Hey, guys I just want to say I know it's a short story and not that good, but it is my first story on here. I have seen a funny picture online and the first think I thought was something like this. Enjoy!


Somewhere in an empty and dusty field

"Ok, let's start off with a simple task," Oliver said with a smirk.

"Sure, what kind o-," Barry stopped all movements; he took one look at what Oliver was holding in his hands and started to back up. But every time he took a step forward, Oliver followed.

In Oliver's hands was a bow with tree types of arrows, one normal, one with a green boxing glove attached and an explosive arrow, all pointing to Barry's face. Then at his feet was a loaded crossbow, pointing his knees.

Oliver raised a brow. "Why? I heard you heal fast"

Barry's eyes widened, "Yeah, but not that fast!" Faster than Oliver can even blink, Barry was running miles away. The only thing that Oliver could see was a faint red blur.


Like I said before, I am sorry that it's really short. I can make longer stories, just send me requests. Rate and review if you want, I mean you don't have to. Bye guys :3