I'm sorry for the long delay on this chapter! To be honest I got a block for a while, and I couldn't think of anything. But thanks to my wonderful co-writer, Phoenix220 we were able to get the chapter going and complete!

There was a weight on Ichigo's body. It wasn't extravagantly heavy, but it wasn't light per-say either. A crushing weight was pressing harder and harder against his chest. But he still didn't want to open his eyes to see what it was. Trying his best to ignore the weight, he was almost successful. That is till something small started to poke him in the cheek, the forehead, and the nose.

Grumbling, he barely opened his right eye to see what it was that was disturbing his peacful slumber. His breath hitched and his hands instantly shot out as he saw grey eyes looking at him so intently. He didn't mean to push the form too hard, but hearing the thump, he sat up quickly.

"Owwww," Nel whined as she rubbed her bottom. Rubbing his head and yawning, Ichigo looked over to her with a raised brow.

"Neliel, what are you doing in here?" He questioned before yanking the blankets off his half naked form. He didn't really care that she was now in full view of his body. He usually didn't seem to care about anyone being in the same room as he when he was nearly naked, or even fully naked.

"I wanted, to see if you'd come with me today!" She said as she jumped up once again. She just watched the male as he walked toward the bathroom that was connected to the room. He didn't seem to respond for a moment as he closed the door behind him.

"Where are you going today?" He questioned loud enough for her to hear on the other side of the door.

Wrinkling her nose at the soft sound of him using the toilet, she shook her head and rolled her eyes before answering. "We're going to the beach again! We've got a photoshoot, but afterward we were probably going to go out to a club or something to party afterward."

Pulling his small boxers up again, Ichigo turned to wash his hands. He was thinking over the scenario. It didn't sound like a bad idea. But it didn't sound like that bad of an idea. "Who is 'we'?" He asked as he finally came out of the attached room.

Nel watched as he moved over to the suitcase that had been brought in a little after he secluded himself in the room the night before, grabbing a pair of shorts from the simple selection he had. "Everyone who was at the restaurant last night."

Ichigo stopped just as he was putting one leg into the shorts, "No." He stated as he shook his head and continued.

With a frown, Neliel crossed her arms, "Why not?"

Looking up to her with a scowl he sighed, "are you serious? Nnoitora and that blonde bitch don't even like me being near them. Grimmjow has always hated my guts, and I hate him."

Biting her lip she looked down in thought. "Okay, then it can be just us and Grimm. Invite your friends too!" She chirped happily.

"No," he snapped back. Turning back to his bag to get a shirt, he didn't know how to explain why to her. "I am not going to hang out with Grimmjow. I don't even want to be in the same room as him. I'm going to move to the room my friends are staying in here shortly anyway," he said the last under his breath.

"Well that's a little harsh. But understandable." Ichigo heard a voice that seemed to want to haunt him. His eyes bulged from his skull before he bit back a growl. Turning to Grimmjow, who was standing against the door frame with his arms crossed and a frown, he scowled.

"Harsh? Grimmjow, you made my life a living hell," he explained before turning back to grab a tank top.

Slipping it on quickly, he threw his used clothes into a side pocket of the suitcase before zipping it closed. Picking up the case, he stomped right up to Grimmjow who still stood in the doorway before raising a brow. "What?" The tall blue haired male questioned.

"Move." Ichigo stated sternly, not even flinching when Grimmjow moved to stand straight.

"Can I talk to you?" The man questioned. He would have to say that he was surprised when the male pushed passed his right side, pushing him out into the main room. "Ichigo." Grimmjow said in a demanding voice that reminded the Srawberry of those urges that he'd wanted to rid himself of.

Having been frozen from the god-like voice that demanded his attention, Ichigo bit his lip roughly before turning and facing the other. "What do you want now?" He questioned bitterly with his head cocked to the side and a brow rose.

"I want to talk with you, I want to try to at least be your friend," Grimmjow explained as he stepped closer.

Taking a step back, Ichigo shook his head, "and why should I listen to you again?"

Biting his tongue so he wouldn't lash out, Grimmjow couldn't really think of a reason other than he wanted to fix their relationship that he would admit that he'd messed up long before. "Please, at least give me a chance to make it up to you?" He pleaded.

"I already said fine, last night when you almost killed yourself by jumping into a moving car," Ichigo reminded with a scowl.

"Right..." Grimmjow fidgetted with his right hand in his pocket, and his left arm across his chest, holding onto his elbow. "How about tonight?" He'd asked in hope with a raised brow and a slight frown pursed on his lips.

Scowling, Ichigo shook his head with a sigh and turned, walking away. "I'm too irritated with you."

