A/N: This is the FINAL CHAPTER in what has been such a long and emotional journey; I have truly enjoyed my time spent in this 'verse. I will miss them here. In previous chapters, I had asked my readers opinions on how long this story should go. In the end, I just sort of knew it was time. Thank you all that have followed along, and especially those that have supported me through your comments. Please continue to let me know what you think. That motivates me more than I can tell you. :)
Following His Heart
Justin gasped as he moved to the center of the playroom. As soon as he had entered, his eyes had focused on what now dominated the center of the room. He nearly jumped when he felt a hand swatting him across his ass, suddenly mindful that he was not following the rules of this room. The contract may be null and void… but the symbolism of this room apparently still was not.
"Are you forgetting something, Justin?" Brian scolded, knowing Justin primarily did so in his excitement… but in regards to this room, intent on keeping things in order.
Turning to face the man that was still his master… at least in the confines of this setting, Justin lowered his head, his voice contrite, when he spoke, "I'm sorry, Sir. I forgot for a moment."
Brian's hand extended to Justin's delectable ass once again; however, this time not to punish. He softly ran his hand over Justin's ass, each ass cheek in turn, his fingertips straying to the crack that led to his own personal bliss. Fucking Justin was the sweetest of ambrosia. And when he heard 'Sir' from his blond's perfectly shaped lips, Brian found himself completely undone. He wanted to be inside him now. For once, he would break with his customary ritual. There would be plenty of time for that in the days, nights, and months ahead.. Hell, who was he kidding? It would be years to come. Justin completely fascinated him. There would be no saying goodbye to this man. They were forever entwined.
Halting his precious submissive as he began to move toward the platform, Brian shook his head in denial when Justin looked at him inquiringly. "Not this time, my own. I need you too fucking badly… and I am more interested in watching you make use of my new addition."
Justin smiled sensually, his posture still submissive, yet his eyes hungry and playful. "Of course, Master. I am obedient to your every desire."
"I want you so fucking much…" Brian growled, his eyes heating as they slid over his still clothed submissive. His eyes pulled to the pole he had installed in the center of the playroom, virtually identical to the one Justin had utilized at Babylon, his cock hardening as he realized Justin's little performance would now be for his eyes alone. "Will this make you miss Babylon less? Is it enough that you do your provocative little stripteases for me… and not every horny queer in town?"
"More than enough…" Justin whispered almost hollowly, his voice aching in his own desire for the dominant. "I never enjoyed having those men look at me… most especially allowing them to touch me. I hated that. But you… well, that's not the same." Justin looked down, almost embarrassed to say his next words. "I feel so hot when you look at me. It's so different. Performing for you will make me hard."
"You are hot…" Brian rasped. "Contract or not, you are mine. Say it, Justin. Tell me what we both know - even without that damned piece of paper."
Justin felt his chest expanding, his breath becoming more shallow. It wasn't really the words that Brian spoke. They both knew them to be true. No. It was the totality of the moment. However, it was the eyes that had almost turned black that affected him the most. He could read so many emotions in them, although the stark need that was riding his dominant presently prevailed over the rest. His voice was rough, barely audible when he spoke, "I'm yours, Brian. Completely. No piece of paper can ever make that more so."
Brian reached out and threaded his fingers through Justin's hair, yanking him closer to smash their lips together in a mind altering, devouring kiss. In this instant, he wanted Justin to know how fiercely he wanted him. After their numerous encounters, and the intensity of the very beginning of their relationship, Justin couldn't possibly have any doubts on that… but he would make certain of that tonight. Justin was his submissive, his heart and soul, in fact everything that completed him now. This was forever. Giving Justin's mouth the most thorough tongue fucking he had ever given any man, Brian growled as he pulled his lips free, barely able to enforce control upon himself. That alone was an indication of how much Justin meant to him.
