
"Y'all smoke to enjoy it. I smoke to die."

Cigarettes were small white pipes with yellow stubs; filled with nicotine and tar and were biologically proven to increase one's chance of lung cancer. The blonde mused over this fact as he took another long drag from the blasted object, blowing out the grey fume in one practised breath; before resting his elbows on the metal of the banister of the balcony. He brushed his golden locks from his eyes; the strands of hair falling back down in resistance. He sighed and placed the cigarette in-between his lips; neither inhaling nor exhaling the smoke.

"Those things will kill you; and you'd said you had quit," the blond groaned and turned to meet the pointed glare from the petite red-head to his right.
"Exactly Red; I had said that I did; it's all past tense. Just like you and me darling. The fuck do you want?"
Clary ducked under the metal overhead and hugged herself; a faint blush creeping across her cheek.
"Starkweather's looking for you Herondale. Wants you to grace us with your esteemed presence," He could practically hear the eye roll, "Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

Jace had turned around completely by now; his back to the road; his elbows resting on the railing as he looked up and blew. Next to him, Clary waved her hand in front of her face and squinted her eyes at the smoke. He almost felt bad. He barked and let out a dry laugh, causing Clary's head to spring up, "Herondale? Back on last name basis are we Red? And yes; I do kiss my mouth with this mouth. I kiss a lot of people with this mouth. You were one of them, or do break-ups now come with specific amnesia?"He turned towards her and smirked, " Would you like me to remind you? I've had a lot of practise since then."

She flinched, just barely; but Jace noticed anyway. She rolled her emerald eyes and rubbed her hands up and down her arms; trying to warm herself. Jace pushed himself of the bannister and draped his blazer over her. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. He shrugged and said, "Force of Habit," but both of them knew that wasn't true.
"It's what happens when you're in a relationship with someone for 5 years," he muttered, but Clary caught it anyway.

"What do you want me to say Jace? That I miss you? That I've gone through all our texts and emails and letters and all the stuff over and over? That I've cried my fucking heart out? That I miss the twinkle in your golden eyes or your stupid half-hourly texts when I was away on a case? Or your god-awful yet adorable inneudos? Or how your lips would turn up into that ridiculously cute half-smi-"

Jace took two strides and kissed her hard. She responded immediately, fisting her hands in his hair while his wrapped around her waist. God; these past four months had been torture. His lips moulded against hers perfectly and he picked her up; and they walked backwards until her back hit the wall. His hands moved to rest on either side of her against her; caging her in while hers sipped down to encircle his neck, bringing him closer.

God; he tasted just like she remembered, cinnamon and cigarette. She licked his lips, begging for entrance; which he gladly complied; tugging at her lower lip. Her hands slipped under his pristine black shirt; caressing the toned stomach that she'd memorized. He groaned against her lips, causing her to smirk against his. In a swift motion, he grabbed her arms and pinned them against her head; while the other undid her buttons, his mouth following. He worked his way up and started attacking her neck, his blazer on the floor forgotten. He bit and sucked a sweet spot on her collarbone; and she moaned, causing the blond's eyes to twinkle and his lips to curl up.

He slowly worked his way back to her mouth, enjoying Clary swirm and moan; peppering kisses on all of her light auburn freckles, and kissed her, long and deep and full of promises he knew were a whim of the yester day. They slowly broke off; Clary titling her head off, before breaking it off and leaning against the wall. "Fucking hell Clary; why the fuck did you have to leave me? We were so fucking great together. Fucking shit, it's been 4 months; how long before you realize that leaving me was wrong?"

Clary slowly removed her arms from Jace's grip and rebuttoned her light blue blouse. She looked Jace square in the eye and whispered, "We didn't work well Jace and you know it. We were a nuclear couple; an accident waiting to happen. We were a god damned mist-"
Jace grabbed her face and placed a lone finger to her mouth, " Don't. You. Ever. Call. The. Best. 5. Fucking. Years. Of. Our. Lives. A. God-damned. Mistake. This? What just happened now Red? Was that another one of our fucking mistakes? Because that's the best fucking thing that happened to me these four months. That is the most right thing I've felt. "

Clary was stared at him. She couldn't deny it, being with Jace just felt right. But there were reasons that they broke up. But looking into those broken golden eyes, Clary couldn't find it in her to care. She removed Jace's finger from her lips and whispered, "Take Me Home Jace."

(Not a PLL Fan)