AN: Soo... Obviously I didn't answer the question of "Where's Tsuna's mom?" in the first half. I could have made it all one chapter, but I felt it would be too long, and the sudden change from the fight to something a little peppier didn't quite fit. To those who noticed a foreshadowing of a new character, and just who he might be, props to you all. :'D

First, Let me clear some things up. Tsuna, Takeshi and "lollipop boy" replace Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable and Wade. They do not exist in this story. The only characters, whom I will be borrowing from Kim Possible, will be the villains.

Second, I have a question for you my dear readers. In KP, Rufus is Ron's companion who constantly helps save them. I was thinking of taking Takeshi's box weapon, Koujiro, the swallow and having it be their Rufus. It would still be a box weapon, but it'd be converted from a normal animal to said box weapon, kind of how like Hibari's Cambio Forma Version X allows for Hibird to grow hair. If that makes any sense to you all. What do you think?

Also, time is going to be weird. In real life it would take hours to get to America from Japan, but hey! Kim Possible used unrealistic time and so shall I.

Also, I will be gender bending a specific villain for my needs, and they will be flirting/attracted to Tsuna. So be warned :P

Kim Possible plot and characters belong to Disney.

Katekyo Hitman Reborn characters and plot belong to Amano-sensei.

'Character's Thoughts.'

Please enjoy this chapter. :)

Tsuna sat in the infirmary, still stunned from her argument with Takeshi. 'We've had fights before, but none were as bad as this... What should I do?' Takeshi was her only friend, and the only one who understood her current situation. She knew she was being stubborn, but she couldn't give up. She had a goal to accomplish, and she would not stop till she achieved it. Releasing a sigh, Tsuna wiped any lingering tears from her eyes, and stood up. Her stomach growled loudly. "I guess I should eat..." She honestly didn't feel like eating after argument, but she knew her stomach would never let her hear the end of it if she didn't eat now. She walked towards the door, and headed back to the classroom. Student's had returned from the cafeteria and were now within the classroom. She sighed and limped towards her backpack. Opening her pack, she dug around for her bento, only to realize that she had forgotten it at home this morning. With an irritated growl she closed her bag and stalked out of the classroom. "Of all the days to forget my bento..." In the rare case she ever forgot her lunch, Takeshi was always more than happy to share his; however... She sighed loudly. 'Guess I'll go hungry.' She began heading to the roof, only to pause when her pocket vibrated. Tiredly she pulled out her phone and checked her messages. Her eyes narrowed in concentration. 'Time to head to the computer lab.' Quickly she walked and weaved her way through the crowded hallway. She stopped at the computer room and entered. Once inside she locked the door and sat at the first computer terminal she saw. She entered the code into the computer that was given to her through text.

The computer whirled to life, and gone was the schools database.

"Talk to me Lollipop Boy, what's the sitch?"

The computer hummed, and a video of a blonde boy in a baggy T-shirt that read 'I love Japan' appeared on the screen. He sighed and ran his fingers through his slicked back hair. "I wish you would stop calling me that Tuna."

She crossed her arms and huffed. "And I wish you would stop calling me that! You know the deal, I'll stop when you stop."

He shook his head in defeat. "You're so childish."

He popped one of his homemade wrench lollipops into his mouth.

She giggled. "Says the one who gets excited over candy."

He rolled his eyes then blinked as if realizing something was amiss. "Where's Takeshi?"

She stiffened and awkwardly rubbed her freshly bandaged arm.

His brow rose in surprise and in confusion. "You guys actually had a fight? That's rare... Care to share just what exactly happened?" He leaned forward and propped his arms on the table and placed his head in them, imitating a girl who had just heard interesting gossip.

She sighed and leaned back in her own chair. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she knew she had no choice but to tell him. He was stubborn that way. "It was about my identity back home."

"Oh?" He eyed her beaten up form warily. "I can see why he argued against it. Those wounds aren't from Gemini. You're getting this beaten up everyday AND going on missions?"

She lightly glared at the Italian. "Don't start with me Spanner!" She growled. "Just let it go." She sighed tiredly. "What's the mission Spanner?"

All signs of the prying concerned teen were gone, and were instantly replaced with a business like concentration.

"A highly dangerous ray gun prototype was stolen from the Michigan Institute of Science."

An image and blue prints of the prototype appeared on screen.

