This is very brief. I know I've been gone for ages, but I'll hopefully be updating a little more now. I just had this idea a moment ago, and decided to write this little snippet. I know it's not much, but I hope you enjoy!

Lena loved the sound of music as she danced. She loved counting in her head as she went through the steps. She loved it when her feet left the floor and she was lfited into the air by her partner. Then, unexpectedly, his balance failed and she fell, making sure she fell the right way so not to injure herself. Henry looked down at her apologetically and moved to help her up.

"Are you all right?"

"We have to go through this again?" Lena asked, instead of replying.


"Look, I'm going to be honest with you. You're not working as my partner. You dropped me on stage last week."

"No one else will work with you?"


"Because you act like a bitch every time someone makes a mistake."

"There's a right way to do all this and I only mean to do it all right."

"Your standards are higher than the director, Lena."

Lena blinked. "So?"

"So can you ease up a little? Or I'll drop you on purpose next time."

Lena rolled her eyes "Fine. Again."

This time, she sailed for a moment and landed properly and gracefully, holding Henry close as if they had never argued, as if they were the lovers they were portraying. Lena had been dancing in the company for six months when she met Henry. He was the only partner that lasted more than a month before they stomped off or she demanded a new one. Dancing here was nothing like dancing at home, where her need for perfection was observed and realized. She felt almost like the only girl that wasn't puking in the bathroom, dating boys and drinking more than they should, or really living.

The second time Henry dropped her on stage, she decided that it was time to go home.