Hope this chapter entertains you. DISCLAIMER: I do not own Haikyuu! Only the OCs.

"I'm so full!" Yachi rubbed her stomach as she let out a soft burp. "And the food was delicious."

"I couldn't agree more. The boys made it all obvious." Hinowa remembered the scene earlier when they had dinner, the volleyball club were lifting up to their name devouring the food before them like it was the only food on the table, except Tsukishima and those who still had some shame.

"But at least it was fun." Kiyoko smiled at them. "Oh, yeah! Why don't we go to the open bath later?"

"Open bath? Isn't that where a boy and a girl could get in together?" Yachi's faced slowly turned red.

"Yeah. But we'll go once the boys are all sleeping." Kiyoko's lips turned into a grin.

"Can we still go in the middle of the night?" asked Hinowa

"We'll just have to sneak in." Kiyoko's grin kept getting wider.

"But, wouldn't that get us in trouble?" Just imagining it, Yachi began to tremble.

"See, that's the fun part." Kiyoko chuckled at her own words.

"Seriously, Kiyoko-senpai." Hinowa shook her head.

"Then, I'll tell Fubuki-chan about it!" Yachi left in a hurry to where their assistant coach was.

"Does Hitoka-chan know where they went?" asked Hinowa.

For a while, they only stared at each other waiting for an answer but none of them knew.

"Let's just return to our room." Kiyoko was the first to break the silence and began walking again.

"Y-yeah." A sweat formed on Hinowa's temple and followed her senior.

Upon arriving in said room, Hinowa immediately lied down on the futon the inn keepers laid while Kiyoko went to the balcony to get some fresh air. As Hinowa lay there, staring at Kiyoko on an angle she's not used to, made her think back of the things that usually invaded her mind. And before she knew it, her lips moved on its own.

"So, Kiyoko-san, do you have someone you like?" She wanted to slap, but then, she thought there's nothing wrong of asking a friend things like that. So, she pretended that it wasn't a mistake.

"Hmm, I guess?" A smile formed on the latter's lips.

"You're not sure?" She asked, still looking at Kiyoko on an ant's eye view. She thought that it made Kiyoko more beautiful in that angle, not to mention, made her shine because of the moon's light behind her. Ahh, she's so pretty. A bishoujo. A Yamato Nadeshiko? A pretty girl with an interesting personality. I think I understand why Nishinoya likes her.

"Hinowa-chan, you're making me blush." Kiyoko's voice pulled her out from her reverie. Realizing at her senior's words, her cheeks flushed pink.

"N-no, it's not like that Kiyoko-san! I- I was just-" She stuttered earning a giggle from Kiyoko.

"You're really funny, Hinowa." The older girl finally stopped giggling which made Hinowa sighed in relief. "But you really made me feel embarrassed for staring like that."

"I'm really sorry, Kiyoko-san." She felt more embarrassed than her senpai, getting caught staring like a pervert. Why did I think of myself as a pervert just for staring at a beautiful teenage girl?

"It's fine. I'm a little guilty too for reacting that way. I was imagining you as a prince earlier. That's why..." Another blush crept up to her pale cheeks, and it did the same to Hinowa.

"Let's change topic! This is embarrassing!" Hinowa buried her face on the pillow beside her, her voice muffled.

"S-s-so, how's it going with Nishinoya?" Kiyoko did her best changing the topic and it seemed successful, or so she thought. She felt it gotten more awkward than before. Did I step on a landmine?

She observed Hinowa whom still burying her face on the pillow. She wondered if the girl could still breathe, but then, Hinowa got up and sat down on the futon.

"Kiyoko-san, how did you feel when Nishinoya and Tanaka-san pester you every day?" Hinowa wasn't looking at her, instead, she was staring at her hands resting on her lap.

"I feel annoyed and irritated but I don't mind them." Kiyoko replied.

"That's how I feel, too, when I'm around them."

But I asked her about how she was doing with Nishinoya. But if she feels that way, then, doesn't that mean she doesn't like him now? Kiyoko thought, a little confused of what Hinowa's trying to point out.

"Ever since I joined the team, I discovered a lot of things about Nishinoya-san that I didn't know of when were only in the classroom. His bad and good side, I've seen them although not everything." Unaware of the small curved that formed on her lips as she paused to ponder on what to say next. "I do know that I like him for who he is, but I don't know what I feel towards him lately."

"Why do you say that?"

"Maybe… because those giddy feelings I knew wasn't the same as before."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't even know…"

They stayed still, waiting for each other to say something. When, Kiyoko notice that the younger girl doesn't have anything anymore to say, she took that as a cue to reply. "Why don't you leave things as it is for now? I think the more you get to know him, the more you'll be able to understand your own feelings. And who knows, maybe you'll discover something more than you expect."