Tsuna frowned. "Any leads as to who might have wanted to steal it?"

Spanner huffed and smirked. "Who do you think you're talking to?"

She rolled her eyes as a video appeared on screen.

He pressed a button, and the video played. "This was the security footage last night just before the robbery took place."

A dark silhouette moved gracefully on the screen. It dropped down from the air vents on a rope. The figure paused and cut itself free of the rope. It spun in the air and landed on its feet in a cat like grace. An ominous glowing green appeared around its hands, and it sprung into action. A dance of green began as the figure flipped and maneuvered itself through the infrared security beams. The figure stilled, and lashed out with green. The security beams disappeared, and light appeared over the figure. A man in a green and black spandex jumpsuit smirked victoriously as he ripped the ray gun from its case. The man inspected it, and then quickly tucked the gun away in his satchel. His green eyes narrowed onto the camera in sudden realization that he was being watched. The man quickly jumped and swiped at the camera. The video feed died.

Spanner sat back in his chair. "Look like anyone we know?" He asked sarcastically.

Her eyes narrowed as she growled out, "Hego."

"Ping-Pong! We have a winner! A prize for the young lady."

The printer to her left whirled to life, and an ID photo badge came out of the tray.

She smiled widely. "Thanks Spanner. Don't mean to sound ungrateful, but do you have a ride for me?"

He rolled his eyes. "Of course I do. Kernel Macintosh is more than happy to give you a ride."

She grabbed the ID badge and stuffed it into her backpack. "Oh! I remember him. I helped recover the stolen missile codes. What's his ETA for arriving in Japanese Airspace?"

Spanner hummed and typed on his keyboard. "He should be landing in Namimori airport at two o'clock pm."

She nodded. "Any gadgets for me today?"

He pulled another lollipop from his stash and popped it into his mouth. "Awaiting you at home."

She smiled. "Thanks Spanner you're the best!"

"Anytime, just remember to-"

"Send you some Japanese sweets? Already en route to you."

He smiled. "Thanks. Now you better get going. The Disciplinary Committee's picked up on my hack. It won't be long till they find the source."

She paled; already having a strong feeling Hibari was on his way this very moment. "Got it. Call you later. Ciao." She ended connection, and the data disappeared. Moving swiftly, she grabbed her bag and escaped out of the room.

Minutes later Hibari slammed open the door to the computer lab. His eyes narrowed. 'Empty... Again.' He growled and stalked out of the room, ignoring the cowardly flinching herbivores. "Kusakabe."

Said man ushered all the students away and stood in front of Hibari. "Yes Kyo-san?"

"That law-breaking herbivore has evaded me yet again."

Kusakabe understood the unspoken question of 'Why haven't you caught them yet?' He sighed. "This herbivore is a tricky one sir. He's been avoiding us for quite some time. The next time he makes a hack within our systems, we'll have him for sure. Our firewall is being strengthened and repaired as we speak Kyo-san."

"Hn..." He glared at his right hand man, and smacked him down with his tonfas. He walked away frustrated.

Kusakabe gasped in pain, before quickly recovering and following after his president.

Tsuna entered her home quickly. She only had thirty minutes to be ready and at Namimori airport. Kicking off her shoes she ran to her bedroom. She shed her uniform and donned her black long sleeve turtleneck crop top and cargo pants. She pulled her hair up into a tiny ponytail, and stuck on her black gloves. Turning to her bed, she couldn't help but raise a brow. 'How the hell did Spanner get this stuff into my room?' She sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "What do I have today?" She hummed. "Laser lip balm, the all in one lock pick, Jet pack backpack, and my personal favorite the hairdryer grappling hook." She hooked the hairdryer to her belt, put the lip gloss in her pocket, placed the bracelet on her wrist, and placed the bag on her back. "All good choices Spanner." She hummed and walked out of her apartment, and took the stairs to the roof of her building. She glanced at her watch, and hummed. "I can make in time." The backpack sprouted wings, and she flew off towards the airport. After a twenty-minute flight to the airport, she quietly landed in a bush. Pressing a button on her backpack, the wings immediately folded back into the bag. She pulled out her ID badge and clipped it on to her shirt. She blinked in confusion when she spotted another badge in her hand. One for... Takeshi... 'Spanner doesn't know I'm going solo this time... He doesn't realize how bad this fight really is...' She gave a tired sigh and walked out of the bush. "Now... If I was an American Jet where would I be?"