"Text me and let me know?" Grimmjow called as Ichigo walked through the door and slammed it behind him. He wasn't sure if the raging strawberry had heard his request, but he'd hoped.

"I'm sorry Grimmy," Nel whispered from behind. The nickname only made him shoot a glare toward the sea foam haired woman.

"Neliel, don't call me that." He shot toward her before leaving the room with her in it.

As he walked off, Nel frowned and looked back toward the bed where the orange haired male had slept. Noticing something yellow sticking out from beneath the blanket, she raised a brow and moved to grab the blanket. Pulling it back, she smiled sweetly at the little stuffed lion that she'd seen.


"Seriously Renji, why would you think it's such a good idea to agree to letting me room with that fool? I thought that you and I were going to room together for this trip." Ichigo complained to his friend as he'd plopped down in the other's suite. He'd come over rather early and woke Renji up by knocking roughly on their door.

"Ichi, it's only eight in the morning. Why did you have to wake me so damn early?" Renji groaned as he moved into the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee. He himself didn't drink it, but he knew that his girlfriend and Ichigo would want some. Once he was done setting up the maker, and turning it on to make the hot brown liquid, he grabbed a NOS from the fridge.

"I couldn't stand being in the same room as that bastard any longer," Ichigo huffed before crossing his arms.

"Ichigo why won't you give him a chance? He doesn't seem that bad." The voice made Ichigo jump slightly as he was sinking into the black leather couch even farther. Shinji's feminine voice wasn't something he usually heard in the morning.

Breathing out of his mouth slowly so he could calm his startled heart, he looked up to the blonde who seemed to be just as beautiful as usual. The strawberry couldn't fathom waking up and having to go through the daily routine of cleaning yourself, having to bush your hair downs, putting on skin tight clothes, and probably even put on makeup. Shinji was just that kind of guy though.

"Shin, there's no way I'd give him a chance. He's an asshole, and I don't like being around him." With that said, Ichigo laid down across the couch with his hand rested against his forehead. "I can't believe the audacity of him. Of Neliel even!"

"What'd Neliel do?" The blonde asked as he moved into the kitchen to get some coffee.

Sighing, Ichigo got up from the sofa to grab some of the black caffeine too, "she invited me to the beach for their photo shoot. Said that I'd have to go to a club with her and all of the guys from last night after they were done."

One could hear a pin drop from the silence that lingered after those words left his lips. Taking a sip of his coffee, Ichigo turned to Shinji to see if he was even paying attention. When he'd caught the blonde's eyes, his stomach dropped.

Shinji was staring intently at him, as though he were trying to burn holes through his form. "Ichigo Kurosaki, I swear to whatever holy being that is up there, that you are going to that photo shoot if it's the last thing you do. And you ARE taking me," Shinji warned with malice.

With the weight of the blonde's stare, Ichigo shrunk back. Bumping into Renji's broad chest, he stopped. Looking toward his best friend, he raised a brow almost asking for help. But the baboon like grin that held his red headed friends lips told Ichigo that he didn't have Renji on his side.

No one said anything for a moment, but as soon as Ichigo placed his mug on the counter softly, he turned. He tried to move his feet as fast as he could, but Renji was faster and grabbed his friend around the waist and lifted him off the floor. "Oh no you don't. We need to make you look good for your date!" He commanded and tossed Shinji the strawberry's phone, "message Grimmjow and tell him that he's gonna be there."

Ichigo struggled even more now, trying to get the device back, only to have Renji yank him off toward the main room. "Oh and wake everyone else up and tell them that we're going to the beach again then to a club!"

"Renji I swear to whatever holy being there is, that I'm going to murder you!"


It took the group of friends to all finally awaken from their sleep. Rukia had demanded they go to the beach as well to hang out with the models, despite Ichigo's obvious deteriorating mood.

Renji now fit into a red and yellow floral button down, beige cargo shorts and his red flip-flops, he was laughing as Ichigo. The poor orange haired male was trying his best to run away from a deranged Rukia and Shinji, whom both were trying to get him into a blue plaid shirt. Of course they'd forced him into a white skin tight cotton tank top first. After getting the shirt buttoned around him, thanks to Shinji and Renji holding him down, Rukia started to remove his pajama pants as she demanded for the only pair of cut denim pants that he'd owned. They were cut just below the knees and hung low on his waist. If he'd pulled them up to cover all of his hips, it would probably constrict a little due to how they seemed to originally be girls jeans.

