I'm freaking bored.

"Let's play a game," Blaise complained, looking truly extremely bored.

"And what do you suppose we could play?" Pansy scoffed.

Crabbe, hidden behind a towering pile of food, spoke, his voice slightly muffled, "Exploding snap?"

There was a chorus of groans around the room.

"No way, that game is highly undignified, it squirts goo at your face, for Merlin's sake," Draco drawled, looking as bored as Blaise.

"Oh, I know!" Theo suddenly joined in, leaving a girl he's currently having a snogging session with, who protested loudly. Theo ignored her. "We could play truth or dare!"

"But that stuff is getting old," Pansy declared. Everyone nodded their heads in silent agreement.

"Ah.." Blaise has that sly look on his face that could only mean trouble. "Why don't we twist some parts of the game? Like.. let's leave the Truth part, seeing as we don't have a supply of Veritaserum, and we'll just lie through gritted teeth smoothly." Blaise smirked.

"Which only leaves the Dares," Goyle pointed out, startling the group, as he was quiet for the last hour, devouring a twenty-pound cake or something.

"True," Blaise got that sly look again, "and we twist a bit more to make the Dares long-termed." Blaise clapped his hands like he just realized the brilliance of everything he said. At least for himself. He leaned around excitedly. Everyone has a blank look of confusion on their faces.. well, except for Draco. He still has that cool, I-don't-care-for-the-world mask on. Blaise's excited expression fell.

"Right. What exactly do you mean by long-termed, Blaise?" Draco asked, looking slightly curious and amused.

"It means that you can dare a person and he has to keep it up for a long time. Or at least at the duration of time you set when you give the dare," Blaise got on the excited look again. "Like if you dare Crabbe to go on a diet for a whole month, he needs to do it."

A chorus of AAH's echoed around the room. Understanding dawned on everyone's face, except for Crabbe who paled completely, croaking on his food and protesting as if his life depended on it.

"Wait, hold on, and what if the person.. let's say.. strayed from the dare halfway?" Theo asked. Her girlfriend (everyone assumed) left, with a muttered 'stupid bloody boys' under her breath and a banged door.

"Hmm.. Interesting question."Blaise looked as if he's thinking hard. "Help me find an appropriately filthy punishment, quick!"

Everyone set on to a thinking pose (except Malfoy again, who looked like bloody Royalty sprawled on the couch that Theo and his girlfriend occupied a while ago).

"How 'bout they clean the entire dorm for the whole month without magic?" Draco suggested as he sat up, amused at their pose.

Pansy snickered. "Good idea! It leaves us out of our cleaning duties. Wonderful! Now, I don't have to redo my manicure every weekend."

Blaise rolled his eyes. "Whatever. So now, are we up for it?"

"You bet!" Theo answered, along with an "Of course!" from Pansy, and such aggressively shaking of heads from Crabbe and Goyle.

"Oh come on, guys, don't be such killjoys," Blaise playfully slaps both Crabbe and Goyle's backs and turns to Draco. Everyone proceeded to look at Draco as well.

"What?" Draco asked irritably.

"Are you joining or are you too delicate for this game?" Blaise smiled sweetly at Draco, knowing that he can make Draco say yes with that.

Draco scowled at him and muttered "bloody manipulative prat." Blaise laughed good-naturedly and said, "Okay now. I'll begin. Pansy?"

Pansy perked up a bit as her name was called and raised an eyebrow challengingly at Blaise. Blaise grinned and tapped his finger on his chin decisively, but he glances at Pansy once in a while, as if assessing if she can handle the dare he's thinking of.

"Come on, Blaise, we don't have all year!" Pansy huffed.

"Now, now, darling. You're at my mercy. Try to be nicer." Blaise smirked and glanced around with an all-knowing look then continued, "I dare you to act as Theo's girlfriend for two months."

There was a collective gasp from everyone except Blaise and Draco. The two of them knows that Theo really is head over heels for Pansy, and the reason he brings his girls in the Slytherin common room is to make Pansy jealous. Not that he's making a good job, either.

"B-But—" Pansy tries to argue.

"No buts, Pansy, a dare is a dare," Blaise smirked. "Besides, I told you to be nicer. If you've done that, I might have shortened it to only a month." Blaise quirked his eyebrow at Pansy and she shot him her own version of the Death Glare. Draco's Death Glare can easily win, though, and seeing as Blaise is usually the subject under Draco's Death Glare, he just ignored Pansy.

"Now, Pansy dear, pick a person you'll give the next dare to," Blaise chided.

"Shut up, Blaise. I know that," Pansy huffed again ang eyed everyone in their circle. She settled for Goyle. Poor, oblivious, innocent Goyle.. well, not really.

"Ha!" Pansy crowed triumphantly, "Now I can have revenge indirectly. Goyle! You would have to diet for the next two whole months and we should see results!" Goyle cowered under Pansy's stern look.

Pansy sighed and continued, "Results, Goyle! Understand?"

Goyle nodded, looking like he's suddenly thrusted with the weight of the whole world.

"Pansy. How original of you," Draco quelled. Pansy shot Draco a stern look too. He nevertheless looked undeterred.

Blaise blinked a few times then said, "Alright, then! Next dare!"

