Hey all! This is my first ever Sherlock multichapter fanfic. This will be a Uni!lock AU. I have seen many stories on a pining Sherlock, but not many on pining John. This is my attempt at that. Hope you guys like it!

NOTE: To those who have read my fic 'A Photograph', this fic is NOT connected with it. The AU fic which follows that fic will be published soon under the name 'Sherlock's New Fan.'

Chapter warnings: Sherlock/trevor, Johnlock, homosexual relationships...don't like, don't read!

Chapter 1: He is everything...


A smile involuntarily creeps on to my lips. I do not need to turn to know that Sherlock is back. I could recognize his presence even if I were blind or deaf.

Sherlock and I have been friends since middle school. At that time, I was a new kid and he was the school "freak" (I still hate that word being used in context with him), but we got on pretty well after I defended him from some bullies. He realized that I appreciated his talent for observation and deduction unlike others and had no intention of hurting him and so let me befriend him.

And he really is fantastic! He can tell you your life story from the state of your clothes or the mud on your shoes! Many people get offended by it, but I find it truly mesmerizing. When he is in his element, he gets that twinkle in his eyes and his face lights up and he is the most beautiful creature on Earth…

Anyway, I'm rambling now. At present, the two of us share room 221B of Baker Street University, where I am studying medicine to become a doctor and Sherlock…well frankly speaking; I really don't understand what he is studying. He says these subjects will help him to become a Consulting Detective, which means, and I quote, "When the police are out of their depths, which is always, they will consult me." Brilliant man!

"John! Where are you?" Sherlock has always been so impatient!

"I'm in the washroom Sherlock!"

Sherlock must have traveled at the speed of light, I suppose, because suddenly I find him standing right next to me in bloody bathroom! Used to such invasions of privacy from him, however, I simply turn to him and ask, "What's up?"

"John, Victor has brought us three tickets for the movies, will you come?"

Outwardly, I am still smiling, but inwardly, I wince. Victor Trevor is the son of one of the richest business tycoons J.P. Trevor and Sherlock's boyfriend of one week and two days. Yes, I counted.

"Sorry Sherlock! You know my exams are approaching and I need to study. I really can't afford to waste time at this stage."

"Since when has spending time with me become a waste of time?" Sherlock pouts.

And just how do I explain to this infuriatingly brilliant idiot that it is not spending time with him, but spending time with them that is the problem?

"You know I don't mean it like that Sherlock!" I placate. "I really need to study a lot for these exams. After all, not all of us are geniuses like you, are we?"

"Come on John, just one day, please!"

I almost gasp in surprise. Sherlock Holmes never says please. Does this mean that much to him? Oh well then….

"Ok you insufferable git, but just because you asked nicely."

"Thanks John! You're the best! I'll just inform Vic." And with that, he practically bounces off to call Vic.

As Sherlock leaves the room, I finally allow the smile to drop. I still remember the day when Sherlock told me that Victor had proposed to him. He was nervous as hell. After all that happened with Irene and Jim ( I still shudder as I am reminded of that monster), he had become quite afraid of relationships. However, I knew Victor was a good man, and I encouraged him to give him a chance, even as my heart bled at every word. You see, I am, by his own admission, Sherlock's best friend. But to me, he is so much more. Infact, he is the focus around which my life revolves. He is my sun, my stars, my life..

He is the man I love more than life itself.

Over the next few days, Victor and Sherlock grew quite close, going on dates almost every evening. Sherlock's inhibitions had been shed and he was pretty comfortable with him now. He was still apprehensive regarding the physical side of their relationship though...they hadn't progressed beyond occasional hugs and one heat of the moment kiss. However, they were progressing well enough, and Sherlock was happy. Very happy. And ignorant of the tumult of emotions in my heart.

Everytime I see them together, I really don't understand what to feel. There is jealousy and envy for Victor's good fortune, and still a warm feeling in my heart when I see Sherlock's bright smile when he sees him...almost enough to brighten the room or the whole world. And there is pain. A searing pain which almost brings me to tears every single time. Shouldn't one become accustomed to the pain after years of dealing with it? Well, it seems that it is not the case. It is almost as bad, if not worse, than the pain in my shoulder, but that's a story for another day.

Well, evening comes soon enough as I focus on studying (and musing) and finally it is time to leave.

"Sherlock! John! Where are you?" Looks like Victor's here.

"Hey Victor!" I said as enter. I had gone to Greg's room to return a book. Greg Lestrade is one of Sherlock's very few friends and his brother's boyfriend. His ambition is to enter the Met.

"Hey Vic!" says Sherlock as he emerges from within, fully dressed. My breath gets caught in my throat.

Sherlock Holmes looks absolutely gorgeous in tight fitting black jeans and a purple shirt (God, I love that shirt!) with two buttons open, exposing just enough of that perfectly beautiful skin to take my breath away.

"You look gorgeous Sherlock!" says Victor as he hugs him.

"You too Vic!" says Sherlock, fondness clearly visible in his eyes. "Ah John! You're back from Greg's I see. Well then, what's the hold up, let's go!"

And they turn to leave, but I am still rooted to my place.

"Umm..Sherlock. Could I please talk to Victor...alone? "

The two of them stop and turn back. Twin gazes of curiosity are pinned on to me, one piercing and calculative, other slightly amused.

"Why not John!" says Victor good-naturedly. "I think it actually is time for the ' hurt him and suffer the consequences' speech really. I've got one from Sherlock's brother but.."

"When on Earth did Mycroft meet you?" asks Sherlock, slightly horrified. Considering his brother's habit to literally kidnap people to talk to them (read threaten them or bribe them), I can understand the reaction.

"Just yesterday Sherlock. Anyway, as I was saying, John is just as entitled to give me that speech. He is you're best friend after all. Just wait in the car for me, will you love?" Sherlock looks conflicted, but finally nods. "Thank You! We'll be back soon."

After Sherlock leaves, I finally get the courage to let out what I have wanted to say for long.

"Victor, I would have said this earlier but never got a chance. First of all, I know you are a good man. But Victor, Sherlock has had two highly unsuccessful relationships in the past and..."

"You don't want his heart broken again, isn't it?" I nod and meet his questioning gaze with determination. There is pin-drop silence.

Finally, after five agonizingly long minutes, Victor says, "He really means a lot to you, doesn't he?"

However, he doesn't wait for my answer as Sherlock appears that moment to literally drag him out, shouting behind them "Come on John! We'll be late."

If he had stayed long enough, however, he might have caught the words breathed into the air, like a solemn prayer.

"He is everything..."

And that's it! Hope you guys like it! Well, some points:

-I made a few changes in the timeline to suit my convenience. Hope nobody minds!

-Sherlock may be OOC, but that's intentional.

-There are some loopholes in this chapter, but they will be resolved in subsequent chapters.

-English is not my first language, so pardon me for any grammatical errors. Better still, point them out so that I may improve.

-The inspiration for this story came from reading "melodies" by samaadhi. It's truly brilliant!

Please read and review!