Sitting at the kitchen table, Matt wondered how things were going for Jacob, Jackson and Dean, they left after everyone clean up from breakfast to have their talk. He's been outside a few times looking to see where they were, he didn't see them by the lake or any where near the cabin so he went back inside. He didn't want to go to far and leave Sam alone; he had to be there to keep a close eye on the young man who was still under the sedative he gave him. Knowing that it would keep Sam under for a couple of hours if things go well, he did hear Jackson say that Sam normally don't listen to anyone but Dean. To make sure that he's close by just in case he woke up early, he was going to stay close to Sam so he don't have any kind of problems.

Being by himself now gave him a lot of time to think things through on how his life has changed, with him being an only child to parents who never wanted a child. It did make him feel unloved and unwanted through his childhood, his parents never went to any of his games, celebrate his birthday or graduation. When it came to the Holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas they did celebrate those as a family, they would go over to one of their relatives' home to have a family dinner and spend time with them. Well it was more like his parents would spend more time with their families, leaving him to defend himself with his cousins who didn't like him. He never let any of that get him down even if he was being treated wrong; he stood up for himself to his bully cousins who thought they were better. He didn't allow them to talk against him in any way; he stood his ground to them not showing any signs of weakness. If anything his parents did was to make him a better person out of a shitty childhood, he didn't want to be like his parents in any way as he grew up. He wasn't going to let their action run or ruining his life as he worked to be a better person, his teachers, close friends and neighbors knew how things were in his family. They all help Matt get where he is today without any kind of bagged to carrying with him, one of his neighbors was a doctor at a local hospital that took Matt under his wing. When he was in High School he had Matt move in with him and his wife to help him out, even got him a part time job at his work place. Yes it was to clean toilets, bedpans and bed sheets since he was underage; he gave him a sense of belonging to know that someone cared about him. All through High School Matt work at the hospital for a few hours a day, so he can get his school work done on time to get good grades. When it came time to graduate he knew what he wanted to do with his life, which was to be a doctor so he can help others. When he told the man what he wanted to do the doctor was proud of him, even got Matt into a good medical school out of the state to get his doctrine. When he told his parents what his plans were they shot him down, telling him that he wasn't good enough to be a doctor of any kind. He would be lying if he said it didn't hurt him cause it did hurt like hell to hear that, he never showed that to his parents just packed up his bags and left never to come back. The doctor who helped Matt went with him to the college he wanted to go to, there were two he let Matt decide on which one he wanted. When he choose he help Matt get a foot in the door even help paid for his schooling, which Matt argue about him paying for that much money to get him into the college. The doctor told Matt it's his way to pay it forward by helping a young man, one who has the compassion to help others got themselves going. For the three years Matt was at the school the doctor paid his way for his classes, the supervisors of the school knew the repatriation of the doctor through his work. Even Matt argued with the supervisors not to except his money, which he would pay his own way to get his degree he wanted. The doctor stood his ground to Matt he wanted the young man to succeed in his life, it was one thing that he can do for the young man who became a son to him.

Looking back at it now he knows why the doctor has gone out of his way for him, back then Matt was a young boy who was trying to find his place. He saw the doctor and his wife everyday from a young child to an young adult, they would sit outside on their porch or walk the neighborhood. When he was old enough to get odd jobs to do, the couple had him cut their grass, weed the garden, help clean the yard and house. He got paid for all the work he's done for them and others who let him help them, gave him some pocket money to go do things a teenager always wanted to do. Since his parents never offered any kind of allowance for the things he done for them, so he went to others seeking his help to get things done. Every day after school once when he got his schoolwork done, he would go over to Rick and Emily Godfrey house to do some chores. All through Jr High he did odd jobs for them and others around his neighborhood, what money he did saved up he would put some aside for savings. With Rick's help he got an savings account at the same bank the doctors has, he went to his parents asking if he could do so. When he graduated Jr High his parents were not there but Rick and Emily were, they saw the sadness in his eyes when his parents never made an effort to be there. With out him knowing the Godfrey's went to talk to his parents about him, since they knew they never paid any attention to their child. They wanted to know if Matt could move in with them to help around the house, Matt's parents told them to take him to live with them they didn't have time for him. All through high school he lived with the Godfrey's, the doctor asked his boss if he could find Matt a job to do around the work place. Finding one he could do since he was underage he was grateful for him to do so, he only work two or three hours after school which was the require amount for his age. The four years he work there the doctors, nurses, orderlies all came to respect the boy, he worked hard on the things he was asked to do. When it came time for him to graduate high school he knew what he wanted to be, he would talk to the doctors, surgeons, nurses on what they like about their jobs. Knowing that he wanted to be a doctor and surgeon, he looked for schools with that kind of doctrine finding two he checked them out. With Rick's help Matt got into a good school that will help him on his path, he was glad it was out of state and away from his parents. He always wonder why Rick and his wife went so out of their way for him, then it dawn on him their son wasn't at home anymore to do things with. They took Matt in as their own child for four years; help him getting a job, a place of safety, and the most important thing a feeling of belonging and love.