Hinowa kept looking down at her clasped hands on her lap, but Kiyoko knew that she heard her. She sighed, seeing the unmoved girl. She left her place in the balcony and walked over to the girl. Hinowa looked up to her when she sat in front and patted her on the head.

"Hinowa-chan, you'll eventually come to an answer. So, just take it easy, okay?" Hinowa stared at her for a bit before a smile formed on the girl's lips, and a 'thank you' escaped.

"But seriously, they've been pestering me every chance they get and it gets on my nerve." Hinowa sighed in frustration and then, a blush appeared on her cheeks. "But it's kind of fun with them."

Somehow, that made Kiyoko's curiosity perked. If her memory's correct, she saw Nishinoya and Tanaka pulling Hinowa away from them when they were trying to rescue Fubuki from the group of handsome men. And even before that, she thought she saw Nishinoya in a little panic seeing Hinowa running towards Fubuki's brother. Without realizing, she was already grinning from ear to ear which made Hinowa worry thinking her senpai had been grinning a lot today. She bet the boys would be jealous if they knew about this. At that moment, the door swung open as Yachi entered the room.

"Welcome back." Both girls greeted.

"Did you find Fubuki?" asked Hinowa.

"Yeah, she was in her brothers' room. I thought I'm going to die there from blood loss." Yachi sat beside them. "It's like a beautiful nightmare in there."

The older girls exchanged glances, confused at what the youngest girl was spouting. They wanted to ask but closed their mouth once Yachi spoke again.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you what I'm talking about." Yachi smiled at them, as if she knew their thoughts. "I'm sure both of you are confused." They didn't hesitate to nod. "Those handsome guys were Fubuki-chan's older brothers. That's why they were gathering around her earlier to protect her."

"Protect her from what?" asked Kiyoko.

"From perverts." Yachi's smile was somehow too bright for Hinowa to handle making her eyes squint.

"They're good brothers." Kiyoko commented.

"Anyway, Fubuki-chan said that she'll try to sneak out of their room so that she can go with us later. But she's not sure if she'll succeed." Yachi added lying down on the futon.

The chat continued between Yachi and Kiyoko now, giving Hinowa a reason to step out of the room because she still had things to think through. She stood up and excused herself from the two, giving Kiyoko a knowing look which the latter understood, and left them completely.

Before she walked away from the room, she glanced at the room beside them. They didn't hear any of the boys going inside, so probably, they're still loitering around the inn. She turned her heels and walked through the empty hallway.

She didn't know how long she's been walking around, and she didn't even realize that she had gone outside. All that talk with Kiyoko earlier had been occupying her mind, causing herself from not noticing her surroundings.

Where am I? She looked around, but all she could see were trees and darkness. She never thought she'd get lost at this age.

"I don't have my phone so calling them is impossible." She told herself. "All I have to do is go back the way I came from." But before she could do that, she wasn't sure which way she just came. This is bad. This is really, really bad.

She chose a path, pretending that she came that way and not too long, she found herself back at the place where she just left. She chose another path, and just like earlier, she just came back at the same spot. I'm not getting anywhere! I'm walking on circles! Damn it!

"Where am I, damn it?!" She shouted, stomping her foot. And at that moment, a figure appeared not too far from her, making her quiet suddenly. She couldn't see the face but she knew it was human by the figure of it. Although she's a little bit scared of what it might be, she waited for it to come for her. She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat as she positioned herself in a defensive stunt, in case something went wrong. As the figure stepped out of the darkness, Hinowa's eyes focused on the person in front of her making the moon their only source of light.

"Nishinoya-san, what are you doing here?" a soft gasped escaped her lips.

The boy shyly looked away from her which made her wonder why. "I saw you going here. I called out to you many times but you didn't hear me."

"You were worried about me, that's why you came after me. Is that right?" She assumed, and he nodded.

After her talk with Kiyoko, she exactly didn't know what to do in front of Nishinoya. If her feelings were the same as before, she would have felt crazy emotions swirling inside, but she didn't. She felt calm instead and she was happy to see him even if it didn't show on her face.

"Hinowa, let's go back." Noya called out to her, but she only stood there in a daze. He thought there was something wrong, so he stepped closer to her, until he stood right in front of her. "Hinowa, are you alright? Are you not feeling well?" He placed his hand on her forehead which made her flinched.

"Uh, yes. I'm fine." She apologetically smiled at him. "Sorry for worrying you."

