Chapter 3

"Touchdown! Touchdown! Touchdown... Blue 22! Blue 22! Hut, hut!"

"Go Bayville"

Naruto sighed as he watched the football game, he wasn't really paying attention to what was happening in the game but was rather looking at a Caucasian red-head. In his eyes, she was the hottest girl he had ever seen, Ok not the hottest that would be defiantly Elektra but nonetheless she was hot. The redhead had sparkling green eyes and wore a light purple shirt that stopped just above her mid stomach area showing her toned stomach. He heard the crowd scream as Duncan won the game and Jean started flashing pictures of the Jock. He thought 'I have no idea what she sees in him.' But then againdespite his abnormally high intellect, he could never understand girls anyway. He could a seduce a woman no problem but relationships, he had no idea how they worked.

The Professor has observed early on in his training that he could produce powerful illusions that could fool even him. He described him as a full psychic package, he possessed Telepathy, Telekinesis, Limited Empathy and Illusion generation. He stated that this was the reason why Naruto was so intelligent and that his mind was more developed and matures than any human; it once again proved that Naruto was not fully human but was something else entirely and as such Naruto got a score of above 300 in an 1Q test made for superhumanly intelligent people like him or Reed Richards.

His negative emotion sensing sparked up as he felt a wave of anger and resentment build up beneath him, he turned to see that Scott had vanished and that Duncan was also missing. He used his super speed to run so fast that the Human eye couldn't even detect him; he reached the site where he sensed the negative emotion in less than a blink of an eye. To Naruto's surprise he saw Duncan holding Toad on a wooden support beam whilst shouting at Scott summers.

"I think me and my buds are gonna squash this slime ball. So, you and your stupid "sunglasses at night" can just bail." Said Duncan angrily

Naruto raised an eyebrow and decided to intervene, he said "Now now boys, why don't you let the Toad go and hop away. "

Duncan turned his eyes widen as he saw the strongest kid on campus, Uzumaki Naruto. Naruto was extremely tall for a 17-year-old towering over them at 6'4 and having an extremely muscular body also helped. Duncan snarled "Uzumaki piss off and let us beat this Toad."

"Oh, please don't make a second mockery out of yourself Duncan after all it was just the first day of school where you had to go to the hospital with a broken wrist and jaw." Naruto mocked the teen in front of him

Duncan dropped the toad and charged at Naruto allowing said victim to run away, well hop away. This also caused the other's two of Duncan's friends to shout out "Hey! He's getting away!" but Scott grabbed Duncan before he reached Naruto and swung him to his friends causing them to all fall to the ground.

The two then got up and ran after the Toad whilst Duncan glared at the two in front of him, "Big mistake Summers." Duncan once again ran at Scott who was ready to defend himself but was interrupted at the last second by Jean's untimely arrival. She said "Scott no!" causing Naruto and Scott to turn but since Scott didn't have enhanced reflexes or senses he couldn't dodge Duncan's rugby tackle which smashed him into the support beams and caused his glasses to fall. Naruto's body absorbed the optic blast that hit him but forgot about the one caused by the other eye which hit Duncan and slowly made its way into a propane tank causing a massive explosion to rock the pitch. Naruto's body acted on instinct and threw Scott's body out of Harm's way as a lot of burning wooden pillars fell atop of him.

Jean screamed as she saw her best friend getting buried under a pile of burning rubble "Naruto!" However, her response came back in the response of a Telepathic message. 'You know sometimes you forget that I am basically invulnerable to most types of damage and have an advanced healing factor.'

'Do you not feel pain at all.'

'Heh not really remember that my codename is not called Titan for no reason.'

'Oh, shut up and get yourself out of there' She said impatiently

'Yes Ma'am' A small bright blue energy flash emanated from the area and the rubble was disintegrated and Naruto came out unharmed. Jean blushed as she saw Naruto's masculine upper body, she could see his well-defined 8 pack exposed for everyone to see.

"Ugh Naruto just go back to the mansion, I doubt you want your fan girls chasing you again." Jean said trying to keep the decency not to be embarrassed.

Naruto shuddered at thought of his 'fan club' chasing him, it made him wonder what would happen if he was a superhero "Fine by me but be sure to give Scott his sunglasses or else we would be dealing with another one of those explosions." He snapped his fingers and he disappeared in a swirl of black fire.