"I'm going over to the bed, but you won't be coming with me. At least, not quite yet. I will put on some music and I want to see the performance of a lifetime with your hot little body on that useful little pole. Everything you held back at the club, I want it displayed for me now. I know part of you was holding back. Despite how hot all those eyes made you feel, I also know you felt uncomfortable at times. You won't here now. And… can you tell me why that is, my own?"
Justin swallowed, hoping he spoke the right answer. For at the moment, his mind was reduced to mush. "Because my dance here and now will please you, Sir… and because your desire for me makes me burn even more for you."
"Good boy... " Brian rasped in approval. "You want to incite that passion in me. Just as much as I crave to see it in you." Brian licked his lips, barely able to wait for his private show… knowing once it was finished, he would take his boy with an unmerciful intensity. "Once the music is over, you will come to me. I want you on your knees on the bed, facing the wall. You will reach out and hold onto the rings suspended at the head. You will need that positioning for when I ram into you harder, deeper, and faster than I ever have before. Do you understand, Justin?"
Justin moaned as he moved to the pole, barely able to breathe, more than anything wanting this erotic display to be over so they could get on with the ramming. Fuck, he wanted that-
"Yes, Sir." Justin's mouth suddenly became dry as he watched Brian removing his clothing, laying them to the side in an almost idle fashion. Brian's moves were so deliberate, so in control. He didn't understand how he continued to master that control. He could see the lust that gripped the dominant, merely from his facial expressions… not to mention the engorged cock that was now displayed for his own hungry eyes to see. The mere fact that Brian continuously lived up to the image of what a dominant truly should be filled his heart with love, and an even more intense need to submit. Brian had him completely.
Brian stripped the red coverlet, and silken sheets from the bed, knowing he wouldn't want to take the time for it once Justin's dance was finished, and he was on his way over to him. Not much would slow him from slamming into him. A bit of preparation… and the fucking would begin. He moved to the stereo system, careful not to rush. He didn't want any of this night to be hurried. No matter how much he wanted to touch and claim his submissive, he also wanted to exercise the control he prided himself on having, as well as savor each moment. He selected a disc from the extensive music library, a song without any words, but one with exotic chords. Music that was meant to seduce. At this point, Brian didn't feel he was seducing Justin. Every time together it was a mutual experience. They were each seduced by the other. "Have at it, Justin. The stage is all yours…"
His hands grasping the pole tightly, Justin slowly spun his body around it, still fully clothed, his eyes totally on the man he danced for - the only one he would ever dance for again. He removed one hand just so he could begin undressing. Despite how much he loved to perform for Brian to the sultry music, he was more interested in the festivities that would happen in the luxurious playroom bed afterwards.
When Justin released the pole with both hands, and began grinding against it, Brian had to remind himself that he retained control of this exercise, and not the lithe blond that seemed determined to tempt and torment him. He could see Justin's cock pushing out the too tight jeans, his eyes only straying from them when his boy peeled his shirt over his head, tossing it negligently to the side. Right now he was too turned on to care about Justin's unkempt behavior. He would allow him that in this instance. Brian bit his bottom lip as he watched Justin slide one hand down the ridiculously snug jeans, uncertain of how he even achieved it while snapped, the other hand back on the pole as he continued to hump the unmovable metal, his head arched back, eyes half shut - yet fully on him, in every look and gesture luring him in. He had wanted Justin fiercely many times before; however, he had never wanted him as much as he did right now.
Smiling the most sensual smile he could manage, Justin moved to the next level… driving the man wild that never lost control, completely over the edge. He could see by Brian's dilated eyes, the sweat already on his brow, he was so close to commanding his presence in his bed. That's what he wanted most of all. He craved that possession. Removing his hand from his pants, Justin unsnapped his jeans, agonizingly slowly lowering the zipper, his eyes watching Brian's every response. Wiggling his hips as he thrust against the cold metal object, Justin raised his hand, slipping the fingers that just been in his pants into his mouth, sucking on them noisily, his sinuous gyrations causing his jeans to fall to the floor.
