Danger in a Kiss

Summary: Kagome is cursed, and she can't help but feel the sudden rush of hatred towards the old witch who placed the damn curse on her. "Should you ever be kissed in true love, your power will destroy the one who placed that kiss upon your lips..."

Anime/Manga: Yu Yu Hakusho/InuYasha

Genre: Romance/Drama

Rated: M for Mature Content

Pairing: Kagome/Hiei


Kagome nestled herself in Hiei's arms as she drained herself of all her miko energy. She was exhausted, and the number of chained demons on the floor above was mind-numbing. There had been no other familiar faces, though probably for the best. She closed her eyes and purred as a hand drifted lazily over her sleek black fur.

"If we are done, detective, perhaps we should return to Spirit World."

"Right," he flipped the communicator open, "Botan, we're done here. Open a portal for us."

"Copy that, Yusuke."

Shippou walked over to Hiei and glanced to Sesshoumaru, "we will be going with them, right?"

"Yes, this Sesshoumaru needs to speak with the current Ruler concerning Kagome."

A portal appeared and Hiei watched as everyone, but Yusuke entered, Yusuke stood staring at Kagome with a contemplative and determined look on his face. "We'll take care of your furry friend, Hiei. You can count on it."

Hiei followed the Detective with his eyes for a moment when he finally walked through the portal, Hiei followed.


When Hiei had stepped through the portal, a discussion had already been started and he turned his eyes upon the Spirit World's ruler. He was in his teenage form, the form he'd begun using indefinitely since a while back.

Koenma looked at the Demon Lord and awe was presently burning in his eyes. He'd never looked upon the Lord personally, and now here he stood in his office. "I am honored to meet you, Lord Sesshoumaru, but you are asking quite a favor from me."

"Come on Koenma, you and I both know that there is nothing going on right now." Botan said sternly.

Yusuke pocketed his hands and leaned back on the wall behind him. "This case was out of the blue and stupid easy. Let us help Kagome get her body back, it's bound to be more exciting than waiting around for cases that may never come."

Koenma looked against the idea of sending his Spirit Detectives back in time, by five hundred years, no less. "The problem with that, is that the well is no doubt sealed if her friends couldn't come investigate her disappearance, as I suspect they couldn't." He turned his eyes to Shippou who nodded his head in response to the question. "I would need some time to prepare a portal for such a time jump, while I take care of that, you can go fill Genkai in."

"Grandma?" Yusuke frowned, "what for?"

"She'll be going with you. I would like this taken care of quickly, and the more hands the faster this should go. Also, with Genkai's experience, I'm sure she'll be able to provide another outlook to your trials."

Kurama nodded, "it's true, Genkai is certainly a strong ally. She's saved all of us at least once now."

"Then it's settled..."

"There is one more thing," Koenma said, calling everyone's attention back to him. "Shippou, Lord Sesshoumaru...the two of you must stay here in the present time. You may not go back to the Feudal Era."

"What? Why not?!" Shippou, brought both hands onto the table, "she's my mother, I have to help her!"

"Shippou," Sesshoumaru called to the Fox Demon, "there is logic behind his choice."

"If you were to run into your younger selves, it could alter the future timeline as we know it." Koenma sighed, "if I knew for certain that wouldn't happen, then I wouldn't be so opposed to the two of you going. Trust my Spirit Detectives, they will take care of Kagome, and they will get her body back."

"Humph, they don't even know her, why should I trust them to help a stranger?"

"Damn it!" Yusuke moved forwards and spun the red headed fox around, "listen you stupid Kurama look-a-like! I may not know the girl, but if she needs help, then I'm going to help her! Stop fighting this and why not tell us where you all last were before Kagome disappeared."

Shippou frowned, his eyes hardened into a glare before a blue flame appeared between him and Yusuke. Yusuke let him go and took a step back in surprise, his eyes wide as he acknowledged the anger that the boy currently felt. "Telling you will be pointless," the flame faded, and he turned to Botan, "open a portal to the Bone Eaters Well. I'll go with Kurama and take him to the last place we'd camped at as a group."

"What about this girl's family, won't they be suspicious if two strangers appear in their wellhouse?" Kurama asked, stepping towards Shippou as Hiei also moved to follow.

"No, her mom, brother and grandfather know that she fought demons and traveled back and forth between times. Inuyasha traveled to the present a few times during our travels in order to drag her back. ...or to apologize. He had to do that a lot too." He looked at his mother, the feline was dead asleep in Hiei's arms and it didn't look like she'd be waking anytime soon.