She mused "I'll never get used to how the fire doesn't burn him at all. "as she telekinetically summoned Scott's glasses, it wasn't a surprise to her that Naruto and Scott both fancied her but she preferred Naruto even she had been Scott's friend for about 5 years whilst only knowing Naruto for 3. However, Naruto was always too busy, either hanging out of the Fantastic Four as it seemed Naruto and Reed Richards had mutual respect for each other's extreme intelligence or he was trying to master his powers. She swore that Naruto spent at least 5 hours per day in the Danger Room and then there was the fact that he was a former Assassin which meant that he kept lots of things from them and the worst part was that he was freaking Telepathic resistant as well being a Telepath himself but he hated using that power so he rarely tried to master it other than being able to talk to them. She actually felt jealous at times, Naruto was so powerful that he could probably make the FF and the Avengers jealous with his power but as the Professor stated to her, Naruto wasn't fully human and some of his powers came from his Father who was a very powerful alien or something.

She moved towards Scott who was closing his eyes with hand, she gently brushed his hand to the side as she said "You okay."

She put his ruby quartz sun glasses back on and Scott could see once again, he sighed in relief "Jean… Oh wow I didn't know."He could see the Paramedic examining a Duncan Matthews who seemed to have a concussion.

She reassured him "I know you didn't mean it Scott but you'd better split."

A few minutes later

A 90's Royal Royce parked near the ambulance, the Professor peaked outside of his window as he used his Telepathy to change the thoughts and suspicions of the Police Officer, he looked towards Ororo who driving the extremely old car and said "Things are under control, for now. But we better hurry we have got a train to catch." Ororo simply nodded and drove the car outside of the car park and towards the Train station.

Morning Xavier Mansion

Naruto walked out of his room as he rubbed his eyes tiredly, he saw Scott banging on the door to Jean's room, he said "You could try to keep it down Scott. I am sure she'll be out in a second or two, after all Jean loves school that much."

Scott looked towards Naruto with a curious expression, he asked "What were you up all night doing."

"Upgrading the Blackbird using some tech I made with Stark and Richards." Said Naruto boastfully

"Sweet…I can't wait to try it out."

"It is pretty good but don't tell the Professor he will shoat at me again for staying awake too late."

Scott smirked with the potential blackmail material but before he could speak Jean exited her room and said "Come one we're late aren't we." She traced a sensual finger on Scott's chin causing him to smile.

She looked at Naruto and said "You gonna drive with us or use your own car."

Naruto replied "You guys I am too tired to even drive a car without crashing." She smiled at him and did the same thing she did with Scott, he thought 'Damn, she is such a tease.' He offered Scott "Of course my car is better and could help upgrade your engine if you let me help."

Scott exasperated "For the last time Naruto no, I like my car how it Is. Plus not all of us can afford the tech that you acquire."

Naruto smirked, "I'll lend it to you free of charge. Of course, you are going to have to owe me."

Scott snorted and walked ahead of Naruto and Jean. He said, "No thanks, I am not going to be in debt to a mercenary."

Naruto chuckled and so did Jean. "Suit yourself Scott."

Once they reached the end of the stairs, Scott shouted "We're heading out, professor"

The professor replied "Jest a moment you three." They walked to where Charles was and saw a hooded robed figure standing next to him. "I would like you to meet out latest recruit, this is Kurt Wagner."

Naruto greeted the hooded person "Hey Kurt. Are you German I know German?" Kurt however backed up as Naruto was about to shake his hand.

The Professor told "You are among friends Kurt, there is no need to be afraid." The figure took out his hand from his pocket causing Jean's eyes to widen and shook Naruto's hand. Naruto responded with a raised eyebrow as he felt the three-fingered blue furred hand greet his own. He said "You're blue and furry are you related to Hank or maybe Mystique."

The professor said surprised that Naruto could deduce a thing like that by just seeing Kurt's hand but nonetheless warned the teen "Naruto let's not jump to conclusions until we have enough evidence. Anyhow I was just telling Kurt how I set up this institute for gifted youngster, whose gifts are not always an asset." He continued by gazing hardly at Scott as he questioned "Right Scott?"

Scott spoke for the first time since entering "So you heard about last night." Naruto and Jean moved to the side not bothering to enter the argument between the teacher and friend.

