Dean had to make a choice about whom he wanted to hunt with; he needed to trust the person to have his back. The choice he makes will come back to haunt him, having to choose between which person he can trust the most. When things go South will he learn this lesson the hard way, or will he loose what matters most to him? This takes place after Southern Comfort.


Baton Rouge, Louisiana is a town rich in culture; fine foods, nightlife full of music, drinking, and dancing. Who would think a town like this will be a nesting place for Vampires? They would walk the streets at night looking for their next meal, waiting for careless victims to be by themselves before they make their move. Mostly in dark alleys were they won't be seen feeding on their prey, were they can drink without being bothered by anyone.

Some would go down the quiet outskirts of the back streets, away from the hustle and bustle of the main town. Searching for homes that would be the ideal place to have their meal, while others would go into parks, cemeteries to find their prey. Once in awhile they would find some people walking through the cemetery, taking a short cut to their houses as not to walk around. There they have more privacy to take their time as they feed, they wouldn't have to worry about anyone bothering them.

On a cool October night two from the nest were checking out the cemetery, there was no clouds in the sky with a full moon and stars. With the big Oak Trees with Spanish moss hanging from the tree limbs, it looked like a place from the old horror movies on T.V. The moon-bright glow bathed the area where they where, looking out they could see all the head stones, statues, the wall on the other side. Most of the nights the place was so dark you couldn't see two feet in front of you, this night the skies were clear for them to see. Hearing movement to the left of the wall they were sitting on, smelling the air to see what was coming towards them. Catching the sent of a human they hid behind two of the head stones, listening carefully they could tell the person was heading their way. What got them a little confused is when they heard two other voices, how could there be three people when they only smell one human.

One of the Vampires peek around his hiding spot to have a better look, as he did he caught sight of three men. One was wearing a jacket with blue jeans, the other a trench coat; the third was wearing a heavy coat with a cap. Taking a good look at the man he knew now why he only smelled one human, he knew who the other man is since they had work together in the past. He was a fellow member of their nest centuries ago, when they didn't drink human blood to keep the hunters away from them. Since killing off the Sire Vampire the new leader brought them back to their roots, attacking and killing people like they should have been. Sometimes they would turned a few human into Vampires to repopulate their kind, when one of them wouldn't kill a human the new Sire killed him. Now here he is working with a human and some other kind of being, they couldn't figure out who the person in the trench coat is. Waiting for the right moment to make their move they motion in the others, who were on the other side of the cemetery. They saw them walking up in the shadows as they saw the three men, so now with five against three they will be having their fun before they eat.

The leader made his move when two out of the three were arguing now was the prefect time to attack when their prey was preoccupied. Motioning the other members to move in they surrounding the three victims, keeping in the shadows until they were only a few feet from them for their attack. Waiting for the right moment to rush in to make the kill, one of the younger members blew their cover, by rushing in two fast attacking his old clan member. The one in the trench coat place his hand on his back causing him to cry out in pain, seeing the white light they knew it was an Angel that attack their family member. Fuel with anger they other four rushed out of the shadows without making a sound, they were upon them before they even knew what hit them. The leader went after the human, his friend went after their old comrade, the other two went after the Angel.

Keeping the Angel busy with fighting two Vampires the other two knew they could kill the others, what the leader wasn't expecting was how strong and fast the human was. Before he could attack the human he turned around just in time, moving out of the way just a slight, but not enough to stop him from being hit. Before he could get himself off the ground the human was already standing his ground to him, raising too his feet he stood his ground to the man in front of him. Both men looked at each other waiting to see who would make the first move, when the man in front of him started to move to his right he went left. Making a circle to size each other up before making the killer blow, seeing the smirk from his prey he smile right back at him before making his move. When he attack the person in front of him he couldn't get a good hit, he moved all with him blocking every hit he threw at him. He knew now this was a hunter he was fighting with which got him excited, knowing from experience how they were when fighting. This one gave him a fight he wanted for a long time now compared to the others, when he fought them they were easy to take down not this one. Getting in a few good hits of his own he couldn't get the right blow in, every time he try to hit for the head, liver, kidney or back, the hunter would move out of the way. Feeling his own bruises from the man when he got a few good hits in, didn't faze him one bit he had a worse beating then this. Knowing that he had to finish this before anyone hears them, he made his move plowing himself so hard into the guy's chest. Taking him down to the ground with a loud thud that took the air out of his lungs, seeing his chance to take the bit he was pulled off of him by his old clan member.