After those that agreed to go were ready, Rukia grabbed Renji's wrist and pulled him toward the door screeching about something of how Renji needed to stop being a man-whore. He'd made an obvious comment that he was hoping to see some hot chicks at the beach again. Ichigo almost got free from the group, but was quickly snatched up by the bicep by Shinji and dragged along.

Once they were finally out of the suite, down the elevator, and out of the lobby, Ichigo took a breath of fresh air and tried to calm himself. He was nervous for some reason, a reason he still didn't accept to be accurate.

Being pushed into the backseat of Rukia's Range Rover by Renji, Ichigo scooted toward the window before putting the seatbelt over himself. "I can't believe you guys are making me see him again," he grumbled before crossing his arms like a pouting child.

"Oh shut up, you'll thank us later," Shinji said as he was still messaging Grimmjow via Ichigo's phone. Of course the blonde didn't give the phone back, because he knew that Ichigo would just ignore the blue haired sex machine, as Shinji used to describe Grimmjow.

After sending the last message that he needed, Shinji tossed the device over his shoulder toward Ichigo, promptly smacking him in the chest with it. Looking down toward the device, Ichigo roamed through the messages, trying to figure out what the two had been talking about, only to find that the messages had been deleted.

It didn't take Rukia too long to drive down to the private beach that the Espada company had rented for the day. Upon driving on the private road that lead toward the sand, they had to pull to a stop when a security guard seemed intend on standing in the path of the car.

For nearly ten minutes, Rukia sat there yelling at the that wouldn't let them through. After explaining multiple times that they'd been invited there, it ended with them being turnes away. Before Rukia had a chance to pull away, Shinji reached into the back seat to snatch up Ichigos phone before dialing Grimmjow's number.

Putting the device to his ear, he shot a dirty glare at the security guard. "Hey Blue, its Shinji. This damned guard won't let us through!" He complained as girlishly as he was able.

After he nodded to no one in particular, he hung up the device and held it back toward the orange topped male. His eyes however never left the guard that stood with his arms crossed in front of him. The man raised a brow as though he were challenging him, and not believing that he'd actually called the blue haired model.

When the man's radio sounded though, he looked at the device curiously, "Poww!" A voice called through the speaker.

Wincing at the shout through the speaker, he picker the device off his belt. "I'm here," he responded into the receiver.

"I'm expecting a group of people to be showing up. If you're holding them at that damned gate, there will be reproductions!" The voice shouted. It sounded like an older voice much too old to be Grimmjow.

"Yes sir Baraggan sir!" He responded quickly with a bit of a yelp from the sudden anger in the man's voice.

He didn't even take a moment to put the radio down before he waved Rukia in. He had a scowl on his face that said he wasn't happy in the least. But there wasn't anything he'd be able to do about it now.

Ichigo slumped in his seat, arms crossed over his chest as he fought the urge not to pout. He didn't want to be there: his friends knew it; the models knew it and the production crew taking a peak in the car as they drove through the gate probably worked it out pretty quickly. He took a deep breath in and released it quickly.

"Oi, enough with the huffing. Yeah we get it, this isn't your idea but it's too late now. You can either suck it up and try to enjoy yourself, maybe get to know a few people of just lie in the sand and work on your tan. It's better that than pouting like a little girl." Shinji was using the mirror in the visor to check his hair was still in place before he angled the mirror to look in Ichigo's eyes. "Am I making myself clear?"


Ichigo rolled out with the others after Rukia pulled up, looking around at the white tents set up on the beach, too many people running between them to count. He caught sight of Halibel and Grimmjow lying at the water edge together, Halibel on her back in a white bikini top and black and white checked shorts and Grimmjow lying at her side, leaning over her slightly wearing only a small black pair of trunks. Very small, not that Ichigo was looking or anything.

Ichigo lost his breath when a truck impacted into him, or at least it felt that way but on second look, it was only Neliel, now crouching over him in the sand. "Itsygo! You came! Wow, I'm so glad to see you!"

"Nel, I don't really know you, so I definitely feel uncomfortable being underneath you so often." Ichigo's voice was a bit strained after the wind getting knocked out of him.

Nel just rolled her eyes, getting onto her knees and standing before offering a hand to the man under her. "Oh come on, we both know you don't bat for my team anyway. Never had a man go soft on waking to see me in his bed."

Ichigo's face paled, his eyes wide in horror. "Nel,"

Nel just burst out laughing, full belly chuckles that she didn't even try to contain which grabbed the attention of everyone nearby. "Your face! Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone." Nel threaded her arm with his and pulled him towards the tents. She was quickly ushered over to a high chair at a mirror, Ichigo following automatically.

"Who's your friend Nel, he's cute. Not seen him at a shoot before."

