So this was another in a short line of on the spot ideas after an episode, in waters I am SOOO unfamiliar with. SO! In light of that, be nice, tell me what you think in a comment, and BOOM! All is well! Enjoy!


It was dark... but Gumball could see, as he had been awake till now, just waiting for everyone else to go to sleep. Gumball had recently hooked his attention on someone other than penny... Anais was entering that certain age where, only recently, their mother had given the young girl her own room... now before this story REALLY starts... GET you MIND out of the gutter, they're two different people!

Darwin had opted to stay in the hallway, fearing being too far from either one while sleeping, and thus Gumball was alone... his ears twitched at the slightest sound, his natural radar giving him the OK he so desperately waited for.

He pulled down his boxers, erection firm and at the ready, as he thought about the girl that haunted his dreams... Carrie.

He wrapped his hand around his aching member, enjoying the warmth against the cool night breeze... and started to stroke... he remembered many things about the girl he had fallen for, her skin tone, her skin, her face, all its little gives of emotion, her walk, or lack their of in most cases, but he could still tell her outermost emotion by the WAY she floated... don t try to understand it, it's a fan-fiction, get over it. He remembered all the things they'd done together, good and bad. Possession, jealousy, removing a curse, aka her dad, and even a date once! But sadly her dad showed up and turned him inside out... yeah... he was still trying to get over that one.

He stroked slowly at first... then a little faster... thinking about her, and how she's usually not wearing anything but a frown, how she smiled when he made a complete fool of himself, but was never the one to belittle him after. She was... IS beautiful. And he couldn't stop thinking about her. Faster... faster, faster! His hand becoming more of a pump than anything else, squeezing just tight enough to make it soooo good, that point JUST before it hurts!

"Carrie... Carrie... Carrie, Carrie!" He panted, screaming her name almost silently, as he came close to an all consuming orgasm, something he was little accustomed to for lack of natural skill, "Carrie! C-Carrie! ... Carrie, Carrie, Carrie Carrie CARRIE!" As his orgasm came FULL force and-!

An audible POOF! And- "What do you WAN-aaag?!" Carrie had appeared in front of him, from being summoned by him repeating her name several times, as all ghosts do(Cannon in the show, LOL). She appeared, and knowing exactly who it was that had summoned her, went for the intimidation route, flinging her face at him in a frightening rage! Only to be stopped by something, making her gag, and then-!

Gumball's climax was unequaled in his life, a sudden hot wetness wrapping around his erection that he'd never felt before... and he came... and came, and came, and came... It was a godsend, a true moment of bliss unrivaled by anything he had ever ever experienced before... and in a flash, the hot wetness was gone. He mustered all his coherent thought to sit up somewhat, his next move to grab a tissue, but... Carrie was floating there, eyes closed, wincing, and then an audible Gulp... and he was paralyzed...

'Wait... how is she-?! When-?! OH NO! I summoned her? But I've been so careful not to do that before now, I-!'

Hot strands of liquid, streamed down her throat, coating it in a thick, creamy white juice that she had no time to do anything but swallow and back away, shocked at this... sensation? Flavor? Feeling of unsatisfaction? She floated back, just staring at his completely naked, shellshocked form...

"Wh-Gumball... why-how could you USE me like this?!"

"Wait Carrie, I-" he couldn't think of anything to say, the gears in his head had stopped turning, the hamster responsible for powering the having clearly died of an orgasm induced heart attack.

"NO GUMBALL! This is just- you cant- UGH! This is so WRONG! I can't believe you would do this to me! I thought you weren't like them!"

"Carrie, please! I can explain!"

"SHUT UP! Just- just shut up! I don t wanna hear your excus-"

"CARRIE!" Gumball almost screamed, almost at the same time his dad had snored loudly enough to cover it up, as if by some narrator induced luck... Yeah, I know, about as subtle as a shotgun. "STOP! If you don t let me explain, this is gonna be one of those sappy, shitty movie moments where you disappear from my life, living in hatred of me forever, when the stupidly simple act of listening for FIVE seconds could have prevented it! Do you want that?!" Even he couldn't figure out where he was pulling this courage out of. 'Prooobably a one time thing that I'll never be able to pull off again. Oh shit, is she crying?!' "Carrie... I-"

"N-no Gumball... that s NOT what I want... I... I just need a little time... ok?"