When he finished his courses he found a collage in Montana to finish his doctrine, while there he heard that the doctor passed away from a heart attack. He flew back home to say his final goodbyes to the man who became a father to him, he stayed with the wife to help her in any way that he could. That's when he found out that his parents were in a retirement home, he wasn't sure if he should go see them since they never cared about him. After the funeral Matt brought the wife back to her house to finish packing, she was going to stay with her granddaughter who asked her to come and live with her. She told Matt to go visit his parents since they weren't doing so well, she kept them updated on how their son was doing. When he went to see them after four years of being away at school, that they still treated him the same as they did before. He wasn't expecting anything different from them as they never showed anything at all, he did tell them that he still love them before he left to go back to school. Every year he made a trip to go see his parents at least once during the year; he couldn't bring himself to do it more then one time. While Jackson was gone he got a phone call from the retirement home giving him bad news, that both of his parents had pass away a day apart from the other. They wanted to know if he was going to come and claim the bodies, if not they would buried his parents at a local cemetery by the home. He let them know to bury them there since he didn't know if they already made arrangements, which he wouldn't be going there to say his final goodbyes to his parents who never wanted him. He knew he should feel bad about not caring about them or where they'll be laid; he never had a connection with them he had no remorse for his choice he made. A few years after Rick died from a heart attack, he got a phone called from their granddaughter Amy telling him Emily passed away in her sleep. He asked if there was anything he could do for her or to come out to help her, she told him no that everything was being taken care with the family. Amy knew how close Matt was to her grandparents and the other way around, the whole family treated Matt with love and respect treated him like family. She did let Matt know when the service would be if he wanted to come say his goodbyes, he took time away from school to be with the family to say his goodbyes to Emily. Both Rick and Emily have a special place in Matt's heart; they love and treated him like a son as he did to them as a father and mother.

One thing that Matt never had any regrets about was meeting Jackson at college; they became instant friends when they met kindred spirits in a lot of ways. They shared a dorm together through their four years of college; he even met Jefferson once or twice when he came by to see his brother. He really like Jefferson wish he got to know him better, even talked to him a few times on the phone when he called for Jackson. He could see how proud the older brother was to his younger brother when he was there, the way he looked at him or talked to him he could see the love and respect he had. Matt was a little jealous of Jackson to have that kind of love, he didn't show it or let it ruined his friendship with the man. Yes they did have their fair share of fights at college not physical kind just words, leaving each other angry only to come back together to smooth things over. As the years went by their bond strengthen, as did their love for each other, they were becoming more like brothers then just two good friends. What strengthened their bond was the death of Jefferson that shattered Jackson life, he was there for his friend giving him the love and support he needed. During Jackson lowest time of grieving where he wanted to end it, Matt kept him going by being there by his side giving him the love he sought. Through all of the hurt and pain his friend went through he was there for him, like he's here for him now helping him through the pain. One thing that Matt is grateful for through all the hardships he went through, to come and find a kindred spirit and a brothers love through Jackson that he cherish.

