Grammar fixes made to this chapter: 3/5/2016 :) Yeah! I will work on more grammar fixes in a few days.

For those who may be new to Naruto, here are a few things you might need to know.


Hokage: Village Leader of Konoha.

Konoha: The Village Hidden in the Leaves

Sanin: Legendary Warrior team of three from Konoha who were bestowed that title by an overwhelming enemy to whom they survived. They were Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru.

Jutsu: Technique.

Chakra: The merging of the physical energy, and the spiritual energy in one's body which allows various types of Jutsu to be used.

Taijutsu: Martial arts movements only. No added elements, though Chakra can be utilized to enhance those movements.

Ninjutsu: Using hand signs and chakra to change the physical environment around you to potentially control water, earth, mist/fog, and even lightning.

Genjutsu: Like ninjutsu, generally use hand signs to activate said technique, but these techniques are used to control the flow of chakra in an opponents head. It is possible to cause a foe to see illusions and sometimes hypnotize using genjutsu.

Kekkei Genkai, or Bloodline Limit- Special abilities limited to certain clans. For example, the Uchiha have a bloodline limit known as the sharingan (the copy wheel eye), a dojutsu. A technique that is utilized by the eyes. The Uchiha's eyes are desired far and wide because they can copy almost any ninja technique no matter how secret, or difficult it is. It can also hypnotize or place genjutsu with a glance if the sharingan of an experienced user.

Kinjutsu: Forbidden techniques. Usually due to a steep price to use the technique.

Kenjutsu: Styles of Taijutsu that are focused on the art of sword play.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu: This usually is very rare. The summoning of great animal guides such as a massive toad, or a two tower snake. Also- usually reserved for the extremely powerful such as the Sanin, Kage, or the rare younger shinobi who showed a lot of promise.

The Hokage of Konoha in order- thus far.

Senju Hashirama, Shodai Hokage (1st). Senju Tobirama: Nidaime (2nd) and younger brother of the Shodai. Sarutobi Hiruzen: Sandaime. (3rd). Namikaze Minato: Yondaime (4th) Student of Jiraiya who was taught by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

NOTE: The Sandaime returned to duty as hokage after the unfortunate death of the Yondaime at the hands of the Kyuubi no Yoko seven years prior to this story's start.












Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Those rights belong to Kishimoto Misashi – sensei, and Shonen Jump. If I did own it, I would have had Sakura train with Gai's team a lot to better her taijutsu techniques. Great medic nin and amazingly powerful, but she keeps missing her mark when she attacks sadly.

AN: There will be slight bashing of certain characters at certain points, but there will also be a bit of redemption for some of these characters too.

This will be my first attempt at an epic length story. Wish me luck.

As for pairings... I am a huge NaruHina fan as noted by all of my chapter Naruto stories... so this will likely be no different... that said, I would like to try something different. I'd like Naruto to know the love of someone or someones other than Hinata before he realizes she is the one for him. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated. Maybe Naruto and Tenten puppy love as kids.

Also a quick note of thanks to a RL friend who goes by the handle of Ragachak for taking time out of his busy schedule and helping me beta the first few pages.

Now, without Further Ado...

The Ryu Shinobi

By SageModeSasuke

It was a quiet night in Konoha; The Village Hidden In The Leaves. Unlike the night before where there was celebration for most, but a living nightmare for one young boy. A festival celebrating the defeat of the Kyuubi at the hands of the Yondaime Hokage. The fourth in a line of great village leaders throughout village history. That boy would be seven year old Uzumaki Naruto. Naruto was a child who had the heart of gold, but most either ignored him or persecuted him for reasons he never understood. And those who were cruel to him or ignored him were not willing to explain their actions to said child. His innocent mind could not comprehend what he had done that was so wrong.

Today he found himself opening his eyes in a room that was not his own. In a bed he was not altogether not unfamiliar with. It smelled clean, but cold and clinical. His body ached from head to toe. His mind foggy, and his eyesight not much better currently. His neck hurt and he noted that he could not move his hands or legs. Instead of panicking, he took in a painful deep breath as he did something he practiced many times before as the old man Sandaime Hokage, one of the very few people Naruto trusted taught him to do. He whistled. But not just a straight single cord, but a specific tune meant to bring forth his hidden guardian angel. A single shinobi hidden by the moonlight.

