Pairing: Armin/Christa, Christa/Mikasa/Annie friendship

Verse: Modern; Coffee Shop AU

Rating: T

A/N: Heyo! How ya'll doin'? I've been debating about starting this for a while and then I finally decided, why not? There's a lot of amazing oneshot series about Eremika already, so I decided to start another for one of my favorite underrated ships. I figured that oneshots are easier to write and balance, rather than an entire story :)

Another quick thing before we get started: Armin/Christa is used before anyone knows her real name. Armin/Historia is used afterwards.

Enjoy! Hope you guys like it!

Christa Lenz worked at Starbucks. It was her first job, and she really liked it there. She was a petite little thing, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a bubbly personality to go along with it. She loved to socialize and was very easy to work with, doing whatever she could to stay on everyone's good side.

And the best part? She worked with her best friends, Mikasa Ackerman and Annie Leonhart. In high school, Mikasa and Annie were rivals and they didn't get along much; but things between them have gotten better as they got older, much to Christa's relief.

"What's got you in such a good mood?"

Christa looked over to meet Annie's gaze, a bright smile adorning her face. She didn't realize that she had been smiling and humming to herself the whole time. "I'm always in a good mood."

Annie pursed her lips. "That's disgusting."

But Christa could see the subtle smile, and that's all that mattered.

"Hey, Armin. The usual?" said Mikasa.

Christa looked up to see who the first customer of the day was, only for her breath to hitch in her throat and her heartbeat to skyrocket to the heavens. The boy Mikasa was talking to - she knew him? - was the most attractive guy Christa had ever seen. He had blond hair that barely brushed his shoulders, ocean blue eyes, a boyish cute smile, and a physique that was thinner than the average male. And, oh god, he was half a head taller than Mikasa!

"Please," said Armin with that handsome smile of his, digging through his bag to get out his wallet, and Christa's heart fluttered. She forgot how to breathe.

His eyes flickered over to Annie, his grin widening. "Hey, Annie."

"Hey, Armin. You're early."

Christa looked from one to the other. Seriously? Both of them knew this boy and she didn't? When did this happen? How come they never mentioned him?

Armin chuckled. "That I am."

"Why," Annie deadpanned.

"Armin's always been the early riser," Mikasa said, giving Armin his change back.

Christa made a soft, wheezing noise, her forefingers closing around the edge of Annie's apron, which caught the other blonde's attention; their eyes met, and Annie sighed, returning her attention back to Armin.

"Armin, Christa. Christa, Armin."

Her eyes met his for the first time and she forgot how to breathe again. Armin, oblivious, smiled at her and held out his hand for her to shake. "Nice to meet you, Christa. I'm Armin."

"Yeah, I just told her that," said Annie as an awed Christa placed her hand in Armin's.

"I-It's nice to meet you too!" Christa stammered, reluctantly letting go of his hand. "How long have you known Annie and Mikasa?"

"Ah, well, I've known Mikasa since we were kids, but I didn't meet Annie until high school," said Armin.

"Really? Which high school?"


"Whoa, you too?"

"You went to Shiganshina High?"

"Yeah! I transferred sophomore year...How come we never saw each other?"

Armin shrugged, smiling sheepishly. "I don't know...I would've recognized your face."

Christa blushed.

"I'm gonna throw up," Annie muttered under her breath.

Armin circled around to go pick up his cup, Christa subconsciously following him. Their gazes locked.

"When did you graduate?" Christa asked.

"Last year," Armin said.

"Same! That's so weird..."

"I know...I was always under the radar anyway, so..."

"Under the radar?"

"Yeah. I'm kind of a nerd." He laughed a little.

She smiled and bit her lip. "I love nerds."

"Oh yeah?"


"That's...that's nice. I-I mean-"

"Oh for fuck's sake!" Annie snatched Armin's cup from Mikasa and handed it to Christa, the raven hiding her laughter behind her hand. Flustered and embarrassed, Christa grabbed a sharpie and shakily began to write Armin's name.

"A-r-?" Christa looked up at him for confirmation.

"M-i-n," Armin finished quickly, cringing at the dark look on Annie's face. Christa finished writing his name hastily, adding a heart over the 'i' before handing his cup to him. "Thanks," he said, and their fingers grazed during the exchange, causing the both of them to blush. "I-It was good seeing you guys."

He began to retreat, heading for the door, and she hesitated.

"Do you come around often?" Christa finally struck up the nerve to ask.

He stopped turning around to look at her. "Um, I try to be!" said Armin.

"She gets off at four," Annie interjected before Christa could embarrass herself further. "I'll give her your number."

"Annie!" Christa blushed deeper. "Don't make him feel like he's obligated to-"

"Actually, I..." Armin cleared his throat, his cheeks as flushed as hers. "I'd like that very much."

Christa's eyes met his again, and this time they both smiled. His smile was contagious and he made her heart do things that she hadn't felt in a long time. Whatever reason why they never met in high school will forever confuse her. She hoped they will be able to make up for lost time.

She gazed after him until she couldn't see him anymore, sighing and leaning against the counter.

"You okay?" Mikasa nudged her.

"Never better." Christa smiled dreamily.

"Unbelievable." Annie folded her arms across her chest.

Christa giggled.