Hi Fairy Tail readers I'm back sorry for Lucy's Tears Of Sadness I was just in a slump so I'm back

Gray: Hey Natsu why don't you do the disclaimer Flamehead?!

Natsu: What did you Ice Princess?!

Lucy: Gray! Natsu! come on you do not want to make Erza angry at you?

Both: Coming! -rushes over to the train station-

Me: I Do Not Own Fairy Tail at all nor the characters! Hope you Enjoy! -gets burnt by Natsu's Flame and stays silent-

Nobody's POV" Hey Cana! the principle wants to see you in his office!" Said a very harsh Natsu as he looked like somebody was gonna kill him before Erza does. Lucy, Juvia, Erza, Wendy and Lisanna chatting up about their types "I want my type of boyfriend too be silly with salmon hair who can fight for my love and who will always go into action to fight criminals." Said Lisanna who was gaping at Natsu (I now what your thinking Lisanna is in love with Natsu and was talking about him.. :|) the girls pretty knew who Lisanna was talking about. "Okay I want a of boy who can be mysterious, surprising me with strawberry cakes, and who can protect innocence and elderly." Erza said quiet seriously and they all gulped for air expect for Erza "I..I-I like Romeo kun!" Wendy spatted it out loud and quietly so the others can't hear her, the other girls said their types than it was Lucy's turn "Okay Luce, we want to know your type!" Said Levy she was excited "Well I like Gray Fullbuster, I've heard rumors about him but I think they aren't true!" Said Lucy and the other girls were starting teasing her. "Wow Luce you have it bad for him!" Erza started laughing at her so did the others, but Lucy started crying because her feelings are real as her heart. That's when Gray put his snowflake bookmark inside the "The Hunger's Game : Mocking Jay" stood up and walked over there taking off his glasses on his way there and. Once he was there Gray wrapped his arms around Lucy "Hey do not laugh about my girlfriend's feelings like that and your words were knives in her back destroying Lucy's feelings so, APOLOGIZE now!" Gray said furiously and wasn't joking.

"I'm sorry Lucy! we didn't now he was seriously your boyfriend." Lisanna said was sarcastic to her and bossed the girls "Come on girls, Lucy is totally out of our group now." she said to Wendy, Erza, Juvia, Levy. As Lisanna walked away she kicked Lucy's leg. And Lucy winced at the pain not letting her crush see her pain in Lucy's eyes that's when Gray mumbled "Idiotic girls they'll never learn." that's when Natsu put fire on Gray's seat and Lucy wasn't able to warn him, so Gray went to sit down and his butt was on fire "You Serious! Dragon breath you did this to my seat?! "Gray yelled at Natsu while he was laughing his butt off. "Hey Lucy how about after school we go on a date at mid sunset and make out there?" Loke asked romantically to Lucy, but she decline and his fans kept on say they want to go "Hey Cana how did it go with the principle?" Lucy asked and Cana she shrugged it off. "He asked me to give you this and it will remind of mother in some way" Cana said while finishing off her bottle of alcohol and gave Lucy, Layla's nice floral bracelet that her mother gave to a friend of hers that died. "W..W-Why did he give her best friend's floral BRACELET!?" Lucy cried out to herself and without anybody knowing that tears were streaming down her face.

Lucy's POV

'why, why?! did the principle give me her mother's best friend bracelet, it doesn't make any sense at all was he friends with my mother or something?' I thought to myself, but I got it out of my mind and try to think of a way to confess to Gray so I'd text Levy because she is thinking of quitting Lisanna's clique sooner or later " Hey Levy can you give me an idea of confessing my love to Gray please?" I text her and wait for a reply than sent her favorite paragraph "I'll buy you an Mint and chocolate ice cream at Miss Sundae's Icy Ice?" I sent her than she finally replied "Fine just put your time and place inside his locker and wait there okay? You better buy that ice cream!" Levy sent me with a happy and sigh emoji. I turn and smiled at Levy she had that guilty smile and did the ' I got my eyes on you.' with her hand and I've laughed in my head cause of her favorite ice cream. so when class started it was boring so I practice writing the time and place many times, than finally wrote the perfect one so after class I put it in Gray's locker then unwrapped my lunch it was a nice egg omelet with some triangle onigiri and to finish off with some nice fresh strawberry milk.

Time Skip After School at the Pool

' Okay Lucy calm down today is the day I'll confess to Gray Fullbuster! I'd can't do this! what if Gray rejects my feelings for him?! I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO! "Hey are you the one that sent me this love letter?" Gray asked very curiously than notice it was me from earlier today in class "Aren't you the that got bullied by those Idiot girls? Wow you sure got some gut to confess to me" He said very calmly and grinned, that's when a girl came out nowhere and kissed him. I was so angry that I've wanted to kill this woman and that's when she stopped and begged "Come Gray lets leave this ugly teenager alone and spend some time with me okay?" The woman said and look at me with disgusted look and glared at me looking at me up and down "Okay let me get over with it and I'll meet you inside the car?" Gray said and I'd was shocked cause all those rumors were true ' Oh my God I need to get out of here and without him noticing besides those rumors are true about him being a womanizer!' So I'd ran and sneaked away but he notice when the woman left. " Hey Lucy why are you leaving? Is it about that rumor! So what if people think I'm a womanizer, it's just that I want pay for my mother's breast cancer okay!?" Gray cried out loud and I'd felt bad for and gave him $20.00 dollars for Ur's surgery "Just take the money and forget about the confession alright?!" I'd yelled complicatedly and felt bad I walked away that's when he ran up to me and pushed me up against the wall. This was the first time that somebody's done this to me in all my life, my father he didn't even cared about his own daughter after my mother died and for some reason I was scared" Listen here blondie I'll cancel my clients for today and spend some time with you okay?" Gray said to make me even more scared.

"I will never like you again jerk!" I'd said to Gray scared wetting my own pants and then pushed him into the pool, then ran to my car like a murder was gonna killed me. So I waited for my brother Laxus for 2 hours and he came into the car saw runny eyeliner down my face he hugged me and said "It's okay Luce let it out and bring those tears down then let fall on to my shirt." Laxus said it poetically which I never heard of him do it that way, he would say something harsh and try to make feel better. Than someone came knocking on the car doors and it was..

Sorry But I gotta stop there for tonight okay? I wonder what is gonna happen next?!

Natsu: Sorry bout earlier Gray didn't mean it

Gray: It's alright buddy, but just don't do that again.

Me: -I set fire to Gray's butt and puts Ice in Natsu's underwear than whistle like I did nothing then they start arguing again-