Sorry for taking so long before posting the next chapter guy. I had trouble with my PC and had to buy new parts to repair it, so, was unable to continue the story during that time. And after I had finally repaired it, I had a lots of digital art work to finish for my job, so, I ended up only being able to finish it 2 weeks laters. Anyway! Here it is, and I hope you guy will enjoy it! It the longest chapter so far. Yup, over 3000 words. =P

Oh, and look at the end of the chapter. I'll now add at each end of chapter a question for the readers to answer, extra stuff (Art, comics and mini story) and my answer to your question.

Good reading. ~

Chapter 4 - My new name

He was sitting on the terrace of his dear rescuer's home. He looked at the beautiful landscape standing in front of him and he smiled at this view. The land of this farm was quite big. It was a wonder how one person alone could take care of it. Despite Harrison's age, he was someone with an impressive amount of energy, maybe even more then himself. Elizabeth was the one taking care of every animals on the farm, with the help of her little girl, of course. She is such a kind hearted person and her role fits her well for this reason.

He was quite happy to have landed in such a place with such wonderful persons. We could say that he got lucky in his unluckiness.

He sighed.

He still needed to remember anything… but nothing came back to his mind yet. There was just that same terrible nightmare that he had again. It was curious… what is the chance to have the same nightmare three days in a row? Could it be… what had happen… maybe? It could be a possibility, but he can't be sure. He couldn't see clearly. He only knew that he was on something moving fast and that he ended up falling down.

He shook his head, "Nevermind this for now…" At least, he was in a better health condition.

He gave a look at his broken leg. He was actually surprised that his leg was barely hurting today, until Elizabeth told him it was only a bad sprain. She said that most of it should be healed in one week, but would need several more days to be completely heal back.

Maybe he was stumbling, but at least he was able to walk with the traction splint that Harrison had geniusly crafted for him. Its conception was quite impressive. That Harrison must be quite the crafting genius for such a conception. He was really thankful for this.

He take a look at his clothes. His own clothes were all torn and dirty, so, Elizabeth provided him some clothes that originally belonged to her son. 'I suppose that he'll not mind that I borrowed them for a little while. It just don't seem like the kind of outfit i would wear, if I compare it to the one I was wearing before', he thought, 'But it still has some class.' He was wearing a white t-shirt, a black cowboy vest and a pair of black blue pants. The only thing he was borrowing from his old outfit was his dark green shoes. Add a cowboy hat and he would look like the typical cowboy in a western movie.

He touched his head and passed his fingers through his hair. He still found the sensation strange. 'Maybe a hat would be actually a good idea to wear.' He looked up and blocked his eyes from the sunlights with his hand. Mostly with this strong sun today… he strangely didn't feel complete without a hat.

He suddenly snapped out of his thoughts and jumped in surprise from the touch he felt on his shoulder, earning a giggle from the culprit. "Ah! Miss Mia…? Please, don't sneak behind like this!", he said, with his hand on his heart and earning another giggle from her. "Eh eh… sorry about this mister…", She said sheepishly, "...but the look on your face was priceless!", she finished, smirking at him.

He just shook his head, smiling at the little girl. She didn't stop pestering him since he woke up this morning. She finally stopped when she went away to her room, saying that she would come back when she would had found him a good name. He didn't really mind. After all, it gave him some time to rest and it would be way better to finally have a temporary name to be addressed with. He just wished that she didn't come out with a silly name of some sort. After all, nobody want to be named like a pet.

"So…", he started, crossing his arms and smiling at her, intrigued, " What name did you come up with?", he finished, knowing very well that it was the reason of her presence.

She came to sit right beside him, jumping a bit on place in excitement. "I'm sure you will love it!", she boomed in excitement. She always spoke at double volume. "I decided to pick up a name that starts with the letter 'L' !"

"Hum?", he looked at her, curious, "Why this? If I may ask?"