"Nah, he's not a model, just a friend of the group. He went to school with Grimmy." Nel closed her eyes as the woman started to apply makeup.

"Aw, that's nice. Friends since high school? You'll have all the stories then. Tell me, has he always been so handsome and muscular? It's hard to imagine him ever going through that ungainly teenage stage."

Ichigo rubbed the back of his head, glancing around the tent to see Nnoitra also getting his makeup applied, a male artist for him and a female running a pair of straighteners through his hair. He caught the other's eye, dropping his gaze when Nnoitra sneered his way. "Yup, he kinda skipped that altogether. While the rest of us were tripping over our feet and squeaking out way to adulthood he kinda shot up overnight."

"Typical, he definitely lands on his feet that one. That's you Hun, you'll be back in the chair after the first set anyway, he wants a different look when the sun starts to go down. Think I've got Hal next."

Nel cheerfully said goodbye, smacking a wet kiss on Ichigo's cheek which made him scowl after her. She dashed out in her outfit for her shoot, a vivid yellow swing vest over navy bikini bottoms. Ichigo didn't even finish a breath before the next occupant of the chair slumped in, huffing with a not so subtle glare his way.

"Hello Ms Halibel, good shoot so far?" The makeup artist picked up a cleanser pad and turned to the model, Halibel holding a hand up to stop her.

"It would be a lot better if I had a cup of coffee right now, and be careful with the moisturizer; my eye was stinging all the way through that shoot."

Ichigo left before he said something he'd regret in defense of the nice makeup artist. He didn't want to start another argument with the bitchy model or get the poor girl in trouble at her work. She was probably used to models acting like asshole, for so many of them it was their standard setting. Ichigo headed over to the opening, watching Neliel pose in the sand on her knees, her long green hair loose around her shoulders and dancing in the wind. She sent him a quick wink between shots and he grinned in reply. He was barged from the back by someone walking past, quickly grabbing a tent pole to keep upright. He recognised the scoff instantly and he glared in response, Nnoitra not even turning to look at him as he wandered past. Ichigo hoped silently that the man broiled in his tight black jeans.


Another voice that he easily placed came from behind him, Ichigo turning with a scowl on his face that quickly dropped as he saw Grimmjow up close, still only in his teeny tiny bathing suit. A quick glance south told him everything he wanted to know and he met Grimmjow's eyes with a flush on his face.

"Hey," Not the most original reply but Ichigo's brain was functioning at base levels.

Grimmjow chuckled slightly, turning and jerking his head into the tent. "You ok? I saw Nnoitra bump into you."

"Bump? I think it was an intentional shoulder barge, he's an ass but I'm sure my career wouldn't be affected by a black eye; he should worry more about that. Would hate to break his nose and give him a bump."

Grimmjow snorted, lifting one of the black robes from the rail as he passed it. He slung it over his shoulders, Ichigo mourning the loss of his deltoids personally but as least it remained open allowing Grimmjow's chiseled form to be in view. "Bit of a wild cat aren't you? Now I can't condone you fighting with one of my co-workers but would you object to me throwing in some jello?"

Ichigo barked a laugh, a grin fighting its way onto his face. "So who's budgie smugglers are you wearing? Calvin Klein?"

"Nope, Armani today. Bonus is we get to keep the clothes this time. Most of them are going to be trashed with the sand and the water but some will survive. We're planning to test them out tonight in a club. You still available tonight?"

"Don't know if I can challenge Armani, we'll probably be way under-dressed. Maybe another night."

Grimmjow stopped at the refreshment table, grabbing a bottle of water and cracking the seal, gulping a few mouthfuls down. He felt Ichigo's eyes on him and he straightened, making his posture better infinitesimally. "I know you've noticed what I'm wearing, not exactly black tie is it? You'll be fine, you look great."

Ichigo flushed a bit again as Grimmjow's eyes roamed his body. "Well, if you're modelling for Armani then I'm sure you can buy the drinks this evening."

"It's on me babe. On one condition."

Ichigo's scowl dropped back on to his face. He didn't reply right away because Grimmjow's name was called out, grabbing the larger male's attention. When he looked back Ichigo had puffed himself up enough to have a good tirade at the other. "I'm already staying in your suite, I'm at your damn photo shoot and I'm going out with you tonight, three things that I'm already doing against my will, what the hell else do you want from me?"

Grimmjow gave him a half smile, leaning in and gripping Ichigo's jaw gently. He rested his warm cheek against Ichigo's his mouth at Ichigo's ear. "One dance." Grimmjow pecked a light kiss on Ichigo's cheek, withdrawing and heading over to the wardrobe guy that had called him.