Some were aware of this special tune and moved quickly to prevent it's sound from being heard. And little did Naruto know, a small amount of chakra, a mixture of his life's physical and spiritual energy was incorporated into this tune to ensure it could not be used by anyone else. Unfortunately, Naruto again seemed to be in a position which he would not be able to seek the safety of his protector. The moment Naruto attempted the tune he noted a shadow over his eyes. It was still semi dark in the room as the sun had not fully arisen.

Before a third note could be released, his nose was covered tightly and he heard a woman's voice that commanded him, "Be silent, or this will be far more painful," as he was forced out of consciousness due to the lack of air not reaching him.

He was tied down and expected to finally be put out of his seven years of misery. An early end to a morbid and painful young life.

But to his joy, or displeasure; he hadn't decided which at the particular moment, a black blade flew through the window. It stabbed the woman's hand which held Naruto's mouth and nose, but did not touch him. The precision of the blade was meticulous and highly professional. It was down right dangerous and the assassin knew her time on this earth was likely at an end. But she had a mission to complete.

She drew the blade from her pierced hand, and proceeded to impale young Naruto between his innocent eyes with the same blade. Halfway through the motion, a silver tanto intervened. Holding that tanto was a silver haired man with a black mask covering his face, with one eye covered by his headband and he wore the armor of the Hokage's personal guard. Team Ro: The Daisansedai sōdodansu! The hokage's Third Generation Sword Dance which normally consisted of Hatake Kakashi, Tenzo, Uchiha Itachi, Gekko Hayate and Yugao.

The assassin showed no fear. She leaped back toward the door exiting the strangely large hospital room and instead of trying to escape, she twisted the blade around and swiftly sliced the blade across her midriff, then reverse thrust the blade into her stomach. Seppaku. The art of killing oneself due to failing to uphold one's honor or the honor of their master or family, the boy's savior noted.

The master guardian placed two gloved fingers on the boy's neck and noted a slow, and shallow breathing. Even then the breathing was getting weaker. He was poisoned. Something on the woman's hands must have contained some form of poison.

The mysterious savior turned on the light, and immediately opened the door, called out to the nurses, "ANBU protocol in effect. I am ANBU and a captain of Konoha secret service: Codenamed Wolf. Get word to the hokage of a phantom who tried to snuff out the light of a protected kit."

The nurses didn't know what the code meant, but those hidden in the shadows of the inner workings of the hospital did. Within seconds three triage nurses arrived and began analyzing the poison residue from the would be assassin's glove. Two minutes later, a gust of wind was felt as a swirl of leaves materialized. As the leaves dropped, an old man appeared in their wake.

His old eyes fell to the unconscious boy, hardened and asked all, "What is Naruto's condition?"

The old man's anger could be felt in waves as the nurses and the newly arrived doctors could barely stand in his presence.

"We managed to get some of the poison out Hokage-sama. It is slowing the degeneration of his tissues down, but it is not stopping it," the closest doctor offered despite the pressure being exerted just to stay on his feet.

"How long does he have?" the Hokage asked dangerously.

"A week at most as we know little to nothing about this poison, and the forensics lab was never finished since..."

"Wolf. Prepare a squad of four including Crow and Raven and meet me on the roof of my office building. Team Ro is going on one more mission before it's dissolving."

Without a word, Wolf vanished, and five more guards appeared as if by magic. The old Hokage nodded his approval and vanished soon after in a puff of smoke.

Atop the Hokage tower stood twenty loyal personal guards. But of those, only three were in the Hokage's Sandai Sho. Team Ro. Team Ro who were in front all looked over to the side when a green spandex glad man with a bowl cut arrived. He knelt beside team Ro, prepared to explain his being there.

"This is an ANBU meeting Maito Gai. Speak," the annoyed Hokage commanded.

Before his ridiculously green spandex clad rival spoke, Wolf stated simply, "If our mission is what I believe it to be, we will need all of the muscle we can get which is why I asked Maito Gai to join us. Otherwise, all that will remain would likely be the splattered blood of our remains against the wall of whatever town 'she' is currently residing in.

After a brief moment, the hokage found himself agreeing with his first captain, the lord hokage nodded, and stated, "Someone who was under my direct protection was harmed in 'my' village. Team Ro, alongside Jonin Maito Gai, your mission is S-class. The highest ranking mission possible, so you know that failure is not an option. Wolf, Crow, Raven, Banzai, and Gai... Bring my student home. Bring me Senju Tsunade!"

