Hey guys! So here it is, the *sigh* reason why I chose the rating to be M. I have to forewarn you that this is the first time I've written something like this. I really had no idea how to write lemon(?), so I'm sorry. I'm a fluff writer by heart. Reading lemon is one thing, writing it is another, so I've learned. I hope you guys find this ok, and let me know what you think!

BTW, I didn't know that you can reply to reviews and I just found out a couple of days ago, so forgive me for my ignorance. I will be replying to reviews that will be posted from now on. Thank you for staying with my little fanfic here!

The Asahina brothers remained in the living room and were teasing and catching up with each other while eating pizza. Some of them were already drunk. Especially Subaru, who has downed 5 cans of beer already, and just popped a new one open.

Natsume looked at Subaru with concern "Oi, are basketball players allowed to drink that much? That's not good for you. You might wake up with a nasty hangover."

Subaru scowled. "Leave me alone. I don't always do this. I just need this tonight. Just tonight."

Louis felt bad for his younger brother. Everyone does like Ema, there's no denying that. He could see how their relationship had affected his brothers.

Kaname swirled his beer can. "Hey guys, we just have to make something this clear among us. This is us men, talking."

Masaomi cleared his throat, everybody stopped and paid attention. Nobody messes with Masaomi. "To be honest, we all know that we are interested in Ema. Some may feel more strongly that the others. We have to have that understanding. However, we know that Ema had given her heart to someone among us, and it's Louis. We, as their brothers, have to respect that. Whatever decision they make, shouldn't be meddled with by any of us. Unless they ask for help. We should give an advice with the well-being of their relationship in our minds."

Everyone was quiet, contemplating on Masaomi's word. Their eldest brother rarely talks this seriously. If he did, everyone had to pay attention.

Louis cleared his throat. "I would like to thank everyone for understanding. I promised that I will love and take care of her as long as I live."

Fuuto smirked. "You better, nii-chan. If you don't, we're all just here waiting to pounce on Ema."

Yusuke rolled his eyes. "Honestly Fuuto, stop being an ass for once." He looked at Louis and eyed the bag beside his brother. "Louis nii-chan, you've been holding that plastic bag since you got here. What's in there?"

Louis suddenly remembered all of the desserts he bought for Ema. The plastic was already dripping from the condensation on its sides. "Desserts...I'll just go to the kitchen, I need to put this in the fridge."

He stood up and went to the kitchen. He placed the dessert cups in the freezer. Once done, he closed the door of the fridge to turn around and find Iori standing a few feet away from him. Louis almost fell backwards from the shock.

"Louis nii-chan, are you ok?" Iori asked.

"Yeah...Iori, you scared me."

"Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you alone." Iori said as he rubbed his arm.

Louis nodded. "What would you like to talk about?"

"Before we started looking for you, I wanted to talk to you since I feel that I need to apologize for what I did to you and to Ema."

"Have you apologized to Ema?"

"Yes I have."

Louis placed his hand on his brother's shoulder. "Iori, I forgive you. I also want to say sorry. I never really intended to hide our relationship."

Iori shook his head. "No, you shouldn't be sorry. Because if I was able to win Ema's heart, I would be the one dealing with whatever it is you're dealing with right now."

Louis sadly smiled. "I supposed you're right."

Iori smiled. "It's ok. Don't worry about us. What you need to worry about is your relationship with Ema. Love her with all your heart, and make her happiness your top priority. If you make her cry, there are 12 other men who are ready to steal her away."

Louis chuckled. "Thank you, I will take care of her."

"I'll go back to the living room now. Are you going back?"

"No, I think I'll go upstairs. I'm a bit tired. Just let our brothers know I'll be heading up."

Ema got out of the bathroom after a quick shower. She was wearing her pajamas and she was drying her hair with a towel. She checked her phone, she still has not received a message from Louis. She saw Juli watching a video on her laptop. She sat on the office chair by her study table.

"Juli, we have to talk." Ema said.

Juli turned to face her "OK, what's going on?"

"I need you to sleep at Louis' room tonight."

Juli crossed his arm and tapped his feet on the bed. "Now why would I do that?"

