Hey guys! It's just me, H.S today ;) (I'm updating as a surprise for C.P.W) So, yeah we've haven't updated in AGES and you guys must be dying of suspense for our next chapter…. yea we kind of forgot to update because we had to do like an essay, a powerpoint, and we had to study for a test DX! So anyways, enough of us whinnying let's get to it ;)! Oh, and today's food (or should I say foods) are candy apples, chocolate bars, and any kind of candy you want in celebration of Halloween :D! Shoutouts to: TardisAJB (we feel you bruh), All of the Guests(Thanks for all the reviews :D), DesertSnowQueen (lol), REVIEWSARELIFE(We're going with a blue one since that matches Elsa's Snow Queen style, but thanks for the suggestion :D!), and ZARABEARA (;))! Btw, this chapter takes place in Halloween so enjoy ;) also, 74 FOLLOWS? 50 FAVES? 220 REVIEWS? 18,998 VIEWS? YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! Also if anyone wants to look at Elsa's dress look here: 7ce6/f/2012/166/8/f/daenerys_qarth_by_


Chapter 23: This Is Halloween

Jack's POV:

Finally, I had finished my costume. Sure, it wasn't much but it was ingenious. Since people called me "Jack Frost" why not just own it up on the perfect day to dress up? I slipped into my blue hoodie, white crevices on the front of the hoodie almost like frost was crawling up. I looked up to examine myself in the mirror. Something was missing…. I looked at my hair and recalled something Elsa had said one time on a snowy day… "Your hair looks like it's been painted white like snow," I smirked, my left hand cupping my chin in a pondering gesture.

Hiccup's POV:

Maybe having a Game Of Thrones theme wasn't so bad. Elsa was being Daenerys, Merida was being Sansa (despite her wild hair), and Jack was being God knows what. I frowned. Halloween was tonight and I wasn't even finished making my costume and I was finishing it in the Home Ec room. Jack was in our dorm doing God knows what and my costume, which was probably pathetic considering that it looked like what a ten year old would wear, wasn't nearly finished... I held up my midnight black dragon sweater.

After a millennia later, I had managed to sew on the tail and ears. I slumped down in my wooden chair and suddenly heard a loud vibrating noise coming from a nearby desk. It was my phone! Who would be calling at this hour? Everyone was out Trick-or-Treating and I doubted anyone was calling to invite me. I picked up the device and almost dropped it. It was Mer!

"Hello?" I asked hoarsely.

"Well, are you done? We're all waiting for you outside the school!" Merida yelled impatiently. I raised an eyebrow.

"You mean you're waiting for me?" I asked, rather surprised. I heard a pffft sound from the other line.

"Of course we're waiting for ya, who else would we be waiting for?" She asked.

"I'll be right out, just let me put it on." I replied, ending the call. I sighed in exasperation and turned around, facing my costume. Well here goes nothing.

Jack's POV:

"Where is he?" I asked everyone.

"He said he would come now, I'm not sure where he went." Merida replied. Despite her crazy curly hair, I still couldn't believe she got it to be straight midsection and left it curly the rest. She wore a dark green dress which resembled one of Sansa's and a black leather jacket to keep her warm.

"Well, where's Elsa and Anna? They said they would come with us." I questioned the redhead. Merida shrugged.

Things had gotten less awkward between Mer and I ever since I had talked to her. I had told her I was okay with her crushing on me, but I had my eyes on someone else. She took it rather well but secretly I thought that she had shed a few tears after that. Besides, Hiccup had told me that he had a MAJOR crush on Merida and I didn't want to "move in" on his girl. Punzie cleared her throat clearly. She was dressed up as Rapunzel, which is a coincidence considering her name is Rapunzel too. Her very long golden hair extentions, which were braided to the side with fake flowers, rested on her chest. and wore a lilac dress with white leggings and black flats. She seemed to be freezing since she only wore a white jacket that wasn't even zipped up over her bodice.

"Merida, could I speak to you privately for a second?" The blonde asked.

Merida folded her arms across her chest and nodded. She made a gesture at me to shoo away as if I was some kind of pest. I rolled my eyes and headed towards the steps leading into the high school. Suddenly, the doors burst open and none other than Flynn Rider stood there with his famous "smolder" stuck on his face. I smirked and glanced at his clothes. He wore brown calf-high leather boots with brown khakis and a turquoise vest with a thick long-sleeved cream sweater on the inside. He wore a cheap dollar store styrofoam crown on his thick auburn hair.