"Yoshi Sky!"

Tsuna quickly turned at the mention of her mission name and smiled. "Kernel Macintosh! Hello! It's been a while!" She spoke fluent English.

The Kernel smiled widely as he shook her hand. "Indeed it has been Ma'am! Spanner had provided me with where we're heading." He walked to a white jet with the American flag painted on it. "Aint she a beauty?"

Tsuna smiled and nodded. "She all yours?"

He preened. "Yes Ma'am!" He pulled down the stair ladder. "After you miss." He ushered her inside and closed the door. He paused. "Just you today Miss Sky? What happened to Ame?" The American asked in confusion.

She froze, and gave an awkward smile. "Yes sir! He got caught up in a make up exam. You know Ame." She laughed forcedly.

The Kernel's brow rose in suspicion, but shrugged it off. "Alrighty then! Buckle up Miss Sky! We're taking off!" He rushed into the cockpit.

Tsuna sat down at the window and sighed tiredly. 'Here we go...'

The jet hummed to life and sped off the runway. It flew in the sky.

Reborn sat calmly in a little cafe. His trusted partner shifted into a green laptop. 'Now... Let's see what I can dig up on my mysterious student.' He accessed the school's website, and hacked into the database... Or at least tried to. His brow rose in surprise. 'Such a strong firewall for a middle school... Do they get hacked that often?' He typed in the codes again, and calmly took a sip of his beverage. 'The firewall was updated today... Does that mean someone hacked in today?' He hummed in thought. 'Probably some student trying to change their grades.' He entered the final code, and was within the system in seconds. 'Finally... Now let's find out more about my student. That data Iemitsu gave me is not reliable. Hell the profile he gave me stated the wrong gender for Espresso's sake!' He clicked open the first year's files and smirked. "There you are." His brow rose. Big doe brown eyes, short neck length fluffy chestnut hair, a tiny button nose, rosy cheeks and a shy smile greeted him. "It's hard to believe she's related to that donkey." 'Must take more after her mother than her father.' But what really got Reborn, was the fact that she looked almost identical to the founding father of the Vongola Family, Vongola Primo. Sawada Tsunayoshi was an exact replica of him minus the hair, eye color and gender. 'Primo's genetics must have skipped over Iemitsu.' He clicked open her grades, and he let out a low whistle. He printed her profile. "Looks like I've got my work cut out for me it seems some of Iemitsu's data is reliable after all..." He smirked as Leon shifted back into his original form. "This is going to be fun." He stood up from his seat and walked out of the cafe. It was high time he checked out where the Sawadas lived. He dug into his pants pocket and pulled out the address. Humming to himself, he calmly crossed the street and walked deeper into the Namimori shopping plaza.

It was a quaint little area, very peaceful. Reborn pondered if the school's Disciplinary Committee had anything to do with this current peace. After a second he snorted. Of course they had something to do with it. From what he's gathered Hibari Kyoya practically owned Namimori. Everyone feared him. 'He would make an excellent Cloud Guardian...' Reborn sighed. He was getting ahead of himself. He hadn't even officially met his student yet, and here he was picking out potential guardians. He stopped in front of a fancy apartment complex building. His brow rose as he rechecked the address Tsuyoshi gave him. He was in the deepest part of the Namimori shopping plaza. The buildings around here were very fancy. "This is the correct place..." With a hum he entered the fifteen-story complex. He glided through the Lobby and approached the resident directory. His eyes trailed across each name. His eyes stopped at the number thirteen ten. The name 'Sawada' printed clearly across the box. He smirked. They were here.

Leon slithered to his masters finger in delight.

Reborn chuckled and pet his precious partner. "Let's go Leon."

He turned around and walked to the elevator. Pressing the button he eagerly awaited the lift. Once inside he pressed the button that lead to the thirteenth floor. Once on the floor he walked around.

The hall had a nice red carpet with beautiful paintings.

He finally stopped infront of the door that read 1310. This was the moment of truth. He dug into his pocket and pulled out a flyer. Gently he eased it into the mailbox next to the door. Once the flyer was within the door he sighed and headed back towards the elevator. "Now we wait..."

Tsuna grunted as she readied herself for the drop. Her helmet fit snugly on her head. She walked into the cockpit where Kernel Mackintosh was flying the plane. "Thanks again for the lift Kernel!"