Ema smiled. "Sorry Juli, I'm not asking you this time, I'm telling you. I'd like to have some time alone with Louis. We need to talk about things."

"Are you sure?" Juli stared at her. "You look pretty tense."

Ema rubbed Juli's head. "Yes I am. Juli, I already know what I want at this point, so Louis and I need to talk about it."

"Well alright, you are a grown up now." Juli exhaled.

"Oh really? Since when did you acknowledge me as an adult?" Ema smiled in amusement.

Juli smiled sadly. "When you decided to get married and start your own family. Honestly Chii-chan, I wanted to cry when I saw how determined you are."

Ema received a message on her phone. She almost dropped the phone when she checked it.

Ema, I'm already in my room. I'll just take a shower and I'll text you back.

"Ok Juli as soon as I receive another text message, you'd have to go to Louis' room ok?" Ema grinned.

"Fine" Juli said as he rolled his eyes.

Ema already received Louis' second text message, and Juli already went out of the room. She was now sitting on her bed, nervously waiting for Louis. She jumped from her bed when he heard a gentle knock on her door. This is it, he's finally here. She opened the door and saw Louis standing.

"Louis, come in" Ema said, her voice breaking at the last word.

He walked in to the bedroom, closing and locking the door behind him. He held Ema's hand and led her to the bed. Ema hoped that Louis would not feel how cold her hand is. He gestured for her to sit beside him at the edge of her bed. Ema sat beside him felt his arms wrap around her shoulder.

"What happened when I left?" Ema asked, hoping to sound calm.

"We talked about a lot of things... But my brothers and I... had an understanding about our relationship... It seems that they have all agreed to respect our decision."

"I see." Ema said meekly. She could feel her heart beating loudly on her chest. A part of her wants to back out and just stay in her room forever. But another part of her was determined to stand by her decision. She held Louis' hand as she moved to the center of her bed. Louis moved to her side and held her in his arms. Ema couldn't think of what to do. Should she make the first move? Should she wait for Louis?

Louis spoke, almost like a whisper. "Chii-chan, you can still change your mind... I will respect whatever your decision."

She closed her eyes and swallowed. She then looked straight into Louis' mauve eyes to show that she meant every word she said. "No, I want this, Louis. I want you."

He responded by smiling and lowering his head to press his lips against her. It sent shivers all over Ema's body. His kisses went deeper, his tongue slid across her lips, and she accepted him by parting hers. His tongue met hers, and Ema's mind went blank. Their tongues slid and met, the sensation makes it hard for Ema to breathe. Louis then broke the kiss and slowly unbuttoned her top, sliding the fabric off of her shoulders, then arms, and throwing it to the floor. Afterwards, he held on to the waistband of her pajamas. Realizing Louis' intentions, Ema raised her hips up and allowed him to pull her pajama off, including her underwear.

Ema reached for the table lamp by her nightstand, but Louis held her hand and stopped her. "Ema, leave the lights on... I want to see you." She nodded shyly, pulling the sheets up to cover her body. She knew that she was blushing and Louis thankfully had not commented on that.

Louis got off of the bed and stood beside it, staring at her as if drinking in the image of Ema. "You're so beautiful."

Ema covered her head with the sheets. Trust Louis to say the most embarrassing things in moments you least expect him to.

Louis took the covered off and held Ema's chin. He gently raised it so his eyes could meet hers. "Chii-chan... is everything ok? Don't be shy."

Ema smiled and held the hand on her chin and kissed its knuckles. "I am afraid of what we're about to do, but I trust you. You'll take care of me, I know it."

Louis kissed her forehead. "Yes,... always."

He straightened and took something shiny out of his pants' back pocket and placed by the night stand, then took his clothes off, leaving only his underwear.

Ema sighed. Louis really does have a beautiful body. Trying to distract herself from staring further, she asked about the thing he took out of his pocket. "Louis, what's that?"


Ema felt her eyes widen, she covered her face with his hands. She has already accepted the fact that everything is just going to get even more embarrasing from now on.

Louis sat beside Ema and peeked at her face "Are you ok?"

Ema tried to smile, although she was fairly certain her face is as red as a tomato. "Yeah, I mean, uh. I don't know."

