"-I don't understand why would he care if I smelled like Peter? I mean, I don't want to smell like Peter, but he is in the pack, and if Derek's been trying to make me smell like pack it wouldn't matter if I had Peter's scent on me, right?" Stiles asked shoving another curly fry in his mouth looking over at his companion.

Scott looked back at him in exasperation. Stiles had invited him over to his house to watch some movies, but twenty minutes into the Avengers Stiles had turned to him and started ranting about Derek. So here Scott was trapped in Stiles' living room listening to him go on about what happened at the loft. Again.

Sighing he answered, "I don't know man, why don't you go ask Derek why he doesn't want you smelling like Peter if you want to know so badly?"

"I've already tried!" Stiles burst out. "It's like talking to a brick wall. A glaring, broody brick wall."

Scott rolled his eyes. He wouldn't call the yelling Stiles did through the bathroom door that night as actually questioning the alpha.

"I don't know what to tell you then."

"Oh I don't know Scott why don't you tell me why you think he's doing it, instead of sitting there and judging me?"

"I've been telling you what I think about it for a week-"

"Yeah I know 'you shoud go tk to him,'" The other boy mocked. "What kind of advice is that? I'll tell you, bad! Why would Derek talk you me, I'm the last person he want's to talk to."

Scott rolled his eyes again.

"And that! What's that about? You've been rolling your eyes and giving me knowing looks for months like there's something I should have figured out by now, but news flash Scott, whatever it is you think I should know, I don't. So why don't you just tell what's going on?" He was getting tired of feeling like the only one not in on the joke.

An disbelieving sigh came from behind them and they turn to see that the Sheriff had walked in during Stiles' rant and was looking for all the world to be questioning if Stiles was actually his child.

"What?" Stiles asked after his dad continued to stare at him like that for a few minutes.

The Sheriff sighed again, wiping his hand down his face.

"Stiles, there's no way you can be the clueless, you were raised by me for Christ sake."

"Wha-What's that supposed to mean?" Stiles sputtered.

His dad looked at the ceiling like he was gathering strength before answering.

"Stiles, you're raised by a cop, surely you can put two and two together. I've seen you do it all the time with the crap that goes on in this town," he'd even been impressed with his son after getting over the whole werewolves are real talk, "So surely you can't be that oblivious."

Stiles just gazed back at him blankly, so John turned to Scott for help.

"Scott, you only scent mark Allison right?"

The wolf flicked his eyes toward Stiles, obviously wanting to let Stiles figure it out on his own, but he answered anyway looking back at the Sheriff.

"Yes sir."

"And Boyd and Erica? Who do they scent mark?"

"Each other."

"And do you guys scent mark anyone else?"

"Not unless we're trying to rile the persons significant other up." Scott admitted, glancing at Stiles.

John looked Stiles directly in the eyes when he asked his next question.

"So normally werewolves only scent mark their significant others?"

"Yes sir."

Stiles eyes were wide staring back at his dad as he finally put two and two together.

Surely they were wrong though.

"So Stiles, If wolves only scent mark their significant others, why do you think Derek is scent marking you?"

Stiles just shook his head at his dad, at a loss for words for once in his life.

"But I'm not Derek's boyfriend! I'm not even his friend, he hates me!" Stiles finally burst out.

His dad looked down at him with pity.

"Stiles if you can't see that Derek's ass over ears for you then I don't know what to tell you, other than you need to brush up on your observation skills."

Stiles shook his head looking to Scott for help only to see Scott had his guilty face on.

"Are you sure you don't want to go talk to Derek?"

Stiles nearly tripped on his way to get his keys as an answer.

Rushing out the door he heard his dad call out to be back by ten and he threw a hasty wave over his shoulder, before speeding his way to Derek loft.

When he finally got up the hundred stairs of the building he threw the door open yelling Derek's name.

The alpha was no where to be seen but the three beta's were lounging only the couch. They perked up when they saw the state Stiles was in.

"Figure something out Stiles?" Erica asked grinning at him, her teeth on show.

"If all of you would please get out, I need to talk to Derek about somethings." he said with a sharp smile.

"Okay, okay." She replied as the betas took their time making their way to the door.

When they passed Stiles they brushed against him.

Hearing a growl from the kitchen, Stiles looked up to see Derek standing there glaring at the retreating backs of his pack.

Their laughter could be heard after the door slid shut.

Derek started making his way toward him, but stopped when Stiles held up his hand.

"When were you going to tell me that you had feelings for me?"

Derek gave him a blank stare and for a second his heart dropped thinking that his dad and Scott had been wrong.

"What are you talking about?" The wolf asked, a confusion behind the normal glare.

"The scent marking! Scott and my dad said wolves only scent mark their significant other, unless they're trying to rile up another wolf, which I guess is what Peter was trying to do but I had no clue you had feelings for me because you didn't tell me, and with the way you're staring at me right now I'm beginning to think I came all the way over here to make a fool of myself and my dad was wrong about you returning my feelings, so- I'm just going to stop now, please say something."

Derek's eyebrows were raised and he was looking at Stiles like he was crazy.

Stiles could hear his own heart beating as he waited for Derek to respond.

"...I thought you knew," the wolf said slowly.

"What!?" He burst out, "How could I possibly know that Derek, you never told me!"

"Why did you think I was doing it Stiles? I've been very clear about my intentions-"

"No you haven't!"

"Why would I scent mark you if I wasn't interested in you?! I wouldn't play with someone's emotions like that."

"How was I supposed to know that scent marking equals romantic interest? No one told me that, was I supposed to just figure it out on my own?"

"I thought I was making it obvious Stiles."

Stiles let out a frustrated breath, this conversation was going nowhere fast.

"You may have been making it obvious for a werewolf, but I'm human and I don't know everything there is about werewolves, so I have to ask you guys. I asked Scott and he just told me it was probably because I'm a human in the pack, so I didn't think much of it." He explained patiently.

"But I don't scent mark the Lydia and Allison." Derek pointed out, making his way over to the human.

"Yeah I know, it was just the only explanation that made a little sense to me, since I thought there was no way you could like me."

"Why didn't you just ask me?"

The older man now stood so close that all Stiles would have to do is lean forward to press his head into Derek's shoulder. He was a left a little breathless at the closeness.

"I...I didn't want you to stop." He said looking up and meeting the wolf's eyes.

Derek gaze down at him, keeping eye contact as slowly he reach up and ran his hand lightly over Stiles' throat.

"Hey Stiles?" He whispered leaning closer.


"I have feelings for you." He said clearly before closing the distance and pulling Stiles into heated kiss.

Stiles gasped and Derek took the opportunity to slip his tongue into the younger man's mouth, earning him a breathless moan.

Stiles didn't know how long they had been kissing before Derek pulled back and pressed their foreheads together.

"That clear enough for you?" The wolf grinned.

Stiles chuckled, "Crystal."