Shadow here.
sorry i have not updated for a while but there has been a lot around my ears as of late and this chapter was a bit harder to write than i anticipated. Bbut here it is.
also i forgot to mention that i have gotten a Beta "Ryujomaru15" that has helped me with spelling mistakes with both this chapter and the last one.
"What the hell did you do that for?" Issei exclaimed as he held his throbbing head in pain. Naruto had just suddenly hit him in the back of the head for no apparent reason. Meanwhile Naruto was just giving the pervert a look of pure annoyance.
The two of them were standing at the base of the hill where the abandoned church was located.
"Let me get this straight." Naruto's voice was calm while he was looking into his classmates eyes as he tried to understand the pervert's logic. But while his voice was calm there was still an undertone of anger. "You sold your soul to the devil, quite literally if I might add. Then you proceeded to befriend a nun, a member of the church, the enemy of all devils." Seeing that Issei was not correcting him, he continued. "She was then captured by her own associates and now you are planning to attack their base of operation on your own because your king-" Naruto emphasized as he hoped that the shameless pervert would see just how stupid he was. "Refused to aid you. Now you ask for my help is because you realised that you had no chance of doing this on your own. And to top it off, all of this craziness all happened in a time span of two days."
Issei seemed to finally realise just how stupid his decision had been, he shamefully looked down on his shoes in an effort to avoid Naruto's gaze. Now that Naruto had summarised his last couple days he finally saw just how stupid his choices actually had been.
"You are without a doubt the biggest pervert I have ever met, and that says a lot." Seeing Issei held his head in pain where he had been hit. Naruto got tempted to hit him a second time just for good measure, but decided against it. He instead turned his gaze to the church, which was a mere 50 meters from the two of them. After hearing the entire story Naruto was tempted to just leave Issei to rescue the nun on his own, but he had already promised to help him. Then there was the nun herself, when Issei had told him what kind on people her companions were, he knew she was in with the wrong crowd and needed help.
"You are way to soft."
"Funny coming from a body pillow." Naruto retorted with a smirk as he felt the fox's resentment grow as they begun to trade friendly insults.
"Bunny ears."
"Which way are we going in?" Issei asked, unknowingly breaking up an argument. "I mean we can't just knock on the front door." Naruto being the unpredictable ninja decided to do just that.
"Why not?" not seeing Issei's look of surprise as he just marched to the front door. "That is exactly what we are going to do." Naruto than proceeded kick the large oak door open with a resounding BANG. If no one knew of their arrival before, they certainly did now. Taking a quick sweep of the room as he memorized the layout. The entire church was just one big room with a lot of broken furniture, like benches, pillars and everything between.
"This looks like a haunted house."
"Thanks for that mental image asshole." Naruto mentally called back as a chill ran down his back. He really hated ghosts. Taking a deep breath, Naruto marched in with a smile on his face and with a relaxed pasture. But any of this friend they would have seen that he was actually very much aware of his surroundings. That was when the pervert commented.
"Man, this place looks haunting."
Naruto almost punched Hyoudou for unknowingly repeating Kurama's line of thought, and then he saw it. Just at the corner of his eye he saw a movement in the shadows and years of reflex took over. It was like time slowed down as he grabbed hold of his classmates which was just within arm's reach. He then threw both of them down to the floor. And not a moment too soon as a resounding BANG echoed across the room and something flashed where his head had been mere moments before.
"Well, well, well isn't this a surprise?" the culprit announced his presence as he stepped out from the shadow of the pillar he had been hiding behind. "A filthy devil and his heretical friend waling into the house of god." The whitehaired, purple eyed man boasted full of confidence. Naruto whom has gained a lot of experience to read a person both from his past and his experience as a ninja could tell one thing for certain. This whitehaired man was an asshole.
"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Naruto asked unusually polite as he got back on his feet. But his attacker just gave a wide grin that reminded Naruto of Hidan from the Akatsuki.
