Disclaimer: We own nothing pertaining to Once Upon a Time or its characters as they belong to ABC. This is for entertainment purposes only and not for profit.

Summary: Set during and after 04x18. Belle goes after Rumpelstiltskin to see if she can't change their future for the better. Can true love win out or are they doomed to lose one another forever?

A/N: This is a Round Robin story created by several members of our Rumbelle group "Rumbelle for the Win": Ethereal Wishes, LoveTVshows, ladybugsmomma, Ninewood, Ligeia Resurrected, RaziOUAT, Melstrife, CharlotteAshmore, Emilie Brown and Rhonwen

Tags: *Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold *Belle *Regina/Evil Queen *Will Scarlett *Emma Swan *Isaac/The Author *Comfort *True Love *AU Canon Divergence *Fluff *Angst

Prompt: Season 4 after the episode of Sympathy De Vil … Belle had returned to the shop, not remembering the hours since she'd seen Regina in the shop. She decided to get back into her routine of cleaning the shop as she'd always done since she'd ordered her ex-husband over the town line.

As darkness set in over the town. Mr. Gold had decided to go into his shop glamoured as Will Scarlet to check on Belle. As he met Belle at the glass counter inside the store, Belle came forward to kiss him in greeting. Mr. Gold/Rumpelstiltskin went along with it due to the simple fact that he couldn't resist kissing his wife. While Belle was kissing him all her memories started to return of the missing hours of Regina stealing her heart and what Rumpel had told her at the wishing well.

Suddenly, Emma, Regina, Hook and the Charmings came into the store and all of them started talking at once. The couple broke their kiss turning to the encroaching guests. Moments later the real Will Scarlet entered into the store …

And so our story begins …

Chipped Cups and Chipped Hearts

Chapter One

Looking back to the Will she'd kissed. Belle backed away and inquired, "Rumpel?"

"Oh hell, the crocodile is here," commented Hook as he stared daggers at the fake Will across the room.

"I don't understand … why would you do this?" Belle asked Rumpel noticing Regina out of the corner of her eye grabbing for an object in her bag.

"You needed to know the truth," Rumpel said, disappearing in a wisp of violet smoke before Regina could squeeze Belle's heart hidden away in her purse.

Concern painting his face, Will rushed to Belle and held her close. "Are you alright, love? Did he hurt you?"

"NO!" she cried, her voice hoarse with emotion as she looked at the others. They couldn't understand what she was feeling ... none of them. They all had their perfect little relationships, nothing that could even come close to the turmoil she was experiencing. "No, I'm not." She turned on her heel and stalked towards the curtain separating the front of the shop from the back room, desperate to flee the other's presence. She needed time to think and having to answer the questions of her 'friends' wasn't helping.

She quietly slipped out of the back room and drove the Cadillac to the one place she knew he would be. They needed to talk without an audience.

She found him standing near the wishing well. He had his back to her as she walked closer.

He could sense her from a mile away. Even without her heart there was still a connection between them. "I knew you would come," he said with his back still turned. Belle's steps ceased as she looked upon him, hoping he would meet her eye to eye. Oh how he wanted to turn around, but he didn't want to look into her eyes and see the hate that would surely be in them. He just gazed upon the well remembering when he had first gotten her back.

"Please turn around," Belle pleaded. Mustering his courage, he turned around and slowly raised his gaze as she walked towards him. He wasn't certain if he should speak first or even touch her. Looking deeply into his eyes, Belle asked the one question he wasn't sure how to answer. "Why are you doing this?"

"I ..." Rumpel paused, his fears almost overpowering him "I wanted to finish our conversation ... hoping you remembered, that Regina hadn't completely wiped your memory of it." Rumpel stepped back a moment hoping that her eyes would show some sign of recognition as to what had happened earlier. "I needed to see you, Belle. You are my strength and right now I'm fighting a battle I'm afraid I'm not going to win."

Belle looked at him closely, more of a scrutiny, really, to see if she was seeing the man or the beast behind those amber eyes. Was he telling the truth or not? Yet, she could not forget those impassioned words he'd said earlier today and the heart that was almost close to being completely black as night. If it wasn't for the tiny red beacon that shone brightly at her when it neared her… She almost didn't believe him, but the image played in her mind over and over. Finally, she closed her eyes and remembered the long forgotten words she'd said to Neal. "I love all of him even the darkness in him." Why had she forgotten those words? The anger and pain she'd suffered nine weeks ago made her wonder if she could forgive him. Would he use her again? Yet, by the sound of the words echoing from his lips, she knew he was telling her the truth. The question was … could she let him back into her heart once again?

