A/N Sorry for the short chapter this time around, this is for setting things up. Although it did seem much longer when I was writing it. :P

She had literally been scared to death.

Somewhere deep underwater

Poseidon shuddered as he felt a tremor of power roll through him. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

"Amphitrite?" he said uncertainly. "Did you feel that?"

"Feel what?" his wife asked.

Internally, Poseidon cursed. If his wife couldn't feel the shift, that could only mean one thing.

He opened his palms. Wrapped around his hand was a twin bracelet.

The other belonged to his true love, Sally Jackson.

He stared into it, imploringly, and somewhere thousands of feet aboveground the other bracelet shimmered into existence.

Poseidon gaped as he watched the broken form of Sally Jackson.

The roar of anger could be heard from a mile away. Something vastly powerful shot up through the water and raced headfirst to the shoreline…

Percy POV

"F*CK!" he screamed. Despite the clear sky, lightning struck the building, blasting apart everything at the seams. The seas rose and smashed against the beaches, crashing loudly against the rocks.

Before he knew what he was doing, Percy felt his body shifting and responding to his rage.

The Nemean Lion roared, a sound that could scare the bravest of men to their knees. With one might slash, it broke through the side of the wall and burst into the conjoining apartment.

Percy's vision was red-tinted as he bore upon the sole inhabitant of the room, a small baby.

His eyes and body were one machine, one killing machine. He raised a giant paw and slashed down with all of his strength.

And found himself quite unable to move.

A grip of iron was wrapped around his paw, and he growled in rage to face his aggressor.

Poseidon held the paw in his hand, his eyes murderous with rage. Percy's eyes widened. "Father?" he said.

The enraged God barked in sadistic laughter. "Oh, yes. You will meet your father soon."

He began to squeeze, and Percy snarled as he felt his bones struggle under the force of the God's grip.

"In Tartarus!"

The God emphasized his words with a bone-breaking squeeze. Percy roared in anger and jumped away blindly before lashing out with his hind leg. Poseidon, caught off guard, was sent flying through the air.

A wall of shadow suddenly burst into existence, forcing the God to his knees. Flame and air punched at his immortal body, which only served to anger him further.

With a roar of pure power, he assumed his Godly form.

Percy was completely unprepared for such an action— but to his surprise, he did not die. The released power rolled off of him in waves.

Poseidon ripped through the barrier of shadow and let loose a bolt of pure energy. It disintegrated against Percy's indestructible pelt.

The force of the bolt smashed Percy back against the wall. With a roar, he felt himself change form once more.

His teeth morphed into a giant beak; his legs became talons of massive strength. His legs elongated, and feathers sprouted from them.

A massive eagle propelled itself forward with one giant flex of both wings. Catching Poseidon by the shoulder blades, it propelled the God out to sea with one powerful kick.

"Bad move." a powerful voice growled.

Percy's eyes widened as the entire oceanline rose up before him, and leading the waves were Poseidon- though now, he was considerably more enraged. Lightning flashed across the sky, and Percy felt another presence enter the battlefield.

Oh, sh*t.

Thunder rumbled, heralding the lightning soon to come as Poseidon unleashed the full weight of the oceans. The force knocked the giant eagle to the floor, sliding over him with a weight that could crush iron.

As the wave passed, a bolt of lightning raced down to earth, smashing straight into the eagle. It convulsed twice, and then lay completely still.

Wings morphed into arms, and the beak morphed back into teeth. Poseidon and Zeus gaped in shock at the unharmed, unconscious boy lying before them.

"A hearing," Zeus said. "Is in order."


There was something very curious about the boy sitting before the council. He was very handsome, with a sculpted face and high cheekbones. The features of Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon were apparent on his face.

The boy seemed a mirror of the Big Three; he had the physical traits worthy of the three Gods. And that unnerved them.

"Wake him, Apollo," Zeus instructed. The God waved his hand, and the boy snapped awake instantly.

He simply surveyed the room about him. His eyes were a light brown, with flecks of gold and blue lining the sclera. They seemed to be able to gaze into the souls of the people around them.

Many of the Goddesses present felt their faces grow warm as he met their eyes, followed by a faint longing as he continued to survey the room around him.

"We are here to discuss your most capital crime," Zeus boomed. "Of meddling with the affairs of mortals"

The boy tilted his head to the side, almost mockingly. "Why, Zeus," he said. "I was not aware that this is the protocol for beings of the Greek mythos who interfere with mortal matters.

I don't see you trussing up a Cyclops and bringing him to justice."

He eyed the entire council. "Before the Olympian Council, no less. I am honored." This time, his mocking tone was clearly discernable.

"You will speak to us with the proper respect, boy," Zeus seethed.

Percy looked at himself. "Ah. Pardon me."

He concentrated upon himself. For a moment, nothing happened.

Then his limbs elongated. His hair grew. His hands and body morphed into that of a 16-year-old. Thank you, Frank.

Percy gave a wry grin. "I am no boy. And I only respect those who deserve respect."

Stony silence filled the room.

Poseidon put one hand on Zeus' shoulder and whispered a few words into his brother's ear. The God calmed down significantly.

"No matter," Zeus said. His voice was very tense, as if he was holding a bomb about to explode. "You have demonstrated shape-shifting abilities, as well as powers over water, flame, air, lightning and shadow."

He paused.

"As such, you pose a considerable threat."

Percy inclined his head, but said nothing. Zeus forged onward.

"Thus I require you to swear an oath of fealty to the Olympians and us alone to ensure your loyalties."

Percy barked a loud laugh at this. The sound, oddly chilling, reverberated throughout the room.

"Who do you think you are?" he said, having calmed down. "The lawmakers of the universe? You think you have the right to decide the lives of those before you?"

Percy said. "You truly are a fool, Zeus."

"To h*ll with you then!" Zeus roared. The air about him was rent apart as the Master Bolt entered his palm.

He raised it high above his head. Percy watched calmly at what would certainly be certain death, holding his chin high as he did.

The bolt bore down upon him, and the subsequent explosion rocked the entirety of the mountain.