A/N: Came up with this while...pooping...with the door open...at 3am...I have a weird way of coming up with ideas. I admit that. But since this idea was concieved while I was a taking a shit, I wouldn't be surprised if this story will turn into shit.

I bet you're asking, "If you know this is going to turn into shit, then why are you still writing?!"

It's because this idea has been bugging me ever since (along with another idea that I bet I will find myself writing it later) so I decided to write it. I will try my best to not turn it into shit though, I promise you that. However, it's not guaranteed.

There will be intense swearing, and dirty jokes here and there, I changed this story from rated M to rated T because writing a rated M story about a cartoon is just...uncomfortable for me.

Anyway, The Winx and the Specialists are normal college students here. The Winx are studying in the UK (Specifically London), while the Specialists are in America (Specifically California). The Winx are 21-years-old while the Specialists are 22. Long distance relationship, I know. But wait, that's not all! Tecna and Timmy are MagixTubers! (An equivalent of YouTubers). And they're the focus of this story. Sorry, other couples. Maybe next time! But then again, they are featured in this story too. Yes, I still include them and will give them their respective scenes. But the majority of the time just focuses on our favorite geeky couple.

Why Tecna and Timmy you ask? Because they are my favorite couple. And they also lack fanfiction here, being the 5th couple of who has the most fanfictions. The first being Musa and Riven (which is expected since their relationship is so complicated), and the last being Layla and Nabu (or Roy).

I need to stop ranting right now. So yeah, on to the story!

"Play something with TECNAlogyGeek!"

"Are you single? Err, it's not like I want to go out with you or anything but a lot of people pair you and Tecna, AKA TECNAlogyGeek. And to be honest, you two are kinda, oh I don't know, MADE FOR EACH OTHER?!"

"Gay lol"

"Please please please play a game with TECNAlogyGeek! I know half of the comment section is like this, But please! It's like a dream come true if you two did that! You two are just so similar that I can't help but ship you two!"

"Make a video together with TECNAlogyGeek or else I'll kill myself."

Timmy blinked, reading the comments of his latest video. He has been getting these lately after he reached 10,000,000 subscribers on MagixTube. Who is this so-called 'TECNAlogyGeek'? Why are they pairing him with this mysterious person even though he's not aware of her existence? Is she (Or he, we'd never know..) a...stalker of some sorts and manipulates people into pairing her with him? He gulped at that last thought. He then exhales and adjusts his glasses, looking up from his laptop and to his friends.

He and his friends, the Specialists, were normal college boys who shared the same dorm together. They had no classes today and had nothing to do, so they just hung out in the common room. Brandon and Sky are playing arm wrestling, with Sky somewhat winning. Helia is calmly on his sketchbook, drawing a plant in the nearby window. Nabu was watching television, looking extremely bored and was about to doze off anytime soon. Riven was chatting with his girlfriend, Musa, on Skype. Why? Because long distance relationships, that's why. Musa is currently in the UK while Riven and his friends are in California. And lastly, you know what Timmy was up to.

Taking a deep breath, Timmy looked back at his laptop and searched 'TECNAlogyGeek' into the search engine. As he expected, a bunch of results came out. Including a channel with the same name. Timmy was about to click the channel but a certain video had caught his eye...


That was the title of the video, and it was posted just an hour ago. Timmy gasped at seeing his username 'TheTimister' in a video. WITHOUT his consent. Not that it bothers him or anything, but she should have asked, or does she?

Without a second thought, he quickly clicked on the video. Curious on what this 'Tecna' (That's what he assumed her name to be) girl have anything to say about their fans' constant shipping.

The video then started with a woman Timmy assumed to be Tecna. And to his surprise, she's pretty- wait, no. She's beautiful. Maybe more than that, at least in Timmy's eyes.

"Hey guys...and girls. Not being sexist here, or am I? Eh, not really." She greeted, waving at the camera. "I think you already know me, wait, you don't?" She pauses, looking around in the room she's in, before sighing. "If you're new here, or you just clicked the video because you're a fan of 'TheTimister', whoever that is, and you're curious as to why he's on the title, well, I'm TECNAlogyGeek. Keep that in mind next time you're clicking on one of my videos."

"Ah, she's the sarcastic type." Timmy noted, adjusting his glasses and continued to watch the video.

"So anyway," She began, "Thank you guys, and girls, for-"

"I KNEW IT!" Timmy practically yelled, since he assumed she thanked them for spamming his comment section with her. The other guys looked startled by this and stared at Timmy with a puzzled expression. "Uh, sorry...got carried away there." Timmy awkwardly apologizes and continued watching the video.