"I'm Freed Sellzen a priest and a follower of god." The now Freed introduced himself as he gave both of the intruders a mocking bow. "Remember that name, because it will be of the man which whom is going to kill you." And like flipping a switch the priest's voice just turned psychotic as he pulled out a gun and a sword from inside his coat.
"They back home will probably be interested in that blade." Naruto thought as as he eyed the blade that just seemed to materialize from the handle.
"The thought of tearing apart a filthy devil and eating his flesh piece by piece makes my mouth water." As if he wasn't psychotic enough, he then proceeded to lick his gun. "After that, I will take your boy lover and tire him to a tree than set him of fire." To normal people this thread would have been enough to make them turn tail and flee. But the two boys did not move an inch, but it was not because of courage, rather it was anger.
"LOVER?" the two boys screamed back. Issei got pissed because he was a proud lover of girls and boobs; to say that he was into boys is pure blasphemy. Naruto on the other hand remembered a certain incident from back in the academy between him and his old rival Sasuke. These two boys may have come from different pasts and had different view on a number of subjects. But, they were now in an agreement that did not require words to explain.
This bastard was going to pay.
"I'M GONNA MESS YOU UP SO BAD, THAT YOUR PARENTS WON'T EVEN BE ABLE TO RECOGNISE YOU." The two boys simultaneously screamed back. But the priest did not seem to be bothered at all by their rather explosive response; in fact he seemed rather pleased.
"Why so defensive?"
Naruto knew that an argument would lead them nowhere, so instead he asked.
"Tell me where she is." The priest just gave them a clearly fake questioning look as he innocently asked.
"Which one? The dirty loving whore of a sister." Issei grit his teeth and clenched his fists in anger in an effort to repress his anger at the white haired priest for insulting Asia so casually "Or maybe the weak piece of trash that once called herself our boss?" While Issei had no idea whom he was talking about Naruto recalled something Shikamaru had said. "They are not friends that is for sure." Well,Shikamaru was right about that.
Freed on the other hand had just ignored the looks Issei had been throwing at him and casualy pointed at the altar right behind him. "Both of them are in the basement, the entrance is just under this alter we are currently standing on." Freed was so confident in himself that he just straight out told them. But he had clearly underestimated the intruders as Naruto had faced far more powerful foes so he simply gave Issei an order. "Issei, you go ahead. I will deal with this weirdo."
The priest apparently heard them as he widened his stance in an effort to look more intimidating and show that they would not get past him without a fight. "If you think I will let either of you devils get past me, than you are sorely mistaken. I haven't killed anyone for days and I'm itching for some action."
"Either you let us pass or I will force my way through you." Naruto threatens.
"You are wasting your time." Naruto knew Kurama was right but he still tried, his attempt was promptly responded with a gun aimed at his head. Reacting before the priest even pulled the trigger Naruto had grabbed hold on Issei and had thrown both of them behind one of the benches to the right. The benches were completely solid with no openings thereby making them perfect covers.
"I have killed hundreds of devils, you think a school kid and a shitty weak devil stand any chance against me?" Naruto heard Freed call out before he fired his gun. The bullet tore through the bench like it was made out of tissue paper and it just barely avoided hitting Naruto in the head.
Naruto, ignoring the fact that he had almost been killed by a stray bullet, put a finger on his lips as a sign for Issei to keep quiet. Issei was speechless as he eyed where the bullet had flown past them, and weakly nodded when he saw Naruto's gesture. Seeing that his message had gotten through. Naruto wrapped a kunai in a slip of paper.
Freed Sellzen had not killed anyone for days and now he had been set on guard duty while the rest of the angels were downstairs. He had become an exorcist so he could fight demons and their followers just for the thrill of doing so. He actually had so much fun doing so that the church had given him the boot. Not long afterwards he had been picked up by the fallen and he had hoped that he could continue to do what he did best.