"But I-"

"If you don t let me go, I'll probably wind up cursing you worse than dad did."

"... Ah... then by all means, take your time." He sidesteps, pointing at the window as if acting cool would help in any floated out the window, but stopped suddenly when she feels her little ghosty tail being held, "Carrie... promise me you actually WILL come back?"

"... Yes... but on one condition."

"Name it!"

"Put your boxers back on."

Gumball's cheeks turned an abnormal shade or purple, he let go of her, flinging his underwear up his legs so fast it gave him a wedgie. 'wait... how did I grab her tail...y... thing? She always makes it a habit of being intangible...'

He stayed up long into the night, not for pleasure, not for fear, but for hope. 'If there is any kind of god up there, anyone that wants to take credit, please, PLEASE let this not have been a permanent screw up?'

'Third period and there's STILL no sigh of him? I mean, we have the same classes after all, after that stupid bill was passed to keep groups of students together all the way through highschool... lame...' Carrie mused to herself, not sure exactly how she felt at the moment. 'when I find him, I'm gonna possess him so hard he'll-... and, and I'll make him-! I don't even know what I'm going to do... I promised I'd hear him out, and a ghost ALWAYS keeps a promise, but... I'm scared... I will NOT be used! I... I wont...' she floated into class, through several people causing a line of freaked out screams. She could still feel it... the whole flight home, she could feel his hot, sticky white seed sliding down her throat... it felt...

'Good? Terrifying? Arousi-NO. No, I will NOT think down that road.. yet... but... I cant figure it out... how did he even manage it? I mean... all last night, I could feel it, sitting heavy and warm in my stomach... but how? It SHOULD have phased right through me, but it stayed... well... till I fell asleep I guess, now its just a stain on my-'

"You Ok Carrie?" Her councilor waved a hand in front of her face, to which she simply blew her hair out of her face. He stood up, turned around, and- "Yup, she's good miss Simian, just not too talkative today. Oh, but Carrie, do you happen to know where the Waterson boys are?"

"Gumball could go jump off a cliff for all I care, and- Wait, boys? As in both?"

"Yeees ma'am, Darwin is missin too."

"Should probably check around their neighborhood, whenever Gumball isn't around, he gets lost 5 seconds after he leaves the house."

"Aaaalrighty then lil' miss Carrie, thank you very much! I'll go check it out real quick." no more that 10 minutes later Miss Simian picked up the ringing phone.

"Yeah. Uhuh? Oh really? Is that so? Well, it was nice knowing you, Later LOOOOOSER! HAHAAAA!" She slammed the phone down. "Sorry kids, that was my sister, she's dieing. Which means I WIN! I WIN I WIN I WIN! The entire inheritance is MINE I tell you, all MINE! Now, moving on-" Ririririiiing! "Oh for the love of- WHADOYOUWANT?! Oh! Hello Mister small. Whats that? You found him? Oh good, bring him to class, he can catch up when he gets here. I don t CARE if he looks like a dehydrated fish out of water! Get him here NOW! She slams the phone again. Where was I... oh yes!"

After that Carrie tuned out the world. Brooding on what exactly she was going to do when she saw him again. She couldn't decide. Horrible punishment? Pain? Both? Or maybe... 'heh... possess him and make him give himSELF a blowjob... Hmmm...'


The night was black. And Gumball's ears had just stopped twitching, everyone was asleep 'Finally... now I can... and then... while I... aaaand there! Unless someone saw EXACTLY what I was doing, that was 100% vague and unhelpful!' The blue feline settled down on his knees, and whispered: "Carrie, Carrie, Carrie, Carrie, Carrie..."

A light 'poof' in front of him and a moment of silence, She had drawn back in fear of a repeat incident... but he was kneeling, fully dressed.

"Look Gumball, I don t know WHAT you're up to-"

"Carrie... please." she stopped, if only because of the sincerity in his voice. "Last night... was a mistake." Immediately he remembered his habit of fucking everything up with a single sentence.