"It was difficult not to, it was on all the news channels." Charles explained

"It was a bad situation and there was an accident." Scott said with a feeling of guilt

"I know Scott but you must be more careful and it was only due to my presence that the true cause was not discovered." Charles chastised the teen.

Scott finally snapped "Come on, professor! I'm packing a bazooka behind each eyeball! - What do you want from me?"

"Control Scott that you're here to learn and if Naruto can learn to control his destructive cosmic beams from his eyes that could disintegrate matter itself then you can learn how to control your optic beams. " Charles turned to Kurt and explained to the newcomer, "Naruto's and Scott's eyes emit a powerful destructive optic beam and Naruto over there can control exotic cosmic energies for a variety of effects including firing an optic beam powerful enough to wipe Manhattan of the map."

Scott however retorted "Well why don't you just make Naruto you're prized student, I mean he's good at everything isn't he."

Naruto's eyes flashed red as he said calmly, "You got a problem with me Scott, Please if you do let's hear it."

Scott looked around and saw the disappointed look on Jean's face as well as the Professor's; he snorted and left the room probably heading to school.

Naruto turned to Kurt and asked "So Kurt what special power do you have." The teen took of his hood showing his blue furred face and Elvin features. He disappeared in a puff of smoke and teleported to the other side of the room. Kurt said playfully "Maybe…" whilst Naruto sharp nose picked up the whiff of sulphur causing him to cringe and cough. He said "Well Professor we should probably head out before Darkholme gets pissed off."

Jean quickly said goodbye to Kurt and Charles before running after Naruto, she eventually caught up with him in the garage. He had a frown on his face, he asked Jean "Do you think about me the same way as Scott, I mean I do have Telepathy and Telekinesis."

Jean shook her head "I mean I do feel a bit jealous about you having so much power but your life has been an everlasting struggle before you came to the mansion so I guess it's just fair that you mastered your powers better than us."

Naruto nodded "Thanks It would be hard to know that my best friend resents me but hey I would probably just leave the mansion and become an Assassin again. Probably fight Wolverine again and send him flying into the ocean like I did before."

Jean laughed amusedly at what Naruto "You sent Logan into the Ocean when you where an Assassin."

Naruto laughed alongside Jean as he entered his Black Nissan GTR, he replied "Yes I was meant to distract him since I was the most powerful of the Hand members but the man would just regenerate and charge at me even when I sent flying though two Skyscrapers so I decided to dump him in the Pacific Ocean, I bet if he sees me again he would probably kill me for doing that."

Jean grinned "Even your assassination adventures can be fun, I thought it was just kill, kill, kill and kill some more."

"Could be but I was a child so they tried to train me to become an ultimate assassin weapon sort of thing and they would have succeeded had it not been for Kagami taking care of me." He said the last bit sadly and Jean immediately regretted her words, Naruto however stopped her before she could even get the words out of her mouth. It isn't your fault Jean, now why don't we test out my upgraded engine shall we. " His words caused Jean to smile but she gripped as they suddenly zoomed out of the mansion at a very high speed of 120 mph.

She screamed at him "I haven't put on my seat belt, Naruto." Naruto shrugged and suggested "Then put a force field around yourself or something." Jean at the point felt like telekinetically blasting Naruto out of the car but remembered that there would be no driver then.

Naruto begin to reminisce on his drive, he remembered a mission that he had completed a few weeks after he arrived to New York City.


His stay at the Xavier Institute had proven to be very very boring, there was very little to do. The Professor had gifted him with Dr Hank McCoy's abandoned laboratory on the lowest level of the mansion. He had found some fascinating research on mutants and genetics but that was about it. Hank had been working on a cure for his own ailment as he called it. Well Naruto was sure that he would also work his arse off for a cure, if the X-gene had decided to alter his phenotype to make him look like a blue furry humanoid feline.

Naruto was busy hacking into the deepest recesses of the government, he had found so much information on military projects, blacklists, bounties and so much more. It appeared that United States had a lot of secret organisations as well as public ones that served to protect the American people. NSA, SHIELD, CIA, DEA and several very obscure initiatives.

A small chat box appeared on his uppermost screen, his setup comprised off six screens, two layers of three large screens as well as two keyboards.

"Hello." Naruto wrote.