"-stopping the 'Am I a lesbian' comments." She continued, clearing her throat. "I know I already made a video about how I'm not a lesbian just because I have short hair, play video games, and having no boyfriend. So let's cut to the chase. Can you please STOP PAIRING ME WITH RANDOM MAGIXTUBERS AND STOP FLOODING THE COMMENT SECTION OF HOW 'MEANT TO BE' WE ARE?!"

Timmy sighed in relief at this, thank god she felt the same about this mess.

"I know I'm getting carried away with this, but please stop." She almost pleaded. "I don't really know who this guy is. All I know is, he's my cousin's roommate. Nothing more, nothing less."

He blinked, 'Cousin's roommate'? But...his roommate is Riven. He quickly looked at Riven with a questioning look. "Your cousin is TECNAlogyGeek?!" He questions, more like demanded to Riven.

The spiky magenta haired man looked up from his own laptop and stared back at Timmy with a bored expression. "You mean Tecna? Yeah, so what? I don't see the big deal about it." He waved it off, looking back at his laptop.

"Well, maybe I could do a video with him." She shrugged. "But I AM NOT DATING HIM. Let alone marrying him! So please, stop these comments! I promised myself to never let a man fool me ever again! So yeah, stop this or else I won't make a video with this guy. But not just the comments. ALSO STOP WITH THE FANART AND FANFICTIONS. PLEASE. I've seen half of them floating around the internet and I won't even bother looking for the other half. Some of them are really sweet, and really cute, you know? But most of them are just...disgusting." She cringed.

"...I don't even want to think about it." Timmy whispers to himself, visibly disgusted.

"Tecna, dawling, time to go SHOPPING!" A female voice excitedly shrieked as a woman who looked the same age as Tecna, slammed the door open. Tecna visibly flinched at this as a group of women giggled at this. "C'mon! We still need to convince Layla!" Stella, the woman from earlier, chirped, pulling Tecna's arm.

"C'mon Tec, we all know that none of us can escape Stella's shopping sessions." A girl who Timmy immediately recognizes as Musa, Riven's girlfriend, says jokingly.

"That chick's hot." Brandon wolf-whistled as he and Sky peered behind Timmy, looking at the blonde woman, Stella, in the video. "What about you, Sky? Any chick there that interests you?" He playfully asks his blond best friend, nudging him.

"You know I'm already taken." Sky stated firmly, referring to Diaspro. Yes, the author is fully aware that a lot of AU fan-fictions out there have Sky dating Diaspro at first and you (The reader) are so tired at this but whatever. "But the red-head is fine, I guess." He shrugged, pointing at a red-headed woman that we all know as Bloom.

"Hey Riv, isn't that your Asian girlfriend?" Nabu curiously joined his peering friends. "I didn't know your cousin and your girlfriend are good friends."

Timmy's right eye twitched in annoyance at this. His friends were always like this. "Am I seriously the only one who didn't know about Riven's cousin?!"

"Eh, just because my cousin is famous on the internet doesn't mean I have to brag about it." Riven shrugged. "And you should have known her yourself, since you two have almost the same amount of fans."

"And those fans ship you two so hard." Brandon commented, scrolling through the comment section. "If you want them to shut up about it, why don't you two play a video game of some sorts? Just saying. Your fanbase is fucking aggressive."

"Huh, how can they play a video game together then?" Helia questions, looking up from his sketchbook. "I mean, she's in the UK isn't she? And we're here in California?"

"She can go here and play with Timmy, simple as that."

"Not going to happen..." Riven muttered, sitting back on his seat and crossing his arms. "Her schedule is tight since she's graduating from University this year. She can barely put up a video every week, let alone go here."

"What about Skype?" Sky shrugged. "Then you two can just play an online game? I don't know."

"I'll do anything to stop everyone pairing us together." Timmy sighed. "It's not like I don't like her or anything, I mean, she's kinda cute, but...it just doesn't feel right."

"Even if you did like her, she wouldn't bring herself to go out with anyone." Riven shrugged.

Timmy raised his brow in curiosity. "And why is that?"

"It's a long story..." Riven shifted uncomfortably in his seat, as if he doesn't want to discuss the subject.

A/N: Uh, is it shit or what? I'm anxious, yet curious if I messed up. I don't really know how to end this chapter so...sorry if the ending is shit.

I'm also sorry if the characters are OOC, so sorry.

It's 2am right now and I am exhausted so I don't care if I forgot to say something, I can just say it on the next chapter, so yeah.

Is this worth continuing? Then please say so!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!