And here we go! Thanks to all for the kinds words, faves and follows. All those who took the time to say something, you rock. You are the reason I write this fast.

Kudos to Radar7189 for the inspiration for some of this.

Alexis yes, I am going to leave you wondering. I would hate our imaginary sex life to get stale. You mean just too much to me MWAH

Radar7189, best part of writing this was meeting you :)

Sackoftits & SincereDeceit & RSkarFr. For all the times you dropped by and heaped on the praise, thank you, it means more than I can tell you :)

Chapter 16 – McDonalds

Ba da ba ba ba, I'm loving it.


"They cant just disappear! Find them." Decimus yelled at the waiting troops who scurried away find the errant women. He stormed back to the tent that housed his furious commander. "We don't know how they got out of the hovel, but it stands to reason they will be trying to get back to these woods where we found them. We have men searching the hills now, they wont get far." He put as much confidence into his voice as he could.

"What of the girl? Did she tell us anything?" Crassus poured another drink as he casually moved pieces around a board.

"Nothing of any use. They spoke mostly in a foreign tongue, despite their claimed status, they spoke to each other as equals. What do you want me to do with her?"

"What we do with all traitors to Rome. Crucify her."

Decimus looked around. "My liege, the torture unit is scouting the hills with all the other men."

Crassus slammed his goblet down, uncaring that the wine spilled across his maps. "It's my understanding that it is a simple enough task or are you unable to follow orders?" He snapped.

"Forgive me, I will see it done." Decimus snapped the tent flaps closed behind him. He grabbed the battered girl from the post she was tied to and dragged her screaming to the nearby raised hillock. The few remaining soldiers left behind to guard Crassus fell to position and readied the cross. They lay the squirming girl down, quickly tying her arms to the cross. As Decimus raised his hand for the first strike against the spikes that would drive through her hands, there was a bright flash across the encampment. Before the first yell came, Tamsin strode across and swung her sword across Decimus throat, almost severing his head. She quickly dispatched the dozen guards before reaching the terrified Amira.

"Kenzi sent me to get you to safety." She darkened her eyes. "Sleep Now." She held the girl gently as she fell back unconscious. Standing, she was about to walk away when she heard movement behind her.

Crassus ran from his tent, weapon in hand. "You!" He snarled at her.

Tamsin smirked at him and went to walk away with the sleeping slave.

"Coward!" He yelled at her. "You killed my son and now you will pay for it."

Tamsin stopped. She placed the girl down gently, drew her sword and faced Crassus with a manic grin. She waited for him to come to her, disarming him in three easy strikes. His weapon flew across the multitude of dead legionnaires. "Pick it up." She sneered at him.

He scrabbled across the bodies, slipping in the various fluids that had quickly softened the ground. He charged at her again, and again she took his sword out of his hand and sent it flying. "Pick it up!" She yelled again, kicking him backwards to lay in the mud.

Crassus forgot everything he had ever learned about Roman swordplay in his anger. He grabbed a sword from a nearby corpse and stood to face her on slightly shaking legs. He growled as he attacked again, this time with more skill, but still found himself without a weapon in several brutal strokes. She rounded on him, slicing his cheek open. "Oh that's gonna leave a scar." She mocked. "Now pick your fucking weapon up."

Crassus picked his weapon up and circled her. Thinking he was being clever, he taunted her as they moved around. "I will see you raped by a hundred soldiers before we hang you from a cross." He spat at her.

Tamsin rolled her eyes. "Sweet talker." She realized what he was doing as she reached the sleeping Amira. Sheathing her sword, she picked the girl up as Crassus reached the giant rams horn to signal his men back to camp immediately. The loud trumpet sounded across the hills, no doubt bringing every single man running back.

Crassus smiled at her, a smug, Roman, smile of victory. "Let's see how you do against the full power of Rome." He stepped back to wait for reinforcements.