Ichigo went to find his friends after Grimmjow released him, well five minutes or so after having had to take some time to relearn his basic functions. No one commented on his quietness, Shinji having a knowing smile on his face as the group watched the models work the camera. Grimmjow was out in a pair of white shorts with thin turn ups, Neliel hanging off them as she lay in the surf. His chest was bare again and Ichigo watched the camera flashes bounce off the bronze skin, sighing lightly every now and again.

"You seem to have mellowed out a bit, Grimmjow getting under your skin?" Renji was building a sand castle between his legs out of dry sand, the wind blowing it away as fast as he was building it.

"Hmmmm, I wish he'd put some damn clothes on to model."

"No you don't." Renji's voice sang with a teasing tone as he scooped up more sand. "So where to after this? Another restaurant to storm out of?"

Ichigo snorted. "Might just punch the lanky bastard this time. Would love to see the amount of makeup he'd need to cover a black eye."

Renji grinned, spluttering a second later as his mouth filled with sand. "Think the weather's going to change. Can we hide in the tents? Or are they for models only?"

Ichigo stood up, brushing the sand out of his clothes. "Nah, there's free food and drink too, no booze though. We can watch from inside." Ichigo called the rest of his friends together, the five heading into the makeup tent again, the little artist that did Nel's face waving to him. He raised a hand in reply before they found a nook out of the way of everyone where they could still see.

They were ending the shoot soon, the sun going down slowly and painting the sky with amber. The models were all fully dressed, Grimmjow in an electric blue shirt open over his chest, Nnoitra in the black jeans, a black graphic t-shirt and a yellow scarf wrapped around his neck. Halibel had a blazer that matched her shorts over a black cardigan, her bikini top still underneath and Neliel in denim hot pants with a black and white striped t-shirt with the brand name across the front standing in the centre. They all looked amazing but Grimmjow shined a little brighter with his pop of color and exposed chest.

Ichigo watched Grimmjow lift Neliel, holding her against his side with her feet kicked out behind her, he didn't even bat an eyelid with her weight and since Ichigo had personally felt it twice that day it showed the man's strength. He wasn't quite sure where the weight was on the skinny female but he surmised most of it must be in her breasts.

Grimmjow only had eyes for him when they re-entered the tent, sending him a quick grin as he slipped the shirt off, bending down a bit to aid the makeup artist cleaning his face of bronzer and sand. Ichigo wandered over, Grimmjow watching him out of the corner of an eye. He sent the smaller male a grin, grimacing as the cleanser went into his mouth.

After he was clean he turned to Ichigo, the smaller man staring helplessly up at him. "You ready to go?"

Ichigo quirked an eyebrow up at him a small smile on his face. "I know you said we we're dressing up but seriously?" Ichigo gestured to Grimmjow's impeccable figure on display. Grimmjow chuckled, reaching behind him for the shirt he'd slung off to find it missing, spotting it a second later getting tied up around Halibel's waist, covering her bikini top.

"You don't mind do you Grimmjow? It's my favorite color." Halibel sent a flirty little look over to the man who just rolled his eyes. She played with the ties at her midriff, drawing the men's attention to her skin.

"Knock yourself out," Grimmjow turned from her, "literally." He spoke under his breath for the last part, only Ichigo hearing him but it brought a smile to the other's face, Making Grimmjow smirk in reply. Ichigo glanced over at the blond, seeing her narrow her eyes at him. Grimmjow stopped at the wardrobe rails, grabbing a white polo shirt off a hanger and slinging it on. There were stripes over the broadest part of Grimmjow's chest, matching stripes on the white collar and it made Grimmjow's blue features shine brighter, an improvement on the matching blue shirt. "Will I do?"

"This is better." Ichigo didn't really think before he replied, Grimmjow raising an eyebrow at the compliment. "I mean from the blue shirt, this is better, more normal."

"Normal as in boring?" Grimmjow glanced quickly into one of the makeup mirrors.

"Normal as in less perfect, less stuffy, less marble."

Grimmjow stopped, Ichigo a step ahead of him now. The smaller male turned towards him wondering what was up. "Less marble?"

"Yeah, like a statue, those Greek heroes, all muscular and perfect but totally unreal and untouchable?"

"So I'm touchable now?"

Ichigo swallowed for a second, his pride and stubbornness held back just a little. He reached out, tracing a hand along Grimmjow's razor sharp cheek bone. "What do you think?"

Again, I'm sorry for the delay, I am going to start the next chapter any minute now. And also I'm sorry, I wasn't able to fit another flashback of their childhood 'fun' into this chapter either. I promise to have one in the next!