When Jacob came into his life he found a kindred spirit in the man as a friendship, he came to trust the man even talked to him about his past. He help Matt get past all the loneliness he was feeling from his childhood, about how his parents treated him, how he felt about himself that he's not good enough. For him to open up like that to his friend has help Matt emotionally with the pain, he has become a better person and friend now that all the bagged is gone. Now here he is helping out the one person who means the world to him, the one person who became a close friend/brother that he could ask for. He wouldn't have change anything right now with him helping out Jackson, he didn't even think twice about coming here when he called him. He's been here for a week now trying to help out his friends with Sam, knowing that it's almost to head back to work he didn't want to leave Jackson like this. Yes he has Jacob and Dean now to help him with the young man, the problem is 1. Sam angry at Jackson for saving him, 2. He scared to have Dean around in fear his brother killing him. Jacob going to need some help with the young man in question, he's going to need to talked with Will about staying longer then planned. He can't leave his friends like this he needs to be here to help out with all of them, once when they get back he'll have to go into town and call his boss.

Looking at the time he got up to walked out the door to check up on his friends, just as he reach for the door knob he heard Sam calling for him. Stepping into the room he could tell that Sam needed to relieve himself, helping him off the bed gently he slowly made his way to the bathroom. When Sam was finished he took the young man back to his room, asking if he wanted anything to eat for lunch since he heard his stomach growl. Hearing a yes he went to make a turkey and cheese sandwiches, fruit, chips and drinks, bringing a plate inside of the room he laid it on Sam's lap placing the glass on table. He was about ready to leave when Sam asked him to stay and eat with him, saying he will once when he gets his own plate to eat with him. Sitting on the bed next to Sam's both men ate their food in silence, Matt kept a close eye on Sam as he ate his food he saw the shakiness in his hands. Both men where quiet when they ate their meal together, once when they finished Matt took the plates and glasses to the kitchen. Hearing Sam calling him he went back into the room to see what he needed, as he stepped into the room he saw Sam looking out the window. Seeing the longing to be outside he will asked the man if he wanted to go out, knowing that Dean and Jackson wasn't here there would be no problems.

Coming from his drugged induce sleep Sam tried to open his eyes that felt like lead, blinked a few times he finally got his lids open. Hearing movement in the other room he knew Matt was in the living room, hearing the sound of the footsteps he knew it wasn't Jackson or Dean. Feeling the need to relieve himself he tried to sit up, only to have pain shot through his arms as he tried to lift himself up. Breathing through the pain he called Matt to his room for help to the bathroom, seeing the man walking in he brace himself for the pain that was to come. Getting back in bed Matt asked him if he wanted some lunch, feeling the hunger pains he said yes to a sandwich, chips, fruit and drink. When the man came in Sam asked if he would stay with him, he wanted some company and maybe some help outside. Eating in a comfortable silence of their meal Sam felt Matt eyes on him, in a way it made him uncomfortable but at the same time comfortable that someone cared. As Matt took the plates and glasses to the kitchen, Sam call him back to his room he really wanted to go outside for a little while. When his friend came back into the room Sam looked away from the window, clearing his throat he asked Matt if he could help him to the porch.

"Matt, can you please come here?"

Sam waited for the man to return to his room.

"Can you help me to the porch please,?I'm getting tired of looking at these walls."

"I sure can help you to the porch Sam, give me a minute to get the door open."

Matt walked to the front door to get it open which will be easier without Sam, seeing the wheel chair next to it he brought it outside. Maybe he can talked Sam going to the lake and sit in the shade; he'll see how he's up to doing that. Walking back to the man's bedroom he waited until he was ready to be moved, helping Sam to stand he took it slow as they walked to the porch. Watching as the man looked around he knew who he's looking for, asking him if he wanted to sit here or by the lake he'll let him choose. The walk to the porch was slow for Sam with his knee still healing, all his weight Matt carried as he help Sam out the door.

"Sam, I got the wheel chair out here just in case if you want to go see the lake, or we can sit here on the porch it's your choice."

"We can go to the lake Matt thanks for getting the chair, don't think I can make it there by walking."