"Oh? A MISTAKE?! What, was I not the right ghost? HUH?! I was just a convenient-"

"My MISTAKE-" He managed to speak over her irritation, "-Was summoning you here. I didn't mean to drag you away from what you were doing, or where you were... and I... I'm truly sorry for that Carrie. I wasn't trying to summon you."

She was silent for an agonizingly long minute... "Then what WERE you doing gumball? Hm? Sleep talking? Hm? Randomly saying a name you knew repeatedly? HMMMM? Or maybe-"

"I was masturbating Ok?! Jeeze! I'm trying to apologize here and you re making it difficult! I was thinking about YOU, and masturbating, happy?! There! I said it! I couldn't keep it in, and you showed up RIGHT as I was-"

"I KNOW! God! Don t remind me! I was feeling dizzy enough as it was after the whole-... THING! And difficult? You wanna know DIFFICULT?! Flying home full of your-your CUM was difficult! it was sticky and think and gross and sweet and gross and-!"

"Wait, did you just say sweet?" For a moment he had a strait face.

"Are you trying to derail my train of thought to avoid the actual topic at hand?" also a serious face.

"No no, please, carry on."

"-and hot and thick and all around infuriatingly unsatisfying!" she almost yelled that last part, though she held back hearing Darwin stir. They both waited for him to settle again. "THAT... was difficult... especially when I was all confused and flustered about you using me!"

"Carrie, that s what I'm trying to tell youuuu! I didn't MEAN to summon you. It was..."

"What, Gumball, what was it? A mistake again?! Make me feel like-"

"It was wonderful..."

"Yeah, well you can just go fu-! What?"

"I... Have never felt that good before... And I wont lie, I've been thinking about it all day."

"Is that why you weren't at school all day? Huh? Too busy beating a few out-"

"BECAUSE-" gumball growled, trying not to loose his cool under fire, "I wanted to make it up to you."

"... Oh. My. God. Are you SERIOUSLY going to do the whole Let me return the favor so you can have sex with me thing?! That is SO Cliche! And overused in porn based games."

"Who with the what now?"

"Nothing, you heard nothing, back to the point."

"Siiiigh, fine. No, I WASN'T going to try that because I didn't know that was a thing and in hindsight, its probably best that I didn't cause I would probably have gone that rout and failed miserably."

"... knowing you? Yeah, probably."

"Thaaaaanks... anyways, no. THIS was my plan. Gumball pulled out a large book and a shaker of salt-"

"Wh-WHAT do you think you re doing?! Were you going to try to get rid of me to keep me quiet?! How DARE YOU-!" she was growing in size, parallel to her rage, but as he flips the book open, she instantly deflates. "Wh-... when did you-?"

"I had Anais help. Sorta. She said she couldn t miss class, but she let me borrow this to see if I thought anything would help. That s when I found this. But... I'm not exactly the smartest cat ever."

"Or in your entire grade level. Or the next 3 grade levels down for that matter-"

"Yeah yeah, rub it in. The fact is, I wanna make it up to you. And this is how."

"So you... you wanna use a spell on me."


"That stops anyone from five name summoning me?"


"All because you did it by accident and blew a load strait down my throat."
"Exact-ehhhhh... when you word it like that... this really doesn t seem like it makes up for hardly anything. Well, I tried. Do your worst Carrie!" He stands up, arms out wide like he was on a cross, clearly ready to accept whatever punishment she deemed fit.


"Y-yes Carrie? He had his eyes closed tight."

"One, you are SUCH a drama queen. And two, open your eyes. He does, and to his shock and amazement, she's taken her true form... legs, hands and all, an actual face... and she... is beautiful...

"C-Carrie... I-"

"Consider yourself lucky Gumball. I can count on less than one hand how many people have seen me like this."

"O-oh believe me, I do consider you-me-uh-myself lucky." His jaw wide, arms falling limp. Her turtleneck sweater and sweats were just too perfect on her slender frame, and the way she stood, fragile but in total control, he thought he was going to melt.

"Now... I only took this form because I know EXACTLY what I'm going to do with you as punishment... but to do so, I needed... Well, these..." She bends down, trailing her hands up her legs and to her hips. "See, I wanted to run a little... test... and it starts a little something like this..." She walks up to him, and leans in close for a kiss.

