Ayye I'm enbarassed (*^.^*)

I don't know if this was a good chapter, it's like a few fluffy moments I put together and I think that I'm starting to get better when it comes to fluffy moments and know I'm feeling shy to upload this xD

Many kisses to Sydney who's an active reader of this story and I just wanted to tell you Sydney that I saw your recommendation of this story and it was really sweet :D

Don't ya'll forget to Review/Like/Follow this story for more brotherly fluffy moments ;D

Ps. Sending in request and idéas are alright as long as it stays as just 'brotherly love' and not more as I'm not very good at that kind of stuff xD (I can try but will most likely fail hard and cold xP) Love ~ Firefly!

Seated on the floor in front of the old beat down sofa, his head resting lazily on the legs on either side of his body. Thomas studied his five cards in hand, one pair, how awful. He didn't even try to put up any poke face and instead sighed as he threw three of the cards to the pile on the table and waited for the others to either throw cards to the pile or pass, when everyone had made their move Alby would deal out the needed cards. Thomas yawned as he sorted his cards in his hand, his one pair had suddenly change so he had three jack cards.

''Alright you shanks out with it, who's cheating?'' Minho suddenly burst out, his brows set in an frustrated frown and his gaze instantly went the floor were Thomas was seated in front of Newt. Thomas didn't hesitate to put his hand up in surrender, not forgeting to put his cards down before he did.

''Don't you look at me, I can't cheat to save my own skin.'' Thomas defended earning chuckles from the other boys seated around the table, Minho just rolled his eyes and went back to look at his cards and consentrate on the game. They all played their cards and Thomas cursed as he threw down his cards in defeat, Newt had put clover ace so he won without any struggle. How could the dirty blonde bastard be so shucking good at poker, Thomas could never understand.

''What the shucking shuck Chuck!?'' The sudden startled yelp made them all look up to see a former calm Asian teen who'd been seated lazily on one of the kitchen chairs, now on the floor rubbing the back of his head which he seemed to have hit during his landing. Beside the fallen glader stood the chubby cute boy Chuck, the boy was clutching at his stomach as he was laughing so hard that it was hurting.

''What happened?'' Alby asked with a raised eyebrow and arms folded over his chest while looking down at Minho who slowly climbed his way up on his chair, Thomas couldn't help but to smirk at the sight of Minho being so lazy that he even dragged his way up the chair instead of just standing up and sit down.

''The little slint-head scared the klunk out of me, that's what!'' Minho growled while turning a dangerous glare towards the chubby boy who took a step back but his smirk never left his lips, Thomas shot him a small thumbs up when his Asian friend wasn't looking.

The Next Day...

He'd just finished his last shit for the day and was heading towards the shower room to clean up all the sweat he'd been drenched in while being seated under the burning sun for several hours. Normaly a person wouldn't say it about himself but Thomas did know that he reeked of sweat, he also knew that people was avoiding him by walking a few meters to the side of him. But the teen actually didn't feel embarassed about it because he did smell like this because he was doing his duty and guarded the camp from any attacks, guarding the people from getting brutally killed by cranks.

''Man Thomas, you reek.'' Oh wasn't he just stating the obvious? Thomas sighed as he turned to glare right into the dark eyes of his Asian friend, Minho just returned the glare with a cocky smirk and a step away to keep his distance from any possibly attacks.

''You don't say Minho, you don't say!'' Thomas muttered as he turned his gaze back to the road ahead of him, he quickly noticed that Minho was rather quiet as he still hadn't told Thomas to cool down or something similiar like he usual would when Thomas got a little sassy.

''You alright there, Minho?'' He asked while leaned forward so he could lock eyes with his friend who seemed taken a back by the sudden question and looked at Thomas with wide eyes before clearing his troath.

''Ehmm, yea. Just thinking 'bout something.'' Minho explained in a quiet mutter making Thomas frown, he didn't believe that what Minho was thinking was 'something' it was more to it. Maybe the guy was feeling alone? Both Thomas and Newt had been rather busy the whole week with Newt being the second-in-command and Thomas having been punished and then put on extra guard duty for fighting, Minho must have been alone. Well, Thomas did miss spending time with his best buddy, they'd only seen each other for like half an hour before bed time and that wasn't really that much. Maybe it was time they spent some 'buddy time', Thomas knew that both himself and Minho did have the rest of the day of so it wouldn't be a problem. But what to do? Well, first of all Thomas needed a shower.

''Eyy Minho, I'm gonna head for the showers, wanna come with?'' Hell that didn't sound right, Thomas inwardly punshed himself in the gut for the very wrong spoken question but to his surprise, he's question seemed to lighten his friend mood as Minho finally smiled.

''Sure.'' Minho agreed while straightening up, Thomas could only shake his head rather dazed before he followed his friend to get their stuff from the tent before heading for the showers.

Later On...

Boy never had he thought a day would come when he was actually showering together with another guy, they weren't actually fully naked as they both were still wearing their boxers but the place was rather cramped. But Thomas was actually having quiet the fun time, well if getting water sprayed in the face could be considered fun.

''Hey Minho, stop it man!'' Thomas yelped between his never ending laughing, he was trapped in the corner of the shower with no wat out as Minho was blocking the exit. Minho just laughed before finally giving in, he instead turned the hot water spraw towards himself got warm his body from the cold air. Thomas chuckled while leaned past his friend to grab the shampoo bottle, he then proseeded to rub it into his hair until it was fully covered in white foam.

''Here, tilt your head forward.'' Minho said as he put a hand on the back of Thomas head and gently tilted him forward before putting the shower over his head, Thomas just huffed before rubbing at his hair to get the shampoo out of his hair. It felt good to know that all that nasty smelling sweat was washed off of his body and he could now walk the streets without having people giving him nasty looks while wrinkeling their noses, he could walk the streets knowing he smellt like fresh soap.

''Clear!'' He announced and felt the hand leave his neck so he could straighten up, the two friends shared a smirk before stepping out of the showers and started drying themselves with their towels. After putting on a newly washed white t-shirt and a pair of gray sweetpants, Thomas sat down on the bench inside the small hut and started to dry of his hair with a towel.

''You, Thomas.'' Minho's voice made Thomas stop what he was doing to look up at his best friend, slightly shocked when he saw the true geniune smile on his friends lips. It was almost liked Minho looked, touched by something.

''Yea, what is it?'' Thomas couldn't help but smile, seeing Minho not smirk but to actually smile seemed to have the effect of making Thomas want to smile with him.

''I'm really glad you're my buddy.'' Thomas couldn't help the blush that formed on his cheeks, how the shuck could Minho just say something like that so causaly!? An Thomas didn't even get a warning to prepare himself!

''Shuck Minho, don't just say things like that.'' Thomas chuckled as he hid his blushing cheeks in his hands and looked at his friend with playful eyes, Minho was once again having one of his rumoured triumph smirk that he wore when knowing that he had the upper hand of things. But Thomas would let it go, at least this time. He was just happy to see his friend in a better mood and he had to admit, having Minho in his life was truly like winning a lottery.