Brian watched, totally fascinated, and aroused to a painful intensity. He was going to snap soon… and his cunning little blond was provoking it. Of that, he had no doubt. At this moment, he was thankful he had watched Justin's performance at Babylon. If he believed for one moment that Justin went this all out for all of those men - he would lose his fucking mind. This was for him. Everything about this man was his. As Justin's fingers pulled out with a pop that he could hear from his position on the bed, he watched with lust laden eyes as Justin kicked out of his tight briefs, nothing to conceal his full nakedness from him.
Now, fully naked, Justin placed both hands on the pole, shimmying around it, lowering them as he danced in a lower position, bending himself in half as he displayed his bare ass to his lusty dominant's view. He wondered if that would send Brian over the edge. God, he hoped so. As it was, he was hard and leaking. He needed to feel Brian's hard strength taking him, in a sense owning his body as only Brian could.
An almost animalistic growl crawled up from Brian's throat, his hand reaching down to stroke his cock, his other hand reaching for a condom and lube. It won't be long now, my own, he thought to himself. He was determined to stay in control, and not touch his boy until the last chord sounded. It was very close now. When the sultry music finished its last evocative strains, Brian clicked the stereo off with a click of the remote, his eyes devouring the pale beauty that remained too far away. He extended his hand, his voice guttural when he spoke, "Come to me, Justin."
Justin was frozen, his eyes worshipping every bronzed inch of the beautiful man that he now accepted only wanted him. He couldn't take that part in. This was Brian Kinney, the CEO of Kinney Enterprises… in his mind the most intriguing and gorgeous man in the world. And… he wanted a permanent relationship with him. He was so fucking lucky. He didn't know who to thank for his fortitude; all he knew, was that he was thankful.
"Difficult instructions, my own?" Brian asked, his voice roughened with the desire that now consumed him. "Don't make me come get you, Justin. I don't want to spank you now; I just want to fuck you."
Justin moved toward him, knowing that was exactly what he wanted too. He grinned, before he nervously replied, "As much as I enjoy your hand on my ass, I'd rather have you inside of me-"
Once Justin was on his knees, Brian's eyes crawled up the length of Justin's back, his voice terse when he bit out, "Grab the rings…" As soon as his obedient submissive complied, Brian's hand reached out to place a stinging slap across Justin's ass. When Justin squealed in surprise, and turned around to look at him questioningly, Brian sternly told him, "That's for going over and beyond in teasing me with your hot little ass. It's never wise to toy with your dominant… enticing him to lose control. Right now, my need for you is all that saves you from a fierce spanking…"
Moaning, Justin decided Brian was deliberately turning him on with his words. He jumped when he felt lubed fingertips opening him up… right now uncaring if Brian took him without preparation. That burn would feel good… especially in the presence of Brian's cock mercilessly ramming him. "P-please… Sir. You don't have to do that. I - I'm ready-"
"That's your next mistake…" Brian hissed, his fingers going in even deeper, quickly scissoring and thrusting, determined to see this part through… but to do so in the quickest manner possible. Satisfied that his blond was ready to be on the receiving end of a hard, thorough fucking, Brian removed his fingers, positioning himself over Justin, his cock lining up to take what was unequivocally his. Sliding his cock inside, fully seating himself to the hilt after two sharp lunges, Brian leaned forward to hiss into Justin's ear, "I am who decides when you are ready." His mouth fastened hungrily on Justin's neck as he began to thrust, ramming his cock in and out, hitting the blond's prostate on each pass.
Justin gripped the rings so tightly his hands ached, in this moment, grateful this was destined to be a quick and frenzied fuck. He panted each time Brian pulled his cock almost all the way out, only to slam it even more fiercely back in, when he did, seeing stars in his eyes when Brian hit his own sweet spot. Fuck, it felt so good. He didn't want him to ever stop.