"Belle, say something," he implored. She moved closer, her eyes trained on her hand as she rested it on his chest over his heart. "Show me your heart again," she said. Stunned, he removed his heart and her eyes found the small red flicker of light. She could barely hear its beat when he took her hand and placed the organ in her cool palm. "I am not perfect. I never said I was, but you said you loved this imperfect man. This is the price I paid for my power and this small speck is all that is left of that man. I am not forcing you or trying to manipulate you into forgiving me. Nor is this a lie or a trick. I love you. I am asking you to save me. Be my hero, Belle," he said as she gazed deeply into his eyes.

As she gave his heart back she asked, "What do I need to do?"

Rumpel put his heart back in his chest and said, "I need you to go to the house and look for a silver inkwell. Be careful, the ink is magical and when the ink is without the pen it's unstable."

She nodded her head as she placed her hands on his chest again. "Will you promise me something?"

"Yes sweetheart," he vowed, unshed tears in his eyes. In the distance both heard a twig snap.

"Go before someone sees you," she said, gently pushing him away.

He grabbed her hand and asked. "Belle, what is it you want?"

She turned her head to see if anyone was coming. "For you to come back to me."

Rumpel thought his heart would stop beating right then and there. He answered her by bringing her hand to his lips as he disappeared in a vortex of violet smoke. Belle stared at where Rumpel had stood until more noise made her turn around to see Will entering the clearing.

"What are you doing here? Are you following me now?" she asked, eyeing him suspiciously. There were so many deceptions of late, she didn't know who she could trust, even one professing to be her friend.

"I just wanted to see if you were alright, love," Will said. "What was he doing here?"

"That is none of your business," she growled, storming off in hopes of finding where Rumpel had gone. He might have gone to his cabin, she thought, breaking into a run and leaving the thief far behind.

She ran to the cabin door. Opening it, she saw a man who she could only guess was the author sitting in a chair and her husband across from him. "Leave us," Rumpel commanded, surprise that she'd followed coloring his features.

Belle looked on as the author got up from the chair and nodded respectfully to her as he left the cabin, closing the door quietly behind him.

"Belle," Rumpel began, rising to his feet. The words clamoring to be spoken, froze on his tongue as his wife came forward with a determined look. He knew that look … had seen it too many times in the past not to. He floundered for words, an unusual occurrence for someone who depended on his eloquent speech to twist the fine point of a deal. Why was she here? Why hadn't she returned to the shop or to search the house as he'd asked? He regarded her warily, swallowing convulsively as her fingers wrapped about the knot of his tie.

The silk wrapped about her hand, using it to pull him forward as her other hand delved into his hair to fist there and pull him down to meet her lips. She poured her entire being into that kiss, searching out the honeyed hollow of his mouth, desperate to convey the love she still held for him within her heart. She drew away only when the need for air could be denied no longer. "Don't ever leave me like that again. Wherever you go from now on, you're taking me with you."

Rumpel pressed his brow to hers. He took his hands, ghosting them up her sides. She shuddered in response, realizing how much she craved his touch. Every kiss imparted by Will Scarlett couldn't compare to one gentle caress from her beloved. He pulled her flush against him, tangling his fingers through her hair, loosening her chestnut tresses from their clasp. He stood back, a tinge of lust in his eyes.

"Much better..." he said, complimenting her beauty. She felt her toes curl when he looked at her that way, the same way he'd looked at her the many nights they'd spent lost in the throes of passion. Belle took a step forward, taking his hand and leading him towards the couch. He laid her down before lowering himself beside her. She looked deeply into his soulful brown eyes which reflected the depth of love that couldn't be measured. He dusted kisses down her jawline which felt like liquid fire upon her skin. She moaned throatily in response, well aware of the passion he alone could ignite within her. She whimpered when he pulled away from her upon hearing a knock at the door.

"Whoever that is will be paying with their miserable life for disturbing us!" he threatened, sauntering towards the door. Belle sat up, smoothing out her skirts, hoping he sent them away quickly.