"Gramma had found a button on your vest with an ''L' insignia on it. I presumed that it was your name's first letter!"

He seemed thoughtful for this new hint about his lost memory. "It's actually a good suggestion, Miss Mia", he started, getting a happy squeak from the little girl, "but… I'm afraid to tell you that you're actually incorrect", he finished, smiling at the shocked expression, now plastered all over her little face.

"W-Why this?! Does the 'L' stands for something else?", she ask confuse.

"Usually, buttons ornamented with a letter represents the first letter of a family name. It's some kind of crest or insignia specially made to represent that family."

"Aww…", she looked down with sadness, "I had worked extra hard to find you the perfect name to fit with this letter..."

"hm hm hm…", he place his hand on her head and ruffle a bit her hair to reassure her. "Don't worry, I don't mind at all that you start with that letter actually. Except, of course, if it's a silly name."

Her face light up with joy again. "Oh! Then? Then? Wanna hear my suggestion?, she said excited.

He chuckled, "Of course! It would be rude from me to say no after all."

"Alright! Here we go then!", she respond, leaving a bit a suspense in the air., "It Lyosha!", she finally revealed.

He look at her curious. This actually doesn't sound that bad. But he was wondering something about it. "Why did you picked up this particular name and not another one?"

"Why? You don't like it?", She asked, worried. She seemed to have the bad habit of jumping to conclusions too fast.

"No, no, don't worry. I'm actually curious about it."

"Oh!", she now had a big smile again, "It's actually the name of the hero of my favorite storybook!"

"Hum? Your favorite storybook?", he showed even more curiosity now, "What is this story about?"

"This story is about a village that was living in the misery and the tyranny of their king. They had a lot a problems in the village that the king didn't want to take care off. Only power and riches was interesting him. But one day, a mysterious young man came to their village and started to help everyone in need. Nobody knew who he truly was and where he came from, but they knew that the mysterious man's name was 'Lyosha'. The King heard about him and he was seeing him as a menace. He was jealous that his own peoples were loving and appreciating him more than their own king. He tried to get rid of him, but he failed and Lyosha vanquished him, delivering everyone from the tyranny of their unfair king. After this, the mysterious man, named Lyosha, disappeared as he had appeared. No man nor woman knew who he truly was and where he was coming from, but they knew that he would do everything to help those in need. Some said that Lyosha was an angel that fell from the sky, giving up his wings to help the men on earth."

He smiled warmly, "It seems to be a really beautiful story Miss Mia. I can see very well why you love it. And you seem to know it by heart."

"I keep bothering Gramma so that she reads it to me during bed time! I love this story!"

Layton chuckled. 'Poor Elizabeth', he thought, 'she's probably pestering her until she gives up and comes read her bed story.'

"Oh! I totally forgot! Do you know the meaning of the name Lyosha?", he shook his head, "It means 'the one who helps peoples'.", she was grinning now, "You remind me of him, it's why I decided to call you like that when I got the occasion."

"Humhum… because I mysteriously appeared out of nowhere?", he asked, amused.

"Well… there this reason yes…", she said a bit shy, "...but… I was more talking about the fact that you look like a kind hearted person and someone that is ready to help peoples in need too. I can't imagine you in any other way. I mean! Look at your face and your eyes! You look so gentle and like you wouldn't hurt a fly!

He looked at her really surprised with a faith blush. He hadn't expect this answer at all. That was somewhat adorable and really kind from her. Mostly to put such a trust on a stranger that she's known just for a short time, she must have a good eye for such things.

"I…", he start, hesitating at what to reply to this, "Thank you…", he smiled warmly and suddenly had the reflex to tilt his hat, but he soon remembered that he didn't actually have one. He frowned about his action. It's not the first time that he did it, and frankly, that was getting a bit on his nerve. He must look silly by doing this. His thoughts got confirmed when he noticed Mia giggle.

"Why are you doing this strange movement each time you thank someone? You really look silly when you do that.", she giggled again.