So him sitting guard over something-o-so-secret-you-can't-know had really pissed him off. Luckily god must have heard his boredom and had decided to give him something to do as a devil and a kid and marched right into the church in an effort to disrupt the angel work. Therefor as of now Freed was grinning like a maniac as he fired a shot through the bench where the devil and the kid were hiding behind. He did not intent to just outright kill them as that would be boring.
"That was fast." Freed had just barely reacted in time and blocked the flying knife with his sword. The blade was nothing impressive but the speed which it was thrown was rather unsettling.
"You missed." Freed taunted. These kids were just hiding, so it was not as fun as it could be. He just hoped they would crawl out into the open so he could put a bullet between their eyes.
"It is not the kunai, but what follows." Just as the blond had said that, Freed heard it a very fain hiss. It was as if in slow motion as Freed's eyes locked on to the knife that the teen had thrown earlier. When Freed had blocked the knife, it had had been sent spiralling into the air and had yet to hit the ground.
The knife was still in mid-air but now it was barely a meter from the priest and he could very clearly see what the blond meant. The knife had a small slip of paper wrapped around its hilt and it was starting to catch fire. Freed instantly knew that he had been outwitted and the first thing that came to mind left his mouth.
"Well I'm fucked."
The following explosion, threw him of his feats and he barely managed to right himself before he heard two fast approaching footsteps. The priest while still disoriented by the explosion, raised his gun an opened fire, in vain attempt to try and hit something. But this was without success, as only moments later he felt the pain which only men can ever feel, as a boot promptly made contact his crown jewels.
A weak whimper left the priest as he fell to the floor while clutching to his small Jesus and completely ignored the two boys. This ultimately lead to his downfall as a second even more powerful kick followed, knocking the poor bastard out cold.
"That was for calling us gay." Issei exclaimed proudly as he stood over the unconscious priest. "I am a true lover of the female body, I enjoy observing them every day and one day I will have a harem of big busty beautiful women." At this time Issei had started to tear up. "You may call yourself a priest, but you are worse than any demon by claiming that I don't like women. My dream is to be a Harem King and you are not going to stop me."
"This is so wrong on so many levels. Your speeches are usually about something way more relatable. He just makes a speech about him having a harem"
"Tell me about it." Naruto just stood at the side-line while he gave Issei a deadpan look. It had been Issei that had knocked the priest cold while he himself had just played the decoy. While Issei was weak by his standards he could not help but cringe at the force Issei had planted in the priest's private part.
"Issei this way." Naruto broke his classmate out his daydreaming and gestured the where the supposed 'secret entrance' was located. "this way" and just like that he begun to descend the stairs with Issei trying to keep up
"Who was the other girl the bastard was talking about?" Issei asked as he couch up with his companion
"I don't know." Naruto lied as he was more focused on the cellar itself.
Going down the stairs a question came to Naruto's mind. why would a church need a cellar this huge, the stairs were out of simple stone that spiralled as you went along. But the first room the arrived in was just a mere small hallway with five doors, two on each side with a double door at the other end of the room.
Whiteout missing a beat, Issei walked right past the ninja towards the double door where the ceremony was undoubtedly commencing. Naruto, following the pervert only slowed down for a short moment as he glanced at one of the doors to his right before he continued on. And barely in time as his classmate burst trough the double doors calling out at the top of his lungs "ASIA!"
"Dramatic much? Reminds me of someone else I know."
Naruto could not help but to let a smile reach his face. Kurama was right, this was exactly what he would have done himself if he had been younger. It only took a short moment before Issei realized he had made a terrible mistake. The room which he had just made his dramatic entrance was filled to the brim with people nearly all of which were wearing some ceremonial cloaks with the only exception being the non-human in the back, which was currently looking at the two guys which just trashed down the door.