Tamsin knew she would probably get yelled at but she couldn't' resist. She walked toward his tent and grabbed several of the large pouches of coins he had near the maps. As she heard the backup coming into the camp, she braced her shoulders to let her wings came out. She watched as Crassus fell over in shock at the sight. "Your son died on his knees, like a whore, as will you. Everything you have gained, will be shared among men that will not remember your name within a week of your ignoble passing." Tamsin spat on the floor at his feet before flying up out of his eye line.

Ignoring the shouts and cries from behind her, she pulled the girl close to her and flew into the night.


Several hours later, Shivering from the cold, she landed in a field behind a small, comfortable looking homestead, startling the owner who was securing his animals for the night. He looked at her in terror and fell to his knees.

"Don't be frightened, I'm not here to harm you."

His wife ran out and despite her husbands pleas she ran to him ready to beg for his life.

Tamsin lay the battered girl down on the ground and watched as the woman immediately moved to her, comforting her as she began to wake up, the pain form her injuries making her cry out. The woman soothed her as best she could before looking at Tamsin.

"What do you want?" She asked. "We have food and shelter if you need it, we are not armed."

"I want you to raise her as though the Gods themselves delivered her to your door." Tamsin dropped the coin pouches at the husbands feet. "She was raised a slave, see to it she remains free." With a last look at the girl, she smiled. "Tell her to name her first child Kenzi." With that, Tamsin opened a portal and walked through to the barracks.

Behind her, the farmer lifted Amira gently into his arms and took her and his wife into the shack.

Almost as tired as she was yesterday, Tamsin opened one last portal for home, determined to clean her armor and get in her giant bathtub. Possibly for a week. Definitely with Bo. She walked into her apartment and found Bo and Kenzi standing with a small blonde child of no more than seven years who seemed to be wearing something that matched their couch. The child grabbed one of the knifes from the kitchen block, jumped in front of Kenzi and pointed it at Tamsin while snarling.

Tamsin looked at her, head twisting one way and then the other before she smiled. "You are as brave now as you always were. Welcome home Mirja." She smiled at the little Valkyrie.


"Tell me again why we are going to the mall rather than relaxing in the bathtub. Naked. With food." Tamsin whined from behind the wheel.

"Hey! Little ears don't need to hear about your escapades." Kenzi leaned over covering Mirja's ears making the little Valkyrie laugh.

"We keep collecting little ears and I'm never gonna get laid again." Tamsin mumbled.

"Oh chill out TamTam. There's always the shack." She purred.

"Didn't that get destroyed when you two were attacked that night?" Kenzi asked causing the two in the front to blush.

They carried on driving in silence toward the mall when Tamsin let out a curse.

"You said a bad word!" Mirja sang to them.

"Probably gonna say a few more. We have company." Tamsin pulled the car over for the sirens behind her.

As they waited for the traffic cop to come forward Bo started giggling. "This isn't a repeat of last time is it?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna arrange that with Kenzi, the baby and mini me in the car. Nope, you get to charm us out of this. Just, keep your boobs in, Hailey might think it's feeding time." She smirked.

The overweight cop and his young skinny sidekick wandered to the side of the car. Kenzi leaned forward and whispered in Tamsin's ear.

Tamsin burst out laughing and rolled her eyes. "Nope, Bo can get us out of it."

"C'mon Tamsin please?"

"Yeah Tamsin pleeeeease!" The little blonde next to her chimed in matching Kenzi's wide eyed pleading.

Bo looked at them both strangely as the younger cop leaned in.

"Can I see some identification please ma'am."

Bo was about to reply when Tamsin darkened her eyes. "You don't need to see her identification."

The older cop looked dazed for a second before leaning back. "We don't need to see their Identification."

Tamsin smirked. "These aren't the droids you're looking for."

"These aren't the droids you're looking for."

Kenzi and Mirja started clapping wildly in the back seat making Toby wag his tail furiously.

Tamsin rolled her eyes. "She can go about her business."

