Sup guys! Ok, this is my first time EVER writing a story or fanfic so don't be mean 'kay? I'm just kinda bored and I got this idea - like what I would do if I was suddenly in Mai's body idk it's kinda a stupid idea sorry... if no one likes this story anyway then I won't bother to continue but if I do continue, I can assure you, I'm not going to be one of those people that can update every single day. Sorry! Anyway, please review if you like it so far! Lemme see what you think :)

UPDATE 2/7/15: I also have Wattpad now so you can view the story on my account there ( callmequackerz). Any votes, comments or views on there would be greatly appreciated and I also update on Wattpad before I update on here, if anyone's interested :) Also, please check out my original story on Wattpad called Phobia! It's only one chapter long so far so it'll only take a minute... Comments much appreciated!

Btw I don't own ghost hunt, much to my dismay. :(

Chapter 1



Thursday Morning


Ok, so this is my brain right now.

Where the hell am I?

Why am I wearing flipping Hello Kitty pyjamas?

Who's house is this?

What. The hell. Happened.

Scrambling out of the bed I seemed to have been sleeping in, I frantically make a dash to a window to the right of the bed and look out, hoping to find something familiar.


Just some random street and a set of apartments on the other side. As I look down, I realise how high up this floor is. Must be an apartment complex.

Oh god.

I am definitely not home. As far as I'm aware, you can't find any flats or apartments for miles from where I live.

Ok. Calm down. Take a moment to digest this and check that nothing is wrong with me.

My name is Rebecca, my friends call me Bex, I'm English, I'm 15, I watch anime and play piano, I have brown hair, brown eyes I have a target of A or above for every subject and I do NOT own Hello Kitty pyjamas and...

Ok so I don't have amnesia. That's a good start.


Ok, lets just take a look at the mysterious place you seem to have just woken up in.

Cream walls; single bed to my left, with a hello kitty design on the duvet and pillow - ugh who's room is this a 3 year old's? - a mini chest of drawers either side of the bed each with a pink lamp shade sitting on top; a fluffy pink rug on the floor and to my right a oval-shaped mirror hanging-


Oh holy crap.

What happened to my hair?

And my face!

Oh crap.

Did I just swap bodies with someone? I thought that only happened in the movies!

My previously long hair is now above shoulder length and my chubby round face is now decent looking at not unattractive. Oh. My. God. Maybe if I close my eyes and count to three, I'll wake up back in my own bed again like this NEVER happened.

I squeeze my eyes shut.







Opening my eyes aand I'm still here. Great.


I jump to a rather violent and loud knocking sound which seemed to come from another room. Cautiously, I open the door from the bedroom and to a rather cosy looking living room. I didn't have time to analyse the room any further as the knocking noise started again, coming from the front door at least, I assume that's the front door. I open it slowly and come face to face with a long, black haired girl wearing some sort of sailor uniform.

"Mai, come ON we're going to be late!"

Mai? Is that me? Must be.


Why is she speaking Japanese?

"Omigosh are you still in your pyjamas? We need to go now!"

Oh crap. Please tell me I'm not in Japan.

"Quick! I'll get your clothes! Stop standing there in a daze we need to go!"


"Mai hurry up!"

Still in a daze, I take off the rather, choice pyjamas I'm wearing and dress myself with whatever this girl just brought me and shove some shoes on just as this girl drags me out of the apartment, locks the door, hands me a bag, chucks some keys at me then runs down the hallway I'm now standing in, shouting at me to hurry up. Without much else to do, I follow.

She takes me down a staircase, through woods, across a park, over walls where we finally reach a train station, and after a lot of hassle and involving rustling through my bag and finding things - a train pass? I don't know - and we finally catch a train. At this point I was positively wheezing for breath as although I do well in my studies, when it comes to athleticism just... Kill me.

"Honestly Mai! We were supposed to catch the other train with Keiko but because of the stunt you pulled earlier, we are gonna be sooo late! What even happened earlier?"

Thank God I took the time to learn Japanese all those years ago.


"I overslept," I said, coming up with the easiest excuse. No need to bother her with my problem. What exactly would I say anyway,

"Hey! I'm not actually who you think I am, I'm from England, my name is Bex and I have no idea how or why I am now in your friends body. So, how was your day?"

Pfft fat chance.

So I settled with a question that I was kinda wondering anyway so..

"So where are we going?"

In return, I received a look that can only be described as an 'are-you-actually-seriously-well-and-truly-kidding-me-what-is-wrong-with-you' look.

"Uh, school" was the reply I got.


Well that makes sense.

When the train stopped, I followed the girl to a large building where another girl with pigtails suddenly came from nowhere and started squealing, whilst pulling me into a really, really tight hug. Like, really tight.

"Where WERE you guys! I thought you'd been run over or something! Don't do that again, seriously you guys!" She squeaked as she hurriedly checked me and my companion over for what I assume to be non existent injuries.

"Relax Keiko," my escort chuckled "we're fine. Just a little mishap on her behalf." She stated whilst indicating towards me with a jerk of her head.

"But Michiru.." Pigtails continued. She carried on badgering the girl - Michiru? - about safety and blablabla-

Hold on a second.



No. Fricking. Way.

"Hey guys what's my name?"

Two 'are-you-actually-seriously-well-and-truly-kidding-me-what-is-wrong-with-you' looks served straight my way.

"Uh Mai..?"

Mai. Michiru. Keiko.

The shrill sound of a bell began to drum through my brain and a crowd of people started to walk towards the building in an orderly fashion, like a colony of ants, fixed on one direction, one object, one thought.

Oh I'm totally screwed.