"Let me get you into the chair and over by the lake, then I'll come back and get me one to sit next to you."

"There should be some lawn chairs on the back porch Matt, get one of those and I'll carrying it for you."

Doing as Sam suggested Matt went to see about the chairs in the room, opening the door he saw four of them off to one side. Grabbing one of them he went back to where he left Sam by the porch, laying the chair on Sam's lap he made sure it was secured. Pushing Sam to the lake he found a shady place to sit with the man, putting the brakes on he took the chair from the man to sit on it. Looking over the clear blue water both men were quiet, Matt could tell that there was something on Sam's mind. Before he could ask his friend what he's thinking, what he heard from Sam brought sadness and a touch of anger. Which the anger wasn't to Sam, Jackson or Dean, it was to that damn angel Castiel.

"Matt, why hasn't Dean killed me yet?"

"Sam your brother not here to kill you my friend-no listen to me Sam." Matt stop Sam knowing that he's going to argue. "What Castiel told you on what Dean said or wants to do is a lie, he's not here to kill you young man. If and that's a big IF that he wanted you dead-which it isn't the truth, he would have done it already Sam wouldn't he."

Matt waited to see what the man's reaction, before he said what he had to say. Seeing the confused look in his eyes, the older man told Sam the truth on what had happen while he was out.

"Sam after you tried to kill yourself Jackson got pissed off at that Angel, he called him back to get me over here. He even called that asshole back so he can come and get me here, once when I arrived Jackson was in shock from what had happen. I had to pry him away from you to help save your life by sewing up your wounds, giving you some much-needed blood and fluids to keep you with us. After we got you hooked up Jackson went and beat the crap out of Castiel, for telling you lies about your own brother actions. I was proud of my friend for standing up to that bastard as he beat him, I stood back with a smile on my face cheering him on in my mind. When that angel left pissed my friend off more cause he wanted to do damage, when I got him to calm down we sat next to your bed I kept a close eye on him and you. I know this doesn't have anything to do with your brother Sam, you need to know what happen before Dean came in."

"Once when he arrived and saw what was before him with the blood on me, Jackson, the floor and you, I saw three different kinds of emotions go through him in a split second. I saw horror when he saw all the blood, I saw the shock when he saw you on the bed, I saw the anger he had towards Jackson on what happen. Your brother went into-what Jackson calls big brother mode-and attack my friend by hitting him hard, knocking him out when he hit his head with his fist so fast I didn't even see it. As I went to help my friend your brother shoved me into the wall, what kept me standing was he holding me there for a few seconds. I couldn't get your brother to calm down Sam he wanted Jackson, once when I mention your name he let me go to check up on you. When I got Jackson out of the room I came back to help Dean, he gave me such a death glare I backed off leaving him with you. As I watch Dean clean you of all the blood he was so gentle, he carefully wiped all the blood from you taking your clothes off. Even when he lifted you from the bed he was being gentle with you as he sat you down, turning the mattress over, changing the sheets, he kept a close eye on you. When he got you into clean clothes, laying you in bed, getting your comfortable, he was gentle to you trying not to hurt you. He even looked to see if I brought more blood since the bag was empty, he came to get me to give you another one. Through all of this he didn't even notice I kept an eye on your two just in case he needed help, I wasn't going to intrude on Dean taking care of you Sam that's his job not mind."

"When he came into Jackson room asking for some more blood and fluids for you, he told my friend he needs to be careful around him. Dean wanted to teach our friend a lesson for what he let happen to you Sam, I even told Dean it wasn't Jackson fault for what happen to you in any way. He didn't want to hear it in his mind it was Jackson's fault; he should have done a better job looking out for you Sam. Even when Jackson wanted to stay when I had to find a way back to work, Dean didn't want him any where near you. While we were out it was only you and Dean alone here at the cabin for two hours, we got back to make some dinner for us three after we were done Dean wanted answers. Jackson told him on what Castiel said to you Sam all of it, I could see the anger build inside of your brother with every word he said. I saw the fire burning in your brother eyes with all the hate he has for the angel, what he said to you on what Dean plans on doing when he gets here. He said that no matter what he could kill you Sam, not even when your dad told him he might have to kill you he couldn't do it. He wants to fix the bond you two had in the past Sam, your brother could never kill you no matter how anger he is. There's something else I want to tell you and I want you to listen to me Sam, I want you to listen carefully on what I'm about to tell you."

