Chapter 39

A few months later

It was near the end of their school year and Beca and Chloe had gone back to the way it had been before Beca'd left. They spent most of their time together, mostly just cuddling and hanging out but sometimes Beca would surprise Chloe by taking her out for dinner or the movies. Every time Beca looked at Chloe she felt herself fall for the redhead even more, she loved her, deeply, every small details, like the way Chloe bit her lip during their study sessions or the tiny ladybug tattoo on the inside of her wrist that Beca loved to kiss.

Beca knew Chloe was the one, she had never felt so comfortable with anyone, felt so whole.

"Babe, hurry up! Bella practice is in 10 minutes!" Beca called out as she put on a hoodie leaving the zipper unzipped. Chloe groaned and turned around covering her head with a pillow. Beca smiled at the sight and walked up to the bed carefully pulling away the pillow and throwing off the covers that covered Chloe's barely clothed body. Chloe sighed in complaint and hid her face in her hands. Beca leaned in and kissed Chloe's bare shoulder tenderly before slipping her arms around the redhead.

"Come on!" Beca picked her up in bride style holding her tight as Chloe tried to push her off. Her shoulder had healed in the past few months and with some exercises she was regaining her strength again.

"No! Let me go!" Chloe squealed trying to get away from Beca as the brunette placed multiple pecks on her neck and cheek making her giggle.

"What's the magic word?" Beca teased poking Chloe's side.

"Pleeeeease..." Beca grinned and gave Chloe a quick kiss before she put her down carefully. Chloe didn't lose the contact and kissed Beca back as her feet touched the floor again. Beca pulled back and smiled.

"Now go change! I'll make you breakfast," Beca ordered as she pushed Chloe towards the closet smacking her ass playfully before moving to her desk where she'd prepared Chloe's favorite cereal brand.

"Wait!" Beca turned back again and rolled her eyes mockingly as she faced Chloe again who stood with her arms crossed over her chest. She fought the urge to kiss the small pout off of Chloe's face.

"What is it, my love?" She winked.

"Don't think you can get out of the exercises this easily..." She stated raising her eyebrows. Beca sighed and grimaced.

She had asked Chloe to help her and make sure she'd do her exercises daily. Once her stitches had been removed Beca had started training again. She started with carefully stretching it and lifting small amounts of weight. After a while she picked up her weight training in the gym again and every morning she would do some push ups and pull ups on a pull up bar she placed in the doorway. With the weight training and the daily push up Beca had regained her strength and was now almost as in shape as she had been during her mission before she even got shot in her knee.

"Come on, I'm waiting," Chloe said stubbornly. A pleased smile tugged at her lips when Beca gave in with a reluctant sigh. Beca took off the hoodie again and positioned herself on the floor. Pushing herself up from the ground she narrowed her eyes mock-accusingly as she looked up at Chloe. Chloe watched as Beca did multiple push ups. She was glad her shoulder was getting better by the day but she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy her girlfriend's body looking on point. Beca definitely pulled off the toned stomach and arms.

"Hey, wanna try something fun?" Beca asked shaking Chloe out of her thoughts. "Sit on my back? Let's see how many I can pull off with you on my back."

Chloe's eyes widened and she shook her head. "Are you crazy? I'm not doing that!"

"Yes you are, get your cute butt over here and sit. I can take it, trust me!" Chloe hesitated but gave in anyways. She moved over to Beca who lay on the floor with a grin on her face.

"Okay just sit with your legs on either side of my back, your face towards my shoulder." Chloe sat down slowly still keeping most of her weight off her back, scared she'd hurt Beca. Yeah her girlfriend could lift more pounds with one arm than she could carry with both but she was still tiny...

"Chloe, sit. We'll have to get to practice some time soon!" Beca lifted her body from the floor and Chloe lifted her feet off the floor holding onto Beca's shoulders. Beca smirked as she dipped down again repeating the exercise multiple times before laying down again and turning over underneath so she was facing her. A cocky grin on her face.

"Show off," Chloe scoffed kissing Beca before getting up.

"Hey you should feel lucky for having such an attractive, strong girlfriend!" Beca teased letting Chloe pulled her on her feet.

"Who is so full of herself." Chloe laughed and shook her head as she moved to her closer to get changed.

"Since when are you so excited about being yelled at by Aubrey, anyways?" Chloe asked with furrowed eyebrows as she put on her shirt.

Beca was answered as she prepared Chloe's breakfast her back facing the brunette, "because... Just wait and see okay?"

"Okay, if you say so..."

"Very good, now change." Chloe laughed, she had never seen Beca like this before. The brunette mostly dreaded Bellas practice as specially the ones that were held in the morning. There had to be something up but Chloe just couldn't figure out what...