"You can go about your business."

By now even Bo was laughing. Tamsin finished the speech. "Move along."

The traffic cop waved his arm toward the road, much to the confusion of the younger man. "Move along."

Tamsin pulled away smiling while Kenzi, Mirja and Bo laughed.


They walked through the corridors of the medical center to Lauren's private offices, laden down with bags for Mirja. The little blonde was proudly wearing the t-shirt Tamsin bought for her that said Bite Me in large white letters. Evony's two regular bodyguards were standing patiently outside. With one look at Tamsin they quickly moved aside. Opening the door they found Lauren sat at her desk talking to Evony.

Lauren looked to the newest member of Bo's unusual family. "Hi there. You probably don't remember me, but it's really good to see you again." She smiled at Mirja.

"You're the sexy Dr lady aren't you?"

Evony burst out laughing as Lauren blushed. "Come on, let's get you looked at." She tapped the table as the little Valkyrie jumped up.

Tamsin and Kenzi stood next to Mirja while Lauren took some blood and did some regular tests. Evony walked up to Bo quietly and whispered. "Can I talk to you a moment, in private?"

Bo nodded and walked outside, pulling the door closed.

"Wait here." Evony commanded her guards as she and Bo walked away from the door. "So this is profoundly awkward." She took a deep breath while Bo watched curiously. "I'm going to ask Lauren to marry me, in the absence of any immediate family, I am left to ask you for your blessing, ridiculous as that is." She glared.

Bo started laughing. "And what a wonderful job you are doing of it!" She said sarcastically.

"Look, as soon as I ask her, she is going to come running to you to see what you think, I figure I might as well get in first." Evony sighed.

"I must admit, seeing you two together was a bit of a surprise, but it's clear you adore her and she you. If you need my blessing, consider it given." Bo smiled. "Profoundly awkward as that is."

Evony smiled and dipped her head as they walked back to the doors. Bo reached them first, stopping when Evony spoke.

"I do you know."

Bo tilted her head in question.

"Adore her."

Bo smiled and they walked in the room.

"Everything OK?" Lauren asked them.

Bo smiled at her. "Everything is perfect."

"OK, well Tamsin mark-two is fit and healthy and ready to take on the world."

Mirja looked up from where she was dismantling Lauren's stethoscope and smiled. "Can we go flying now TamTam?"


A week later, a teenage Mirja sat with Kenzi at the bar in the Dal while she explained that even though Mirja was not exactly 15, she still couldn't drink. She had caught Tamsin sliding her vodka over twice now.

The wood nymph that Bo had hired was swapping between serving customers and cooing over the baby. Kenzi laughed as another well wisher came over to see the baby causing Mirja to glare at them in warning and Toby to start growling.

Bo was sat with an excited Lauren and Val as Lauren showed off her engagement ring. They were talking loudly about their ideal weddings while Evony, Tamsin and Dyson sat far enough away that they could hear but not have to have any input on frilly dresses and flower arrangements.

"Well, I get you want to have a quiet wedding, personally, if I got married.." She snuck a look at Tamsin who was deliberately staring anywhere but at her. "I want the whole froo froo experience, you know, giant meringue type dress, flower bearers, tiny bridesmaids throwing heart shaped flower petals as I walk." She looked in the air dreamily while Tamsin cringed.

Evony burst out laughing, Dyson at least tried to be subtle about his amusement.

"You do know that we're friends now right?" Tamsin sighed at Evony.

"I'd like to think so." Evony was still grinning.

"Cause you enjoy my misery far more than when you were causing it."

"Karma darling, it's a bitch." Evony raised her glass to the sulking Valkyrie.


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Kenzi bit her lip from inside of the bathroom.

Bo nodded as she pulled at a particularly stubborn curl on Mirja's head. "Positive. Throw them in at the deep end." She chuckled. "Look if I'm wrong, you can go out and see her, but give it a minute."

