AN: BEFORE YOU READ MY CRAP! Hi, hello! Hypno here! Okay, this is going to be another big story like my alternate eyes story(which is still being written because school and my early GCSE(not gloating, it's seriously hard as crap and I wish people didn't think I had some sort of talent(which I don't, I'm shit at life but, hey!) and it includes my character, Hypno and another OC, Silverswipe(if you know me from DeNA, sup, yes I'm a girl.) and yes I know, some people don't like OC's in stories because the writer can make it so the OC is the main character(I don't like that) so I'm basing Hypno and silver off of my mind And I won't be making them the main characters because that's Primes hips and Bees optics. (Don't deny it.)

On with the story!




-warning system failure, main fuel lines collapsed and engine C has stalled-

"NO SCRAP! You fragged excuse for a ship!"

-warning, no frag is given-

Oops….I must've forgotten to uninstall that.

"Hypno! I thought I told you to uninstall that scrapped mod of yours!"

"Sorry, Silver! It must've slipped my processor! I didn't mean too!"

"No scrap you fragger! And I guess you forgot to install the safety barrier shields for the engines too!?"

"…you swear a lot.."

"I KNOW! Answer my question, glitch!"





"Ow! You glitch! What the frag was that for you pit spawned slagger!? I will burn you in your recharge!"

"We both know that won't happen!"

"I'll send monster on you…"

"You send that thing on me and I'll whoop your aft into next vorn!"

"Don't talk about it in that way! It's very sensitive!"

Oh, yes. Your probably wondering what's going on. If not, frag you. If you do, we're crashing. My little baby, the X-T'scrapper is falling apart at her seams, oh I can't bare to watch! Her glistening white paint was all newly buffed….on Cybertron…fifty vorns ago. Boy I'm outdated! Well, the good thing is, my systems are updating and I haven't aged a solar cycle due to the capsules on my currently burning baby. Her paint is all chipped! Oh the tragedy! My baby, all hurt and leaking! Unfortunately, Silverswipe had to be dragged along. Well, she did have half a ped missing at the time and I do non-sexually and non-romantically love her. I wasn't just gonna let her offline on me, I did force her to clean up her energon, she was tracking it all though my baby's interior, her mess anyways.

Designations Hypno, nothin' special, just Hypno. I ain't got no special power or talent, got no skills, just the friendly psychopath Hypno. Oh, yes. I should've told you that. Sucks having three personalities. You never had that before? No? I do, and I'm telling you, it sucks. That's why I'm not aloud to fight or be a medic. I was deemed too dangerous to fight and too stupid to heal, so I was pushed away by those big helmed, slag spawned, fraggers that called themselves the council, given a pick axe and shoved in a mine. And no, it's no sob story. I just bashed the boss' helm in with my pick, I've still got to clean that thing…


Y'see that's fragger over there, yes, the screaming one running round my baby's floor like its that organic sludge. That's Silverswipe, or Silver for short. She's my only friend as she's the only one who can handle my personalities….apparently I'm crazy. Yeah right. If you can't see, she is.

Waking calmly to my friend, I slump into the main control seat…or my berth, whatever you wish to call it.

"So, where are we crashin'?" I ask, nonchalantly. This has happened before anyways.

Multiple times.

Halting her screaming, swearing and running, she looks at me as if I have three optics. Suddenly, she puts her servo on her hip and sticks her left servo out casually.

"Well…we are currently crashing to some planet called…E-arth. Y'know, just casually crashing to our untimely demise!" She ends up shouting, servos flapping around like a flag.

I shrug "Cool, hey, let me know when we hit."


Okay, I deserved that.

Sighing, I wave the seething femme off with a shrug and grab hold of the controls " All right, ima' help out. Careful, we don't want your cover getting in a twist."

She raises her servo to hit me again when a transmission interrupts my apparent demise.

-This is Optimus prime of the Autobots, please state whether you are friend or foe and why you are here.-

Sighing I respond - This is the SS X-T'scrapper and I am your pilot, Hypno. I am sorry to say that we have no choice as we are currently crashing. To our doom. If you, or one of your toys have a problem with this, go frag yourself and jump off a cliff because I have no choice.-

Silver pushes me off at that point.

-Hi! Sorry, ignore her! What she means to say, is that we are unfortunately crashing and we have been stuck in stasis for fifty vorns while her ship has been drifting away like the pile of scrap it is-

-hey! I'll tear that ped I made for you off if you don't apologize to my baby!-

-shut it, Hypno! I am a Autobot from the Great War and she is a neutral!-

An new voice interrupts.

-Optimus! We can't have a neutral in our base! They're a waste of space and they are no use as they don't fight for anyone but themselves! That 'Hypno' is just going to bring us down!-

Great, another one of the no neutral party members.

-Hey! If you have a problem with me, you slag eating 'bot' tell it to my faceplates and not over transmission, or do you still need to grow a tank?- sneering out the retort.

-Old friend, you do not know the reason why-

-it's a fraggen'tastic good reason!


-This Hypno is a neutral. It would not be wise to unwelcome any cybertronian to earth as we are a dwindling race-

-translation, frag you!-


"Fragger, stop with the hitting!"

"Then stop with the attitude!"

"I thought you liked attitude!"



A cough interrupts our arguments.

-your line is still live-

-oh, sorry!-

"Hypno, the planet!"

"Oh, it's a lot bigger than I thought."


-On Earth-

The Autobots and the kids stood outside of a burning wreckage, it's white paint job, rusty from vorns of floating though space and burnt from the hit of the atmosphere. They were worried that one of the colorful cybertronians they had come into contact with had been damaged. The burning hull of the ship almost missing, revealing wires and seeping energon fuel from one of its two tanks. Pretty soon the ship would blow up. It honestly looked like a really bad car accident, it's metal sharp and rugged from breaking, part of its lights flickering on and off. A thick scent of sulphur and energon submerged from the wreck.

As well as two frames.

The first one to emerge was a silver painted femme, she was tall and slender, about the height of Ratchet. She had two sets of wheels, one pair attached to her peds and the other pair buried into the long arms. She had a sleek set of door wings attached to her back plating as well as a dual set of katanas. She had a deep gray stomach plating and servos, while having light blue details. Her helm was curved, three plates curved out down her helm and a crest rested in the middle of her forehelm, her optics were a bright blue. She was striding angrily from the other frame, a enraged look plastering her face. This, was Silverswipe.

The other was smaller than her friend, and stumbling slightly, her body jerking and twitching slightly. She was painted mostly black, bright pink highlights decorated her body as well as glowing green markings, the markings of a miner. Her peds were, off, two toe like appendages on each ped, flopping down as she walked. She had sharply pointed servos. She had two half wheels attached to her peds and one strapped to her back, in between what looked to be remains of winglets, wires and long scars decorating the stubs of them. Her helm had what looked to be two pointed crests, they were like Optimus', but they moved to sounds, flicking back and forth, she had a bright green visor attached to her faceplate, hiding her optics from them and a cat like grin on her faceplates, sharp teeth clearly showing. Like the silver femme, she had a pointed crest in the middle of her forehelm. She had what looked to be chains hanging from parts of her body, mostly her limbs. This idiot, was Hypno.

The smaller femme looked to the Autobots, back to her ship.


"Well, that was fun!"