Normally his corps of soldiers would have vanished in quick motions almost faster than the eye could see, as his word as hokage was nothing short of law. He however noted their hesitation and looked to the head captain and asked, "What is it Wolf?"

"Tsunade-sama was given autonomy from the village many years ago. Attempting to convince her or forcibly retrieve her may prove... difficult," Wolf warned as he knew of the dangerous woman's legendary reputation, not only as a compulsive loser at gambling, but as one of the most dangerous kunoichi alive. A shinobi. A ninja who's guile was not needed often as her fist were enough to tear very mountains asunder, or so the legends proclaimed.

For the first time since the village went on high alert at the hospital intrusion, the old hokage pulled out his ancient pipe, lit it and took a drag off of it as he shook his head. His expression became cold once more and stated with unwavering conviction, "Bring her home or worse case I will mark her as an S-rank missing nin. I don't have time to deal with her personal problems right now. She is on extended leave only. She understood this when she left. She is still a registered kunoichi of the Konoha." He stopped speaking momentarily and placed his hand out in a certain direction. A hidden member of the ANBU guard appeared and handed him pen and paper. He jotted down a few things and handed the sealed note to Wolf who placed it in his satchel. The hokage placed his right arm out to the side and every member of his armed forces vanished from the rooftop leaving only him and the three ANBU that he chose as his alternate personal guards.

As daylight illuminated the sky, it was not the beautiful sunshine which was expected. The clouds were gray. The wind cold and dry as the squad of four raced across the rooftops until they reached the front gate of the village. The silver haired young man with the partial mask, known as Wolf knicked his thumb, and proceeded to go through five hand seals. Special practiced motions with controlled burst of chakra.

Once completed, he slammed his hand to the ground and stated the correct activation command, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" A small puff of white smoke materialized, and two dogs walked out of the smoke.

One was a golden retriever who wore a red jacket with the word Hatake written on the back of it in Kanji. The retriever eyes sharp, with a small Konoha headband over his eyes looked up at the man who summoned him and bowed slightly. The smaller gray dog, a bulldog who wore a blue jacket and a similar headband, but around his neck.

The smaller of the two dogs stepped forward and said, "I told you not to summon us while you are using that ridiculous moniker. Why not change it to Hound or something cool. But Wolf? At least summon us as yourself."

Wolf dreaded this part of his contract with his animal partners. They could be a bit nit picky, but he didn't have time to deal with it and hoped the situation was dire enough to satisfy the most easy going of his k-nine partners.

"We have been tasked with bringing Tsunade-sama back to Konoha, kicking and screaming if we must," was Wolf's stoic reply.

The little bulldog's jaw dropped, slobber fell, and both dogs shivered. He then nodded and said, "Good luck 'Wolf,' and don't get yourself killed."

Two of the ANBU of team Ro were astounded to find a rare ninken, talking ninja dogs. It was extremely rare to find talking ninken, but their professionalism held firm until the dog's last statement and then the gravity of the situation finally it them all. They were on a mission to bring back one of the most dangerous people alive who wanted nothing more than to gamble her life away and to continue teaching her apprentice the way of the medical battlefield shinobi.

"Thanks Pakkun," Wolf acknowledged the bulldog. "Here," He pulled out a piece of cloth that he acquired from the Senju estate and handed it to Pakkun and his ninken partner for the day, ninja dog boss.

The boss ninken finally spoke up, "This is likely my last mission, Wolf. I have pups at home who need me, and two who are even considering joining the Konoha ninken corps in a few years. I need to be there and ready for them. Pakkun will be taking my place as this pact's leader," much to both Wolf and Pakkun's surprise, but neither showed it. That in and of itself made him proud.

Wolf and Pakkun bowed and said, "As you wish Inu no Masuta." Master of Dogs. His title in this instance rather than a name out of respect of his service.

One of team Ro cleared his throat to emphasize that time was not on their side. Wolf nodded and asked the Inu no Masuta, "I believe Master Jiraiya, another of the Legendary Sanin is currently residing on Mount Myoboku. Home of the Shinobi toads. Can one of you lead one of us to Tsunade, and the other get word to Master Jiraiya of what's happening. But please, more than anything else in the world; make sure Jiraiya knows we are trying to get Tsunade back to heal his godson. Jiraiya-sama has stayed current on his security clearance. Hopefully he can get to Tsunade-sama first and calm her before we arrive. One of the legendary Sanin is scary enough to have to consider fighting. But as long as he knows it's concerning his godson, we might survive this endeavor yet."