Matt waited until he had Sam's full attention before he had to say anything, cause this part is the most important part of this talk.

"If Dean wanted to kill you Sam he had plenty of time to do it by now, he was with you alone for two hours the first day he was here. He never made an attempt to kill you Sam in that time period while we were gone, even being in the room at night sleeping in the next bed he could had his chance. The five days you were out due to blood lost, he could have killed you Sam during that time he didn't. Even now what's stopping him for putting a bullet or a knife to you, don't think Jackson or I could stop him even if we could try. What Castiel told you about your brother wanted to kill you is a lie young man, Dean had many chances to kill you Sam many chances of doing it he didn't. Your brother don't want you dead Sam he wants you in his life, he knows what he did to you those four months being with Benny and Castiel. He could have even kill you back then take you out of his life at any time, you are still here Sam with your brother Dean who wants to be with you. I know you are scared of him right now from all the things that has happen, thinking you'll be better off out of his life and our lives that's not true Sam. I have seen first hand how much that brother of yours love you young man, there's no way he can take that love he has out of his life. I know and he knows that this won't be fix over night or a few weeks, he wants to fix things between the both of you Sam he wants to be brothers again."

"There's something else you need to know Sam when I have met that damn angel, the first time in the hospital and here at the cabin. When he was at the hospital he had so much hate aimed at your brother, like he was about to kill Dean with one swipe of his hand to end him. His voice was so low and dangerous when he told Dean to stay away from you, even when Jackson came into the room he had hate to him. He was only focus on you Sam that it made me worried about your safety with him, even when he got me to the cabin he had that same look at our friend. The only person he was focus on was you Sam like he wanted you; he didn't want anyone else in his way of getting to you. I don't know why he has such a focus on you only, but it made me more scared not knowing what he would do to you."

"There's something that damn angel want from you Sam to keep Dean away from you, he told you lies about your own brother to put a rift between you both. He told Jackson that he would smite my friend if he called Dean, threaten our friend for bringing him to the hospital to see you. Castiel want to keep you and Dean separated for some reason, and I'm afraid it's going to end up getting you killed Sam. Not by Dean's hand or mine or Jackson hands but by the angel's hands, there's something he wants from you Sam I do hope that I'm wrong but my gut tells me differently."

Matt finished on what he told Sam he couldn't stop that feeling he has at the moment, in his gut the angel has bad things when it comes to Sam. Looking at the young man in question he saw a lot of emotions going through him, he knew he shouldn't have told him about Castiel but he couldn't keep that feeling from him.

As Sam sat next to Matt hearing him talking on what Dean has done for him, while the time he was out due to blood lost. He knew Matt was right about one thing him or Jackson wouldn't be able to stop Dean, when he decides to end Sam's life for ruining his life for being born. Deep down in the most secret place of his of his soul, he knew that no matter what Dean wouldn't be able to carry out that order. Now with his emotions being so out of whack with all the hate Dean gave him, being with the hunters, hearing Castiel saying Dean wants to kill him. He don't know what to believe in he just barely holding himself together, one moment he wants to cry, then lash out, scream at someone, punch anything he can get a hold of. He has talked to Jackson about his raw emotions and got cut down from the man; he even did it to Jackson himself that left both men pissed off with each other. They both have hurt from their big brothers at least he still has Dean; unlike Jackson don't have Jefferson to talked things through. Maybe he can open up to Matt on how he's feeling maybe he won't get shot down, he not sure if he can do that he don't want to get hurt again like he has in the past. Hearing Matt asking him he question brought Sam out of his dark thoughts, turning to him he saw worried eyes looking back at him. Clearing his throat he asked Matt what he asked him.

"I'm sorry Matt, what did you asked me?"

"I said are you okay Sam, I lost you there for ten minutes."