He waved at her from the controls, "Don't even mention it Ma'am! If it wasn't for your quick thinking and Ame's athleticism, we would of had a nuclear crisis on our hands!"

She blushed. "No big! All I did was calculate the speed and altitude needed to destroy the mechanism controlling the Missiles course! Ame did the hard part!"

He laughed. "That's pretty big to me Miss Sky!"

Beep Beep Beep Beep

The communicator rang. She fished it out of her pocket, and answered the call. "What's up Spanner?"

"Change in plans Sky. I went over the diagrams of the ray gun that Hego stole." He typed furiously at the keyboard. "And it turns out, that in order to function properly, the gun needs a microchip."

An image of the chip appeared on the communicator.

"The chip was supposed to be combined with the gun the week after Hego stole it; however due to bad timing, most likely on Drakken's part, Hego only got half of it. Which means..."

Her eyes widened in realization. "Hego's going to strike somewhere else to obtain it."

"Bingo. I found out where the chip is currently. News spread about how the gun was stolen, so the chip was moved to a more secure location." He pressed a key. "Its current location is within the Iowa State Research facility. By now Hego is most likely on his way to steal it."

She nodded. "Got it Spanner." She turned to the Kernel. "Change in plans-"

"I heard loud and clear Miss Sky. Hold on, we're going to see just how fast my baby can fly." He smirked and pressed on the gas.

The plane accelerated, and Tsuna was barely able to keep her balance.

She grunted. "A little warning next time please!" She steadied herself.

The Kernel laughed.

Spanner coughed. "Sky..."

She turned her attention back to Spanner. "Yes?"

"Ame's been awfully quiet since I called..." His eyes narrowed in suspicion.

She paled. "Haha... What do you mean?"

"Ame wouldn't have missed a chance to make a joke about your clumsy fall."

She sweated nervously. "Well... You already know Ame and I aren't on good terms right now..."

He hummed. "Understandable, but still..." His eyes narrowed. "He would have made a comment."

"O-oh, is that so?" She laughed nervously.

His eyes narrowed further. "Sky. Put Ame on right now."

"And If I don't want to?"


The Kernel interjected, "Miss Sky, didn't you tell Spanner Ame is stuck in an exam back in Japan?"

She paled, and Spanner's nostrils flared angrily.

"WHAT?!" Spanner sprung forward in his chair and gripped the computer screen. "You went on a mission without backup?! Specifically a mission involving Hego?! Damn it Yoshi-Sky- TSUNA! That's not ok! I don't care if you guys were fighting! You know how dangerous Hego is out of all your foes!"

She shrieked. "S-Spanner! Easy on the name!" She glanced in worry at the Kernel. It appeared that he had not heard her real name.

Spanner growled. "Sky. We're aborting this mission right now! It's not safe for you without Ame!"

"Don't you think I know that Spanner?!" She growled at the communicator. "I can't abort! You know we can't leave them alone! Who knows what will happen to the world if I leave them be!"

Spanner growled agitatedly. "I hate it when you're right!" He sat back and pinched the bridge of his nose. After a long period of silence he finally exhaled. "Ok. We'll go forward. However! The first sign of it becoming too much for you alone, you pull back. Do you understand me?"

Tsuna sighed tiredly. "Yes. I understand perfectly well Spanner."

He sighed. "Good. Now get ready, the drop point is coming up."

She nodded.

"Please be careful Sky."

Tsuna sighed again. "I'll do what I can Spanner." She hung up the communicator. She turned to the Kernel. "That was on purpose wasn't it?"

The Kernel chuckled. "Darn. I was caught!~"

She sighed and shook her head in defeat. "You owe me again." She pouted.

He snickered. "Whatever you say Miss Sky!~ we're approaching the drop! Get ready!"

"Right!" Tsuna readjusted her helmet and fixed her parachute. She walked to the jet hanger door. She did a thumbs up.

Kernel Mackintosh reflected her thumbs up, and opened the door.

She dived out of the plane. "WOOHOOO!" She always loved the feeling of free falling. She closed her eyes and spread her arms out, drifting along with the wind. The roar of an engine had her looking up just in time to see Kernel Macintosh fly away. She shook her head. Right now was not the time to goof around. She had a mission to do, and she would do it. All by herself. Without Takeshi's help. She'd show him that she was right, and he was wrong. With a determined nod she pulled her parachute, and she gently floated down right in front of the Iowa State Research Facility. With a grunt she unhooked her parachute and walked through the door. She showed her badge and was escorted to the room.