Koenma too was eyeing the cat curiously. "Hiei, why don't you leave Kagome here so that she can sleep while you three are running around."

"Not necessary,"

Sesshoumaru raised a brow, a small smirk formed before he turned to Koenma, "this Sesshoumaru will be returning to the Western Lands in Makai, Shippou will come when he's finished with your Detectives. Should you find yourselves in trouble, don't be afraid to ask, this Sesshoumaru owes you a great debt."

Koenma stood quickly from his chair, bowing respectfully as the Lord left the room. When he was gone, Koenma took a deep breath and sat down. "A Demon Lord...and I guess you must be pretty important to him too." He eyed Shippou.

"I'm his pupil, his General and his son through a mating ceremony between myself and his ward." Shippou grinned cheekily, "I'm kind of important. Aside from that, if you are important to Kagome, you are worth protecting."

"Why does Makai's Lord of the Western Lands care so much for a Miko girl?" Koenma asked as he took his seat.

"Funny story, Sesshoumaru, after he'd tried to kill mama so many times, he began to respect her and soon after he even viewed her like a trouble seeking younger sister. You know, I think, next to Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru searched the lands the most looking for Kagome. In fact, more than Inuyasha. After a while, Inuyasha just believed she went home and sealed off the well. He had mentioned something about "pushing her too far" but never explained what had happened. Because of how much Sesshoumaru cared for Kagome, he chose to take me in and train me when I was just a Kit. Sesshoumaru is easy to understand after you've been with him for as long as I have. To him, family really is everything. It's worth fighting for, and it's worth dying for...more than that, it's worth living for." Shippou smiled as he thought about his Lord, "we got off topic, let me show you where you'll be going once you get to the Feudal Era."

Koenma nodded to Botan and she made two portals, one for Kurama, Shippou and Hiei. The other for Kuwabara, Yusuke and herself.


(Sunset Shrine)

(Four Days Later)

Souta Higurashi was a normal, everyday average twelve-year-old boy. He played soccer with his friends, even played on his schools Soccer team, and made decent, above average grades. While occasionally, he got weird feelings, like something tingly on the back of his neck, he usually just tried to ignore it. Sitting at his desk four days ago, he'd gotten such a feeling. He brushed it off and it disappeared after a while. Today... not so much. It was more than just a tingle. It was like a car alarm in the back of his head. He stood up to go downstairs when he heard talking from outside his window.

"Why do we need to be here when the portal opens, and what the hell is with these clothes, Botan!?"

"Not so loud, Yusuke! A portal of this scale will be easier maintained if it has familiar energy to navigate against. The Goshinboku and Bone Eaters Well are great conduits for the navigation energy that will be guiding us to and from the Feudal Era. As for these clothes, your school uniform would hardly fit in five hundred years in the past!"

Souta stared at the large group in his backyard before walking downstairs, slipping his sneakers on as he opened the door and stepped outside. He took a deep breath before walking around his house. Playfully kicking his soccer ball which lay helplessly on the grass beside the house, he smiled and bounced it on his knee as the group came into sight. Spinning, he nudged the ball forward before sending it spiraling at the one wearing green hakama's and a grey haori. When the guy spun around and caught the ball before it struck him in the back of the head, Souta smiled. "So, you are a Demon. I figured someone with a strange energy like yours had to be either spiritually aware or a Demon."

"I wasn't always a demon, I used to be a human, just like you." Yusuke said, tossing the ball in the air and bouncing it a few times on his knee before switching legs then kicking it back to the boy.

Souta watched the ball spiral dangerously towards him, when it was too close to dodge, a blue energy field surrounded him, and the ball was shot off into the surrounding forest of the Sunset Shrine.

"So, what's your story? You related to the cat?"

Okay...now that had confused him. 'Related to the...cat?' He shook his head in confusion, "what are you talking about? Why are you here?"

"Shit, Kuwabara! He doesn't know about Kagome!"

"Kagome?" He perked a bit, "what about my sister?"

"I believe the two of you have said enough," an old lady stepped over to the boy and regarded him for a moment. "you have a decent hold on your spiritual energy, for someone so young."

"If you are wondering, I taught myself. What are you doing here? Where is my sister?"

"About that," Yusuke sighed, "we have been sent to assist your sister."

"Look for her? Is she okay?" Souta was seriously worried now. "Who are you?!"

"...dimwit..." the old woman gave him what sounded like a warning not to continue.