And he had that other hat reflex, where he tried to lower his hat to cover his eyes when he is embarrassed. "Urg… that's frustrating.", he said, bothered by his own action.

Mia couldn't help but laughing at this view in front of her. He really looked ridiculous. "What's wrong with you Lyosha?"

It took him a moment to realise that she was asking him something. He still wasn't used with this temporary name yet after all. "It seems that even if I don't remember a single thing, my body still has the reflex I seemed to be doing before… I presume that I was wearing a hat quite often by looking at how often I am using them. I must have lost it in… whatever I had been doing in this forest. It's quite bothersome."

"A hat you say, um?", she tilted her head, curious about this and seemed thoughtful until her face lit up with an idea in mind. "Oh! I know! I know! Stay here, I'll be right back!" She jumped up on her feets and bolted inside before Lyosha could ask her what she meant. He looked at the door's direction, confused and curious about what she went to do in there. The door suddenly swung open not long after she was away, revealing the little girl with a beautiful black cowboy hat in hand. "Look what I found!", she exclaimed, happy of her discovery.

"A cowboy hat?", he asked, curious, already having a hint of where she was going with that.

"Yes! That's Grampa's cowboy hat actually. He never wears it… but you, maybe you could wear it!"

"Me? Are you sure that your Grandfather wouldn't mind?", he asked, unsure. Better be safe then sorry.

"Sure! He's always wearing this straw hat of his anyway. He said that he didn't want to wear this cowboy hat because he looked funny with it and it doesn't' fit him very well.", she giggled when she remembered the head he had with it.

Lyosha looked at the hat curious and studied it. He slid his hand on the hat's tip, feeling the hat's texture and observing all the decorations and motifs adorning it. It seemed expensive, just by looking at its quality, it was well noticeable. He placed it temptatively on his head. Strangely, it seems to fit well on his head, like it had been made specially for him. He felt… more comfortable with it on his head… but there was still this feeling of insecurity that hadn't been filled. Why did he feel insecure without his own hat sitting on the top of his head? Why did it seem… so important? "EH! Lyosha!" He looked up, confused, snapping out of his thoughts and noticed Mia, waving her hands in front of him to get his attention. "You still with me here Lyosha?", she asked him. "Uh…?", he finally let out, confused. "You were suddenly away and not responding to my answer.", she responded to his confusion.

"Oh… my apologies Miss Mia. I'm afraid I was lost in thought for a moment.", he said apologizing.

"So! So! Is this hat okay?"

He smiled, "It's perfect, many thanks for having brought it to me." He could see easily that she was really happy of his answer. "So, how do I look?"

"You look great! You remind me of a sheriff like we can see in movies!" He chuckled at this mention. "Only a star missing and it would be perfect!"

"I approve with the little miss here.", a voice beamed behind him.

He looked behind him, surprised by the new voice. It didn't take him long to find out that this voice was belonging to Harrison. "Oh! Mister Harrison. I… must apologize if I am wearing your hat without your permission…"

"I had the idea!", Mia beamed in defense, stopping Lyosha from taking the blame.

"Nah!", he waved his hand in front of him, " Don't worry about this, my boy. I don't mind at all. This hat had been collecting dust for 3 years already. It's be about time that it be a use for someone. And it actually do look way better on you then on me!", he laughed at his last mention.

"hmhm… thank you mister Harrison."

"No need to thank me, my boy.", he got beside Lyosha, "So, how's the leg today?"

"My leg's barely hurting today, thanks to the traction splint you crafted for me. It doing a wonderful job", he said, smiling.

"Ah! Wonderful then! I based it on a old design that my father created one day and I decided to improve it."

"Your father must have been a genius in engineering then."

"Yes! He crafted many things that we still use on the farm. This part of land was belonging to him before and he taught me everything I needed to know. So like this, I can take care of his inventions and repair them easily."

"And one day he will teach me how to do this too!", she said excited.