Turning to face him he saw blood around his mouth knowing that his friend was dead, glancing over at the Angel he saw the other two were dead. Moving away from them he turned to the other Vampire he once knew, feeling betrayed that his own kind would side with a human. Before he left he told him that he better not ever see him again, and swore vengeance to the human for killing his clan members.

"Benny, how could you side with a human and a Angel against your own kind?"

"Eli, you turned against me with the new leader of our clan to kill humans, you watch him behead me and did nothing to stop it."

"We would have died out if we didn't go with him to his side Benny, we barely survive on animal blood as it was our leader was weak. When Jeremiah killed our old leader he became the Sire of our clan, help us get our numbers back up by turning people into us."

"At what price was that Eli getting more of you killed, there are hunters hunting your clan members down. They won't stop until you are all dead do you think Jeremiah will save you from them, he sending you out here to get killed while he stays reaping in everyone blood. He don't care how many of you get killed while doing his dirty work, just as long as he gets to drink the blood before anyone else."

"Not all of us work under the leader my friend there are some of us that he let's us do as we please, we can hunt down humans kill them, drink their blood, or turned them to one of us. We only hunt what we need to keep us fed, while others are sloppy by getting themselves killed by hunters. Wait until I tell our leader that you are back Benny, he would want your head on a silver platter how did you get out of Purgatory."

"That is none of your business you blood sucking freak so shut the hell up, who is this piece of shit, Benny."

"He used to be a friend of mine back in the days, Dean-"

The vampire stop when he heard his old friend growl in disgust.

"So this is the mighty Dean Winchester who was suppose to be dead, so this is how you got out of Purgatory? Why would my leader want a piece of you or your brother, by the way where is your little brother Dean?"

"Kiss my ass you freak don't need to tell you anything, let's just kill this son-of-a-bitch and call it a night."

Picking his machete off the ground where he dropped it in the struggle, he raised it to kill the Vamp in front of him. Before he could even used it the Vamp was gone disappearing in the shadows, cursing at himself for not killing him sooner.

Turning to his two friends it was time to head back to the motel room, there was more research that needs to be done. Walking back to the Impala Dean didn't really want to go back to the motel, instead he told Cas to go back while he and Benny go to a bar.


Driving through the back streets of Baton Rouge the Impala with the three occupants drove slowly down the road, the research that was done told them that Vampires were killing people. Come to find out the place were the killings were being done was a cemetery, getting the name Woodlawn Cemetery and the address the three men headed in that direction. On the way they talked about how they would handle the situation, during the talk Dean and Cas got into a heated argument on not taking Sam with them. Dean didn't want to bring Sam with he needed him back at the motel to do research, Benny, Cas and him could do the hunts by themselves like the have been. Since getting together again with his friend Benny, he's been spending more time with him going on hunts or to the bar. He can trust him with his life knowing that Benny could have his back, as for Sam he can't trust his brother like he used to.

So when Benny heard about the killings in Baton Rouge they headed to the city, Sam had his doubts about it since he didn't trust Benny like Dean does. Taking Benny side the older brother told Sam that they were going, to get in the car and keep your mouth shut and do research. When Sam found information about the killings and the name of the place, Dean told Sam to search for another hunt while he, Benny and Cas finish the hunt. On the way there Castiel voice he concern about now having Sam with as back up, which started a heated argument between the two.

"Dean, we should have brought Sam with us on this hunt, the information says there are at least five to six Vampires. Having Sam-"

The Angel was cut off by his friend's outburst.

"Damn it Cas how many times do I have to tell you, we don't need Sam here to hunt the Vamps. We have hunted by ourselves many of times in Purgatory, and where was Sam then, was he there with us, NO! He was with some chick while I was fighting for my life."