Isaac recoiled, throwing his hands up over his face as the door was thrown open, shrinking back from the fire shimmering in the palm of Gold's hand. "Wait! I just thought you'd want to know there are people in the woods ... I-I can hear them ... and I didn't think it was safe out here any longer."

Gold cursed softly, banishing the fireball and yanking the man inside. Something would have to be done about him before the search party - no doubt led by the savior - stumbled upon them.

Rumpel pulled Isaac inside by the collar of his shirt, slamming the door behind him. He put his hands out, placing a cloaking spell over the cabin. No one would be able to find it now. Isaac respired deeply noticing the beauty sitting on the couch. He didn't give her time to respond before holding out his hand.

"Hi, I'm Isaac!" he greeted her warmly.

Belle awkwardly shook his hand before reluctantly replying, "I'm Belle." She knew this man was the author, and she usually didn't mind meeting new people but all she wanted to do was continue where she and her husband had left off moments ago.

"My wife," a possessive voice said near his ear. Isaac whirled around to meet a pair of dangerous ocher eyes.

"Wow … all I can say is you're a really lucky man!" Isaac fumbled over his words, surprised to know the infamous Dark One was married, especially to the likes of such a beautiful woman. Belle snorted at her husband's response, amazed how put off everyone was when they found out she was married to him.

Gold glared at him, his lips compressed into a thin line. "The spell should keep you well hidden from those searching for you," he said to the man trembling before him. He held out a hand to his wife, sighing with relief when she didn't hesitate to take it, her cool fingers wrapping around his. "I'm going to take Belle back to the shop. While I'm gone, you're not to leave the cabin ... if you know what's good for you."

He curled his arms about her waist and pulled her into his embrace, his magic swirling about them before Isaac could protest.

He steadied her as the mist cleared to reveal the back room of the shop. A small wrinkle appeared on her brow as she gazed up at him. "Why are we here?"

"It's safer for you here, sweetheart, especially if Regina and the others are scouring the forest," he explained, releasing her.

Belle tugged on his sleeve, closing the distance she didn't want between them, reveling in his touch as his hands returned to her waist. "No, what i mean ... why didn't you take us home?" she asked, peeking at him from beneath her lashes as a rosy blush spread over her cheeks.

"Home? You mean you want to go home with me?" he inquired, swallowing hard.

"Of course I do, Rumpel. I want to be with you," she supplied, molding every curve of her body against his lean lines. She felt so exquisite against him, and he held no objection to taking her right there in the back room, but now wasn't the time.

He pulled away slightly, placing his hands on her shoulders. "There will be time for that later. There will be time for everything," he promised, taking her hand, leading her towards a brass cabinet.

"What are you doing?" she questioned as he waved his hand over the door. The lock unclasped. He didn't answer her, opting to remove the lock instead. He pulled out a small chest, and gingerly placed it in her hands.

"Open it," he coaxed. She nodded, compliantly undoing the lock. She gasped when she opened it, revealing the chipped cup inside.

"Rumpel...I don't know what to say..." She remarked, her eyes dimming with tears.

He took her hands, cradling the cup gently between them. "Our love is just like this cup. It's worn around the edges with a tiny chip and most people would just throw it out, but I haven't because it isn't useless. It isn't all used up and it's still a perfectly good cup even though it's chipped. Belle, I'm imperfect just like this cup, but I'm not used up. I still have more love to give you, including my blackened heart," he said pressing the cup into her hands, and stepping back.

"Oh Rumpel … I … Of course I won't throw you out!" she whimpered, throwing her arms around him.

"I'm so sorry Rumpel for not listening to you and for banishing you," she said between sobs, baptizing him with her tears.

He clung to her, holding onto her tightly. "It's all right, sweetheart. I forgave you the moment you tossed me over the town line. I've never stopped loving you," he crooned, rubbing soothing circles along her back. "I just wanted to be free, Belle. I can't allow myself to be held captive again. What Zelena did -" he whispered brokenly, unable to finish.

She carded her fingers through his hair, a sympathetic noise sounding at the back of her throat. "We won't let that happen again … I promise, Rum. We'll find a way."

"I love you so much, Belle," Rumpel said as he pulled her close to him. He captured her lips with his in a desperate and pleading kiss to which she returned.

Belle broke the kiss and closed her eyes, placing her hand against his chest, "Rumpel show me your heart again; I want to see it," she respired.

Flabbergast painted his features as he stammered back, "Oh, sweetheart, there's no way you could want to see that wretched thing again," he scoffed, but her expression didn't waver.