"Well someone tried hard on his costume," I said unimpressed. He shrugged and said, "Does it look like I care Frost?" I grinned.

"You noticed the change, bravo." I sarcastically congratulated him. He rolled his eyes.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm not stupid."

He was right, considering my hair was now white as snow.

"So...what did I miss?" A familiar voice asked. We spun our heads to the right and stood there was the most beautiful person I had ever seen… and that person was Elsa Winters.

She wore a blue flowy dress, with a very long v-neck that stopped at the midsection of her ribs. There were gold splotches of colour all around her dress and a large golden belt was tightly secured around her tiny waist. Gold diamond shaped plates covered her shoulders and long rectangles of blue fabric swayed in the wind from her shoulder, one flowing around each arm. Her hair was pulled into a loose french braid which rested on the left side of her chest.

"Elsa… You're a goddess," I managed to croak. Flynn smirked and closed my jaw. I realized I was still staring and cleared my throat. Elsa blushed a light pink and smiled in reply, clearly too flattered to say anything.

"Um anyways," I started awkwardly.

"Where's your sister? I thought you said she was coming?" Flynn questioned her casually, leaning against a metal rail. She pursed her lips as if it was a sore subject.

"She's going out with Hans...and coming with us" She replied. Flynn looked at me and mouthed oh.

Suddenly, the doors burst open again and I heard Flynn mumble: "Oh, what now?". Standing there was Hiccup, his face was coated with black face paint and he wore an ebony coloured sweater with a few adjustments to make it look like a dragon. I grinned.

"Where've you been man?" I asked him, resisting the urge to wipe off the soot his face.

"That stupid jerk Hans happened; he cornered me in the hall and covered my face with face paint," He grumbled while he wiped at his face, leaving a big smudge across his left cheek.

"Well it's not that bad, at least people will think it's part of your costume," A female voice said behind me. Flynn and I spun around and saw that Punzie and Merida had finished with their little talk and Hiccup had started gaping at them.

Hiccup's POV:

My draw dropped as soon as Merida entered the scene. She...was a knockout and looked breathtaking in my opinion. I studied her face and noticed the splashes of freckles across her face. I think I stood there for a minute without moving until Merida snapped me back to reality.

"Uh, Hiccup?" She asked with a lopsided smile. I blinked and stepped back and made a 'huh' noise. I glanced at Flynn and Jack for reassurance but all they did was wink at me. I sighed in exasperation and said, "Where's Anna?", noting that the active strawberry blonde was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, the doors swung open once again and Anna stood there, clinging onto Hans' right arm like a magnet. Everyone stared at their costumes with dismay. Anna had her hair down, curled and styled and her face had somehow transformed paler. She wore a grey turtleneck with blue jeans and black boots. Hans… well all I could say was he looked like a Gothic teen.

"So, what are your costumes?" Elsa asked casually, although her eye was twitching.

"Isn't it obvious? We're Edward and Bella!" She replied brightly. Everyone tried to hide their disgust and groans.

There was an awkward silence until Jack hollered, "Well what are we waiting for? Let's horde some candy!" I hollered. Everyone cheered in agreement and we ran.

After A Truck Load of Candy Later…

I slumped down to the cold hard ground. We had been Trick-or-Treating for an hour and all of us had gotten a truck load of candy. Jack and Flynn were off doing god knows what behind the school, probably coating the trees in toilet paper, and the girls were watching them in dismay. I was all alone at the side of the building, opening a Twix bar wrapper. I bit into the soft caramel and grinned.

"Is that any good?" A familiar voice asked me. I looked up and saw Mer staring right at me. If I hadn't been sitting down then I would've fell out of shock.

"Don't creep up on me like that! You scared me!" I scowled, getting up from the ground. Our noses were an inch away and I could feel my cheeks turn light pink.

"Hiccup, did I ever tell you how cute you look whenever you make that face at me?" She asked quietly. I could feel my cheeks turn bright red.

"Uh no, in fact you've never called me-" I never got to finish my sentence. Merida had kissed me right on the lips. My brain almost exploded but I was glad it didn't because I wanted this moment to last forever.

Well that's a wrap people! Okay, that was a bit sloppy writing but I'm a bit sore from not updating frequently now DX! Anyways AHHHHHH MERICCUP :DDD! Tell us what you guys think of this chapter in the comments below ;) anyways, thanks y'all for reading, bye!

Signing off,