"Dr. Mina, I'm Yoshi Sky. I'm here to protect your microchip." She shook the doctor's hand.

"Pleased to meet you Sky. Please take care of the chip. Even though the ray gun is only a prototype, it can still be very dangerous."

She hummed as they stopped in front of a room filled with infrared censors. Inside the room in a glass case was the chip. "If I might ask, just what exactly does this ray gun do?"

Dr. Mina fixed her glasses. "It alters the molecular structure around whatever the target is. For example, say you have an apple. Hit the apple with the ray gun and you can either instantly liquefy it, or make it explode."

Tsuna blanched. "Either are options? That's kind of dangerous, even for just a prototype."

The doctor sighed. "Tell me about it." She turned away from the chip. "Now, please-"

There was an explosion, and the wall directly to the side of Tsuna caved in.

"Watch out Doctor!" Tsuna tackled the doctor to the side as a piece of plaster fell. Seeing that the doctor was ok, Tsuna quickly got up and prepared herself for a fight.

The smoke cleared, and a man strolled in through the hole elegantly. His black and green-gloved hands glowing. His green eyes searched around the room, and they lit up in delight at the sight of Tsuna. A smirk crossed his black painted lips as he crossed his arms together in front of his chest. "Oh Yoshi came out to play!~"

She growled and tightened her fists. "Hego. I won't allow you to steal the microchip." She got into a fighting stance, eyes blazing with determination.

Hego chuckled and uncrossed his arms. His hands lit up in an ominous green. "Who says I need your permission sweet heart?" He lunged at Tsuna.

Tsuna quickly blocked the punch thrown at her. Thinking quickly she used her legs and flipped away from his glowing destructive hands.

Hego grunted and leapt into the air, he smashed his flaming hands down above her,

Tsuna gasped and did a back flip to avoid them once again.

He charged at her once more.

Seeing an opportunity, She grabbed his wrist and swung him around right into a wall. "Whoops~ Sorry!~" She smiled innocently.

He growled and pulled himself out of the wall. "I'll get you for that."

She smirked cockily and made a 'come hither' motion with her fingers.

Hego ran at her once more, swinging in a heated frenzy.

Tsuna grunted as she tried to block the kicks and punches. "Ah!" She went flying across the room and hit the wall. "Oomph!"

Hego lowered his black boot down onto the floor. "Awl sorry! Did I hurt the Princess?" He sneered.

"Just my ego." She gasped as a glowing hand almost made contact with her face. Thinking quickly she did a handstand and flipped her self-up just in time to avoid Hego's green clad boot. She grabbed a piece of the fallen plaster and flung it at him. Seeing that destroying the plaster distracted him, she jumped and aimed a kick into his abdomen.

"Gh!" Hego skid back on the floor. Her growled, and his glowing hands flared in anger. "That's it!" He ran forward and swiped at Tsuna with his green hands.

"Gah!" Tsuna took blow after blow from Hego. Her mission uniform had some tears, and blood was visible from where Hego's sharp claw like gloves cut her. Gritting her teeth she weakly steadied herself.

Hego frowned and withheld his attacks. He flexed his hand. "What's the matter Yoshi? You're weaker than usual." His eyes trailed across the room and realization hit him and he started chuckling hysterically. "Oh! Your little sidekick abandoned you? Poor little Yoshi!" He punched her in the ribs, and grabbed onto her arm when she swayed backwards. "Pathetic!"

She wheezed and glared at him. 'My injuries from Hibari-san and Gemini are hindering me... Damn it! If Takeshi was here, he'd be helping to fend off Hego!' "He did not abandon me!" Her eyes flashed orange and she kicked her leg straight up, effectively hitting Hego in the jaw. Hego's grip loosened on her and she sprung free. She wiped the blood away from her lips and started flipping in the air. "Heeyah!" She landed an aerial kick to Hego's shoulder. Her victory was short lived however.

He grabbed onto her foot and swung her down hard into the ground.

Her breath left her momentarily as she sat stunned.