"Please, Rumpel … I think I know the perfect way to exhume all the darkness from your heart if you'll just trust me," she whispered, dusting her fingertips over his face lightly. He nodded, removing the blackened organ from his chest cavity. A single pinprick of light emitted itself from the blackness, and she knew what she had to do.

"May I?" she inquired, reaching for his heart.

"Of course," he said, offering her the blackened husk. She took it gingerly, cradling it carefully in her hands. He shuddered, feeling her love for him with each gentle caress. She took the heart and placed it gently to her lips, kissing a blackened area. He gasped when she removed her lips and the blackness was gone.

"What are you doing!?" he exclaimed reveling in the pleasure elicited from the sensations running through him.

"I'm taking away all your darkness," she remarked, moving her lips gently to another part of his heart. He could feel the darkness being sucked away by her gentle kisses. Belle was full of light, and she was also his true love, but he'd never seen true love's kiss react like this before. She continued the process until the darkness was almost gone. She stopped when there was only one darkened surface left.

"Do you wish to be free, Rumpel?" the beauty inquired, holding his heart out to him.

"Break my curse, Belle," he affirmed, and she nodded, shoving the heart back into his chest. She closed the distance between them, enveloping them in a desperate kiss which was long overdue. There was magic in the motion, an inevitability born of something stronger than the both of them. They were terrified, yet relieved but most of all, they were in love. He didn't care about reverting back to the weak spinner he'd once been because the prize was finally in his possession. Power whooshed out of him, rattling the shop windows. Belle clung to him tentatively as a golden light surrounded them. True love's kiss was working.

"I love you," he declared as he felt the magic being pulled from him. He stumbled forward, his torn ligament weighing down on him, a distinct reminder of his mortality. She helped him to the couch. He laid down, and she joined him. He wrapped his arms around her, relishing the feeling of holding her after so many sleepless nights without her.

"Is it over?" she inquired, and closed his eyes, trying to conjure a simple spell, but nothing happened.

"If you mean 'can I use magic?', then no it's over, but I've never felt freer. I realized all those weeks I spent away from you that all I ever truly wanted was to be with you," he confessed through tear dimmed eyes. She pulled him in for another kiss. This time there was no magic in the motion, just her soft lips against his, giving him answers without any need for spoken words.

Finally moving apart, Rumpel realized he was in as much danger as she was. Without magic, the others learning he was free from his curse, they could really hurt or kill him.

"What's wrong?" Belle asked.

"I think we might have been a little too hasty. Without my magic, I'm in danger."

Belle's eyes widened. "What do you mean? I don't understand. You're free. Nothing else should matter," she said.

Rumpel sighed deeply. "Yes, I'm free, but now I'm vulnerable, and I can protect neither you nor myself without magic. I worry that retribution may be on its way and I have no way to shield us from the fallout," he said as he looked into her eyes with worry.

"No matter what happens, we'll be together and we'll face whatever happens together. I'm not going down without a fight," she said bravely.

Moments before the magic exploded from the store, the others – having come up empty handed in their search – slowly made their way back into Storybrooke. "We looked everywhere and still no sign of them," Emma commented to Hook.

"Well love," he replied waving his hook at his surroundings. "We did check everywhere."

Regina growled in frustration. Great, I'm forced to waste time here looking for the Dark One when I need to be in New York dealing with my crazy sister. Glancing back over her shoulder, she saw the Charmings were still trailing behind, casting their worried gazes upon their daughter. She could only shake her head. Mistakes had been made and now they would have to deal with the results.

Rumpelstiltskin turned to face his brave little wife. She had that burning look in her eyes that said 'no one decides my fate but me', including him. He sucked in a deep breath when he noticed her hands were glowing an ethereal blue. His mind went back to the moment she'd shoved his heart back into his chest.

"Belle, look down," he commanded, and she jumped back upon noticing the light magic emitting from her hands. The blue flame dissipated causing her to give him a questioning glance.

"What just happened, Rumpel?" she inquired while studying her hands.

"It seems that you have magic sweetheart. You must have activated it when you were vowing to protect me. Magic is all in the emotion, and your emotions are running pretty high at the moment," he concluded, giving her hand a soft pat.

"So is there any way I can protect us then?" she asked, searching his eyes for affirmation.