Tamsin sat on the couch with Toby next to her, she was rubbing his belly while the giant dog rolled around looking ridiculous. Hailey was in her basket next to the couch.

All of a sudden, the baby let out a small cry.

Tamsin looked up, expecting Bo or Kenzi to come out of the bathroom.

The baby cried out again.

"Kenzi!" Tamsin yelled making the baby cry louder. She jumped up and looked in the basket at the crying infant. "Shit. Kenzi!" She tried again making it worse. Toby was nudging the basket in distress and whining. "Fuck. OK. It's not a bomb. You can do this." Tamsin jumped up and down in place a couple of times taking deep breaths. "It's just a baby. You can do this." She took one more deep breath, leaned over and picked the crying baby up.

"Hey now, shhh, come on. I'm not so scary am I?" She whispered. The baby smiled up at her. "You're not so scary either are you?" She leaned over and rubbed her nose on the baby's making her gurgle happily. "There you go. See? I'm not scary and neither are you. It's all good." Tamsin walked to the balcony and opened the door. She stood on the balcony overlooking the lake and held the baby close.

Bo and Kenzi snuck out of the bathroom and watched as Tamsin stood outside talking to bundle in her arms. They couldn't hear what she said but she finished talking, leaned over kissing the baby's head before pulling her large black wings out to wrap around her. She watched over the water smiling softly.

Bo and Kenzi leaned against each other, both with tears in their eyes. Mirja looked at them both strangely. "It's just a baby." She shook her head and walked to the fridge, hungry again.


"More!" Bo demanded between heavy breaths.

Tamsin stilled her movements slightly. "More? You sure about that? You're gonna be sore tomorrow."

"Don't care. More. Now." Bo flashed her blue eyes.

Tamsin grinned at her and gave her what she wanted. Buried inside of her lover she rocked slowly back and forth letting Bo get used to the extra stretching. When she was sure Bo was comfortable, she began thrusting with determination.

"Fuck, Tamsin. Tamsin." Bo breathed out. She kept a steady repetition of Tamsin's name as they moved together. Tamsin loved to hear Bo calling her name when they were in bed. Bo asked her about it once, Tamsin had blushed and said she liked to be reminded that this was real.

"Spread your legs. Wider. Wanna feel you." Tamsin leaned down to whisper in her ear.

Bo shifted slightly crying out as Tamsin slid deeper. "Oh fuck yes! Tamsin!" She cried out as she tightened around Tamsin's fingers.

Tamsin shook the sweat out of her eyes and found a new burst of energy. She was driving into the Succubus when Bo hit her peak and started to feed.

The blue mist that matched Bo's eyes flew from Tamsin into her and she climbed even higher. "So fucking good." She broke off and began placing kisses around Tamsin's face as the blonde pulled out as gently as she could.

Bo fell on her back, sweaty and breathless. "I could sleep for a week." She panted out.

Tamsin laughed, kissing down her stomach. "Not much of a sex demon, three orgasms and you wanna quit?" She mocked. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I mean you couldn't handle a couple of ancient Valkyries. Some all powerful Succubus you are." She teased.

Bo laughed. "Not like you could handle a pair of sex demons." She poked her shoulder as Tamsin kissed her between her thighs.

"I'm not all about the sex, now if you want to know if I could fight a pair of sex demons, then hell yeah."

Bo sat up on her elbows looking down at the smug blonde. "Is that right?" She asked.

Tamsin ran her tongue across Bo's already sensitive folds. "Uh huh, damn right."

Before Bo lost the ability to speak, she smiled a devious grin at the blonde. "I'll arrange that and we can see if you are as good as you think you are."

"Look forward to it." Tamsin smirked as she dropped her head and started again.


"You have everything you need Kenz?" Bo asked as she brought out the bag from Kenzi's room that held all of Hailey's baby stuff.

Kenzi looked at the beautiful woman standing next to Bo curiously. She rolled her eyes and figured she really, really didn't want to know.