Hego grabbed onto her shirt and hoisted her up. "Like I said, pathetic. Your sidekick abandoned you." A wicked smirk crossed his face. "I suppose I should thank him, after all, I have you all to myself now."

She weakly glared at him. Her eyes trailed around the room, and stopped behind Hego. Slowly so she wouldn't alert Hego, she dug into her pocket.

He slowly brought his face closer to hers. His short spiky black hair shifting ever so slightly. His bangs covered one side of his face. A smug look present.

She panicked as his face got closer and closer. 'Where is it?! Where is it?! THERE!' She grabbed onto the laser lipstick. Quickly she swung her legs back and kicked Hego backwards.

Hego recoiled in surprise and dropped her.

Rolling away, she jumped onto her feet and quickly fired the laser lipstick at the laser beam control panel.

The beams turned on, effectively trapping Hego within the lasers.

He glared at her. "Grahh! Yoshi!" He shifted and part of his suit singed.

Tsuna smirked and tossed the laser lipstick up and down in her hand. "I wouldn't move to much if I were you Hego."

He roared in anger.

She chuckled and stuck her tongue out at him. "Better luck next time."

Hego growled. "Oh you're the one who's gonna need it once I get out of here."

Doctor Mina sighed. "I'll go get the authorities." As she turned to leave, a tremor wracked the whole building. The doctor grabbed onto the wall. "Just what? EEK!"

The roof exploded and something hovered down.

Tsuna shielded her eyes from the debris.

"Ah, there you are Hego! You were taking forever!"

Hego growled. "Just shut it Dr. D."

Tsuna's eyes narrowed and she glared up at the blue hovercraft. "Drakken!"

The blue man with a tiny black ponytail glared down at her and smirked. "Ah! Yoshi Sky! My young teen nemesis! We meet again!"

She couldn't help but raise a brow. "You know every time you say that it gets creepier and sadder."

He turned red. "S-silence! Hego! What are you doing down there! Finish her off!"

"You know as much as I'd LOVE to do that Dr. D, I'm you know kind of STUCK in this laser system!" He growled up at his employer.

Dr. Drakken blinked. "Oh. Yes..." He pulled out a device from his pocket. "With this electromagnetic scrambler I shall disarm the system and complete my quest! Muwahaha!" He aimed it at the laser system control panel and clicked a button.

Nothing happened.

"Mrgh?" He pressed the button again and nothing happened. "Nrghh! Blasted machine!" He repeatedly hit the button.

Hego groaned. "Anytime now genius!"

"Shut up Hego! Rahh!" He kept trying to hit the button. He paused. "Wait. Something's missing." He looked around an expression of bewilderment present on his face. Almost as if he was expecting something. "Where's that other one?"

"Other one?" She echoed back.

"Yes other one! That athletic stupid one. The one who always cracks jokes? Gah, what was his name? Rin? Ron? Rain? Meh whatever it is!" He tapped his chin in thought.

She shifted awkwardly.

Hego saw this and smirked. "Yo Dr. D! Yoshi's little sidekick didn't want to play today. He abandoned her."

She countered back. "Oh be quiet Hego!"

Drakken blinked and hummed. "So that's why there was no snarky comment."

She groaned. "Does it matter? Because either way with or without Ame I'm going to stop you!" Tsuna grabbed her hairdryer grappling gun and fired it at the ceiling. She ascended up the rope quickly and swung herself onto Drakken's hovercraft. "Another failure Drakken?" She placed her hands on her hips and stared up at the blue man with the scar.

"Gah! Yoshi Sky! How did you?!" He reeled back in shock, but quickly recovered. "No matter, have a taste of this!" He pressed another button and a laser beam flew from the side of the craft and hit Tsuna in the shoulder.

She reeled backwards, but she wasn't going down alone. Thinking quickly she hooked her right leg under Drakken, and he fell with her.

"Nyahh!" Drakken fell right on top of the glass case the microchip was in, while Tsuna fell into the laser beams.

She grit her teeth as she tried to maneuver before hitting them. She landed on the floor in front of Hego. The lasers had singed her badly, and she was pretty sure she was going to have some second and third degree burns. She quickly pushed herself up and winced. She had dislocated her shoulder. She rolled out of the way as the lasers repositioned themselves. She sprung up and into something. "Omph!"

Hego smirked and wrapped his arms around Tsuna. "Couldn't stay away from me could you?" He rested his chin on her shoulder.