"Hello to you too."

"What do you want?"

"Just wanted to speak to a fellow hacker. I noticed a large amount of information being siphoned through this private server. I can't even track your IP address."

"Oh and what do you want to speak about."

"You managed to gather information from the NSA, CIA and DEA but I noticed a significant lack of data from SHIELD. I can help you breach their systems if you do a favour for me."

Naruto raised an eyebrow, he couldn't exactly access the SHIELD servers because of Tony Stark's powerful security system and the fact that they encrypted their data with some algorithm that he had yet been able to solve. He was almost there but he had sneaking suspicion that SHIELD had more safeguards than just the two. "I am listening."

"There is a man, he goes by the name Greer. He is a Russian FSB agent who has ties SHIELD's most infamous agent. Black Widow also known as agent Romanov. Widow has been sent to eliminate him and steal an important skeleton key that can provide you with a backdoor into SHIELD's Systems. To sweeten the deal, I have intel that he is meant to be meeting Bratva members in New York tomorrow night and I assume whatever they are dealing that there will be a lot of cash."

Naruto was getting very suspicious; his system was working on finding a location on the mysterious hacker but he had thus far been impossible to find. He only knew of one person capable of out hacking him, it was Reed Richards but this was new. "What should I call you."

"Call me M and for the sake of brevity I will call you V."

"How do you even know whether I am capable of completing any form assassination or espionage."

"Well this private server was connected to a pervious hit for hire, Kitsune. I assumed you were said person." Shit! He forgot to change it. For all he knew ONI could be hot on his heels now. "I know about your reputation an FSB agent isn't going to trouble you. I do warn you though, I hear he may have gotten some form enhancement. Anyway, my job is done. See you later V."

The chat closed. Naruto appeared to have gotten the attention of a very good hacker. Well it appeared he had a lot of work to do before tomorrow night. He grabbed the energy drink by his side and gulped it down before crushing it. He accessed the CIA and NSA mainframe before searching for Greer. Hundreds of files appeared and he sighed, it appeared he had to do quite bit of homework. Lucky for him speed reading was always effective for this kind of research.

10 minutes later

Naruto smiled. Greer was an EX KGB assassin and now an active FSB agent. He was very very careful, he used improvised bombings, powerful toxins and poisons to do most of his work. Good H2H combat skills and very good marksmen. Naruto assumed that the bullets he used were most likely laced with poison.

He then began hacking into the FSB systems and found out that Greer had gone rogue a few months ago, when a mission in venice went awry. The mission was high priority and apparently, Greer messed up and the Russians decided to burn him. Naruto knew that the likelihood of Greer joining the Bratva was low, so he deduced that Greer was using some sort of cover to get access to a lot of cash and use it to go under. He spent the next few hours planting a virus in the system of the JFK airport using one of the CIA's backdoors. He configured the virus to stay dormant but passively scan the faces of everyone that had gone through customs.

Hours passed and Naruto had moved on to another project of his. He had been for the past few months building an AI. The code was taking a long time even for his super speed, he wanted the AI to build itself so it took even longer to provide the AI with learning capabilities. Soon it would be ready and he couldn't wait. He heard a beep from a speaker, it appeared Greer had arrived. Customs didn't know a thing and the FBI hadn't flagged his name yet.

Naruto walked to his nearly done AI and said track Greer. Naruto provided it with a face. Accessing live surveillance. Target Found. Current location, JFK.

Naruto watched as the AI followed Greer out of the airport and by capturing the number plate of the vehicle he had hitched a ride on. It appeared Greer still had a lot of money, he was staying at the Plaza. Kind of weird for an undercover spy, Naruto knew that staying in luxurious hotels was a bad idea for any assassin, it was better to stay at a less inconspicuous location preferably in a rundown area where the police are likely to believe everyone is a suspect. Also the CCTV activity in these areas were very small, they were frequently vandalised and damaged. There were quite a few in New York. Naruto instructed the AI to keep an eye on Greer before he went off to complete some engineering project and get ready for tomorrow night.

Next Day

23:00 pm

Naruto stood at a ledge of a building as he watched Greer and the Bratva begin their negotiations. He had bugged the area before both groups had arrived.

"Mr Greer…Do you have the Skeleton key?"

