
The crowd cheers loudly as the camera focuses in on the 20 players, seated on risers. The earliest players voted out are on top, and Sayaka is on the bottom right.

"Let's all give a round of applause to our winner Sayaka!" Jet exclaims.

The crowd erupts again, as Sayaka blushes.

"Sayaka, the theme of this season was rivals. Many people in this game wanted nothing more than to beat their rival. Yet you made a point of not only helping your rival, but flat-out turning on your alliance just to save your rival. And it's that move you made that helped you win this game."

"Well, Kyoko and I have a special bond," Sayaka replies. "We started out as rivals, but over time we have become closer. And I didn't want to see her get taken out when she clearly didn't deserve to go, so I saved her. As it turns out, it helped me win the game."

"Let's talk to the jury here, how many of you specifically voted for Sayaka because she flipped to the Aggressive alliance?"

Near, Sinon, Sakura and Jaeger raise their hands.

"She put her neck on the line for us," Jaeger states.

"If not for her, then we would have been picked off one by one," Sakura says. "She helped us stay around longer."

"Now, Ryuko, you didn't raise your hand," Jet states. "Why is that?"

"Well, you said specifically for the reason of flipping," Ryuko replies. "I simply voted for her because she was an alternative to Satsuki Kiryuin!"

Everyone laughs. "Satsuki, you controlled this game for a long time, before Sayaka wrested away control from you with a couple of rocks. How does it feel to know that you lost this game, mostly because of those purple rocks?"

"I know deep down inside that I should have won this game," Satsuki states. "Sayaka got lucky with the rock-picking going her way. Had she not gotten the rocks she needed, she would have been plucked out of this game just like the others, and I would have had brought Koizumi to the end with me."

"Koizumi, would you have been a willing Final Three goat for Satsuki?"

"I played this game for one reason – to satisfy Miss Suzumiya," Koizumi replies. "So yes, I would have been fine with making it to the Final Three like that."

"By Miss Suzumiya, you mean the former player Haruhi, who has played this game three times."

"That's right. I came out here to give her a good show, and I think I accomplished that."

"Kyoko, you came along for the ride just to eat. You got dragged to the Final Three by Sayaka, but you failed to get a single vote."

"Hey, it's okay," Kyoko says. "The thing I missed most from this adventure was the eating, but I'm satisfied with how far I made it."

"Now, Sayaka, you won this game 5-3. Do you wonder what would have happened if you had a different opponent in the Final Three?"

"I'm pretty confident that I would have won regardless of who I was up against," Sayaka says. "I played a good, hard game. I made the big moves throughout. I made friends along the way, and I didn't rule over the game the way Lady Satsuki did. I think that my performance was well deserving of the victory."

The crowd cheers for Sayaka.

"We had some interesting moments early on in the game, which was well-known for the complete collapse of the Aggressive Tribe. Kirito, being on that tribe, what was it like being on one of the worst tribes in Survivor history?"

"It was tough," Kirito says. "Getting voted out of the game so early was embarrassing, but the tribe's performance was even more so."

"You're a big reason for the tribe's failures, you know," Kamiki tells him.

"Then we had two people throw challenges, Mileena and Cain. Was throwing those challenges worth it?"

"Obviously not, but hindsight is 20/20," Mileena says. "There's nothing I can do about it now."

"I honestly think that throwing the challenge was the right move," Cain states. "It just didn't work out well for me."

"Sinon, you had an interesting moment where you played a real idol on Near and a fake idol on yourself."

"Yeah, that didn't turn out too good for me," Sinon says. "I don't agree with the rules that made me unable to take back that decision, but that's how it goes sometimes."

"I'm thankful to Sinon for that, as it helped me stay in the game at least a little bit longer," Near remarks. "But my fate in this game was sealed well before that."

"Let's talk to a few of our other players: Abel, was the experience worth it?"

"Definitely worth it," Abel says.

"Same here," Kitana says, "even if it was shorter than I hoped."

"Ino, you came up just shy of the Final Five due to a rock, one of two purple rock pickings in the game."

"Yeah, I was really hoping to make it to the Final Five, and it's a shame that I picked the wrong rock, or else I had a pretty good shot at actually winning the game."

"I don't agree with the purple rock rule," Annie says. "It's easy of course to say that after picking it, but I still don't like it. I think there should be a different tiebreaker in place."

"Well, that's the one we've got," Jet states. "Shiemi, a disappointing finish for you."

"I enjoyed being out here, though," Shiemi states. "I just ended up not having things go my way."

"How about you, Mikuru?"

"It was s-scary!" Mikuru says. "I-I'm not sure it was worth it for me!"

"Well, it was worth it for Sayaka, and it was also well worth it for these five players, who will all share the fan favorite award! Those players will win double their money! And those players are… Satsuki Kiryuin, Sakura Haruno, Ino Yamanaka, Mileena and Kitana!"

Everyone cheers for the fan favorites, who wave to the crowd.

"All right, anything left to add, Sayaka?"

"I'm just very thankful to my friend Kyoko, who really helped light my heart up during this game."

"Okay, off you go! We'll be right back, as we unveil the 20 players on next season's Crazy Second Chance!"

The fans cheer as the players leave the stage. After a break, Jet addresses the crowd again.

"10 males, 10 females, all getting their second chance. When I read your name, please come out of the tunnel. First, the females. They are…"

Soi Fon, from Survivor: Hueco Mundo!

Hungary, from Survivor: Axis vs. Allies!

Teletha Testarossa, from Survivor: Xing!

Olivier Mira Armstrong, from Survivor: Xing!

Katniss Everdeen, from Survivor: Panem!

Johanna Mason, from Survivor: Panem!

Clove, from Survivor: Panem!

Janine, from Survivor: Shamouti Island!

Erika, from Survivor: Seireitei Forest!

And Grune, from Survivor: Tropical Jungle!

"And now time for the boys! They are…"

Shinji Ikari, from Survivor: Feudal Japan!

Lucian, from Survivor: Shamouti Island!

England, from Survivor: Axis vs. Allies!

Canada, from Survivor: Axis vs. Allies!

Peeta Mellark, from Survivor: Panem!

Ash Ketchum, from Survivor: Feudal Japan!

Gary Oak, from Survivor: Shamouti Island!

Ichigo Kurosaki, from Survivor: Hueco Mundo!

Renji Abarai, from Survivor: Hueco Mundo!

And Peter Anderson, from Survivor: Tropical Jungle!

"Let's give a big round of applause for our players from next season!"

The crowd erupts in cheers as the players for next season wave.

"That's all for Survivor: Rivals. We will see you soon for Survivor: Crazy Second Chance, featuring these 20 players!"

(A/N: Thanks for reading! Make sure to stay tuned for my twelfth season, Survivor: Crazy Second Chance! And don't forget to visit my Survivor blog at survivor dot animebowl dot com!)