Chapter 1: Moving Forward
Konoha was still being repaired by the citizens of Konoha. Everyone was working hard to show the other villages that they were still quite strong. They also did it to honor the memory of the Sandaime Hokage. The genin were also helping out the village by helping in hospital, finding people and rebuilding as well. One such genin was Naruto Uzumaki. He was a great help to many as he could create so many clones. It was also pretty good training for him.
"Thanks again Naruto for the extra man power." One of the villagers said.
"Any time. See ya later." Naruto said. He jogged off and made his way to Ichirakus. He figured that he did his good deeds for today. Not only did he help with construction but he had been running message for everybody at the council's request. He was going to get him a steaming bowl of ramen for his hard work. As he made his way to the ramen shop, he ran into Jakken.
"Hey pipsqueak, what's going on with you?" Jakken asked.
"Nothing much, just finished doing some stuff. What about you and what's with the boar?" Naruto asked.
"Oh, some of the food supply was destroyed during the invasion. They found a pack of wild boar some miles away from the village. Since, I'm an advent hunter, they asked me to join the hunting party. I caught this one and am on my way to give it to the vendors." Jakken said.
"That's cool. I know Yakumo is busy helping her clan. Doesn't hurt that she is spending every day with her crush, Haku." Naruto joked. Jakken grinned as well. At the Kurama clan home, Yakumo suddenly got angry, confusing Haku. Back with the boys, Naruto continued to talk. "So, let's meet up at the training ground later. No need for us to slack off with our skills."
"Yeah, no problem." The two decided to go their separate ways but Jakken soon stopped and turned to his teammate. "Hey, have you seen sensei around?" Jakken asked.
"Not since the funeral. I wonder where she could be."
In the apartment of Anko Mitarashi, said kunoichi was asleep on her couch, her 'Icha, Icha' on her forehead. She heard a noise coming from her kitchen. She looked up and saw her house guest in there making something.
"I didn't know that you could cook, Kakashi." Anko said.
"Well, I owe you for allowing me to stay here Anko. Sorry that I took up your couch." Kakashi said.
"I told you that my bed was just fine." Anko said with a sly grin. Kakashi just gave her an eye smile before placing two plates on her table. Anko stood up and made her way to the table. She sat down across from him and began to eat. While she did that, Kakashi was feeding his mutts. She wasn't really a dog lover but she did like Bull. He was just so cuddly. Besides, the big lung liked her too.
"Anko, I have been meaning to say something to you for a while." Kakashi said.
"I've been meaning to thank you for making Naruto as strong as he is. I wasn't there for the fight but I saw how he fought against Gaara before he led him away. You've done a really good job, with all of your students." Kakashi said.
"Don't get to so sentimental on me Kakashi. I know the reason why you are telling me that and you don't need to feel sorry. You had your own stuff that you were going through. You couldn't be there for him like you wanted. Besides, you don't have to worry any more. He has become strong and you did have a hand in it by giving him that damn manual on fūinjutsu." Anko snarled. Kakashi just chuckled. They ate silently for a while before Anko spoke again. "You know that you made a mistake teaching the Uchiha your technique, right?"
"Just hear me out. I get why you taught him the jutsu. You want him to form bonds, to give a reason for him to protect Konoha. However, you only have to look into his eyes to see what he truly thinks. His eyes are only focused on revenge. He cares about power and will do anything to get it. It is why Orochimaru targeted him. Teaching him the Chidori is only asking for trouble." Anko explained.
"I will take your advice under consideration Anko. Perhaps I have been too lax in my methods." Kakashi said somberly.
"The first step is admitting it." Anko said with a huff. After they finished eating, Anko spoke again. "So, what did you think about the Mito and Kasumi scene with Kyo?"
"Was that not the best scene of the book?" Kakashi asked excitedly.
"Hell yeah!" Anko cheered. The two would continue to talk and laugh.
A loud explosion was heard from within the forest. Sasuke looked at the boulder that he had just hit with the Chidori. He was breathing hard after that second attempt. It made him so angry that he could only use this jutsu twice. He glared at his still broken arm as it reminded him about his failure in the finals. The jutsu had worked but he was still thrown around like a piece of trash. It didn't matter if Gaara was some sort of monster, he should have defeated him.
"I told you, you are only an appetizer to my real target." Sasuke clenched his fist in frustration and anger. Those words pissed him off. How dare he just dismiss him like he was nothing to him? He was a Uchiha, the best of the best. He was above some girl and that blond nobody. It also did not help when he walked around town to hear about the first bout of the finals. Apparently, most of the damage done to the arena was due to those two, Naruto and Midoshi. It also didn't help to hear that it was because of Naruto that Gaara was stopped.
Every time he heard Naruto's name, he would get angry. He would always think back to that lost that he suffered at his hand. He knew that Naruto graduated a year early but from what he saw, he was nothing really special. To him, Naruto got lucky in that spar. However, he was angry that Naruto knew an art that he couldn't get his head around. Fūinjutsu was just too difficult and he needed power now. From what he saw, it just came naturally to him.
Then there was the girl. He believed that he name was Midoshi. He learned through the gossip mill that she was working with Orochimaru. In her fight with Naruto, she apparently demonstrated power that no genin should have. She nearly killed Naruto several times and showed skill in ninjutsu. He did not forget the tip of her sword that nearly stabbed him in the head. He even saw her glare and it froze him to his core.