After Chloe changed, she quickly ate the cereals Beca had made her and they left the dorm to go to practice. Beca held Chloe's hand and swung it back and forth glancing at Chloe every once in a while and smiling.

"You're in a good mood today...?" Chloe asked, laughing slightly confused and very curious to know what Beca was up to.

"Yeah, it's a beautiful day you know? With a beautiful girl." Beca winked as she leaned in to place a kiss on Chloe's cheek. Chloe giggled and stayed close to Beca so there shoulders were brushing.

When they got to the auditorium everyone was already there except for Aubrey. Chloe frowned, it wasn't Aubrey to be late. Her best friend was always on time if not early.

"Where's Aubrey?" Chloe asked Stacie.

"Err she'll be here in a minute." Stacie fiddled nervously with a little box in her hands. Chloe noticed and quirked an eyebrow.

"What's that?"

"Nothing..." Stacie snapped as she hid it behind her back. Chloe's eyes widened as the realization hit her. Stacie was going to propose!

"Oh my god is that? Stacie! That's so cute!"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because it had to be a surprise to Aubrey..." Stacie mumbled.

"Your trust in me is disappointing, Stacie..." Chloe said nudging the nervous brunette playfully. Stacie shrugged her eyes fixated on the the door. Chloe walked away to put away her bag and Beca walked up to Stacie.

"Wow I can practically fell the anxiety radiating off of you," she chuckled placing a comforting hand on Stacie's shoulder, "you'll be fine, Stace, I promise."

"Thanks, Beca." They stood in silence for a moment as the Bellas discussed the proposal excitedly. Stacie was the one to break the silence.

"Hey Beca?"

"What's up? You're not getting cold feet, are you? Dude I put a lot of work into this!" Beca teased.

"No definitely not getting cold feet, Aubrey is the one I want to marry. I just wanted to thank you." Beca frowned, Stacie had thanked her multiple times and Beca had made her promise her to stop thanking her.

"Thank you for saving Hailey..." Stacie mumbled staring at her feet swallowing hard. Beca had never told Stacie she had pushed Hailey away from the shooter. Apparently it had come up and Hailey had told her sister...

"You took a bullet, for my sister. If it weren't for you..."

"That's in the past, Stacie, I did it and she got home safe. Like I promised you." Stacie just nodded.

"Thank you for that."

"You're very welcome Stacie, I'm lucky to have you two both as my friend."

Then they heard a door open and footsteps coming their way. Seeing the Bellas this early took Aubrey by surprise as she entered the auditorium.

"Well you guys are early?" Aubrey said frowning. She placed her bag on a chair and kissed Stacie's cheek. When Aubrey was about to start, Stacie stopped her for a moment.

"Uhm Aubrey?" Aubrey looked at Stacie.

"Before we start..." Then the Bellas started to hum 'Just the way you are' mixed with 'Marry you'. As Stacie sang her song she walked over to Aubrey and kneeled down as she held out the ring. When she ended the song she said:

"Aubrey, you are my everything, you complete me and I love you so much. Will you do me the honor and be my wife?" With tears streaming down her cheeks Aubrey covered her mouth and nodded heavily. Stacie stood up and pulled Aubrey into a hug. The Bellas clapped and cheered as Stacie slipped the ring onto Aubrey's finger and kissed her.

Stacie thanked the Bellas for their help and they decided to skip the practice for a day so Stacie and Aubrey could be together. Everyone agreed and they left the auditorium again after congratulating the both of them.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Bree." Chloe smiled as she hugged her friend.

"Beca?" Beca turned around and looked at Stacie.

"Thank you. For everything." Beca smiled and gave her a nod.

"You're welcome, Stace." Beca and Chloe said goodbye and walked away. Beca intertwined their fingers again as they walked through the door.

"So, since there's no practice today... What are the plans?" Beca asked as they walked to her dorm.

"I don't know..."

"You want to cuddle and watch a movie?" Chloe looked at Beca and nodded with a smile. She walked a little closer to Beca as Beca let go of her hand to lay her arm around her waist.

They walked to her dorm and changed into some comfy clothes before getting into bed. Chloe picked out a movie and snuggled up against Beca. They watched the first few minutes of 'Dear John' as Beca felt herself drift off. Chloe heard her breath deepen and nudged the brunette to keep her awake.

"Did you write letters to anyone on your first few missions?" Chloe asked looking away from the screen to face Beca. Beca shook her head.

"My dad and I weren't close back then, Jesse was with me and Nick, yeah..." Beca trailed off. She had avoided the subject as long as she had been together with Chloe, not because she didn't want Chloe to know about him but because it was hard to talk about him. It had almost been a year since she'd lost him. Chloe kissed Beca's cheek softly waving her fingers through the brunette's.