The golden retriever nodded and vanished in a puff of smoke. Pakkun took another sniff of the cloth from the old Senju estate and noted, "I thought my mind was playing tricks on me, but she is here in the land of fire. I believe she was over near Tanzuki town. The gambling paradise."

Wolf froze in place, as he feared he would have to face off against Tsunade before Jiraiya arrived. His palms began to sweat, and for the first time in many years... he felt fear. Even at his most professional, those around him did not completely miss it either. He took in a deep breath and reminded himself, 'I am a member of Konoha's ANBU. The most elite of the elite. I graduated the academy at age seven when most don't until they are at least twelve. I became captain of an ANBU assassination squad at age thirteen. Age fourteen I was a member of the Hokage's personal guard. I've got this!' he thought as he calmed his heart rate.

His team of Raven, Gai, Banzai and Crow nodded that they were prepared for whatever came next. The four took to the trees and flew from branch to branch in the chilled air as did Pakkun who took the lead. He stopped every fifteen minutes or so to try to pick the scent back up as the now heavier winds blew and light rains carried the scent in multiple directions. Fortunately Pakkun was still very young, and one of the best non human trackers Wolf ever had the pleasure of working with.

After a full day of travel, ANBU Banzai stopped, causing the others to do the same, "I know that you and Gai have this insanely inhuman training regime, but the rest of us need rest Wolf-sempai," he joked lightly which caught most off guard except Wolf who knew his younger kohai held a sense of humor.

The group stopped and Banzai placed his hands in seals specific to him and added the requisite chakra. Within seconds a wood cabin was built. It was small as to be hidden off the main road, but large enough for the travelers to stretch out and rest on the wooden beds.

'Good ole Banzai,' Crow thought. Shelter from the weather, bugs and snakes. "I'll take first watch. We'll need our strength if we are to forced to take on Tsunade-sama. Shifts of Three hours each until we are fully replenished, and can make the last leg of this journey. Hopefully she will be too drunk to notice us until we have her transported back to Konoha."

Wolf quickly placed sound special fuinjutsu seal barriers up around the cabin so that sound would not escape, but could still be heard from the outside.

Gai simply moved to an empty bed, but looked over at his rival with the black mask covering his face who had managed to have a bed on top of the wood, a comforter and pillows. He had to know and asked, ""

Wolf pulled out an orange book after he sat on his bed and got comfortable. After a moment Wolf glanced at his old friend and did something he hadn't done since their youth, "You say something Gai?" as he turned back to his book, not revealing just how versatile and bad ass fuinjutsu really could be.

Slightly frustrated, Maito Gai reverted back to his thirteen year old self and said, "Damn you and your cool hip attitude Ka.. Wolf!"

"Hm?" Was all Wolf said, and fell asleep, leaving the normally stone faced, stoic members of the ANBU laughing at their temporary teammate.

It diffused the tension in the air and allowed them to replenish mentally as well as physically and spiritually.


Another night had fallen upon the Village Hidden in The Leaves, but all was not peaceful as it should have been. There were tears of angst and unbridled outrage. The Uchiha clan, one of the precious, most prolific in the Leaf, and one of the very founding clans of Konoha were exterminated less than two hours past.

Flashback- Two hours prior.

'Two blocks outside the Uchiha estate, a seven year old Uchiha Sasuke saw fire, lightning, earth and stone which flew in every which direction. Metal blades clanged as tiny kunai knives made impact with each other, whether in hand or as projectiles. His legs which could barely move pushed past his shock. His satchel dropped and he propelled himself faster than he thought possible. He barely made it thirty feet before a Konoha Jonin in his green flack jacket and black pants with a katana strapped to his back swooped in like a bird of prey, and carried young Sasuke back to the shinobi academy. The jolt of speed left Sasuke disoriented and unable to object.

Having stopped, chunin teachers and students immediately looked to see what the recent fuss was about as the bandanna wearing jonin appeared in a cloud of leaves with a disoriented young Sasuke.

Umino Iruka, Chunin-sensei asked, "What's going on Genma-san? Sasuke is old enough to walk home by himself."

Genma, while he respected Umino-san didn't take kindly to being questioned by a subordinate rank, but due to time constraints, he let it slide and said, "The Uchiha compound is under attack. Sasuke's brother is a friend of mine and asked that I watch over him while he was on a mission on his way toward the main gate. Get all remaining students back inside now. I want barriers in place. Keep those kids safe... even if it means you give up your life for theirs."