Opening his lips on Justin's back, Brian bit and licked the skin, following with sucking the flesh into his mouth. There was nothing about this man that didn't appeal to him. He just wanted him over and over again… and in every possible way a man ever took another. They had only scratched the surface. Reaching underneath, Brian began to pull on Justin's cock, pleased that he was already leaking, yet fighting his release, not letting go until he allowed him. "Good boy…" he rasped. "You please me so fucking much."
Justin gasped as Brian continued to pound him into the bed, his hand now wrapped around his cock. He whimpered, before admitting, "I d-don't think I can hold out much longer-"
"You don't have to, Justin. Come for me now." Brian increased his strokes even more feverishly than he had been, determined they would come together, neither of them lagging behind. It didn't take long, two minds and bodies were in sync, both of them reaching for the same climatic explosion. Brian continued to rock into Justin, even after his intense release, his hand not slacking on Justin's dick until he felt the trembling in the blond cease. Regretfully, but knowing he needed to do so for his boy's comfort, he removed himself from Justin, gently urging him, "You can let go of the rings now."
Not needing to be told twice, Justin released the rings, rolling onto his back, he flexed his hands, relieved when the slight numbness dissipated. He frowned when Brian reached for them, examining them with his own eyes, shock in his own that his dominant was exhibiting such concern for them. It wasn't something he had done before… and he had been in far more awkward positions than this had been.
Brian swore, seeing the redness on his palms. "Do they hurt?" he demanded, his cheeks flushing when Justin didn't immediately answer, "Well?"
"Uhhh no, I'm fine… really." Justin shook his head, confused as to why Brian was acting so protective. This wasn't that extreme of a scene. Why now? "Should I go to my room now?" Justin asked, knowing that was one of Brian's rules. He preferred to sleep alone. On several occasions, they had both been so worn out that it hadn't happened… but in the morning, he always knew Brian was uncomfortable with his long standing rule being broken.
Sitting up on the bed, his back to his submissive, Brian issued a curt, "No." Sensing Justin pulling away from him on the bed, Brian knew he had to explain his abrupt actions… not quite certain how to go about it. He laughed harshly, running a hand through his hair. "Fuck…" he growled. He had already revealed so many of his feelings to Justin… now, his heart demanded he do more. How that this happened? At what moment had this beautiful, provocative, sensual man that was perfect for him in every way, stolen every last piece of his heart?
Justin was silent as he watched what seemed like a man fighting inner demons, uncertain of what had suddenly happened. Had he done something so horribly wrong? He had teased Brian during his dance, but he had believed that Brian wanted to see his most sensual performance. Of course, he did enjoy teasing him, and seeing if he could push him over the edge. At times, he had felt Brian had been so close. "Did I do something wrong?"
Brian turned to face his submissive, a smile slowly curving his lips. He finally realized what he wanted… at least, what he desired with Justin. Now the question remained… did Justin want that too? "Nothing at all, Justin. Except… make your Master fall for his submissive."
His eyes marginally widening, Justin stammered his reply, "F-fall for?"
"It shouldn't be so surprising to you. After all, I did just amend the rules of our contract, essentially making it non-existent… to the exception of this room. I already told you I had developed deep feelings for you. It wasn't until our time in here that I started to understand what it all meant."
"And what does it mean?" Justin asked, his hand reaching over to grab the red coverlet, finding laying here talking naked a bit odd under the circumstances.
"It means, my admiration for you as your dominant has progressed into something I never thought to be something I would want for myself. It's transformed into love…" Brian looked deeply into Justin's eyes, hoping that the blond could not only see his feelings to be real, but feel them as well.
Justin shook his head, unable to fathom it. This was more than he could have ever hoped for… and now he didn't know how to react. "I've already told you how I feel, Brian. So, uhhhh, what exactly does it mean for us?"
"Quite simply, I think it means we take one day at a time… and see where it takes us. There will always be times when I desire to be the dominant to your submissive. That is who I am; I don't ever see that changing. However, when we are out in the world, and maybe even here at home, I also want a partner. I know that is quite the deviation from what you signed up for." Brian looked at Justin uncertainly, at once fearful that Justin didn't desire a more softer side of him, one that he still felt astounded that he wanted. Even more proof of how much Justin had changed his life. "My question is this… can you accept that?"