"I may not be able to do magic, but that doesn't mean I can't teach you a few things. Our first lesson will be casting a protection spell over the shop until we can figure everything else out," he supplied, and she nodded.

"Teach me then," she commanded with that same fiery emotion in her eyes. It was then he realized her magic was fueled by her love for him and the prospect of that almost made his heart burst. Belle had the purest heart of anyone he knew, even more so than the savior. She was the only one able to break his curse which meant she could turn out to be a powerful sorceress, maybe even more so than Regina.

The others came to a halt outside the shop when they noticed a brand of magic covering the exterior of the building. It was one Regina hadn't seen before and she knew it wasn't Rumpel's. If it wasn't his, hers, or Emma's, whose could it be?

"Very good, darling," Rumpel said eliciting a smile from his wife. He'd never felt so proud, not even when he was teaching Regina how to do magic.

"Now what do we do?" Belle asked curiously.

Rumpel looked toward the window where he thought he'd seen Regina walking toward the shop, and sighed. "Regina's coming," he said as they moved into the shadows, and he held Belle against him. Regina stood in front of the door to the pawnshop then moved to the display window and tried to see inside, but something was blocking her.

"Gold!" Regina yelled, "Rumpelstiltskin!"

Rumpel snickered. "Can't summon me now, dearie." Belle smiled up at him.

"Are you sure they're in there?" Emma asked.

"I know they're in there! I can practically feel the magic radiating off this place. It's pure raw power, and I can assure you that Gold wasn't the one who cast this spell," Regina snarled, forming a fireball in her hand.

"Regina I don't think that's such a good idea," Emma countered, reaching out to touch the regal's shoulder, but it was too late. Regina had already hurled the flaming orb towards the door only to be sent flying backwards several feet.

Emma ran towards Regina to assess the damage. "Regina are you okay!?" the savior questioned her, full of concern.

"I'm fine … " Regina muttered through clenched teeth, "I just want to know who has magic and how it's so strong. I will hurl spell after spell at the door until I chip it completely away," she growled angrily.

"I don't think that's such a good idea. Why don't you call Belle and find out where she is? Maybe she can figure out what's going on," she suggested.

"Good idea." Regina remarked, pulling out her cell phone to dial Belle's number. The phone began to ring, and she waited.

Belle felt her phone buzzing in her pocket. She pulled it out and looked down at the digital display. "It's Regina. Should I answer it?" Belle asked her husband.

"No, darling, allow me," Rumpel said as he took her phone from her hand, and held it to his ear. Belle smiled at him and his mischievousness.

"Hello, dearie."

"I knew it," Regina growled. "Ok, what's going on? Why can't I get into your shop?"

"I'm closed for the day," Rumpel said, smiling at Belle. "Come back tomorrow."

"Don't get smart with me! Someone's using magic in there and I want to know who!"

"There's lots of things I want to know," said Rumpel, "Like who told you to take my wife's heart? Is your lovely thief still in your sister's clutches?" he sneered derisively.

Regina sucked in a deep breath, feeling her blood pressure rise as the imp taunted her on the other end of the line. "I took your little maid's heart because you threatened me with Robin. I will not be played Gold! How about I send her in for a little visit when I make the trip to New York because you and I both know someone is protecting you. You're powerless aren't you?" Regina remarked venomously.

She could hear a pause and heavy breathing on the other end of the line, and she snickered, "That's what I thought! If I were you, I would crawl in a hole somewhere because this whole town is going to be after your blood once they find out you have no magic. I've got dibs on your head! I'm sure it will look lovely on my mantle." Regina came back before ending the call.

"What was that all about?" Emma inquired, giving her a perturbed look.

"It's about me finally having the upper hand against that imp. I'm going to run a stake through his heart and make everyone watch," Regina remarked, darkness swirling in her eyes.

Belle looked at Rumpel as he clenched the phone. She took it and closed it as the dial tone sounded. "Rumpel, what's going on? Are you alright?" Rumpel's jaw was clenched and his body filled with tension.

"Regina is threatening me. Therefore, we are both in danger. I must teach you magic in order to protect yourself. We can be grateful that her problems regarding Zelena and her thief are distracting her. Otherwise, she would have thought to use your heart against you and commanded you to come out."

"I've got to protect us, Rumpel. I told you that I will fight for us, no matter what. She won't win."

Rumpelstiltskin stared at his brave little wife and sighed. It had taken years to teach Regina magic but his Belle seemed to be a fast learner. She was inquisitive and picked up things quickly.