Issei just awkwardly just stood there as he tried to comprehend his surrounding as all the occupant of the room just kept looking at him. Naruto, used to this kind of thing from when he was younger just turned his attention to the fallen angels in the back of the room as they were the only ones really considered a thread and that is when he saw her. Naruto nudged the number one pervert in the world before he gestured at a prisoner that that was tied to what looked like a black cross. It did not require a genius to figure out that was whom there were looking for.
Issei immediate recognised her.
"ASIA!" this finally broke everyone out of their surprise as they immediately prepared themselves for a fight, but they did not move from their spot as they awaited for orders. But Naruto just kept still but he did grip on his knife harder.
The girl was unconscious as she almost hangs lifeless from the cross. But the blue haired women on the other hand shot the nun a glance of disgusted before turning her attention to the two boys.
"Pathetic, Freed could not take care of a weak devil and a schoolchild. Deal with them." She then proceeded to turn her attention to the nun completely uninterested in them.
Naruto, ignoring all the people around him equipping their swords and guns but instead took notice of the distinct lack of fallen angels. Shikamaru had given him a description of all the ones he had seen, with only one present, where were the rest of them?
"Issei." Naruto gained the attention of his classmate "Make way directly towards Asia, and do not slow down," grabbing hold of two kunai that slid from his wrist he gave Issei a confident smirk "I will hold then off." And without a second word the ninja rushed all the grunts between them and the priestess.
The followers of the fallen angels, clearly believing that this blond kid would be nothing more than a nuisance decided to simply stand there and let them run straight into their death. The problem with this logic was that they did not factor in that one of them was an S-class ninja.
By the time they finally realised that they had made a terrible mistake, it was too late and Naruto had already ripped through their ranks like a hot knife through butter. When they at last had turned to face their opponent, they had already cut their way through the group; the brown-haired one was already ascending the stairs with the blond one blocking their path. They rushed him. And were promptly met with limited success.
These guys Naruto was fighting were an embarrassment they were not even wort being called genins, these were civilians with no idea of what they were doing as all they did was swiping wildly with their weapons in an effort to hit him. The only real thread with them was their complete and utter lack of care for ether their own good health nor their allies. Not that it id them any good as they essentially just ran to their death and the even managed to injure their commrads while doing so as Naruto seemingly danced around their strikes.
"You know this reminds me of something."
"What is that?" Naruto asked his friend as he grabbed hold of the men's wrist and guided the blade in his hand into another ones chest. As he did this he spotted a gun in the corner of his eye and chocked his head to the side just moments before a bullet sipped past him and hit another one square in the face.
The kyuubi No Yoko instead of responding simply shoved him a memory of as battle, more precisely the battle where Madara had first fought the shinobi alliance. The irony was not lost to Naruto as he could very well remember how Madara had fought lone man and effectively fought off an entire army, as in essence this was what Naruto was doing now, only his opponents were much, MUCH weaker.
"No Issei." A weak girls voice cut through the chaos.
"He is in trouble." Immediately heeding Kurama's warning, he turned his attention to Issei but he never let the cultists out of corner of his eyes, luckily they were now staying at a distance as they finally seemed to have realised he was too much to handle.
The blue haired fallen angel was apparently way stronger than originally believed as she held Issei in the air by the throat with a single outstretched hand.
But the angels gaze was not focused on Issei but instead on Naruto.
"Well I can see why Raynare was taken by surprise, you are a lot tougher than an ordinary human that is for sure." she said cockily as she looked at Naruto whom did not seem ant bit afraid. But Issei on the other hand while he was still scared of what might happen to him, he still heard what she said and started to wonder just who they were talking about but he did have a sneaking suspicion.
"hey lady, sorry for interrupting your little party, but I'm just helping this guy save his girlfriend, if you could just hand her over then we would be on our way." Naruto once again tried to play diplomatic, not because he believed he could make them change their mind, but rather it was a way to by a few moments as he tried to figure out a plan to save Issei for as of now he was in mortal danger. And it would seem that Asia was waking up.