Sam looked shock when Matt said he tried to get his attention for ten minutes, he must have been really in a dark place not to hear him. Licking his lips he turned to his friend to let him know how he's feeling, hoping that he don't get shot down from him.

"Sorry Matt was thinking on the things you talked to me about on Dean and Castiel, I'm-it's that-I hear you on what you said Matt. I still have that feeling that won't go away-that maybe I-it's just that-it's hard-I don't know."

Sam tried to tell Matt on how he's feeling at the moment he just can't get the words out, there's so much going through his head at the moment. Looking over the water he could feel his eyes watered up from all his emotions, trying to blink them away only to have them run down his cheeks. He knew he lost the battle when he felt me tears coming, feeling the sob coming from deep inside his chest he let all his emotions out. Feeling arms wrapped around him made him cry even harder from all the pain, he wasn't sure how long he cried in Matt's arms he couldn't stop the sobs that came.

Matt watch as Sam broke down from all that he heard from the man, wrapping his arms around the young man he gave him the comfort he needed. He lost track of time as he held Sam as he cried from all the pain, with the sobs wrack his body he held him close to his chest. Only when the sobs slowly stopped and his breathing even out, Matt knew Sam cried himself to sleep in his arms he waiting a little longer. Only when he knew Sam wouldn't wake he pushed him to the cabin steps, getting the door open he lifted Sam into his arms carrying him to his bed. Getting a wash clothe he wiped Sam's face of the tears and snot, not wanting to give him a sedative after his emotional break down he cover the boy. Running his hand through his hair he smile sadly at the young man on bed, he knew deep down Sam didn't believe him on what he said. Which brought a whole new level of anger to that damn angel and his words, he wish he was here right now so he can beat the living shit out of him. Walking back into the living room he got himself some water, he would love to have something stronger then the cold liquid. Walking out to the porch he sat heavily down on the chair further away from Sam's room, he wanted to yell or scream even punch something right now. His anger was getting the better of him he didn't even see Jacob, Jackson or Dean walking on the porch, until he felt a hand on his shoulder that made him flinch and react out in anger.


Jacob watch Dean closely after they had their talked on his true feelings, he can see the older brother was really bothered about hating his younger sibling. He has seen this in many siblings on how much they hated each other, even started fights just to prove how much they really did hate them. Not one of them show any remorse that Dean is showing, he can tell that he is really shock on what came out of his mouth about Sam. He can see that his love for his brother is a lot stronger then the hate he's feeling, he just had to emit it to himself on how he's really feeling so he can help him. Looking at his watch he saw they were gone for three hours, getting up he looked around the area before him it was beautiful place. Motioning Dean and Jackson it's time to go they got up stretching to get the kinks out, Jackson looked at the area they were at he love it here was beautiful. He would have to asked Dean how he knew about this place, as the men were both ready to leave a mother Lynx came out from the woods with a cub. Watching them drink from the small stream it brought back memories for Dean being here, when Sam was 15 recovering from his injuries and emotional scars many years ago. Smiling he saw both men looking at him wondering what got him happy, turning back he saw the mother leading her cub back into the forest. Turning around he started to walk back to the cabin with a smile on his face, he knew both men would want to know what got him so happy right now. As they walked back Jacob asked Dean what he was thinking about.

"Dean, if you don't mind me asking, what got you so happy seeing the Lynx and cub?"