Naruto watched from the corner of his eye as a redhead began to creep into the building. She had entered through the roof. Well it appeared he would have to take her out first. Naruto sped to the roof and quickly followed the woman. It appeared she too was listening on into the conversation.

"Yes. I am told that you are willing to pay a large amount for it."

"100 million."

"Make it 500 million and we have a deal."

"No more than 250, I am afraid. We don't have that amount of money in cash."

Black Widow was not having a good day. Greer had been a very old acquaintance of hers, someone that had always been reckless but nonetheless proud to be Russian. A true patriot. That was why he was trying to sell the key to Russians. He could have gotten billions from several cooperation's such as Roxxon but he decided to settle on selling it to Russian people.

"We have 150 million on hand now. Take it or leave with your key."

"I'll take it." Greer's gruff voice could be heard.

"Very good." A smooth silky voice could be heard. It was obviously feminine. Naruto knew that voice, Madame Hydra. Fucking Hydra was here. With incredible speed, he rushed past Romanov, who only felt the slightest breeze. She narrowed her eyes and began sprinting towards the stairs.

"Give me the Skeleton Key, Me Greer and we will happily provide you with the money."

"Money first."

Naruto watched as Madame Hydra moved bag after bag to the man who was about to toss her the Skeleton key. One second it was in his hands and the next it was gone. "Sorry to ruin your party." Madame Hydra smiled silkily, her long luscious green hair flicked as she turned towards the voice. "Good to see you too, Kitsune."

Greer was now scared. Who wouldn't be. Kitsune was here, the most notorious assassin in the planet standing in the same room as him. The bratva men began to shoot at Naruto who decided to electrocute them. I believe it's just the three of us. With the blink of an eye, Greer had his neck pierced with one of Naruto's daggers. "Now it's just the two of us."

"Keep it." Madame Hydra said. "We already replicated it. I assume you want the money as well. The Hand decided to backstab you huh. You know a position at Hydra is always available for you Naruto-Kun."

"Don't call me that."

"I see you haven't changed. You know I had no hand in the incident that took place in Japan. If I had known, I would have extracted you myself."

Naruto let out a bitter chuckle. "What so you could backstab me as well."

The green haired woman let out what seemed to be a hearty chuckle, "And risk you take down Hydra, Naruto. You are an asset and I am afraid once SHIELD knows you are in New York. It will only be a matter of time other agencies come after you."

Naruto smirked, "Very few people have seen my face or know my real name. Besides I am a ghost."

She let out another chuckle, "That you are. Now you should probably disappear. Black Widow will be here any moment."

"Right." In a breeze of wind, he was gone. The money, the skeleton key and any trace of him had disappeared into the wind.

Black Widow ran into the lobby and found dead men everywhere and Madam Hydra standing in the middle of them. She raised her gauntlet at the woman who merely smirked. "Too late Widow." The next second, a hail of bullets ripped towards the infamous spy. She dodged to take cover and watched as the head of Hydra strolled casually out of the door.

"This is Widow, Requesting immediate extraction. Hydra is here!"

Flashback ended


His mind snapped back to reality, Jean had been waving her hand in front of his face. "Damn you were really out of it Naruto. I had to initiate the autopilot feature on this god forsaken car."

Naruto let out of a nervous chuckle as he realised that they had arrived at the school.

Meanwhile with Ororo and Charles were showing Kurt his new room, the young son of Mystique was ecstatic and in awe of the place, he asked Charles "This bedroom is mine?"

Charles chuckled as Kurt asked the frequent question that all his teenage students asked "Yes Kurt and that's why your parents sent you to us because they knew you would be happy."

Kurt sighed as he looked at himself in the mirror. "How can I? When I look like this?" Charles chose it was this time to show an invention that Naruto and he created "Put this on." Kurt put the watch on and his blue furred skin flickered as he gained the appearance of a normal human. He still however had his bluish black hair and a red sleeve shirt under a brown jacket as well a pair of cargo pants. "This is incredible, I'm normal." He looked at the mirror checking his new self out.

Ororo reminded the ecstatic teenager "Of course you're normal Kurt but not because of that watch." Charles agreed and added "This is but a disguise Kurt, you are normal and you should be proud of it."