"Well aren't you cocky. I suggest you run as fast and far as you can before I decide to hunt you down for helping this filthy devil." The angel's voice was dripping with venom that would probably make any man freeze in fear. And Naruto right now was afraid that she was just about to kill the shameless pervert when Asia spoke.
"Let him go." her voice was filled with confidence as she looked straight into the angel's eyes as if she was trying to stare her down. "While he may be a devil he still is a much nicer person then you have, he has been a good friend while you just treat me like a too. So let him go."
While Asia had obviously hoped that the angel would drop Issei it unfortunately had the opposite effect as she burst into laughter. She continued to laugh like a maniac even as she started to gasp for air.
"Person?" the words just barely managed to leave her mouth as she as she was gasping for some much needed air. "this thing…" she gestured towards the demon which now seemed to have his colour returning as her chokehold had weakened allowing him to breathe again. "-lost the right to be called a person some time ago. Now it is not even worthy of being called trash." Looking straight into the younger girls eyes, which now had lost all of their confidence by this show of ruthlessness "you on the other hand will be my ticked back to heaven. You should be grateful for such an honour.
To be sacrificed for an higher being, that is something very few deserve and you are one of the exceptional."
"You are not getting back to heaven with that attitude that is for sure." Naruto cut in. the fallen angel simply looked down on him with distain.
"What are you still doing here insect? Piss of before I squash you." She dismissed him as he was nothing more than an ant underneath her boot. She was actually starting to piss Naruto off with that attitude of hers.
"Listen here lady-" Naruto's patience was running very low and he was seriously beginning to consider more forceful methods, damn exposure and mission failure.
"The name is Kalawarner." She cut him off. Which he promptly ignored.
"As I was saying before I was interrupted. I already beat Raynare and I doubt that you will end much more differently." A large smirk crawled on to her face as if she saw him as nothing more than a joke.
"Please, you took Raynare by surprise, nothing more." Than she fell silent a few moment before her smirk widened, she seemed to not notice that her grip on Issei's throat had weakened so much that it he finally had regained his breath. "But I guess I should thank you, because of you she was, how do I put it, demoted let's just say."
"It was much more than that wasn't it?" Naruto already knew that there was more to it than that.
"Was I that transparent?" she mockingly asked "You are right while you damaged her," she broke in into a psychotic smile "we broke her, and boy was it fun you should have seen it, she was begging for mercy." And as impossible at it seemed completely impossible her smile widened "I was planning on killing her, but it will wait until Dohnaseek has a bit of fun with her."
This actually blew a fuse and Naruto was just about to tap into Nine-tails Chakra mode and beat the living shit out of the blue haired fallen angel but Kurama interrupted him.
"Wait something is happening with Issei."
As soon as Kumara pointed it out, Naruto felt it right before the room light up with bright light and was followed by a voice.
The room shook from the force of the attack, while Naruto had experienced far more powerful attack, that one should be more than enough to send the fallen angel out of commission.
When Naruto's sight returned he immediately knew what had transpired.
The power that Naruto had sensed inside Issei before now had manifested as a red gauntlet, which Issei had promptly used to send Kalawarner flying across the room. The behind why the power had awoken was no doubt because of anger.
While Kalawarner had not been put out of commission, she had not mover but rather her eyes were locked on the gauntlet, her eyes full of shock.
"Impossible how can a kid possess the boosted gear." She exclaimed both in denial and fear as she came to the realisation that she was overpowered. Naruto just switched between looking at the downed angel and the pervert approaching her as his mind asked "boosted gear? What is that?"
" Mittelt, Dohnaseek, come to my aid." The fallen exclaimed in fear as she tried to crawl away from the ever approaching boy that looked like he was about to kill her.
"I'm sorry but they won't be coming." And unexpected voiced announced catching Naruto by surprise, when he saw whom it was he paled and felt cold sweat run down his body.