"What's she doing here?" Mirja scowled at the other brunette.

Kenzi blushed. "Nothing we need to be concerned with. Now, you have your tablet young lady?"

Mirja held up the half dozen pieces of the tablet she had taken apart. "Got it!" She beamed.

"Right. We'll be at Lauren's for the evening, Dyson and Val will be there, as will Evony so we're quite safe. Evony sent her driver over so we're going straight there. You!" She pointed at Bo. "Bedroom only." She pointed upstairs with a knowing look.

Bo smirked at her. "Got it." She gave a faux salute to Kenzi as she walked toward the elevator.

Bo turned to her guest and smiled. "Ready?"

"Very." Her guest smiled back. "Any rules?" She asked calmly.

Bo flashed her eyes. "None you need to worry about." And she led her upstairs.

They walked in the bedroom to see Tamsin standing there in her gym clothes. She picked up her gloves and tapped them to make sure they were good. She looked up as Bo walked in with the other Succubus. "You ready to get your ass kicked?" She smirked.

Bo smirked back and hit Tamsin with a wave of lust knocking her to her knees. "Are you?"

The other Succubus walked behind her, tilting Tamsin's head back and kissing her, she pulled away and began to feed. She ran her hands down and began to remove Tamsin's sports bra.

Tamsin looked up at Bo and laughed. "You little bitch."

"Just remember your safe word TamTam, you're gonna need it." Bo shut the door and walked forward.


Bo looked up lazily as the other Succubus stood up and dressed. "You don't have to leave you know."

She smiled. "I'm not a morning after kinda girl. Besides, I don't think I could sleep now if I tried. She has amazing chi." She smiled. "That was fun, call me anytime you want a third." She picked up her coat and closed the door quietly behind her.

Bo looked down at Tamsin, she was so energized she knew it would be hours before she could sleep. Bo ran her hands from Tamsin neck down her back to her thighs. Her beautiful Valkyrie. Bo sat watching her sleep, smiling to herself.

"I love you." She whispered as she kissed between Tamsin's shoulders.

Tamsin rolled onto her stomach mumbling something that Bo couldn't make out. She pulled the covers down over the unresponsive blonde that was out for the count and ran her hands over the warm, perfect skin. She trailed her fingers over each of the light scars that Tamsin bore, resolving to ask her lover for the story behind each one.

The light from the early morning sun spilled through the blinds onto Tamsin's pale skin. It was times like this that Bo could see her for the Goddess she was. Unable to sleep and being this close to Tamsin began to have it's usual effect on Bo.

She stroked the back of Tamsin's thighs, thrilled when Tamsin unconsciously began to move her legs apart. Bo trailed her fingers down until she could feel that Tamsin was responding to her in her sleep. She crawled over her hips and leaned down, her breasts trailing down Tamsin's back. She slid one finger inside gently, breathing deeply as Tamsin raised her hips, giving Bo the room she wanted. Bo started to move in and out slowly as not to wake her.

Tamsin however began to murmur something and turned slightly to meet Bo's gaze with her sleepy green eyes and adorable little smile. "You trying to kill me?"

"Maybe." Bo whispered.

Tamsin rolled over clumsily. "Ah well, we all gotta go sometime." She pulled Bo toward her and kissed her. Bo turned around and fit herself between Tamsin's legs, rubbing her center against that of her Champion. When they came together a few minutes later, Tamsin promptly rolled over and started snoring much to Bo's amusement. With a twinkle in her eye, she climbed out of bed and got dressed. With a last kiss to Tamsin's bare back, she snuck out of the door.

Tamsin cracked her eyes open several hours later. Every bone in her body screamed at her to stay still and go back to sleep to conserve her energy. She sniffed curiously and looked to the bedside table trying to will her eyes to focus on what was there.

She coughed out a laugh as she looked to the note held up against the Big mac and fries.

'Game set match, Succubi!'