"We are spirit Detectives, your sister is safe and healthy, we just need to find her and... you know, get her body back."

"...right..." he glanced each of the members over, and when he noticed the shortest one with a black kitten sitting on his shoulder, Souta froze. His eyes caught the big bright blue orbs of his sisters and he nearly lost his balance when he ran up to the shorter demon. "Sis!? Oh Kami, you're a cat!"


"Hn, she said "don't worry". The detective talks to much, but since you know now, it's a moot point. We will get your sisters body back, don't you worry." The short one with Kagome on his shoulder said coolly as he turned from Souta and started to walk away.

"Meow mew meow~"

"I'm not repeating that,"

"Meew, meow~"

"Then you can tell him when you get your body back. It shouldn't take us long."

Souta smiled, that confidence was amazing. One of the reasons he'd always thought Inuyasha was so cool was his confidence. This demon was the same...in fact, they all seemed confident. "...you know, Demons are really cool. I haven't met one I didn't like." He laughed at the look of surprise on their faces. "I think your ride is here," he pointed to the shed where the Bone Eaters Well resided. The silvery blue glow seeping out from below the shed seemed to be a good indicator that their portal had appeared.

The group ran towards the shed and Yusuke threw the door open. Souta followed them curiously and looked around the girl with blue hair in a soft pink and blue yukata. The portal was near the well, in an oval shape hovering above the ground.

"It's a bit late to say this, since I'm assuming you guys are all on a time crunch...but," Souta laughed a bit, "Kagome used to fight demons in her school uniform with a bright yellow backpack flung over her shoulders. I hardly think changing was necessary."

"Damn it Botan!" Yusuke yelled only to be kicked down the stairs and into the portal by the little old lady.

She chuckled and turned back to the boy, "rest assured, we will get your sisters body back. Until then, keep practicing with your Spirit Control. I'd like to see what else you can do when we get back."

Souta watched as one by one the group left. In all of that, he only got three names. Kuwabara, Botan and Yusuke. The loudest among the three, as the others mostly just listened and observed. When they were all gone, he glanced down at his hands and focused on his energy. His sister was the special one in the group. She was time traveling Miko turned cat. She was friends with demons and humans alike and was a boss at archery. He smirked, hand glowing a light shade of blue as he focused on feeling out the ebb and flow of his Spiritual Energy. He on the other hand, was just an average twelve-year-old, who liked to play soccer with his friends and tried to keep his grades in the A and B range. He was just a normal, everyday kid.


The glow of his hands vanished, and he took off towards the front door, smiling at his mom as she walked in with a bag of groceries. He followed her and started to help her with the food.

"My sweet boy," Rai smiled at her son, "did you finish your homework?"

"Yeah, I finished. I was playing soccer out back, practicing my footwork."

She tittered, "I wish Kagome could be here to see how much you've improved. It's been a while since she's come home..." her eyes dimmed, "I do hope she's okay."

Souta smiled and gave his mother a careful nudge, "I'm sure she's fine! She's got Inuyasha and the others, right?"

"Right," Rai sighed, "I really wish she could have been normal, just like you. A normal family, living happy and healthy lives..." a faraway look in Rai's eyes had her son smiling sadly at her.

"Then I couldn't brag about having the coolest sister in the world, and you couldn't brag about having coolest daughter." Yes, Souta was just a normal boy, with average grades, and a love for soccer. Not that he minded being normal, he didn't. He didn't, because...his mother needed him to be.


It was clear that Kagome was scared, her fur standing on end and her tail fluffed up was a good tell-tale sign if any. Watching the demon as it fell apart in divided halves, it suddenly occurred to her just how capable these Spirit Detectives were.



"I don't think I have felt this at home in a long time," Kurama sighed in bliss, surrounded by the purity that nature had provided so many years in the past.

"Who the hell are you!?"

"I believe it's customary to give one's name before demanding someone else's."



Me: Hope you all are enjoying the updates! I just wrote the first chapter to another YYH/IY fic titled The Closest Thing to Crazy. It's a Kurama/Kagome pairing, and it has a bit of a darker edge to it, so hopefully you can drop by and give it a quick gander and drop me a review telling me what you think! LOVE YOU ALL! Oh, and if anyone has seen the BBC series Merlin from, I think...2005? I don't know, anyways, I have a Merlin/InuYasha fic too that is Mordred/Kagome~ MUCH LOVE, review~ and hope to see you all again soon!