" Ha ha ha! Of course little miss! Of course.", he replied happily and looked in Lyosha direction, "So my boy, any memories back?"

He shook his head. "No, unfortunately, nothing came back yet." He decided to not mention the nightmares yet. Maybe it was nothing to worry about.

"Well then, you should come along with me to Woodstock village. I was planning to go get some supplies we need. You could take an appointment with the village's doctor while we're here. Who knows, maybe the Doc can help you out with that memory trouble of yours.", Harrison suggested.

"Hmm… it may help me to remember in some way, I… guess I lose nothing to try."

"Aww…! What am I gonna do during that time if you both going away?", she said with a sad tone. Seems like she really liked the newcomer on the farm.

"Hmhm… why not go help your grandmother, um? I bet she would be quite happy to get some extra hands."

"hmph..!", she pouted and glared a bit at his grampa, not still convinced.

"If you help her, I'll grab your favorite cookies at the bakery shop." He smirk, knowing very well that she couldn't refuse this offer.

She still glared at him for a moment, before finally nodding. "Deal" She waved to Lyosha, then turned back and headed in the direction of… wherever Elizabeth was at the moment.

Layton chuckled at this sight. "Seems like someone's hard to negotiate with."

"You have no idea boy. You have no idea."

"Lyosha, eh?"

Harrison was driving him to Woodstock with his wine colored truck. Let say it was quite standing out from the other vehicles. But Lyosha was quite liking the color. It was... different.

"Yes, she said this name was fitting me perfectly until I remembered my true one. I must say, it has a nice ring to it."

"Hmhm… I'm not surprised at all that she picked up this name. I was sure she would jump on the occasion when the chance would show up. I… was actually more expecting the little lady would give this name to a pet." He smirked. "But I suppose it fine. She could have actually pick up something worse and more fitting as a pet name." Lyosha winced at this mention. He wouldn't have wanted this as well, and mostly, deal with this sad look of her if he would have said that he disliked the name she proposed to him. Or those adorable puppy eyes that would force him to use this name anyway.

"Yeah… indeed…" He concluded.

The meeting with the Doctor went quite well. It actually didn't take long to get an appointment with him. He couldn't actually help him out with his memory trouble, but he had at least provided him some medicines to ease his pain and help him against the headache sticking around since yesterday. 'It is better than nothing... I suppose.', he thought, 'He had at least proposed me to go around and try different things. Maybe, by chance, something will stand out and trigger some memories.'

He stood outside of the clinic's entrance, looking at the village. Woodstock was quite lively for a village. Harrison explained to him that Woodstock has developed as a big commercial spot for everyone to sell and buy whatever they wanted. It was one of the reason why their farm was situated near it. Allowing them to sell what they were producing and to retrieve the necessary items they were needing. It was quite the perfect place for them.

"Harrison told me to join him on the principal commercial street when I would be done here.", he told himself while walking in a certain direction. "I'm not sure where the street is situate, but my best guess would be to go where there is the most activity."

On the way, he notice that there seemed to be a commotion up ahead. When he got closer, he noticed two police cars and some officers here and there. There was a crowd that had gathered around the building's entrance where the "scene of crime" seemed to have happened. By its appearance, it seemed to be a museum.

He frowned, "What is going on here…?"

It seems like Harrison will have to wait.

Question for the reader: What do you think happened in the museum?

Your answer or suggestion may be used as inspiration for the story. It's some way to add more interaction with the readers =P.

Extra: I have nothing to add here for this chapter, but in future chapters, I'll add info like extra pictures, comics, mini stories and such, related to this story. =P

Question: There was no question in the last chapter. )=

Beta: Bergor ( Thanks buddy =P )

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters from the Professor Layton game series. Professor Layton is the property of Level-5, and are not my intellectual property. There is no financial gain made from this nor will any be sought. This is for entertainment purposes only.

Mia, Harrison and Elizabeth belong to me.