Akashi did not move from the gates of the school. His feet were frozen on the spot he stood on. Kuroko was stood beside him, just the look of worry and regret. He held his hand tightly. He didn't want to but he knew that Akashi had to go back to school or his father would find out. That was the last thing he needed. He could tell that his heart was racing, he could see his face was slightly paler. Akashi's movements were slower than usual and it took them a little longer to reach the school but that was ok. Just as long as he kept drinking and took small breaks. Here he would be mostly sat down so he should be fine. Midorima was in his class so he was guarded but that was something that scared Kuroko. The person who did this to Akashi could be anywhere the school. He was going to go straight to Akashi's class room and be there with him. The more people around him the better his chances are.

"Oi Testu."

Only Kuroko registered Aomine coming through the gate.


"Akashi ok?" he asked as he looked over the red heads appearance. He looked like crap.

"He'll be fine soon. It's just the shock of it all." Kuroko squeezed Akashi's hand. "Come on Sei, let's get you to class." Kuroko slowly walked Akashi to his classroom, he was completely unaware of the cold hungry eyes watching them.

Kuroko had left him with Midorima for the duration of his class. As promised Midorima kept eyes on him every few minutes. He mainly picked up on the fact that Akashi didn't really pay much attention and was looking out of the window a lot. It slightly worried Midorima but he wondered what did go on in Akashi's head. When class took a break Kuroko arrived at Akashi's class. He could see how distant the red head had become recently. This wasn't his Akashi anymore. It pained him. Akashi was getting worse because the memory was just so fresh in his mind. He was even more drained at lunch. Kuroko had taken Akashi up to the roof top to get some fresh air. Kuroko had seen the GoM up there having lunch and mainly Kise and Aomine arguing. They stopped when they saw them and hastily greeted them. Kuroko sat down with Akashi. Seeing that Akashi tired he allowed his to use his legs as a pillow. His body curled tight and his eyes closed. Kuroko gently stroked his head and had a small smile on his face.

"Poor Akashicchi." Kise pouted. "Wish there was something we could do."

"I haven't seen anything suspicious" Midorima spoke.

"I'm not giving up." Kuroko spoke. "He's not safe at school and that's not what I want."

"Yeah but it's like looking for a needle in a haystack." Aomine spoke.

So far nearly a week had passed and nothing happened at school. This made them question if it was someone on the campus. But on the lighter note, Akashi was looking much better and started to talk more. He'd been staying with Kuroko and getting much better sleep. His body was healing nicely and his eyes were gaining life. Kuroko couldn't have been happier. He would do anything to protect Akashi and keep him pure. After all, no one touched Akashi but him. Kuroko had taken Akashi to school and left him with Midorima again before leaving for his class.

"I feel useless. I can't go to the bathroom without assistance." Akashi spoke.

"He's just worried." Midorima spoke. "He might relax a little because nothing has happened. I don't mean to ask but…."

"I don't know." Akashi shut him down and walked into the classroom.

About halfway during the class Akashi needed a bathroom break. It was rare for him to go during class and this put Midorima on alert because he was on his own. But surely by now Akashi was a growing boy and didn't really need protecting. He wasn't a prince and he could tell Akashi was getting frustrated over the fact this was happening. Akashi made his way quietly to the male bathroom. It was bare and quiet. He thoroughly washed his hands and dried them. He then stopped. He took a minute to recollect himself. Now that Kuroko or any of the GoM where here he could finally think clearly. He wasn't ready to go to class yet. He was stood by the sink looking down at it. He was being smothered but Kuroko too much lately. It had been a week and Midorima was right, nothing really happened so he should be fine. He sighed to himself before making a move to leave. Suddenly his vision went back as a piece of cloth caught him and yanked him back. The ends were held tight against his head and before he could use his voice a hand had covered it tightly too.

"Make one sound and you'll regret it." The voice spoke and Akashi froze.

He felt the male finish tying the cloth. Akashi was beginning to shake. The male held his body closer to his as his lips came close to ear.

"I've got you again, Akashi."

"Why are you doing this?" Akashi spoke quietly.

The male giggled. "I'm sorry things have ended up this way but…when I saw you play I just couldn't help myself but want you. The way your body moves, how you use your skills. You are just the perfectionist." The male breathed in. "But then you fell for that waste of space and really got me angry."

Akashi felt his blood boil over the comment he wanted to hit him but a hand wrapped itself around his neck.

"I'm going to make you mine. You will fall for me and you will leave that brat. We'll be happy together. I'll take very good care of you."

"How dare you." Akashi spoke.

"Oh, you disagree?" he tightened his hand.

He slammed Akashi's top half on the basin of the sink and placed his hand on his head.

"Then I'll force you to submit."

He grabbed the top of Akashi's blazer and pulled it down to his arms became trapped. He reached for the belt buckle and pulled down his trousers.


"Quiet!" he slammed his fist beside his head, Akashi flinched. "You look beautiful."

He played with the helm of his boxers before sliding his hand inside. Akashi gasped in shock. His head arched back. He wanted to fight it. He wanted to shout but this guy knew how to silence him. It did take him long to pulled down the boxers and enter. Akashi wanted to scream.

"Yes Akashi. This is want I want. Leave that ghost midget and come to me. If not I'll make you. I'll make you become my slave and force your beloved to watch the acts I'll perform on you."

He came and whe he did, he pulled out and forably redress Akashi before throwing him against the wall. When Akashi had heard the doot close he took off the cloth, slid to the floor. This is more than just an attack. He brought his knees to his chest held them with his arms and silently cried.