"Can I?" Justin repeated breathlessly, his lips curving in the most beaming of smiles. "It's all I've ever wanted. I gave this a try because I innately knew I was submissive… but most of all, because I wanted to be with you, and figured it was the only way I could. I wanted to make you happy. That being said, I am content with the status quo… but if you desire a deeper relationship, well to me, that's only icing on the cake."
Brian turned to his side, angling himself to look deeply into Justin's eyes, shaking his head as the blond's pure perfection continued to overwhelm him. He reached out and softly ran the back of his hand along the side of Justin's face. "You are unbelievable, Justin Taylor. The unthinkable has happened. I have been every bit as taken by my submissive as I have always sought to take you. I don't even want to go back. What we have now, whatever it is, is exactly what I want." Rolling his lips under, Brian told him, "Speaking of… I have a little surprise for you. Something we spoke of doing earlier, but me being the control freak that I am, already had it completed."
Justin looked at Brian curiously, uncertain of what surprise he could be talking about now. As it was, he felt he had had a lifetime of surprises tonight - all of them good. He watched as Brian slipped into his pants, and over to the far corner of the room. Up on a ledge where he hung his various whips, floggers, and other devices, a small velvet box rested. Justin caught his breath. It was the ring they had spoken about. He knew it. "B-Brian?" Justin nervously murmured.
Coming closer, Brian raised an admonishing brow. "You know, you are breaking the etiquette of this room… but that's mostly my fault. This discussion should have taken place in my room, or downstairs. I'll let that go this time."
"That tells me nothing changes in regards to the playroom, then. I am always your submissive when we come in here." Justin didn't speak the words, but thought his elated expression spoke for him. He was happy about that. He would have never anticipated how much he loved being Brian's submissive. Being his partner would be amazing as well… but this was how they started, and in their encounters he released a part of himself that had been bottled up previously. He wouldn't want to totally give that up.
"That is correct. In this room, I am still your Master… and you my submissive. At other times as well, but we will fall into that gradually. This room the rules are always known. Now… open up your gift. If you don't like it, don't hesitate to tell me - we can get something different in the morning. The sizing may be off as well; I will have that adjusted as needed." Brian sat down on the bed, extending the black velvet box to his submissive… the man that totally absorbed his heart.
Justin lifted the lid, a gasp immediately releasing in the quiet room. His eyes filled with tears as he looked at the beautiful setting. Blue topaz surrounded by diamonds, in what appeared to be rose gold. It was the most stunning piece of jewelry he had ever seen. "It's beautiful, Brian." He raised his eyes to meet Brian's tender expression, tears sliding down his cheeks. "I love it." Biting his lip, more to still the quiver than any other reason, Justin asked, "Will you put it on me… Sir?"
"It would be my pleasure, my own." Brian reached into the box and removed the ring, holding it up in the light to admire it, knowing the full beauty of it would be when it was on Justin's finger. He slid it on, amazed that it did so effortlessly, neither too small or too big. It was a perfect fit. After staring for long moments at the ring that signified their commitment, Brian pulled Justin into his arms, kissing him with tenderness, passion, and a love that defied all reason. In a raw, aching voice, Brian told him, "Let's go to bed."
Looking at Brian inquisitively, Justin asked, "You mean in your room?"
Brian shook his head. "No, Justin. There are no more separate bedrooms. My bedroom is now ours."
Justin felt like he glowed - inside and out. He loved Brian so much… The ring, and now the promise of a shared bedroom. Brian was truly committed. He had never been filled with more joy. His beloved Master had become his partner. He was truly blessed.
The ring was a perfect fit; however, they were even more of one.
To those that would like to see the ring Brian gave Justin, it displays in the chapter on the other sites I post - Midnight Whispers, A03, and LiveJournal. I can't do that here.