The world seemed to stand still, the seconds stretched out into hours before the hooded figure crumpled with a yell.

Without stopping to think, Akihito swung around to face the second attacker who had frozen in place. He pulled the trigger again and flinched at the loud shot that rang out. The photographer stood there, arms raised and gun pointing at nothing for seemingly an eternity after the second attacker had hit the ground. He was frozen, un-seeing and struggling to comprehend the chain of events that occurred within the space of a few minutes.

Hearing a groan behind him snapped Akihito back to the present and he turned and dropped down beside Teiji.

"Shit. Are you okay?" His guard gave a pained chuckle in response.

"I'm alive, that's better than I can say for those guys." He groaned and looked around.

"My phone. I was calling Asami-sama. I didn't finish but there is GPS on my phone. There should be help soon. Not sure if there were others following us though."

Akihito spotted a phone lying off to the side and reached over to pick it up, noticing immediately that the screen was smashed. There was no way he would be able read anything on the screen.

"Uh, looks like you might need a new one." He held it up for Teiji who just grunted in response. The guard tried to move, hand pressed against his wound but was only barely able to sit up.

Akihito reached forward and steadied him, one arm around his shoulders, the other hand still clutching the gun.

"We need to leave." Teiji gritted out; "that wasn't exactly quiet." He tried to stand with Akihito's help but a sound at the other end of the alley made the photographer let go and whirl around, gun raised ready to fire. Teiji cried out as he crumped back to the ground.

Akihito was dimly aware he recognized the large hulking figure slowly approaching him. He blinked taking in the huge frame and blond hair. His arms lowered slightly, his white knuckled grip on the weapon loosening as Suoh cautiously stepped towards him.

All at once the events of the last 15 minutes hit him full force and Akihito stumbled backwards and fell to the ground.

"Easy kid." Suoh knelt down beside the photographer and gently pulled the gun from his shaking hands. He handed it to one of the many goons now swarming the alleyway before turn his attention back to his boss's lover.

"Easy now. You did good. It's okay."

Suoh reached forward and slowly helped the photographer to his feet. Akihito was desperately trying to hold in the sob that was threatening to come out in a rather explosive way. He took a deep breath trying to calm down but he looked over and saw one of the attackers that he had shot lying in a very large pool of red. There was too much blood. He had killed someone. Suoh reached out and put his large hand gently on Akitiho's shoulder jolting him out of his reverie.

"It's okay. You did good." The hulking giant repeated. "Time to go back to the boss now." Applying a little more pressure to Akihito's shoulder, Suoh used it to steer the photographer out of the alleyway and to the waiting limo.

On the way to the limo Akihito noticed Teiji being supported by two other guards as they also made their way out. They didn't seem too worried about the gunshot wound making quiet jokes about getting protected by the person who he was supposed to be protecting. Akihito was glad that it seemed like the guard would be okay, he did not anyone to have to die for him.

Suoh opened the door to the waiting vehicle and gently shoved Akihito in. He fell across the seats and landed on something warm and hard. Looking up into familiar golden eyes Akihito burst into tears.

Asami's gaze softened and he pulled his little lover into his arms.

"Hush kitten, its okay. You're safe."

"B-b-but I killed s-someone. N-no, two people. I shot two people." Akihito buried his head into Asami's chest as he gave great shuddering sobs. Asami tightened his arms and rested his chin on Akihito's blonde head.

"And what do you think would have happened to them if my men had gotten to them first? They would have suffered a lot more and the end result would have been the same." He gave a humorless laugh and Akihito clung tighter to the crime lord.

Asami sighed and reached out to tilt Akihito's chin so that he was looking into his eyes.

"They knew the consequences of picking up a gun and targeting you. Anytime you pick up a gun, you pick it up with intent and you flirt with death. They forced your hand. I don't want to imagine what would have happened had they captured you." Akihito sniffed, tears still streaming down his face. He pulled his chin out of Asami's hand and leaned forward against his chest. Asami wrapped his arms back around the photographers waist.

"I'm glad to see your training with Suoh paid off. All that matters is that you're safe. It seems they underestimated you as much as you underestimate yourself. " Akihito didn't respond. The crime lord gently pressed his lips into his lovers hair and murmured;

"You're stronger than you think."