Kurt pressed a button on his watch and returned to normal, "I understand Professor. "As he hit the button again, "But nonetheless you rock"

Charles chuckled and said "You should thank Naruto since he basically made that thing even if it wasn't for you." Remembering that once upon a time Naruto used that watch to hide his horns but when he discovered his full psionic capabilities he threw it away. Charles and Ororo then left the room leaving a stunned Kurt with a box on his bed. Kurt rapidly opened the box and found a blue/red suit with a yellow belt that had a buckle with an X atop of a red back ground.

Charles was in his study reading when the portrait lit up and an alarm started blaring, He rolled over to the wall which opened revealing a large computer with a helmet on it. He looked at the screen and saw a red dot in the middle of Bayville high school. He mused "So he's finally stopped hiding." The phone on his wheel chair suddenly rang which he subsequently answered "Hello Scott."

"I hate it when you do that Professor… Look me and Naruto ran into student like us."

Charles raised an eyebrow "You two made up already."

"Not really I was tagged by the mutant who took my sunglasses and Naruto nearly vaporized him." Scott replied

Charles put on the helmet and said "His name is Todd Tolansky." The info of said Mutant came up on the screen and Charles quickly skimmed over it refreshing his memory.

Scott replied "You know of him."

Charles explained "Cerebro just picked him up, he must be using his powers openly now."

Scott however saw where this was going "He's not someone I would share a room with. He has the hygiene of a dead pig."

Naruto however intervened in both of their minds, 'That would be incorrect Scott he has the hygiene of a toad not a pig.'

Charles continued despite the intervention and told Scott seriously "we don't turn anyone away so please give the boy an invitation to our institute."

Scott replied "Fine I will do just that Professor." Charles felt Kurt approach him as Kurt asked "What's that thing Professor."

Charles answered "This is a Cerebro, it detects the manifestation of Mutants, it's how I found you."

Kurt looked at Toad on the screen "So this guy is one of us."

Charles however answered "That remains to be seen." He said telepathically to Storm who was in her greenhouse. 'Storm?'

Strom spoke after a second as she sent a small cloud of rain across her plants, 'Yes Professor'. Charles asked 'I wonder if you could audition someone for me'.

Todd in a green costume that had a metal stomach jumped over the fence guarding the institute. He said "Heh piece of Cake." Unknown to him Storm who was wearing a blue costume with sleeves stopping after her elbows and a blue cape matching her costume. She floated up in the air as Toad hopped towards the Mansion. Toad looked up as Storm flew passed him and a massive storm cloud appeared above him. He said as rain and lighting came out of the cloud "Now that is just freaky."

However, he yelped as Storm fired a small bolt of lightning at the Toad forcing him inside as a gust of wind caused him to fly into Kurt whilst screaming. He looked at the blue X-men and said "Whoa, what are you, some kind of ratty plush toy?"

The two circled each other and Kurt sniffed the air and said "The name's Nightcrawler, and at least I don't reek like unwashed lederhosen." The two then started to brawl it out by jumping on to stuff as Todd tried to catch the teleporting Mutant but used his tongue to catch Kurt off guard and the two fell towards the ground but Kurt teleported them to the Danger Room. Charles said "Oh no Naruto is going to practise in the Danger Room, it set on Omega and those two are nowhere near Naruto's power level. "

Naruto entered the danger room only to see that his run had already been initiated, in front of him where Kurt and Todd trying to dodge high powered lasers, immensely powerful water jets and torrents of flames as well several other mechanisms that could probably kill them in a single. He thought 'Well I'll be damned, Kurt's doing ok but Todd's going to get killed.' Naruto was wearing a black plated Samurai armour with a yellow X imprinted on it. He had the same belt as Kurt on his waist but had several compartments on said belt. He wore a pair of purple combat pants. He wore his Kitsune Oni mask on his face and held his to Adamantium Katana's in his hand, he sighed as he tossed his two blades in the air before activating his Energy Form, if he was going to save them he was going to have to go all out.

Kurt screamed as a torrent of flames appeared were fired to his side but before they burn him to crisp, Naruto drenched it with a water jet. Naruto jumped in the air as fast as he could be sensing what was going to happen, he came down with a crackling energy ball formed around his left hand before smashing it into the ground forming his own EMP to shut down the massive cannon on the other side of the room firing an energy blast towards Todd.

