Spencer sits in the nursery cradling her 1 week old baby girl, Serena in her arms. She has been trying for the last minute or so to feed her little girl. Sadly the baby won't latch on like she should. Spencer fears that she is doing something wrong seeing how in the hospital she had no problem. They have been home for all of a day and Spence is starting to feel like a total failure.

"Come on baby girl. Please latch on for mommy, Serena," she begged her new bundle of joy. The baby just whimpered, squirming in her arms obviously hungry. Spencer herself began to tear up from feeling helpless. Standing by the door, Toby immediately goes into action after seeing his wife cry.

"Spence, baby what's wrong?"

"I am doing something wrong. She won't latch on and I feel like I'm starving my baby! What am I supposed to do Toby? So far I am failing at this mom thing," she cried softly along with the baby's whimpering cries.

"Never honey. It's just an adjustment. Let me see if I can help," he comforts her the best he can. Re-positioning the baby's head and readjusting the connection between his little girl and her feed, the baby is suckling in no time.

"How did you do that?"

"The doctor showed me a thing or to while you were asleep, just in case. You are not a bad mom, you are just a new mom and it takes a little time. Plus you are tired, so after feeding go straight to bed and I will take care of her for the rest of the night," he smiles at the love of his life. Her eyes began to water again, but this time from gratitude for this man, who she can not and doesn't want to live without. "I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much Toby," she leans in to peck his lips.

"I love you too Spencer," he closes the gap and kisses back. They pulled apart and stared into each others' eyes before looking down at their new little bundle of joy. Yeah it is an adjustment, but motherhood is totally worth it.