"Don't worry! The Avatar will save you!"

Korra couldn't stop smiling at the little girl playing her at this school play she and Asami were invited. The kids were telling the story about how she defeated the Dark Avatar and let the spiritual portals opened in a really cute way. Before this day, she never thought that the Avatar turning herself into a giant spirit and almost dying could be anything but scaring. Now, she was glad to prove herself wrong.

At her side, Asami's face looked happier than she thought it would be. Her girlfriend was the most kind, gentle and caring person Korra knew, but she never seemed to share the Avatar's passion around kids. Feeling her heart warmer, Korra looked for Asami's hand and gave it a squeeze which only made the engineer's smile grow. However, she never stopped paying attention to the fake Korra - her girlfriend was completely charmed by the little girl. Korra, on the other hand, was watching a little boy who visibly was trying to let the stage unnoticed as the final song started to play. He was dressed as a cute green spirit and never looked to anything but his feet. Korra wanted to give him a hug.

The play came to an end and Korra was imediately surrounded by the kids. Happy, the Avatar sat on the floor and answered all the questions they had for her. Asami, standing alone while watching the other woman talking to the 7 years olds, decided to look for their teacher and smiled when she found the older woman watching her students.

"You did an excellent work with them. The play was beautiful." Asami said, offering a hand to the teacher. "We were really happy when we received the invitation. I'm Asami Sato, by the way."

"Oh, I know who you are, Miss Sato!" The teacher laughed, shaking Asami's hand. "I'm Cho. It's a pleasure to meet you. Your company did a great job with schools all around Earth Republic."

Asami smiled and looked back to Korra, still talking to the kids, but with a little boy sitting on her lap now. The little girl who played the Avatar was now messing with Korra's hair. An adorable view.

"I'm glad you feel this way, but we're not done yet." Asami said. After Future Industries helped with the expansion in Republic City, Asami decided to expand the company itself. She played a key role during the transition of the Earth Empire by helping the most affected cities to rebuild themselves and now was helping to improve the school system all over the new Earth Republic thanks to a deal she'd made with president Bei Fong. "How's the name of the girl who played Korra? She seems to be a wonderful kid." The engineer asked, never looking away from Korra.

"Oh, Hikari, she really is. But so troubled. It's a shame." The older woman replied with a sadness in her eyes. "She and her twin brother are orphans since they were four. Never stayed too long with any family who tried to adopt them." Asami's heart ache deeply with the answer. She knew how it felt to be an orphan. She finally looked again to the teacher.

"Who is her brother? How did their parents died?" She asked quietly.

"It's Hiro, the little boy sitting with the Avatar." She sighed. "Their mother died giving birth to them and their father died a couple years ago on a fire."

"That's unfair."

"It really is." The teacher agreed. "But let's introduce you to them, shall we?" Asami managed to smile and followed Cho.


"Asami." The word escaped Korra's mouth in a quiet and serious tone. She wasn't sure if her girlfriend was still awake but the answer came quickly.


"I..." Korra didn't know how to say it, but she wasn't able to sleep in the past two days, since the school play. She couldn't stop thinking about Hikari and Hiro since the moment she learned about their story. It was so sad and unfair. The lack of answer made Asami turn to her side and look at her.

"Yes?" She repeated and the Avatar took a deep breath.

"I think we should adopt them."


"I mean... I know we never talked about this before, but... It's just... We connected so easily with them..."

"Korra..." Asami tried to speak.

"And I know you're gonna say that we aren't married yet but we already live together anyway and..."

"Korra?" The water tribe girl was just babbling now.

"And we do have a lot of space at home and..."

"Korra!" She finally got the attention she wanted. "Let's do this. Let's adopt them." Korra's eyes became at least two times bigger in shock. Asami cupped her girlfriend's cheek and pressed a gentle kiss in her lips. "I'll call the office tomorrow morning and let them know we'll be staying for a few more days."

"You know that it will change our whole lives, don't you?"

"Yes, you won't be able to walk around the house naked anymore." Asami said jokingly. She was really tired but also felt like a stone was removed from her shoulders.

"Don't start."

"I love you."

"Love you too."


"Ms. Sato, Avatar Korra, it's an honour to have you here. Please, take a sit."

"Thank you for having us in such short-notice. We know you have a pretty busy schedule." Korra thanked the older man named Lee as she and Asami sat in front of him.

"Oh, don't worry. It's not everyday that the most powerful couple in the world wants to adopt two kids from your orphanage!" He smiled. "But are you sure you don't want a baby? I'm certain it can be arranged."

"We're sure about the twins." Asami smiled back. "I understand we have to sign some paperwork before we get to legally adopt them?"

"Yes." The man gave the two women some papers to fill in. It had a bunch of questions, regarding their relationship, their economic status, their personal feelings towards adoption.

"Uh, I don't know how to answer half of it. Can Asami fill mine too?" Korra asked confused.

"Of course," was Lee's answer. "What about we talk to the kids now?"


"So, Hikari, Hiro, you'd already met Asami and Korra." The little kids looked to the couple with confusion but both of them nodded. "They want to adopt you."

"I don't want to go." Hikari said, her little arms crossed in front of her chest. "She's the Avatar and she's rich, they won't keep us."

"Of course we will!" Korra said, stepping closer to the little girl. "It's because I'm the Avatar that I will keep you. I never give up on anyone. And it's because Asami's rich that we're doing it too. We can offer you and your brother a better life."

"You know, I'm an orphan too." Asami said. The two women were now sitting on the floor with the twins. Lee was watching everything from the door.

"Really?" Hiro asked quietly.

"Yes." Asami said with a sad smile on her face. "I know how scary it is, and I'm glad you have each other to rely on. But Korra and I, we want to give you the safety you deserve. What do you think?"

"Can I have my own room?" Hikari asked in a serious tone and the adults laughed.

"Of course."

"I'm in."