Louis hugged her, gently holding her head against his chest. Ema could hear how fast his heartbeat is. She is now amazed at how well Louis could hide his emotions. "We have to make sure you finish university first before we decide if we want to have a baby or not. I just want you to be able to achieve your dreams first. I won't do anything that you don't want."

"Thank you. Thank you for thinking of me." Ema mumbled against Louis' chest.

Louis carded his hands in Ema hair, making her face him. He covered her mouth with his. Surprised, Ema unknowingly parted her lips and Louis took the chance to thrust his tongue into the warm cavity of her mouth. With his other hand, he held Ema's shoulder and gently pushed her so that she was lying on her back with Louis above her. Louis parted from their lips to look at Ema's face. She could feel his eyes studying her expression. Ema could see Louis' lips moist and plump from their kiss and his pupils dilated. The way he looked stirred the desire deep within her. She held Louis neck and kissed him with hunger.

While his mouth gave her unspeakable pleasure, his hands traveled downwards cupping her soft, sensitive breast. With the pad of of his thumb, he rubbed circles on the tip of her hardening nipple.

Ema broke of the kiss to catch her breath, moving her head to the side and exposing her neck. Louis took the opportunity to let his lips travel downwards to her chin, lower still to her jaw. His tongue curled and flattened on her neck as he placed open-mouthed kiss on her. He then gently bit her neck, sending shock through her body. He moved downwards, leaving red marks on his trail. His lips travelled lower until his mouth covered the tip of her other breast, his tongue toying with her hardened nipple.

"Louis.." Ema gasped, her hand held the back of his head while the other curled on the bedsheet. Her back involuntarily arched in pleasure. She felt Louis pressed his front against her, making her aware of his hardened groin. She jumped and sighed at the shock.

While holding himself up, his hands moved from her breast to her stomach, leaving a trail of heat all over her body, his touches making her hot and impatient. Ema moaned, completely overwhelmed by the pleasure Louis's hands and mouth had brought. Despite the overwhelming sensation, she became painfully aware of how Louis' hands travelled down. She held her breath, trying to focus on the movement of his hands.

His hands went lower and started to rub her thighs, as if telling her to relax. He then pushed on of her thigh, urging her to part her legs. Ema suddenly felt exposed, making her gasp. Louis' hands stilled on her thigh. "Ema..?"

"N-No, don't stop. I'm ok." She said, barely able to speak coherently.

Louis moved his hand upwards until he was able to touch the wetness between her legs. He slowly started to move his hands until he touched an bundle of nerves, and the touch suddenly shot electricity all over her body. She could feel her body starting to burn and her toes curled against the mattress.

Sensing her reaction, Louis continued to touch on that sensitive place until Ema drowned in pleasure. She had never known that such sensation was even possible. Her body started to tense up, her breathing became rapid.

"L-Louis.. I"

Louis silently urged her on by increasing the speed of his hands movement, building up the heat in her body. Suddenly, she was lost in heat and tension. She could no longer think, she could only succumb in the pleasure that his fiancé's hand had given her. All she could do was listening to the slick sound of Louis touch and her rapid breathing. Something is about to happen to her body, that she could tell. Her mouth open in silent scream and her body arched upwards. Waves of pleasure lapped her body. She could feel the place between her legs clenching. Louis hand stilled, allowing her to rest and breathe. Her body was covered in sweat. Through her half-lidded eyes, she looked back at Louis and smiled.

"How are you feeling?" Louis asked

"Ok.. I guess." Ema shyly answered.

Louis looked into her eyes. His eyes were filled with passion, something that Ema had never seen before. Louis said "Ema, I want to be inside of you.

Overwhelmed by the urgency of Louis' voice, Ema just nodded.

Louis lowered his head and kissed her. Once more, he rubbed the wetness between here legs. But this time, he inserted a finger within her. Ema whimpered, it felt odd and a bit painful. Louis started moving, his fingers gliding in and out of her. A different sort of tension started building in her body. She could not help but moan in pleasure. Louis then stopped and continued, this time using two fingers.