She gasped and tried to wiggle out of his hold. "Please, I would die to have a restraining order." She stepped on his boot hard.

He yelped and let her go. He glared and his hands lit up once again. "Ready for round two princess?"

She narrowed her eyes as she tried to ignore the pain her body was in. "Bring it Hego."

They charged at each other once again. They flipped and punched with all their might.

Tsuna gasped and quickly pushed Hego out of the way of the incoming laser.

A quick grunt and a nod of thanks were all she got before their sparring resumed.

Drakken groaned as he pulled himself up. "The microchip!" He grabbed it in glee. His eyes trailed to the two teens fighting. He grabbed the electromagnet scrambler and pressed the button once more.

The laser system turned off, and Tsuna clumsily fell onto Hego.

Hego caught her before flinging her away.

"Come on Hego! I got what I came for!" He pressed a button on his gloves and the hover jet came down lower. He hopped into it and started raising its elevation.

Hego smirked cockily at Tsuna before running towards the craft. A rope was lowered down, and he snatched it, and climbed up into the craft.

Tsuna gasped and ran after it. She grabbed the end of the rope, and danged there as the little blue flying machine flew through the roof. She gritted her teeth and started to climb.


"Alright Alright! You don't have to yell!" He leaned over the side of the hovercraft and his glove lit up again.

Tsuna's eyes burned into his. A small expression of panic setting in on her face.

"Hope you have a nice trip! See you next fall Sweet Heart!" He slashed at the rope, and waved as she plummeted.

"HEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!" She flailed as she fell. Thinking quickly she pressed the button on her backpack. Nothing happened. 'SHIT! The Jet pack backpack must have broken in my fight with Hego!' "Ok think Tsuna." She reached for her hairdryer, and fired it towards a tree. It hooked onto the tree, and Tsuna swung towards it with all her might. After a few more seconds of falling, the line stalled and she jerked violently. Her body swung as she dangled from a branch. She grunted. "Well this mission could have gone a lot better... Well at least it can't get any worse..." The branch snapped and she fell. "I spoke too soon!" She crashed into a pile of bushes. She groaned. "I should have kept my mouth shut..." She sighed as she contacted Spanner. Time to go home.

Tsuna sighed tiredly, as she trudged her way down the stairs. It was approximately seven thirty am in the morning. Kernel Mackintosh had dropped her directly above her roof, due to the fact that the Namimori residents would be beginning their day. She didn't want any suspicious glances from her gossiping building residents. Because in a little town like Namimori rumors and gossip spread like wildfire, and that was something she did not need. Groaning she stopped on the thirteenth floor and exited the stairwell. She stopped at the tenth door and dug out her key from the fake wall compartment she installed. As she was about to enter, she noticed something stuffed within her mailbox. She grabbed the flyer with her brow raised in confusion. She entered her apartment, closed the door and tossed the flyer onto the table. She weakly shuffled to her fridge and grabbed an ice-cold water bottle from within. Within seconds the water bottle was rained to a plastic empty husk. Smacking her lips in content she limped her way to her bathroom. She stripped down to her underwear and grimaced. Her body was covered in purple and black blotches, cuts, bruises and blood.

"Damn it..." She whimpered and stripped her chest binds that acted as a bra. She followed suit with her other bandages that covered previous injuries. She glanced at herself in her mirror and braced her hand and head against it. She really took a heavy beating. Sighing her eyes trailed over what needed to be fixed first. 'Shoulder. Dislocated.' Giving another sigh she placed some cotton in her mouth and carefully sat down. She placed her hand on her left shoulder and roughly shoved her shoulder back. "Gnnh!" She whimpered quietly as her shoulder popped back into place. Breathing rapidly, she took the cotton out from her mouth and rubbed her dirty hands across her face to rid of any tears. "Shower... I need a shower..." Other injuries can wait... They need to be cleaned out anyway...' She stood up and grabbed her hydrogen peroxide and a bunch of cloths. Stepping into the shower, she turned it on, and couldn't help the hiss that came as a result from the water in her wounds. She braced her hand and head against the shower wall and leaned tiredly against it.