"All right then, love. The first thing I'm going to teach you is how to heal," he responded, taking a sharp blade off a polished table. Belle gasped in horror as he sliced his arm open. Fresh warm blood oozed out of the wound.

"Rumpel, what have you done!?" she cried in horror, grabbing an old tablecloth to try and stop the bleeding, but he pushed her away lightly.

"Use magic to heal me before I bleed to death," he commanded, lying back against the sofa. She pushed back her tears and nodded, placing her hands over his arm. She didn't know what to say or do, but she focused on how much she loved him and how much she didn't want to lose him. White light flew from her hands, enclosing the wound. Rumpel sighed in relief, feeling his skin sew back together. He waved his arm back and forth.

"Not even a scar. Well done, Belle," he praised. He wasn't expecting to feel a stinging sensation burst across his cheek.

"Why would you do that!?" she cried, her eyes filled with tears.

"Oh, sweetheart, I didn't mean to upset you, but I don't have time to teach you properly so the only way I'm going to teach you is by placing you in intense situations. I have faith in you, Belle. I knew I wasn't going to die when I cut my arm open," he reassured her, holding out his arms, and coaxing her to come nearer.

She compliantly embraced him, burying her face in the hollow of his throat. "Why can't things ever be easy for us?" she sighed wearily against his skin.

Rumpel frowned at the notion. "I don't know, my Belle. I wish things could be easy. I'd love nothing more than to go home with you and live out our days in peace, but the horde outside have other ideas. I've made too many enemies to have it easy. I so wish I could give you that life that you deserve," Rumpel said.

Belle leaned back to look up at him. "My love, I chose to be with you and to have the life I have now, and if I could go back, I'd do it again just to be with you. I love you," Belle replied.

"I love you, too," he said. He rose to his feet, leaning heavily on his cane, pacing while trying to think of some way to get them out of there without Regina seeing them. She knew about the cabin so they couldn't go there or his Victorian home. He thought about having her place him in Pandora's Box and sneaking him out, but there still was the problem of where they could go.

"Rumpel, I think it's time to just face them. It's time to let them in and have it out. It's time to do the brave thing and let bravery follow," she said as he stilled his pacing.

"I can't. Not without my magic. She'll kill us!" Rumpel exclaimed, tension vibrating through his limbs.

"No, not if she wants to prove that she's truly reformed. I don't think Emma will allow that. Plus you're human now! That has to count for something!" Belle said.

"I'm sorry I'm acting like a coward, darling," he said and she gently rubbed his arms.

"No, you're just scared. So am I, but you're not alone. I'm here and I will not allow her to hurt you," she said and he smiled. "Just because you're frightened doesn't mean you're a coward, Rum."

"My hero," he whispered then looked at the door while his heart slammed in his chest.

"Now, I am going to teach you how to take the protection spell down," Rumpel said, then explained what she had to do. Nodding, Belle closed her eyes as the golden light shimmered around them and he caught her as she nearly fell. "Very good."

"Why am I so tired?" Belle asked.

"I always say that all magic comes with a price and first time magic wielders tend to get tired afterwards," he said then looked at the door again. "We'll rest a bit then go outside."

Belle nodded and leaned onto Rumpel as he slowly led her to the bed in the back of the shop and tucked her into it. Belle fell asleep quickly.

Rumpel pulled out his phone and made a call.

Will was astonished when his cell phone vibrated. He was even more shocked when he saw who was calling him. Belle had programmed that number into his phone weeks ago so he couldn't be taken by surprised, but he never thought he'd actually see it. He pushed the button when he leaned against the wall and frowned. "Uh, mate, why are you calling me?" he asked, then heard a soft sigh.

"I need you to do me a favor," Rumpel said.

"What sort of favor?"

"Regina has Belle's heart and I need you to get it back for me."

"Belle doesn't have her heart?"

"Yes," Rumpel sighed, wondering if this was a good idea.

"You trust me with this?" Will asked.

"We share something in common … Belle and her happiness. So if you try anything, I will know who to look for," Rumpel growled into the phone.

"Alright. I am doing this as a favor for Belle not you. I will owe you nothing from this," Will said, wanting to make sure Gold understood the terms of their deal.

"Fine," Rumpel agreed.

"Good! Now where is Regina keeping Belle's heart?"