Louis pulled out his hand, and Ema gasped with the sudden loss. She felt him shift on the bed. She opened her eyes and saw Louis reach out to the nightstand, and that he had already taken his underwear off. He tore off the wrapping of the condom, and unrolled it on his length. Unsure if she should be embarrassed or amazed, all Ema could do was watch. She had rarely seen Louis naked. Seeing him on top of her with disheveled hair and hardened manhood was something else.

He held her thighs with both his hands and gently moved them apart. "Ema, may I?" Louis said, his voice low and gruff.


She could feel Louis' warmth on her as he pressed the tip of his length into her entry. Carefully, he pushed into her and sheltered himself within her.

Ema threw her head back and arched her back. "Ahhh!" It was a completely different feeling. She could feel her inside stretch to accommodate Louis' rather thick member. Her insides burned with pain and pleasure at the same time. It was an overwhelming feeling and she doesn't know whether to move towards or away from Louis. A tear rolled down her temples.

Louis kissed her her gently on the lips, then he raised his head and pressed his forehead against hers. "Chii-chan, just relax and breathe... Let me know when you're ready." Despite the gentleness in Louis' voice, she could feel the tension in his body from her hands that holding his arms. His chest pressed against her breast, their hips joined as one.

Ema smiled through her tears and cupped Louis' face with her hand, looking into his eyes. "I-I love you."

Louis kissed her forehead. "I love you too, so much."

"Y-You can move now." Ema sighed and bit her lips, holding his arms and preparing herself for whatever pleasure Louis' movements would bring.

Louis nodded and started to move in and out of her, burying his face on the crook of her neck. She could feel him teeth and tongue as he leaves a mark on her shoulder. Slowly, he started to fill her, his movements increasing and heat pooling between her legs. It hurts, she doesn't deny that. Yet the tension that she feels, similar to what she felt earlier had started to build up again. She moaned and hugged Louis tightly. She closed her eyes, sliding her hands and feeling the sweat on his back.

"Wrap your legs around my waist." Louis whispered to her ear.

She followed and she felt his length hit something within her that made her throw her head back in pleasure and lose her senses. "Aahh..L-Louis..."

At that moment, she was lost in pleasure. Her mind only allowed her to feel the pleasure that's building up within her. Louis' understood her silent demand and his thrusts increased, his body tensing further in unison with hers. The bottom of Ema's feet burned as she moaned and called her lover's name.

Louis grunted. "I-I'm close."

Ema gasped, "M-Me too."

"Together.." Louis breathed against her neck.

The movement of Louis hips became erratic, his movements increased in fervor. Ema met each thrust and the next thing Ema felt was her body being awashed in a combination of heat and electricity. She almost screamed if Louis had not covered her mouth with his. After quivering for a few minutes, they both stopped moving to catch their breath, their hearts beating wildly against their chest.

Both of them exhausted, Louis laid still on top of Ema, breathing heavily. "Am I heavy?"

Ema sighed and hugged him tighter. "No, I actually like the feeling of your weight on top of me."

They enjoyed holding each other until Louis decided to pull out of Ema, making them both groan shudder. He got out of the bed and took the condom off. He tied the condom and threw it in to the trash, picking up and wearing the boxers he took off earlier. Ema could feel exhaustion getting the better of her.

Louis emerged from the bathroom carrying a warm, moist towel. He wiped the perspiration off of her body and cleaned her up. Ema felt a stinging pain where the towel touched her sensitive part, making her wince.

Louis looked at her with concern. "It might hurt for a few days..."

Ema smiled sleepily "It's ok, I can handle it."

Louis looked at her body. Ema started to feel embarrassed again. He touched her chin and gently tilted her head, giving him a better view of her neck. He frowned. "I'm sorry,... I think I left a few marks on you."

Ema chuckled. "You owe me turtle neck shirts then."

Louis lay down beside her and pulled her into a tight hug. "We'll buy shirts tomorrow."

"Aren't you going to work tomorrow?"

Louis kissed the top of her head. "No, I'll stay with you all day and take care of you. I'll pamper you and give you whatever you want."

Ema chuckled and buried her face on Louis' neck. "Thank you." She sighed and fell asleep.