The warmth on Nishinoya's hand seemed to burn her forehead, which she didn't know is possible. She also noticed how close they were and now that she's well aware, the feelings she's looking for weren't still there. Instead, she felt comfortable at their closeness. As if, it was the most natural thing in the world. Come to think of it, she's been feeling like that around him ever since – she didn't know when it started.

Maybe my feelings for him did change. As if on cue, Nishinoya held her by her hand and lead the way out of the forest. She didn't protest or shove his hand away. Her eyes focused on their clasped hands. Compared to mine, his hands are bigger even though he's small. Just at that thought, slowly, her cheeks began to warm. Without her realizing, her hold on him tightened and he squeezed back. She stared at his broad back. I'm still confused. But, I guess this is fine for now.

Those few minutes of walking back to the inn after a while of wandering in the forest were quiet. The silence wasn't awkward for them, rather, it was comfortable.

"We're finally back!" Nishinoya let out a loud sigh at the same time letting go of Hinowa's hand.

"Yay! Thanks to you, Nishinoya-san." She smiled.

"Don't go wandering around like a lost child next time. Good thing I saw you."

"I'll be careful next time!" She saluted. Nishinoya, however, laughed at that unaware of his actions when he reached for her head and messed up her hair. He only stopped when she complained. Hinowa looked at him when she didn't hear anything from him and completely fell silent when she noticed how he stared. They were like that for a few seconds before Nishinoya looked away.

"You better go back to the girl's room and don't wander around." He grinned.

"What about you? The room's this way." She pointed at her left.

"Nah. I'm going to the Ping-Pong area." He turned his heels and began to walk away.

"Thank you, Nishinoya-san!" She called out, and earned a sideway wave from him.

She stared at his back for a while before walking to the opposite direction. The hand where he held her felt empty compared earlier. She stopped walking and stared at it. The time they had were short, but it filled her heart.

When she reached their room, Kiyoko and Yachi weren't there, but they left a note on the table. She picked it up and read it.

We'll be at the open bath. Join us if you read this. Kiyoko.

"I thought we'll be going there by midnight?" She asked to no one. Nonetheless, she still changed into a yukata and went to the open bath.

"This is really nice." Hinowa said, as she leaned on the rocks, letting her tired body relaxed.

"I think I could get used to this." Yachi copied Hinowa's actions but she completely sank in the water making her panicked. The girls laughed at that with no ill-meaning.

"Yachi-chan, why don't you sit here? That part is a little deep compared here." Fubuki gestured on the spot beside her which Yachi gladly complied. The blonde stood up covering her private parts with her towel and slowly walked towards Fubuki.

"So, where did your feet take you when you left the room earlier?" Kiyoko asked.

"The forest." Hinowa flatly said. Kiyoko was obviously surprised.

"Took you a while to get back."

"I got lost."

"Eh?!" The two first years blurted.

"Good thing you made it back in one piece!" said Yachi. "If it was me, I would've been eaten by a lion and wild animals!"

"Hitoka-chan, you're imagination really amaze me." Hinowa commented.

"But Hitoka has a point." Fubuki said. "How did you manage to come back, senpai?"

She didn't want to mention it, not after when he was their topic not too long ago. She glanced at Kiyoko who gave her a curious look.

"Nishinoya-san found me. He led me back here." She tried to avoid their curious eyes. If she looked at them, she knew they wanted the rest out of her. So, she stayed staring at her reflection on the water.

After a while of silence, Yachi and Fubuki talked about other things. And as for Kiyoko, she moved next to Hinowa but didn't say anything. She just sat there and played with the water. Hinowa kept quiet and observed her friend. She could feel that Kiyoko wanted to ask about the details but she kept a blind eye to it. Not a minute later, Kiyoko spoke.

"Hinowa-chan could you please pass the bucket to me?" Kiyoko pointed at the wooden bucket not too far from her. She stood up and went out of the water holding her towel in front of her to cover her privates. Right after she grabbed hold of the bucket, she heard voices and a few figures appeared.

It was quiet at first, all of them staring at each other, eyes scanning from head to toe, until one of the trespassers voiced out what they all thought.

"Hinowa-senpai, we can see your ass." Kageyama pointed out.

The males immediately swallowed in fear when the girl's face turned into that of a predator. And with that cue, Hinowa threw every bucket she could grab, hitting Kageyama first, and then Nishinoya followed by Tanaka, Hinata and Yamaguchi at once. Tsukishima was able to avoid the bucket and at that moment, he remembered the boys' motto that was created just for this kind of situation –Your life is more important than the others when facing Hinowa – so, he immediately ran off when he avoided another bucket. And not less than a second, a scream echoed.