"He was the one who gave up on hunting who wanted a normal life with a girl and a dog, he left me too rot there while he had his apple pie life. I need someone who I can trust to have my back during a hunt, that is not Sam I can't trust him right now I trust Benny."

Pulling to the curb across from the Wood Lawn Cemetery turning the car off, Dean got out of the car slamming the door shut on his friend. Walking to the trunk he pop it open pulling the lid to the hide away where the weapons are, pulling out three machetes he slammed it shut with too much force. He was burning inside talking about Sam with his friend; he was so anger at his brother for not looking for him. How is he suppose to trust his own flesh and blood when he forgot about him, just let him die in Purgatory without lifting a finger to look for him. If the table were turned Dean would have search high and low for Sam, making deals, torturing Demons anything to find him. So why didn't Sam look for him the year he was gone, did Dean mean that little to his younger brother the answer to that was yes.

Crossing the road he handed Benny and Cas their weapons before stepping into the cemetery, glancing around he was glad that a full moon was out giving them some light. Seeing the giant Oak Trees with their huge branches hanging over the ground, with the Spanish moss dangling from them making the place look haunted. The scene reminded Dean of the old horror movies he and Sam used to watch as kids, with the huge trees, the moss, head stones, the full moon, the only thing it needed were the monsters. At the moment that was what they are looking for the monsters, too bad it wasn't Dracula they were looking for.

Shaking that thought out of his head he needed a clear mind for this hunt, walking down the isle of headstones Cas was too his right, Benny to his right. Keeping a sharp eye out for any kind of movement especially from the shadows, which this place has many shadows for his liking.

Moving further in he was getting a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, like something bad was going to happen. Looking over to his right he saw that Cas has stop looking around were he stood, taking a gander to his left he saw that Benny has stop to. Listen carefully for any kind of sound glancing in the shadows, he thought he saw movement which was only the moss moving in the wind. Next thing he heard was Castiel telling him it was a bad idea of leaving Sam behind, feeling his anger burned hot he stroll over to his friend.

"Dean, I don't like the sound of this it's too quiet, you should have brought Sam with us."

"That's it Cas I'm tired of you bring up his name we don't need him, would you please keep an eye out for danger."

"Dean! Something feels off here like we are heading into a trap, with Sam he could be looking out for one-"

Cas was cut off when a Vampire attack Benny shoving him to the ground, hurrying over to his friend the Angel place his hand on the attacker back. Listening to him scream in pain before he fell to the ground dead, Dean rushed over to Benny helping him off the ground before he check him over. See no damage done to his brother; he went to look around when he felt something hard hit him.

Seeing his friend going down the Angel headed towards him for help, only to be stop when two Vampires attack him from both sides. Standing his ground to them he ready himself for a fight, he made sure that both of them were always in front of him at all times.

They have tried to get on behind the Angel while the other stay in front, the failed at each attempt to do so. Deciding on another way they both charge him at the same time, hoping that one of them would get a bit into him. Just as they were about to go in for the kill with the Angel, Cas stepped to one side grabbing one of his attackers throwing him to the ground. Placing his hand on the man chest watching as white light engulf him, lifting his hand off of him looking down at the now dead Vampire with his eyes burned out of his head. Lifting himself up he ready for the other one to attack, he could see the anger in the man eyes. He thought he saw a red hue in them as the Vampire glared at him, keeping a close eye on the man he waited for him to make the first move.

As the man rushed the Angel Cas waited until he got close enough to him, before lifting his hand making him flew through the air. Landing a few feet from him with a loud thud when he hit the ground, lifting the Vamp up to his feet he pulled out the angel blade cutting his head off. Watching as the head rolled on the ground, dropping the body he turned to check out his friends to see how they are doing.

Benny fought the Vampire that he once was a clan member with; it was centuries ago before his time in Purgatory. He was with a clan of Vampires that turned to drinking animal blood instead of human; too keep off the radar of hunters that were hunting them to extinction. Now he's facing him in a battle of life and death, the life for the innocents and the death of him. Picking up a few good moves spending his time in that place, he used it with his old family member to throw him off.

