I've been meaning to do a story like this one for a while now, and as you can see it involves Yu-Gi-Oh. My idea is that instead of getting the Omnitrix, Ben stumbles upon the Shrine of Wedju and sees all of the demon Ka imprisoned in stone slabs. He ends up finding a Millennium Item that was created by the pharaoh for the purpose of storing the DNA of various Ka, but before he could find a wielder for it, he died. Now, watch as Ben Tennyson becomes a hero of the great beasts of Egypt!
Disclaimer: I don't own Ben 10, or Yu-Gi-Oh!
"Normal Speech"
The Ancient Tomb!
In the great deserts of Egypt, a young boy going by the name of Benjamin Kirby Tennyson was walking around with a dead look in his eyes. Earlier that summer, Ben's cousin Gwen had found a device known as the Omnitrix and started using it to become an alien hero. As a result of this, Ben was left in her shadow as the boy who stayed on the sidelines. Gwen didn't get arrogant about this power or anything and she did try to help Ben get some recognition, but it was a fool's goal trying to do so. Even Ben's own parents seemed to love his cousin more than they loved him. It broke his heart just thinking about it.
Their grandpa, Maxwell Tennyson, thought that Ben could use some time away from america so that he could try and forget about everything. So far, it wasn't working at all. Ben had decided to try taking some painting equipment out into the desert in an attempt to find something to fill in the blank canvas, but he had found nothing.
Be let out a yelp, however, when he ended up falling down a hole that appeared out of nowhere! He fell into a deep cavern that was lit by a few torches. Ben got up with a groan, and opened his eyes to find himself in a dimly lit room.
"Where in the world am I?" Ben asked himself.
Getting up from where he fell, Ben looked up to see the hole that he had fallen in from and knew one thing was certain. He couldn't go back the way he came. Ben looked in front of him to see a flight of stairs going up to what looked like a shrine. But what was this shrine for? Ben had to get up there and see for himself!
The ten year old ran up to the top of the stairs in hopes of possibly finding lost Egyptian treasure, but instead found something else entirely. But what it was astounded him. It was a room that was filled to the brim with stone slabs! And each slab had what looked like ancient monsters carved into them with Egyptian writing underneath. At the top of the main wall of the shrine were several different slabs that were easily set apart from the others.
There was a set of five stone slabs with different parts of a behemoth of a creature. One had the head, two had each arm, and the last two had the legs of the beast. Next was a set of three slabs arranged in a pyramid formation. On the bottom right was one of a humanoid, on the bottom left was a serpentine dragon, and at the top was what looked like a cross between a dragon and a griffin.
But it was the two stone slabs at the top that really got Ben interested. One of them looked like a human wearing strange robes. He held a staff that had some semblance of a wand, which suggested that he was a great sorcerer.
The other one looked like a dragon of great power. Ben could literally feel the power rolling off of the very carving itself, and he knew that whatever this beast was, it was not something to be trifled with.
"What are these? No one's ever recorded anything like this in the history books." Ben said to himself.
"And they wouldn't have." said a voice.
Ben turned around to find who had spoken, and saw someone else had entered the room. It was a man that looked to be in his early twenties. He had purple eyes, dark skin like all other Egyptians, and was wearing a royal dress that was made for Egyptian men, golden jewelry, and a blue cape. His hair was long and stood up in five huge spikes that were primarily black, but had red and yellow outlining the edges. He was also wearing a golden pendant that looked like an upside down pyramid with the Eye of Ra on it.
"The Shrine of Wedju has housed all of the Ka for thousands of years." said the man.
"Who are you?" Ben asked.
The man gave a good natured chuckle, and walked up to Ben. When the man was close enough, Ben could see that he was holding a golden box in one arm.
"I have gone by many names in my life. Yami... Yugi... But you may call me Atem. I was once the pharaoh of this great land, and one of its greatest protectors." Atem explained.
Ben was astounded! He was standing in front of an ancient king, and wasn't even formally dressed. But it seemed like Atem was giving him the box that he had come in with.
"This is a gift for you, Ben Tennyson. Yes, I know who you are, and I know that with my creation that you will become what you always wished to be! A hero." Atem said.
Ben accepted the box, unaware that the stone slabs in the Shrine of Wedju glowed slightly. He opened the lid to the box to reveal...
I'm afraid I'm gonna have to stop the chapter here. I'm gonna take some time to think of what the Millennium Matrix should look like, but if you have any suggestions I'm willing to accept any. I am also accepting requests for the ten duel monsters that Ben should start out with, and names for them. Just so we're clear, the duel monsters that Ben has will be named after his aliens from the original show. The Flame Swordsman would be Heatblast, for example. Review, and enjoy!