Summary: AU. Head Cheerleader Rachel Berry is dating Quarterback of the football team Noah Puckerman but one night changes everything and her friends Quinn, Santana and Brittany help her through it. But when Santana and Brittany get together, Rachel begins to wonder if maybe she doesn't think of her best friend Quinn as just a friend. Original Puckelberry but Faberry and Brittana endgame
This is a response to about half if not more of the reviews on my story Girls Just Wanna Have Fun continually asking me to make that story Faberry romance! So I did this instead. Enjoy the first chapter- which is short as it's a prologue and Puckelberry because it later becomes Faberry.
Rachel Berry had everything. So why did she feel like nothing. She had been an idiot, she knew that now and she knew that she couldn't take what had been taken from her back, she just prayed that Noah had used a condom. Oh who was she kidding? This was Noah Puckerman she was talking about, of course he hadn't used a condom.
With effort, Rachel pulled herself off of the bed, avoiding glancing at Noah's sleeping form, and got down on her knees. She prayed to God that everything would be alright. Of course everything would be alright. She was getting worked up about nothing, as usual. She didn't know the exact percentages but there couldn't be much chance of getting pregnant from having sex once. That was unless Noah expected it again, which he probably would. The two of them had been dating for a few months and she knew that he expected it of her. She knew it was only natural for men to want that. But she was fifteen and she'd always said she wanted to wait until she was married, or at least until she'd left high school. She always said that she'd never just be some high school slut- despite being the perfect archetype for it; head cheerleader, wearing risqué outfits and dating a jock- and yet when Noah had taken her out to Breadstix instead of going to the party of the year, and had been so perfectly charming and handsome she'd felt like she owed it to them. So they went to a cheap motel and she ended up having her first time in some dirty place where probably hundreds of others had lain on that bed and done the same things that she honestly didn't want to think about. Noah was nice about it, yes, but it just hadn't felt right.
Rachel stopped praying and pulled her pink and gold diary out of her handbag, checking through the dates. She'd learnt in AP Biology that pregnancy was most likely to occur in the Ovulation phase. It was one of those facts that had just seemed like another one to memorise for a test, and now was actually useful in the real world. Sucking in a breath, Rachel realised she was in the ovulation phase. But that still didn't necessarily mean she was pregnant. She had to relax and stop panicking about things that weren't going to happen.
And so, Rachel shoved her diary back in her bag and rolled Noah over so she could get back into the bed.
"You alright, babe?" He asked sleepily, stroking her hair as she lay back down beside him.
"Yeah," Rachel whispered, lacing her fingers through his. "I think I am."