He knew the man's moves just as much as he knew his moves, as they fought Benny throw in a few he learned down under. Taking his opponent by surprise he made his move by moving behind him, taking a bit ripping his throat out to the bone and muscles. Spitting out the meat he turned to see how Cas and Dean were doing, see the Angel killed his attacker he turned to Dean. Seeing his friend having a hard time he went over to help, pulling the man off of him he saw that it was a good friend of his.

Hearing what the Vampire had to say Dean knew they would be staying longer in Baton Rouge, there was no way he was going to leave with a nest of Vamps in the city. Heading back to the Impala he didn't really want to head back to the hotel, after the argument he had with Cas about Sam he didn't want to be around him. Turning to his friend as Benny got into the front passenger seat were his brother would sit, he need to let him know to go back to Sam for more research.

"Cas, go back to the motel and tell Sam to research about a Vampire nest in this city, tell him to look until he finds any kind of sightings that might be helpful to us."

"Dean, I am not your messenger that you can boss around at any time, why don't you go and let Sam know about the Vampire nest."

"Benny and I are going to a bar for a few drinks and fun don't have time to go and talk with him, just go back and tell him he needs to find the nest before he does anything else. I might be back tonight or tomorrow morning depends on how lucky I am, when I get back I want some information and no excuses this time."

Before the Angel could reply Dean got into the car driving off leaving the man in the street, shaking his head at his friend Cas spoke to himself on Dean's actions.

"Dean you are going to loose Sam with this attitude you have with him, if you are not careful it will happen one day."

With that there was a flutter of wings and a empty street.


Sam watched as his brother, Benny and Cas walked out the door after the info he gave them, it piss him off the way his brother has been treating him lately. Ever since the spectrum and the curse penny the hunt they did with Garth, Dean has been distant with Sam always angry at him for one thing or another. Hearing his brother throwing those words at him really hurt Sam deeply, hearing him saying that Benny has been a better brother than him, never letting him down. It was like telling Sam that he was no longer Dean's little brother, the older brother that he always looked up to since he was little. Now to hear that they are not brother's anymore cut Sam to the core, now he wants to hunt with the Vampire go out to bars to drink and play pool. All the things that he and Dean did before all this crap happen to them, now here's Sam sitting alone in the room waiting for them to come back.

The only thing that's been coming out of Dean's mouth to him has been insults, making him feel worthless, like he's not good enough anymore. He could leave like he always does when things get bad between them, only to have Dean come looking for him giving him the riot act about leaving. This time it would be different since his brother didn't care about him anymore, would be happy if Sam would just walked out and not come back. He's been thinking about this for a while now waiting for the right moment to leave, it would hurt Sam to leave his brother behind since he still loves his older sibling.

Now he's just waiting here for them to come back so he can hear Dean brag how good of a hunter Benny is, always having his back being there for him when he needs a partner/brother. Looking up for more hunts he found an article about deaths in Baton Rouge, these were from four years ago which means there must be a nest here. People have been disappearing weekly for the last four years the reason why know one reported them is, they were prostitutes, drug addicts, runaways, people who wouldn't be missing by anyone. The last year they have attack the middle class in their homes making it look like a break in, then having it go wrong by murdering someone to cover up. Others were down alleys behind store fronts making it look like a mugging gone wrong, other were killed in the parks and cemetery. They always had their attacks looking like someone was attack walking home, only taking two or three people a week not to cause any kind of panic. Writing all the information down so he can show Dean on what he found, he turned off his computer took a shower then laid in bed. Turning on the T.V he leaned against the headboard watching mindless shows to waste the time, he knew once when they get back his brother will be drunk as a skunk. Taking all his anger out on his brother by saying hurtful things to him, making him feel like shit before he passes out from the liquor he drank. Getting up the next morning like nothing ever happens or hurtful words were said, he would just order Sam around telling him to be useful getting breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Lost in his thought he didn't hear Cas come into the room until he spoke to him, startling Sam making him grabbing his gun. Swearing to the Angel he put his weapon back under his pillow, seeing only his friend he knew where Dean would be.

"Damn it, Cas how many times have I told you not to do that, I could have shot you."

Sam said in an irritated voice.

"Sam, you can not kill me with a gun-okay sorry Dean sent me-"

Cas stopped when he heard an annoyed sigh from his friend.