Tsuna grabbed her strawberry shampoo and washed her hair. She was sure to scrub all the dirt out. She then grabbed her conditioner and loaded it in her hair. She bit her split lip. She grabbed the soap and loofa. Washing her body always hurt the most. The soap cleaned out her injuries, but also burned like a bitch. She whimpered as she ran over her body to rid of any dirt. Some of her closed wounds reopened and red swirled in the drain. Deciding she was done, she quickly rinsed out her hair and rinsed her body. Turning off the shower, she gingerly stepped out and sat on the stool she left there earlier. "Here we go..." She whimpered as she dabbed her wounds with the peroxide and bandaged them as quickly as she could. She stood up and once more looked at herself in the mirror.

She was covered in Band-Aids and bandages. White surrounded her torso. Band-Aids and gauze were stuck to her face and arms. Bandages were wrapped around her legs and her arms. Her fingers had Band-Aids all over as well. The only thing what was left completely unscarred was her chest, but that soon would be covered in her chest wrap. She sighed tiredly as she ran her hand over the hand shaped bruise on her wrist. Her eyes narrowed in disgust. "Damn Hego..." She shuddered as she remembered his taunting flirting. It was a lot worse than normal. Most likely because Takeshi wasn't there to help fend off her perverted flirtatious adversary. "C'mon Tsuna, let's dressed." She mumbled to herself as she put on her underwear and strawberry two-piece pajamas. She limped out of her bathroom carrying her destroyed mission clothes, and tossed them in the trash bin. 'It's a good thing I have multiple sets...' Her eyes landed on the clock in the kitchen and sighed tiredly. It was already nine thirty. 'Unbelievable... I can't believe I spent two hours cleaning my wounds. There were more than I thought...' She pulled out a chair and sat in it tiredly. She snorted to herself. "Good thing it's a Saturday..." Her hands traced the pattern on the table absentmindedly, and she paused when her fingers made contact with paper. "Huh? What is this?" She picked it up and skimmed it over. Within a second she crumpled it up and tossed it into the trash bin. She didn't need a tutor. She was fine. Just fine. "Time for bed..."

As she stood up, there was a knock on the door. Blinking in surprise, Tsuna limped over to the door and looked into the peephole. There was no one there. "Weird..." She opened the door, and was met with the weirdest sight.

A baby in a suit with a black orange striped fedora stood in front of her. She blinked in surprise, and instantly went to his level. She ignored how her body screamed 'NO!' in protest at her. "Hey little fella, what's up? Are you lost?" She tilted her head to the side in confusion.

The baby just stared.

"Um? Hello?"

"Sawada Tsunayoshi?"

She inwardly tensed. Her hyper intuition going crazy. "Y-yes?"

"May I come in please?"

Tsuna gaped in surprise. This kid wasn't requesting to come in. He was DEMANDING it. She entertained the idea of refusing him, but some part of her, deep in the back of her mind told her that would be a bad idea, that he was very important. She sighed tiredly, and stood up. She opened the door wider and beckoned him in with a smile. "Please come in."

Reborn blinked in surprise. 'Well that was easy...' He walked in.

Tsuna quietly closed the door behind him, and offered him a seat.

The baby nodded.

She limped to the cupboard and opened it. She pulled out some green tea and instantly made it. Gently she took the cup of tea along with the teapot and placed it in front of the baby. She took the seat opposite of him, and gingerly took a sip of her tea. "I apologize." She blushed a bit. "Green tea was all I had in the cupboard. I hope you don't mind."

The baby stared at her and nodded. "I don't mind. I fancy green tea." He delicately took a sip.


He continued to stare at her.

"If I may ask, just who are you and what are you doing here little one?"

The child blinked and pulled a card from his pocket. He held it up to her.

Gently she took the card and read it. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she gapped at him in shock. "H-Home Tutor Reborn?"

He smirked and stared at her. "Ciaossu Dame-Tsuna."

AND DONE FOR THIS CHAPTER! -Collapses Dead- I am so sorry for the late update. Anime Expo was coming up during this and I had cosplay to make! /' It's over now, and I have finally finished this chapter. I apologize for the delay.

I made it longer. I had a lot of details to discuss. ^_^'

So! Shego and Dr. Drakken made their appearance! I gender bent "Shego" into "Hego". Hego is attracted to Tsuna, but nothing will happen between them. Just witty banter, fights, and flirting-mostly on Hego's part-.

Again I obviously didn't cover Tsuna's mom this Chapter, but I promise I will provide some more info on that in the next chapter.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!~ Please Review!~ Ciao!~