"W-wait, Carrie, weren t you the one who was just bad mouthing sappy porno story telling?!"

She smiles wickedly, "You catch on fast." BANG! All Gumball could hear was pots and pans clanging against each-other, his eyes flashing between red. yellow and actually being able to see, and all he COULD see was Carrie lowering her knee back down, to rest both feel on the ground.

"So Gumball, Hows are your balls now? Still blue?" She smirked in a way that said he may or may not still be in for the hurting.

"Uh-... huh... uhuh..." He barely managed to squeak. A few dogs started to howl when he answered her.

"Good. Now, I have two, VERY Simple questions for you. First: Why... I mean how... explain THIS." She pushes his head back, knocking him over easily in his crippled state.

"Y-you... you find amusement in seeing people suffer?"

"What?! No I don-! Wait, yes. Yes I do. But your missing the point." She helps him sit back up. "How am I able to touch you? How are you able to touch me? I can guarantee you that if I wen outside your room RIGHT now-"

"Please don t.'

"-I could walk RIGHT through the rest of your family as if they weren't even there. But you..." She floats up, bringing him to his feet, I can touch, I can interact, I can-..." She paused as the weight of her next words sank into the very fiber of her being. "I can... FEEL... you. Why? How? WHAT are you doing that makes you so special?!" She THREW him backwards, landing on his bed, actually into an honestly comfortable sleeping position. "Answer me that Gumball. Tell me what it is that makes you able to make me FEEL this way?"

"W-What way?" Gumball was confused, but at the same time breathless at this simple yet ethereal beauty that lay before him...

"Like... like I'm real..." She leans down and rests her head on his chest... without sinking through it. She can feel his muscle, hear his heartbeat, fast and strong... she can- "OKAY!" She popped back up, him sitting up in surprise as well, "That's enough of that out of you mister!"

"Wha-?! But you leaned on ME! I-" He stopped, realizing he was treading dangerous water by her stare. "Ok. My bad. Uhhh... second question?" He squeaked.

Without missing a beat: "Why does your sister have THAT?" She points at the Necronomicon (Vol III, Bone Collectors Edition! Call now! Just dial Frog-leg, Squid Beak, Bat-Tooth on your cauldron to order yours! TODAY!)

"That... Is actually a damn good question. I'm gonna ask her about that later."

"If she has this book, she probably has the first two as well."


"It's probably best if you just thank her and forget about the subject entirely."

"Ah... fair enough-wait, but the spell?!"

"I'll think about it... until then..." She kisses him softly... the SLAPS him across the face!

"OohLaLa!" He grabs her by the cheeks and kisses her back! Which is of course met with him being bolted backwards upside down, and slammed into the wall.


"I-! I saw it in a movie once?!" He said, half panicking.

"Wha-You're lieing! Which movie?!"

"Ah-! ... ... ... The A-Team." He hung his head in shame, already knowing he would never be the smooth if his life depended on it.

"Ahah... hah, HAHAHAHAAAA! Ohhhh, oh that s too perfect! Ohh... Ok fine. I'll let that one slide. But I wont be so merciful next time, got it?"

"Loud and clear." he grunted through a grimace.

"Hm... Good. Oh and Gumball? I'd BETTER see you at school tomorrow. No excuses."

"Yeah... sure. Let me just pull my tail out'a my ass first." He was only half joking about that.

"Heheh... Later Gumball..." She starts floating away-


"WHAT?! What is it?" she almost kicked him for spooking her.

"You're uhhh... you're still in your beauty form."

"Oh uhh... Right... thanks Gumball..." She shifts back and waves as she floats away, looking back only long enough to see him staring at the moon, big sparkly eyes... "Wow. I m falling for the blue idiot. Meh, could be a lot worse." Remembering a certain technicolor wannabe "playa" who still thinks animal noises and whistling are a good way to flirt.


WHEEEEEEEW! I know, I know, I died again, and I come back with GUMBALL of all things. What can I say, I saw an episode, had an idea, and threw this together in half an hour. Leave a review, like, whatever, and stay cool my friends!

P.S. I have more in my head, and (Not to be a review whore here) I was thinking I'll put up the next chapter at 5+ reviews? Thanks again all!