"When Jim and Bobby Singer took Sammy and I here to help Sam recover, he told me about this stream to take my brother too. Our first day here I took him down to this stream to play for a little while, told him what the rules will be and he followed on what I asked. The second day after we put the tent up, got the fire pit made, we came back here with Jim and Bobby so Sammy could play in the water. We both ran here after Bobby picked on me about what I did as a kid, Sam was laughing at me as he ran to this place. When we got here there was a mother moose and calf drinking in the stream, I made sure we stayed in the tree line just in case she charge us. I watch Sammy as he was looking at the mother and calf; he had so much joy in his eyes I wanted it to last forever for him. When they left he got sad until I let him go near the water, as he splashed in the water like a five year old Bobby told me to go with him. We wrestle each other until Sammy slip on one of the rocks taking us both into the water, I couldn't get mad at him his laughter was music to my ears I laugh at his happiness. When we got out Bobby saw a young lynx coming from the woods to drink, I thought Sam's eyes would pop out of his head when he saw it. He hit me hard in the arm with excited in his voice I enjoyed it so much, got a little sad that it left he wanted the animal to stay longer. Told him that it was his stomach growling that scared the cat, we picked on each other as we got our shoes back on. He asked Jim nervously if he could make a fire when we got back, he said yes that Sam could he was so excited to start his first fire. Jim even let him help good the hamburgers and hotdogs we had for lunch, then went swimming with Bobby playing with Sam by throwing him in the air. He had such a fun and excited day that I didn't want it to end, I was finally getting my brother back after what happen to him."

Dean smiled when he told the story of what happen that fun day for Sam, he loved seeing his brother that carefree and happy.

"I want that brother back Jacob that I broke with my hateful hurtful words I said to him, I have done so much damage to him by my actions. I need to get myself in a right place before I even talked to Sammy now, I can't believe that I could hate that brother of mine like this. It was one feeling that I never thought could happen, I have to figure out when I started to feel this way to Sammy."

Dean said with sadness in his voice on how he's really feeling.

"Dean, that is why I am here is to help you, Jackson and Sam through the pain, it will take time my friend to figure this all out. There's Matt he looks upset hope everything went okay while we-whoa there Matt it's just us."

Jacob wasn't expecting the reaction he got from Matt as he touch his shoulder, good thing he ducked when he did or he would have been hit. Both Jackson and Dean put there hands up in a non threatening way, until Matt saw who it was and relax seeing his friends back. Feeling bad that he almost took his friend's head off, taking a deep breath he got himself calm down to talked to them.

"Sorry Jacob, I didn't mean to almost hit you like that, I was lost in my own anger after I talked with Sam. Don't worry Dean it wasn't bad or saying anything against your brother, I told Sam some things that were true, while other that were lies. He open up to me a little on how he's feeling hearing him broke my heart, and left me anger at that damn angel that I want to hit right now."

"By your reactions Matt I can tell it wasn't good at all I never seen you like that."

"No it wasn't good Jacob Sam finally open up to me and bonded some, I don't want to talked about what was said. Don't want to ruin the trust that we started to have with each other, he confined in me on how he's feeling somewhat. I don't want to break that trust we finally got going, so please don't asked me to do that."

"Matt that is between you and Sam and no one else my friend we all understand, I know Dean you will have to except that for right now. Sam is going to need a friend to confide in it seems it's Matt he choose, I will be talking to Sam tomorrow since he had an exhausting day already with his emotions."

"I don't be asking even if I really want to know Matt, I'm glad that Sammy open up to you even if it does hurt."

"There's one thing I have to do Jackson I need the van to go into town, I need to call Will let him know that I'll be gone longer then planned."

"Are you sure about this Matt, don't get me wrong my friend I love to have you here, are you sure you want to stay longer."

"Jackson, you and Dean are going to need me here to keep an eye on Sam, I want to stay longer and build this trust Sam and I have started. I know Will would understand my decision on why I need to stay, he knows how important this is to me to help you and Dean out. Let me go get the keys to the van-are you sure Dean you want to take Matt to town."

Dean stopped Jackson before he move from his spot next to him.

"I can take Matt to town to call his boss Jackson I need some time away, will do some more grocery shopping as he talks with him."

"Alright Dean we'll keep an eye on Sam while you are gone, is he sleeping right now Matt."

"Yeah after his breakdown he fell asleep in my arms put him to bed fifteen minutes ago, didn't want to give him a sedative then he was so upset. Let me go give him on right now he needs his rest, this way he'll be sleeping while we are gone Jackson."

Walking inside the cabin Matt went to Sam's room to give him a mild sedative, being careful as possible when he put the needle into his arm. Staying a few minutes he wanted to make sure Sam was falling under, stepping out of the room he followed Dean to the Impala while Jacob and Jackson waiting outside.