Without hesitation, Umino-Iruka nodded appreciatively and replied with, "Yokai!"

A simple way to say Roger, or 'Roger that' Genma thought with a small smirk as he turned to rush to find the Hokage.

Raven and Crow were to be the party to exterminate the Uchiha should they ever rise against the village itself, as they were members of the clan and could infiltrate meetings of the higher ups there... but as they were out on a mission, it's reasonable to assume the Uchiha Clan's council figured out Raven and Crow's place in the grand scheme of things. That meant speeding up what needed to be done and only when they were outside of the village. The council of Crow's father, the head of the Uchiha clan, alongside crow's reluctant mother, and a few others of note. They were tired of being treated like second class citizens and that they didn't matter anymore. And that the Uchiha were the most powerful in the Land of Fire. The Very Village Hidden In the Leaves. But Hubris was to be their downfall. Every man, woman and child of the Uchiha save Raven, Crow, and possibly Sasuke were dead as he vanished without a trace from the academy grounds. The only child missing.

End Flashback-

Hokage Tower conference room three hours later.

The hokage was willing to speak to the Uchiha and try to help them regain some of the respect and prestige should a meeting he set up have occurred... but alas, it wasn't meant to be. He called together a council of the three elders and looked at each of them. His gaze lingered on his old friend Danzo who's body was bandaged as if half dead and quietly stated, "Return Sasuke Uchiha to me unharmed and you will live to see another day." Before the council of elders could protest, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Sandaime Hokage of Konoha, the Village Hidden In The Leaves raised his left arm, and fifty of his ANBU Elite appeared and held swords to the Sandaime's old shinobi squad teammates Koharu, and Homara. The last member of the elders had shinobi of his own in ANBU gear arrive from the shadows and block the swords from touching their master's neck.

The old Hokage merely smiled. Not a joyous smile, but one filled with nearly murderous glee, and terrifying determination. He then stated, "surrender the Uchiha, and the eyes of those you gouged from the corpses of the dead or face not only Konoha justice as a traitor, but my wrath. You did not disband the organization known as Root as I commanded years ago as evidenced by your shinobi being present here. Root is despicable, and it's usefulness came to an end after the last war. You performed genocide on a clan without the support of your hokage, and the entire council of clans. Your time as an elder is over, and your career as a shinobi is as well. Now surrender Sasuke or die. I can assure you Danzo... my stick is bigger than yours."

Danzo was a dangerous man, and would not go down without a fight. He simply said, "These are a few leftover shinobi from an era by gone and who refused to leave my side. As for the Uchiha, I had nothing to do with that, nor is there any proof of any of this madness you are spouting Hiruzen. If anything, you may have been known as the professor in your younger days, but you have gone senile old man."

'Got him!' Danzo thought to himself.

"Then let me enlighten you as to why I was called that. If it was you who took Sasuke, you would likely take him to a base you believe I am unaware of. One that is further away from the carnage. Possibly the Riku base?" The Sandaime offered.

Danzo didn't show it, but he suddenly felt a pit in the bottom of his stomach. The Sandaime then placed his hand in an odd head seal and an explosion could be heard. It was one of the known 'former' root bases from a time long past.

"You see 'old friend,' I knew exactly what you've been up to. I have had my own ANBU infiltrating your root organization for years. I know every location and every shady deal you have made. The only reason you have not been executed yet is because in your own sick, twisted way... you do everything you do to protect the Leaf. So let's play a little game. It would take about an hour to get to your Riku base at top speed and it's been about forty five minutes. Let's see... Who do I have out that far? Oh yeah... I have a promising young woman who I entrusted with the hand seals to specifically signal the destruction of Root. If she didn't receive my signal not to begin, she would give a counter signal to all true ANBU through use of these wonderful little items called headsets. And it looks like time is just about u..."

Explosions erupted from all around the village and larger explosions could be seen in the distance. Danzo could no longer hide his disdain and was nearly frothing at the mouth.

"You three have been my teammates for a time. My friends, and now my adversaries it seems. I had some of my resources look into what occurred with Uzumaki Naruto as well. It was a poison made by Chiyo of Sunagakure no Sato. The only reason we are not going to war is because the purchase was tracked back to you two, Homaru and Koharu. Why?"