Goyle took a few calming breaths before he said in an alto loud voice, "Crabbe!"

Crabbe gave him that look that clearly said, 'Please not a dare like yours. Please please please.'

Goyle sighed. "Sorry, Crabbe. I pick the same dare Pansy picked for me. If I have to go through it, you should too." Goyle had a rare look of determination on his face but it wilted away after half a second. Crabbe, though, looked decidedly like someone who lost everything he had and might be comtemplating suicide later.

"Let's get this over quickly!" Theo interjected in, quite pleased at the dare given to Pansy. "Crabbe, who do you choose?"

Crabbe looked hesitant but eventually said, "Zabini. Blaise, you are the start of all this."

"Nu-uh! You lot have to give me the last dare since I can't dare anyone anymore. I had my turn on Pansy." Blaise shook a finger on Crabbe's face who looked crestfallen. Blaise, on the other hand, looked downright smug.

Draco scoffed. "Blaise, is that really the rule or a rule you invented at the spur-of-a-moment?"

Blaise grinned. "Latter," he said and everyone scowled except for Crabbe and Goyle, who probably didn't undertand the concept of former and latter.

"Now what, Crabbe?" Draco prodded, suddenly impatient to get this game over with.

"Hmpf." Crabbe stalked over to where Goyle was sitting forlornly and said, "Theo, I dare you to... uhh… after the two months of your pretend-relationship… umm… you have to make a great break-up scene for the whole school to… uh… see."

Draco blinked slowly, carefully assessing Crabbe's words as they are nowhere near articulate. "Well, I believe Crabbe wants you to make a spectacular scene for the whole school to witness about your and Pansy's break-up after the two months is over," he said and smirked.

Theo looked morose, almost like Goyle did. And Pansy looked slightly fussed, but pleased nonetheless.

Both Crabbe and Goyle shrunk to the shadows now that they've done their part… and mulled over their coming doom. Or diet, whichever comes first.

"Now… Theo?" Draco cocked an eyebrow at Theo's general direction.

"Draco, I dare you to…" Theo began, scrunching his eyebrows together in a look of concentration, "pretend being boyfriends with…"

"Well, aren't you and Pansy well-matched? Both amazingly original, I see," Draco drawled, tone dripping with sarcasm.

Theo flushed but determinedly continued, "pretend that you are boyfriends with Harry Potter."

Blaise looked shocked. So did Pansy. Draco's friends in Slytherin know he's gay. But they thought Theo went a bit overboard.

Draco thought the world stopped spinning and he combusted to a pile of ashes. Not that it's a bad idea, either, compared to the dare. Once Draco regained his cool, calm exterior, he sneered at Theo and directed to him the Malfoy Death Glare of Freaking Doom. Theo, at least, has the decency to cower a bit.

"Tell me the dare again, Nott," Draco spoke, his voice dangerously calm and deceptively even, not betraying an emotion.

"I… I… I-uhh… dare you to pretend that you and Potter are—" Theo stammered. Draco narrowed his eyes, pinning Theo where he was.

"Draco! Go easy on him, you're scaring the living daylights out of him, look!" Blaise yelled and suddenly materialized beside Draco. Draco closed his eyes and willed his breathing to become normal again, when he felt a hand clasping his clenched fist.

Draco glared at whoever clasped his hands and saw Pansy. "Dear, please calm down," she said in a soothing voice. When all was all right again, well, almost, Draco sat back down at the couch and glared at Theo.

"All right, Nott. I accept that dare. But how long would I, or rather we, pretend?" Draco said haughtily and Theo shrank back a little bit but said in a determined voice, "Two whole months."

"All right," Draco said in a calm, even tone again. "And how do you propose to get Potter in on the dare?"

Blaise looked fairly amused. "That's right, Theo. How?"

Theo looked sheepish for a moment then said, "Potter fancies Draco."

Once again, the collective gasps.

"How'd you know that?" Pansy demanded.

"I heard Potter," Theo shrugged. "One particular Ginny break-up and he got himself drunk and I overheard him rambling something about being gay and Draco to Seamus while they were in the Quidditch changing room."

"And why are you in the changing room?" Draco asked suspiciously.

"Forgot my leather gloves in there," Theo shrugged again.

Draco relaxed a bit, then said, "Okay, I forgive you, Nott."

Theo didn't look surprised at all. He just smirked and reverted back to his cool, old self.

"All is cool, then," Blaise announced. "My dare, Draco darling?"

He batted his dark eyelashes at Draco, who raised an eyebrow in amusement and smirked. "Be my distraction for the next two months that I'm forced to pretend I'm in a relationship with Potter."

"Distraction?" Blaise has a blank look on his face.

"Yes. In normal relationships, it's what they call 'the other woman' … or is it man, in this case?" Draco shot an eyebrow up to Blaise in challenge.

Blaise, once he recovered from the shock, smirked widely.

"I'm in, baby," he said to Draco in a seductive purr.

~~ A/N: Hey, dearies! This is my first fanfic so I hope you like it. Any feedbacks or reviews will be very much appreciated. If you like it, let me know. You can also suggest events happening in the story, who knows? I might just put them in! Constructive criticism is also very much welcome. Thank you and enjoy!~~