Oh we can run forever, if forever's what's in store.

I didn't know I could run this long, I'm ready to go home. It's junior year and I only have a few more showcases to be able to watch her as a student, but I have to go. Now. I've made it into the building to cut through all of the people of the Full Moon Jam performance happening outside the walls. Without me..
I make it to where I'd parked my parent's car and begin to finger my pants pockets, and remember that I'd decided to be extra responsible and keep them in my purse, which I locked in my locker.

I mentally palm face deciding on inwardly arguing my conscience down after I've escaped the city. With that I begin a jog back to the side of the building I came out of, once I reach it I yank the door open. I honestly hope no one noticed, I already feel like dying inside I don't think I can feel any worse.

I check to scene, it seeming to be clear. I step through the door, and try to make it to my locker which was just around this hall, and up a bit. If I could just.. make it..

I've made down the hall from the door, and I've turned right towards my locker, and I might cry later from happiness. Though, nothing could prepare me for the slam of an adjacent door to the hallway in front of me. Shit!

"Vega!" I hear, and it sounds like.. No..

"Vega!" The feline like voice says again, this time with voice says again. "Fuck, fuck , fuck figidty." I introspectively speak.
I can't mistake the matching tone of heels for the one's I just heard on the stage.

"If you're in here Vega say it NOW." and at that I really can't even mistake it.

I'm at my locker now, and it's open. If I can just somehow, close it, almost inaudibly, and run off towards the parking lot,...

I can barely even finish the thought because I can hear her footsteps, tease like, one foot about the other, stalking like. With this, I lean against neighboring locker, sighing both in and outwardly. The stride begins to slow before it reaches the hall I am on.

Nothing else is said, so I am left to hearkening to my own respiring. I can't keep count of how long she stands on an alongside hall. I press my ear to the locker, hoping to pick up an idea of where exactly she is, I shut my eyes.

It may have been even longer, but I couldn't mistake the ductile sound of her sighing laboriously. At that I almost walk around the hallway, but I just can't.
She sung that amazing song, with her amazing voice, and I thought she was looking at me. But Beck.. and they kissed, they're getting back together, so what does she want with me?

What could she possibly want with me? Does she want me to congratulate her? Like Cat would? Well.. "I'm Not Cat!" My eyes widen at myself, because I honestly can't render why I just did that!

I know she heard because she begins walking again, with much more feror than before. Dammit! I slam my locker shut, and try to make a run for it. If I can just make it to the next parking lot door, or lose her before she knows for absolute sure it's me.

When I make it to the end of the obnoxious hall, close to the Wahoo Punch machine. I think I got this, I might-I

I feel a pair of solid, yet feminine arms wrap me and fall with me to the ground, effectively stopping my escape.

"VEGA! STOP DAMMIT!" Jade yells at me, maybe due to me still trying to pry myself from her- though she doubtlessly has me down. But I can't stop now! I have to get out of here. "VEGA!" She the rolls the both of us explicitly landing me pinned to the floor of my school. Well, well. Quite a er predicament huh?

"Get off of me Jade! What the hell?!" I scream back, when she continues to hold me low.

"What's your PROBLEM TORI? Have you LOST IT?" she blares, getting directly in my face. "YOUR MY ONLY PROBLEM RIGHT NOW! I CAN'T MOVE!" I state quite loudly of course, but only because well she started it.

" ME HUH? OH YEA? THEN WHY'D YOU LEAVE HUH?" she shrills. I think she knows that she's got me because she releases my wrist, and sits atop my thighs.

I can't find an answer right away, so I maneuver and rest our weight on my elbows. I look around, and up..and down, until there's nowhere else to look but at her. And let's not lie here, she could never be a bad thing to look at.

"So.. are you two back together or wha-" I start, but she finishes with, "No, no Vega, he..was confused. That song...wasn't for him. "But..you, and he.."

"Don't even try to finish, he kissed me, and he was sharply slapped backstage afterwards." She then sighs, and looks down at me before continuing," I didn't want to embarrass him, even though by not getting together with him it probably sent the wrong signals huh?" she asks almost sheepishly.

"Yea kind of." I answer solemnly. I watch as she brushes her hair behind her ear, which is so unlike her. Kindof imagined her as a lean forward and flip hair back type, or at least a comb through type.

I believe she notices me gawking, and shifts off of me. "So you never answered my question Vega, need I repeat it?" she asks with sarcasm.
"Well uhm-"I begin to reply, but I stop short to reposition myself, to advance with, "For some..reason." I pause to deviate my eyes to her again, "I thought you were looking at me..and singing..to me." I say, my voice slipping at the end.

"...Well then that means I know how to portray what I'd like to Vega.."

That's all for now. Mostly because I want enough to go on forr next chapter, and because this ending isn't really a cliffhanger yet it kindof is. Heh. Review.