The two took in a deep defeated breath and Koharu began, "We believed you were getting too close to the demon."

The closest ANBU went to decapitate her, but was stopped by a glance from the Sandaime, "You know my laws. You will not refer to Naruto as a demon. Naruto's burden does not make him a demon. Only a container for the nine tailed beast. You two are old enough and should know better. You know the sacrifice his parents made in order for him to be seen as a hero."

After another uncomfortable moment Homura stated, "Look at the depths you are willing to go through for an orphan. You have deployed four of our finest shinobi to bring back Tsunade of the Sanin. That is on par with sending them on a Kamikaze mission. It's potentially suicide."

Hiruzen looked to Danzo and asked, "Do you know who Crow is? And don't lie. We are far beyond secrets right now."

Danzo reluctantly nodded.

"Well, what you might not know is that Sasuke is Crow's little brother."

The world stood still. Crow could be the nicest man in the world. He was a man of peace and loved his village more than anything save his brother.

Seven years ago, Sasuke was kidnapped and Crow, before he was Crow was unleashed for the first time. He not only decimated a small village, but nearly put the Sandaime, and the Yondaime Hokage in the hospital when told he could not go after Sasuke.


The Yondaime refused the Sandaime's wish to execute Crow for his action and reminded his old mentor, 'Those who abandon their mission are scum, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum. His younger brother was in danger. Who is more of a comrade than a loved one?' Not many remember just how dangerous that switch was inside of crow's head. Apparently Danzo did. Hiruzen was no fool and knew exactly where Sasuke was taken and had his own elite shadows follow and retrieve him before the explosions began, but it was time to take back the reigns of Konoha from those behind closed doors. Having Naruto get hurt shook the old man to his very soul, but he knew that the team sent was the only one strong enough to bring Tsunade home to help medically rebuild the now Uchiha-less village save three or four.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was known for his kind and forgiving nature, but that had also become a liability of late. He looked to his three former friends and shook his head sadly as he calmly commanded, "I planned on letting Crow deal with this then when he returned, but he will have enough to deal with taking over as clan head of the Uchiha most likely. Execute them..."

Meanwhile- Tanzuka town. After a few hours rest, Team Ro had arrived.

It didn't take long to discover the location of the 'Legendary Sucker,' as she was known. Tsunade's pension for losing bets was legendary. If she won, that usually did not bode well. Six hours ago she'd won what was tantamount to a small lottery. She was in essence, very rich again. That concerned her. But what concerned her more were the three Konoha Jonin who walked up to the table where she and her apprentice were counting up her winnings, as they no longer wore ANBU gear.

The forty five year old blonde woman recognized the silver haired young man immediately as he was the protege of the Yondaime; the forth hokage. His favorite student, and prodigy in his own right. Normally she would have blown the ninja off immediately, but asked, "The looks of fear, and determination on your faces tell me that this is important. What brings you all the way to the edge of Hi no Kuni. Our beloved Fire Country," she spat.

Kakashi stepped forward and handed Tsunade the first of two letters. Tsunade opened it and it read,

Dear Tsunade,

A young boy has been poisoned, and it's believed to be by your one time rival Chiyo of Suna. I have sent four of the very best in the village to find you in hopes of bringing you home. We could not chance moving the boy. Chiyo's poison was likely bought by a clan head or elder. I will find out which and exterminate them quickly as I was named one of the guardians of the child when his parents died. He has a week from today before he likely succumbs to his illness. I know it's a lot, but we need you home. At least for now.

Do this for your old sensei, please.

Sarutobi Hiruzen.

After reading the letter Tsunade placed it over the lit candle which adorned her table.

A large puff of smoke appeared beside the table and a man around Tsunade's age in a red overcoat with a green jacket underneath. Toad and oil adorned his custom forehead protector as his long white spiky hair flowed unevenly.

Tsunade glanced over to him and said, "I'm not going. The fact that they got you to join them will not change that fact," she warned.

The normally loud, and admittedly super perverted Toad Sage Jiraiya looked to the one he was cleared to know as crow and said, "Danzo ordered the attack on your clan. Only you two remain. Your brother is in critical condition at the Byowin," Jiraiya said as he slipped into his more familiar language of Konoha. He reminded himself that Byowin was hospital. He then looked at Tsunade and asked,

"Remember what happened Seven years ago when the Uchiha child was kidnapped by the Village Hidden By Steel and how sensei and Minato ended up with a few broken bones? They told a ten year old he could not attempt to rescue his brother. He is not only still alive, but he is one of the senior captains of our ANBU. And said village was nearly wiped off the map. I think the only reason Wolf is in command is because he leads team Ro when they are united," Jiraiya warned. "Senju Tsunade, allow me to introduce you to Uchiha Itachi."