He sighed in relief as Jean and Scott blasted their way into the Danger Room and helped the two mutants from trouble as Naruto dealt with the big guns. Naruto jumped as massive fist crashed down on to the ground forcing a massive crater, the room then decided to send a powerful toxic gas that could induce hallucination on the group of Mutants but Naruto quickly sent a gust of wind dispersing the toxic cloud however this was a distraction as a massive energy beam came from all four corners of the room and they all hit at once, he screamed in pain as he felt his energy form fighting back but failing miserably. He roared as he sent a telekinetic wave that made everything get blasted away including the four other occupants, Jean looked up and saw Naruto absorbing as much as he could of the energy but it was also hurting him. She was about to scream when the room suddenly shut down, she turned to see Charles in the control deck that watched over the room. Naruto fell to the ground; his energy form disappeared as he returned to his normal appearance. Jean ran over and hugged Naruto "You had me worried there Naruto."

Naruto chuckled "Heh it seemed the danger room when all out on me. I never knew energy blasts could hurt me in my energy form."

Naruto heard Charles instruct Scott to go after Toad to see if he was okay whilst keeping an intense eye at Naruto who simply nodded his head stating that he was okay. Naruto sniffed the air and said "Sorry guys I got an old reunion to deal with."

Toad had smashed through the window to run away but was met by a man with black hair and brown eyes, the man wore a pair of jeans and had a cowboy hat as well as a brown coat that went over a black shirt. "Logan?" Three metal claws popped out of each Logan's clenched fist as he said "Going somewhere bub?"

Charles quickly told Logan from the window on the second floor "No Logan. Let him go." Logan retracted his claws and let Todd go. He then felt a massive punch smash into his face as a speeding Naruto sent a a dozen meters back. Naruto grinned "Well Well look who we have here."

Logan growled and unsheathed his claws seeing the familiar Oni mask of the legendary kid Assassin Kitsune, "Kitsune what the fuck are you doing here. You cold blooded murderer."

Naruto snorted "As if you're one to talk dude, you outclass me by like a few hundred kills. But hey If you want we can restart that fight again perhaps this time I'll dump you in the fucking north pole where you won't escape."

Logan growled and charged but was stopped as Naruto sent a powerful telepathic attack causing him to fall to the ground screaming in pain. Charles roared at the two and said "Stop it Naruto! Let Logan go now!"

Naruto shrugged "This isn't over Logan not by a long shot."

Logan snarled as he slowly got up "I'll kill you for what you did Kitsune."

"You killed my teammate Logan; I simply killed one of your best friends. It's called an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a friend for a friend." His voice turning demonic and distorted at the last part which made Logan whispers "The same as his mother I suppose, a demon in human skin."

Unfortunately Naruto didn't hear what Logan said as he had already disappeared from his place, Logan slowly got up and walked inside as he thought 'Perhaps I should tell the kid about his accursed clan, Nah he'll probably nor believe me anyway

Logan remembered the event like it was yesterday. The day that Silver Fox had died.


A year after Akamai's death.


Logan and Silver Fox were looking for their target in the criminal infested area of Madripoor. His name was Roche, a large criminal lord in Madripoor. His empire was vast and his network spanned across all of Asia. He had a recently acquired a rather hefty bounty placed on his head by a rival criminal mastermind. So here the two were busy looking for Roche.

Uzumaki Naruto calmly walked through the streets of Madripoor, the Hand had given a rather complicated mission. Infiltrate Roche's organisation, acquire his assets then eliminate the target. He had already managed to infiltrate his organisation, it was easy the hard bit was getting close to the paranoid old man. Roche was not the type to trust anyone blindly, his inner circle devoted a large part of their lives to him and they were shackled to him. He needed something big to get the man's attention. Fortunately, he had one, it appeared that Roche had a bounty on his head. All he needed to do was stop an assassination attempt.

From the corner of his eyes, he noticed two foreigners walking through the bazaar, his mind flashed to the man who stabbed Akame and the man walking through the bazaar. He clenched his teeth noting that they were they were the same person. He would watch those two, he heard rumours that Team X had been disbanded but some had kept in contact. If the rumours were true then they could be here to kill Roche, the amount of money on his head would allow them to live peacefully for the rest of their lives or to completely disappear of the radar.