"Let me guess he wants me too look for the nest, so he and his new brother can go to a bar?"

"Yes, they did go to the bar but not with his brother, you are here Sam."

"Cas I'm no longer Dean's brother he made that perfectly clear, after we did that hunt with Garth."

"Sam, he was cursed from that coin that wasn't him, you know that right."

"What he said he meant every word Cas and he's right, I only failed him as a brother that's why he hates me now. I can see why he wants to hunt with Benny now he's a better partner and brother, he has never failed Dean only I have done that."

"Sam, you have to know that Dean loves-" Cas stop when Sam raised his hand.

"Cas, I do appreciate what you are trying to do here, making me feel better by saying that Dean cares. The truth is he don't care he hates me Cas, there's no more love he has for me I ruined it. I think I should leave before he-"

Sam stopped when he heard the door open with Benny carrying in Dean over his shoulder, placing him gently on the bed before he took off his shoes and coat. Sam watch with a pain in his heart to see Benny do the things he would, it shows just how much he failed as a brother.


Pulling into a parking space at the local bar Dean and Benny got out; walking into the building they saw an empty booth to their left. Heading over Dean motion to the bartender to come over, giving him his order he turned to his friend.

"Benny, who is this Eli and Jeremiah were do you know them from."

"It was a life time ago Dean centuries ago when I was a young Vampire, just got turned by Eli when he would drink from people. When the Sire heard of hunter killing our kind he taught us how to drink from animals, some of us couldn't stand the blood from cattle, deer or wild pigs, we would still from a blood bank."

"This way we don't be on the hunters radar for killing people, we kept a low profile for years until Jeremiah showed up. He tried to get us to drink from people again be who were should be, the Sire was against it and fought him to the death. He killed him and became the new Sire of our clan teaching us the old ways, I wouldn't attack a human or drink from one tried to get others too join me. Eli went to tell Jeremiah on what I was doing within the clan, he felt threaten when I wouldn't do as he says. Not wanting any of the clan to go against him we fought it was a bloody one Dean, when the fight was over he cut my head off while everyone watch. Eli never once stood up for even though we were blood brother's, always saying we will be there for each other in the end he wasn't."

"Now you do have a blood brother that will help you kill them, I will have your back when we fight them brother. Cas would help us fight the good fight just like we did down under, we make a good team a human, Vampire and a Angel an odd team." Dean said with a smirk.

"Don't you have a brother already Dean back at the motel, what would he have to say my friend."

"He won't have a say in it Benny, he will have to go with it, if he can't he can just leave he made his bed."

"Dean, you don't mean you'll let Sam just walk away and not come back, I know how close you are with him."

"Benny, he left me too rot in Purgatory for a fucking year, how am I suppose to let that just go. Instead of looking for me he went off and had an apple pie life, it's what he always wanted so if he wants it that bad he can go."

Before Benny could answer the bartender came with their drinks, Dean told him to keep the whiskey coming he was going to get drunk and have some fun. An hour later the older Winchester was spread across the table out like a light, his friend just shook his head as he lifted him up carrying him out the door. Walking to the Impala he place him in the passenger seat making him comfortable, getting behind the wheel he drove back to the motel room to get him in bed. As he parks the car getting out and grabbing his friend, as he walked up to the door he missed the person driving by slowly.

Placing Dean in bed he took off his shoes and coat before covering him up with the blanket, turning the lights out he sat at the table keeping watch. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the younger brother laying down, turning his back to him and his brother. The vampire could feel the pain the man was in by the way he heart would beat, sighing he kept a watch over his brother and the other brother.

Watching Benny with Dean broke something in Sam his heartache bad, he has really lost his brother to the vampire. He had to think of a way to get his brother back to him, to get Dean to understand why he didn't look for him. With that in mind he close his eyes his breathing even out, he fell into a uneasy sleep.


Pulling into the parking space next to a park in town, the man got out walking up a bench with a man sitting. Sitting across from he looking straight into his eyes he smile wickedly, he had good news to tell him and it will please him.

"Did you find him?"

"Yes, I found him he's in a motel room just down the street from here."

"Good, gather the others, we make our move in two days."