I'm used to being alone. My friends left me thirty years ago and I've been by myself ever since." I explained as the ghostly boy's eyes widen in realization. A large smile leaped on the boy's face as he hugged me.

"Oh Miss Mangle! I missed you so much!"

My eyes widen too. This was BB. But how? We're androids, how could we possibly be phantoms? I hugged the child back even though it went right through him.

We continued to converse for a little while longer until Spring came over and told him to avoid me. He explained that I didn't belong here and when BB retorted and told him that I was an old friend of his, the rabbit laughed and told him that he never met me in his life. That was a lie. Spring was manipulating them all! I got up and grabbed his wrist but he printed a bite on my arm for the second time.

I didn't fight back, I just stood there. I can't fix his broken mind, not this time.


At the end of Fritz's shift, the guard rushed out of his office. Once the door closed to the front, I yawned and was about to go to sleep when I heard talking. It wasn't a phone call, it wasn't a sound to get Spring away from the office, it wasn't even an android. It was a man and he to have been in a state of panic. I crept down the hall and to the office where he was occupying.

"No, no! S-stay away!" I heard the murderer's voice say. I opened the office door a crack to notice that six ghosts of children were hovering around the man. Then I noticed something else, Spring's suit was on the floor close by. The ghosts moved closer as the man ran around the room. The purple guy then looked at the suit and in a fit of fear and worry for his own sake, he squeezed himself into the costume.

The ghosts looked at each other before laughing as the man screamed. Blood oozed and squirted everywhere on the outside of the suit and the floor. The kids continued their fit of giggles as the man's scream slowly deteriorated as the suit fell to the ground and more droplets of blood leaked out of the costume. He was dead.

I lost my Spring forever now... I started to cry. I-I can NEVER get anything in this world can I? I LOST EVERYTHING! From my friends, to my home TO SPRING! WHAT DID I DO WRONG?! TELL ME NOW! WHAT DID I FUCKING DO WRONG!?

I screamed and I kicked and I swore. That was all I could do. I was angry, furious and even frustrated at this. When I was created, I wanted nothing more to enjoy my life but instead I'm rampaging through a horror attraction! You know what true horror is, it's when life just gives up on you. It's when life says 'Fuck you!' and goes away to screw with someone else.

My life is Mangled, I am Mangled! My world has been disfigured and changed and rearranged so many times that I can't even figure it out. It has been chopped into a million pieces and given to me in a cardboard box that says 'This Is Your Fate' and when it's open, nothing but dust flies out. Life has no meaning to me because all it's going to be is shit.

A wicked grin spread across my face as I noticed some matches on the desk in the murderer's office. I got up and walked into the room before grabbing a match and striking it causing it to lit a flame. The smile widen as I poured some oil out of my interior onto the floor before dropping the match. As the floor lit up, I laid next to Spring. This is for our love Spring. This is also for my friends and most importantly for all the shit I had to deal with.

My life was ruined from the start so what's the point of staying? My life is nothing but dust and shit. It has been torn from me and drained. I have no purpose and...

I am nothing but Mangled.