"Press?" Issei asked surprised, as she had ordered him not to go here, but now she along with the entire peerage was here, armed and ready. Akeno stepped forward wearing a Miko outfit.
"I'm sorry but your friend won't be helping you today." Akeno apologised with a smile that sent shivers down Naruto spine. She then proceeded open her palm and a few black feather fell out of her hand.
"They seem to have been dealt with."
Naruto silently agreed as he noticed something. No one was paying attention to him, this is where he would bail, he than silently approached the exit.
"Press, I…" Issei started to explain but was cut of when Rias held up her palm to silence him before she turned to Kiba, "Kiba could you please help the nun?" which Kiba propyl bowed before doing what his master ordered. Rias meanwhile turned back to Issei "we will talk about this when we return to the clubroom." She than turned her attention the las remaining fallen angel "you on the other hand are despicable, not only are you in devil territory, but you went so far as to steal a Sacred Gear but also torture one of your own." Rias' voice turned angrier the longer she spoke "you are less than a stray devil, and therefor you will be removed." The power of destruction was now flared around her.
Without mercy she unleashing this power upon the fallen angel at only lasted a few moments before any trace of the angel was gone.
The room had fallen silent as darkness had begun to descend upon the room once more after the lightshow Rias had shown. "Here Issei." Kiba said as he handed Asia over to him as she weekly smiled and embraced him.
Rias' eyes stayed locked on Issei as he held the young nun bridal stile for a few moments before she turned her attention to the last person which had been involved in the chaos that had transpired.
"You are not going anywhere Uzumaki." Naruto stopped dead in his tracks just as he was about to leave the room. Looking over his should, he saw the cold look Rias was giving him. He could leave but it would only cause problems down the line.
"Who me?" Naruto asked as he tried to play the innocent, which was promptly med with a deadpan stare from Rias and a smile from Akeno as she shot a glance at the bodies of the fallen exorcists.
"They started it." Naruto tried to excuse himself which only resulted in Akeno starting to laugh.
Rias did not seem impressed as she crossed her arms under her breast and continued with her deadpan look. "You will be coming with us." And Naruto could not help himself and asked.
"You are not dragging me to hell are you? Because I have plans later today." Rias only gave him a flat look and no response while Akeno seemed to try and hide a big smile at Naruto's so far successful effort to agitate her king.
"You are an unknown factor, not only are you powerful enough to beat a stray exorcist as well as all this." Rias gestured to all of the body's around the room "you also have been hiding in my territory for a while know and I have no idea what faction you belong to. So you are coming with us."
Naruto hesitated for a few moments as he kept his eyes on the devils.
"Can we have this meeting tomorrow, because I'm really tired and,-"Naruto attempt of a rather weak excuse was cut off by the president
"You are not going anywhere Uzumaki, there is no guarantee I will ever see you again if you do." Rias calmly responded.
"Damn, you figured me out." Was the childish response Naruto gave, before immediately composing himself "very well where will we have the talk because…"
"We are going to my clubroom back at the academy." Rias promptly responded before he could finish talking. Then it just got awkwardly silent where they just looked at each other. Man and devils, then the ninja decided to break the ice
"… so? Are we walking?" the look he was responded with was clear enough to understand.
"No. Akeno prepare a portal." Akeno, which up until now along with the rest of the devils had been standing of the side-lines stepped forth and summoned forth a big red circle at her feet which was big enough that it encompassed all of the devils and the nun, Naruto the only exception just eyed the circle warily.
"Don't worry it won't hurt." Rias assured him in an effort to make him step into the teleportation circle, Naruto eyed it for a few short moments before finally stepping into the circle. And then just as an afterthought Rias added "much." Earning her a look from the blond that he did not find it funny.
Just as they were about to vanish, the ninja spotted something in the corner of his eye, hiding in the shadows of the hallway leading upstairs, Naruto in fraction of a second went through 5 different hand signs that any trained ninja could understand. But the message had been send and received.
"1, door, your, right, prisoner."