"Tell me about him?" Chloe asked carefully.

"We, we met on our first day on the team. He helped me out and showed me around. Jesse liked him, too, in the beginning. We spent most of our time together, the three of us. Nick was dating this girl before he joined the army but they broke up after a few weeks. Everyone told us to start dating already because we looked like a couple anyways," Beca smiled faintly at the memory.

"We laughed about it and joked about it brushing it off. But one night we were alone and we kissed. And yeah one thing led to another..." Chloe couldn't deny that she felt a sting of jealousy. She knew Beca loved her, but hearing her talk this way about Nick... Beca noticed Chloe overthinking and squeezed her hand briefly assuring her there was no need to be jealous. Chloe just nodded ending there silent conversation and asking Beca to continue. Beca kissed the top of her head as Chloe snuggled up closer to her.

"We were happy together, but once our mission was over he never called or contacted me. I was heartbroken and Jesse hated him for it. I got over it till I saw him on the next mission. So that repeated itself, we fell in love again and then we went our separate ways again. When I saw him on his last mission, I found out he had started drinking. After every mission he got drunk and yeah once he got a little aggressive..." Beca felt Chloe tense up. "

"Don't worry I let him know he shouldn't do it again, not so nicely. So that's kind of the reason Jesse and the people who knew him, hated us together. But he wasn't all bad, I knew he really meant it when he proposed to me. I loved him. But I love you so much more," Beca stated as she leaned in to capture Chloe's lips.

"I love you, too." Chloe whispered against Beca's lips. She rested her head on the brunette's chest.

"Will we ever marry?" Chloe asked with a small smirk on her lips as she looked up at Beca.

"I don't know? Would you marry me?" Beca asked with a grin. "Because if you would," she got something out of her pocket and gave it to Chloe.

"I bought this yesterday... So..." Chloe opened the little box her jeart racing in her chest and there was a beautiful ring inside of it. It was a matt silver ring with three small diamonds in it. With raised eyebrows and widened eyes she stared at Beca not able to bring out a word.

"So my question is: would you marry me?"

"Y-you're asking me to marry you?" Beca nodded with a shy smile.

"Unless you don't want it of course... Then I'll give it to my other lover," Beca grinned earning a slap on her arm. "But yes I want you to marry me, and I know it might be to soon so you don't have to marry me this year, or within the next five years but I want to be able to call you mine and my fiancé. But as I said I have a line waiting so if you don't want it..."

"Nah I think I'll keep it" Chloe smiled blinking away the tears that blurred her vision. Beca took the ring and put it around Chloe's finger.

"You're engaged to me now..." Beca whispered as she kissed Chloe cheek softly. Chloe stared at her ring.

"I'm engaged..." She looked at Beca. "I have to call some people!" She jumped up and grabbed her phone. Beca laughed and shook her head as Chloe nearly tripped over a pile of clothes on the floor.

"Hey! Don't I even get a proper 'thank you'?" Beca pouted. Chloe laughed and kissed Beca long and passionately. When she pulled back Beca smiled.

"Now go call your people, we will have enough time to kiss later..." Chloe gave Beca another kiss and then called Aubrey.

Beca watched Chloe talking to Aubrey excitedly jumping up and down. Every once in a while she'd glance at Beca and smiled. Beca looked at Chloe and knew she was looking at the love of her life, the one she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She made the most important person in her life happy, that's all she wanted.

After Chloe had made multiple phone calls she let herself fall onto the bed with a sigh her face buried in her pillow. Beca traced patterns on her back with her fingers as Chloe lifted up her head to look at the ring. Beca could hear her mind running and shifted from her spot to lay on her side her arm draped around Chloe's waist.

"Having second thoughts?" Beca joked but a hint of worry sounded in her voice. Chloe took her eyes off her ring and lay on her back facing the brunette. She took her face between her hands gently caressing her skin with her thumb. She looked into Beca's eyes and she swore she could see everything the brunette had been through. The blue held every painful sight, every single imagine she wished she could erase from her mind. She knew Beca had seen too much can had been through too much, but still she was the strongest woman Chloe had ever seen.

"Never, there's no one I'd rather spent the rest of my life with," Chloe whispered. Beca smiled and kissed the palm of Chloe's hand.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." Beca said before kissing Chloe again. And boy did she mean it.

-the end-

So this is the end of They shot me down but I won't fall. I hope you guys enjoyed it and thank you all so much for the amazing amount of support I got! Seriously, it blows my mind. I just posted a new story so maybe check it out? Let me know what you think?

anyways thank you guys for joining me on this small adventure ;)