His hand itched for the pistol hidden behind his back, he could kill the girl right now. The man however had a very powerful healing factor and Naruto doubted he could kill him at least without figuring how his healing factor worked and how to stop it. That took time and he really didn't have that luxury at this given time. He had a mission to complete, money to gain and some contacts to acquire. Uzumaki Naruto's eyes dulled as he entered his 'Kitsune' persona. He began to follow his targets using his supernatural senses, Naruto could stay far away and still watch and eavesdrop on their conversation.

Days Later

Silverfox had finally succeeded in getting to Roach, he invited the woman to the party that was going in his mansion tonight. It appeared the criminal lord had a thing for outsiders. Logan wouldn't be able to attend but he had the upmost confidence that she would succeed. She was after all a fellow Team X member and they were trained to be one man armies.

Next Day

Logan barged his way into the mansion killing all the guards. Silverfox didn't return that night and his gut was telling him that she had been compromised. He was right. Roche was on a chair in the basement, dead. He had the signs for a man being tortured for intel. He made his way to the back of the large basement and found Silverfox on the ground, her kidneys and liver had been ripped out. She had died of blood loss.

He growled, he would kill the person that had killed her. He stroked her hair and planted a kiss on her forehead. Before he could pick her up he was kicked in the midsection and he flew straight into the wall. "Nice to see you too Wolverine."


Logan grounded out, "Why did you kill her?"

Kitsune replied monotonously. "Collateral damage. Don't worry she put a good fight."

Wolverine unsheathed his claws and charged at the kid assassin, Naruto dodged the man's slow attacks and kicked him back into the wall. An arc of electricity electrocuted Wolverine. Despite his healing factor, he would remain paralysed. Naruto walked up to the man who was now laying on the floor and picked him up by the neck. "I noticed the interaction between you and your partner. Quite an intriguing relationship that you and her shared in my opinion. Let this be a warning to you Wolverine, you took a dear friend of mind from me and I did the same. It's a fair bargain in my eyes. You can hunt me down if you like but we both know who would win."

The feral man watched as the Kitsune began to walk away before several earth spikes impaled his organs. His vision blurred and he fell unconscious.

Logan sighed. He hoped for Charles's sake that the kid had changed, if he hadn't then he would probably kill them all after he was done with them.

He knew after that day that Uzumaki Naruto was someone not to be trifled with and the warning had been clear, stay away from me and I will not inflict any more pain upon you. What he didn't know was that Silverfox had given up her life to save Naruto from Wolverine because she was dying. She knew she had been compromised and could have ran but she stayed and fought the most powerful assassin in the world knowing full well what would come from the encounter.

Bayville High School

Raven Darkholme was angry as she shouted at Todd who was sitting on a chair in front of her. "I can't believe this!" She wore a grey business suit and glasses with brown wrapped in a bun.

She continued "And I bet Xavier wiped your mind?" Todd merely nodded at her question. She screamed, "Get out!" Todd scrambled out the room causing Raven to yell out in frustration as her body changed to another woman. One that was much more different than the previous one, she had bright blue skin and beautiful red hair that reached her shoulders. She had pale yellow eyes with no pupils and a triangle shaped hem on her forehead. She wore a white dress with skulls that made up her belt as well thigh high white boots and white gloves that didn't cover her fingers but reached her upper arm.

The room suddenly shook as she heard a male voice that caused her eyes to widen. The voice said "Don't be so hard on the boy, Mystique. After all we can't afford to thin our ranks, can we?"

Mystique shook her head in fear as metal objects rose in front of her and replied quickly "No Sir, It won't happen again."

The voice replied "Make sure that it doesn't." and all the objects fell and the room changed back to how it was before.

Mystique however growled "One day I'll have your head on my foot Magneto; I will not be made a slave to your whims." She set about formulating a plan that will get rid of her pathetic servitude with Magneto ad she knew just the person who could help her. She brought the surveillance tape from the school's CCTV cameras and an image of Uzumaki Naruto appeared. She smiled wickedly and thought, 'Hello Kitsune.'


I did a few extra scenes and snippets into the second chapter. Naruto is still changing, he is still a mercenary but he has also fallen for the allure of being a hero. Only time will tell whether Naruto joins the side of the angels or the devils. The next few chapters will all be about Naruto facing more temptation to revert to his old ways.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please leave a review.