He cursed himself for his weakness and how far he was behind certain people. He should be the best. It was something that he was always told. It was something that was in his DNA. He was an Uchiha and the Uchiha were strong. He would not be pushed aside. He would show everyone just how strong he was.
Jiraiya was sitting down and looked at the beauties with his telescope. He giggled perversely and had a stupid grin on his face as he looked at the females of Konoha.
"Still acting like a teenager?" a female voice said. Jiraiya turned to see the two elders, Homura and Koharu.
"Oh, esteemed elders, what can I do for you today?" Jiraiya asked.
"We came to tell you about our meeting that we had. You know the one that you were supposed to attend?" Homura asked annoyed.
"Was that today? Sorry, I had more pressing matters." Jiraiya said.
"Anyway, we have made some decision. First, with Suna's surrender and explanation, we have allowed them to have those that we have captured." Koharu explained.
"Does that include the late Kazekage's children?" Jiraiya asked.
"Yes, we released then to their sensei." Koharu answered.
"I'm truly surprised by that. I figured your buddy would have kept him as a weapon. What made you return him to his village?"
"Despite how you feel about our colleague, we knew that if we kept the boy, he would need years of training. Also, we knew that the populace would not truly accept another jinchūriki within the village." Homura said.
"Really? For what I've been hearing through the gossip mill, is that Anko's team are a couple of rock stars." Jiraiya stated.
"Yes, they did their duty of the village. Naruto's clones are a big help to the village." Homura said with a tense tone. Jiraiya smirked at that because it must have burned him to say that about Naruto. Koharu turned the attention back to the reason of their visit.
"We have also decided that you shall be our next Hokage." Koharu said.
"Nah, I don't think so." Jiraiya said with annoyance. The two elders looked ready to blow their top when he continued. "I'm just not Hokage material. Plus, do you really think that the women would want me as a ruler. Anyway, I have someone else in mind for the position and I was hoping to go and get her." Jiraiya said. When he said her, the two elders had disapproval looks on their faces.
"Do you really believe that she is even worthy of the position. Just because her family helped built the village, it does not mean anything. In fact, she brings shame to her families' name with her current actions." Homura said with tone.
"She is the only choice we have. If we allow the other choice to become Hokage, we will have enemies from all sides. No, she is the best choice for now until someone is worthy of the title." Jiraiya explained. The two did not look convinced. "Look, if she takes the position, it would deter our rivals from making moves against us. Just having her back in the village is a strong deterrent." The elders had to admit that he had a point. While they did not like it, they would accept it.
"Very well, we will be sending you with an ANBU team to retrieve her." Homura said.
"That will only cause problems. I only need to bring one person with me." Jiraiya said.
"You can be serious?" Naruto asked with a deadpan expression. He was with Yakumo who was taking a break from fixing up the clan home. Even she was surprised by the request made by Jiraiya.
"What do you mean by that? Of course I'm serious! I need you to come with me to get the new Hokage." Jiraiya stated with a little annoyance.
"If you haven't noticed, Ero-Sennin," Naruto ducked a swipe at his head, "I'm kind of needed here."
"Well, this is more important than delivering messages around the village." Jiraiya argued.
"Why don't you take the position?" Naruto asked. That's when Jiraiya smirked at him, making him sigh. "That was stupid question. Fine, I'll go with you. Who exactly are we picking up?"
"Well, we are going to try and convince her to take the mantle of the Hokage. She doesn't exactly have a strong tie to the village. In fact, she might just blow us off if we ask her." Naruto just looked at the man with narrowed eyes.
"That's it, you're on the list." Naruto said before walking off to get his gear. Yakumo chuckled while Jiraiya looked confused.
"That's bad for you. When you make the list, you have to be on your toes. It usually doesn't end well." Yakumo said and she stood up to leave. That just made Jiraiya more confused and a little frighten. What the hell was this list they were talking about? Somewhere in the village, several shinobi, including Kakashi, suddenly shivered.
In Oto no Kuni (Land of Sound), Orochimaru roared in pain and unleashed a shout. A body laid on the floor, blood pooling around them. Orochimaru was in great pain and was angry. How dare that old man do this to him? He took away his jutsu, the thing that he made him strong. He could not get back at the man because he belonged Death God. However, there was an upside to this. He had his mark on Sasuke and soon, he would be coming to him. It would not be long now.
He now had to deal with this problem with his arms. He could not stay this way if he was to get his revenge. He suddenly smiled as he knew someone who could help him regain the mobility that he needed. It would be an easy meeting as he had something she wanted.
"Kabuto!" he called out. The traitor stepped into the room and stood a good distance away from his master. "It's time I get my hands repaired. Send out the scouts to locate my wayward teammate."
"You don't mean…" Kabuto was cut off by the sinister smile on Orochimaru's face.
A fair-skinned woman of average height and slender build watched as her master once again lost all of their money. She was holding a pot-belly pig as she cried for the loss of the money. Her master, a light-skinned woman of average height with brown eyes and straight, blonde hair, could only growl at her loss. The men of the gambling house just chuckled at their good fortune.
'It's not every day that we get to play the Densetsu no Kamo (The Legendary Sucker), Tsunade.'
Authors' Notes – Well, here's the new chapter to the new story. Enjoy the new story.