Tsunade looked over to said Uchiha, but now kept her eyes just below his knowing of his family's penchant for eye based hypnosis. Itachi spoke for the first time since retrieving the news as his hand now gripped the kunai blades in his pouch, "I had reason to bring you home as another is in great danger and it was our hokage's wish... but now failure is not an option. Will you come with us peacefully Tsunade-sama?"

Tsunade was curious and inquired, "And if I don't?"

"I will beat you to within an inch of your life, have your protege here heal you, and drag you back kicking and screaming so you can heal my brother."

Tsunade cracked her knuckles, and her neck, appeared behind Itachi at an impossible speed and sent a punch toward his head. As the fist impacted, she found nothing but air, and crows dispersing as she then heard his smooth, classy voice, "You'll have to do much better than that if you want to defeat me my lady."

Kakashi looked over to Jiraiya, not knowing whose side he would take. It was no secret that the super Toad Sage pervert of Konoha had a thing for the Slug Princess Tsunade. Jiraiya sighed and said, "It's my godson Naruto she is refusing to help by not going. I won't allow her to be hurt too badly, but she or her assistant Shizune must be taken back to Konoha to help Naruto."

Right as Jiraiya finished saying his peace, another wall was destroyed. Tenzo, formerly known as Banzai stepped to the side and asked his sempai, "So, are we going to get involved in this?"

"No. But our good buddy Maito Gai is if Itachi can't finish this soon."

The quiet assistant puckered her lips up and fired out metal senbons. Almost like little thread needles. They almost struck Tenzo and Kakashi near, or about dangerous pressure points. She removed her hood and glared at her childhood friends Kakashi and Gai.

They in turn looked on in shock. They believed their friend to be dead. "Shizune?" Kakashi asked carefully.

The bar on the far side of the casino establishment was now torn out of the floor and tossed effortlessly by Tsunade at Itachi who for the first time this fight was grazed.

Jiraiya hated what he had to do. He joined the fray. He walked over and stood face to face with Tsunade and said, "It's time to go home Tsunade."

"I no longer consider Konoha my home," she answered honestly.

"I'm sorry you feel that way... but I have received a copy of these boys orders. If you don't come home, you will be marked as a missing nin with an S-class bounty on your head. You will have to watch over your shoulder for the rest of your life. Ninja and civilian alike will try to lure you into a false sense of security, and pounce the moment you show even the slightest weakness. Don't make me have to fight you. Plus, it didn't say you had to stay in Konoha. You are just needed for now. It's 'their' brat," emphasizing who's child Naruto was.

Jiraiya hoped his rare serious moment was enough to convince her of how important this mission was. As soon as he stopped, she walked up to him, cocked back her fist and yanked it forward to create an impact across his face that caused the very air to tremble. He was knocked back a kilometer. One of the more dangerous elements now out of the way, she stepped outside to deal with an increasingly less patient Uchiha Itachi.

She looked back to Itachi as he managed to hide long enough to give Jiraiya his chance. She then said, "I'm sorry about your brother, truly, but I lost my love and my little brother to the ninja world. I will not help the fools of the Hidden Leaf.

Itachi stood firm, conviction in their hearts. Then they were blurs as they raced toward each other once again.

To be continued. And remember to Fave, Follow and Review. On a quick side note: Chapter 22 is ready! Once I get to 180 reviews I will post it. Just a little bit further peoples. Just a little bit further! We can make it!

AN: Root's been destroyed, Danzo, Homura, and Koharu have been executed. Will Wolf, Bonzai, Raven, they be able to bring Tsunade back to Konoha, much less in time to save Naruto and Sasuke? Will the Sandaime allow Tsunade to leave again if she returns to the Hidden Leaf? Prepare for a tale unlike any other before. Prepare for The Ryu Shinobi.

Please note that this story will likely only be updated once a month as it is going to be epic length. My first such story. I will take time to make sure this story is well beta'd, well thought out, and well put together. This is a story for both you and I an I plan on finding that state of excellence that needs to shine in a story such as this. So please bare with me. I might occasionally post a rare chapter early, but it's not likely to happen often.