Disclaimer: I do not own Dominion, its locations, characters, plot, etc. I do own this cray idea and a love for angels, and a few characters thrown in
Summary: Six weeks post 1x04 The Flood, AU. Ever since Michal returned to Vega after being stabbed, some of the Corps soldiers noticed he wasn't always the stoic, aloof archangel Vega's known for years. And Alex is about to find out why. Also...William Whele has a secret to tell about a night that went normally to everyone else but was actually something much bigger.
Chapter One
0500 wake up, dress, report for training with the obnoxious and always wide awake archangel who could hear every single sarcastic mutter made by anyone when complaining about exercises at the ungodly hours of the morning.
1045 finally finish training an hour and half late because said archangel heard the comment about duty and the need for sleep.
1100 shower, grab an apple as breakfast wasn't an option due to training going so long. Sprint to House Whele for guard rotation to avoid being late.
1530 be dismissed from rotation early because William Whele was attempting to pester about being the Chosen One, Consul Whele found out, was excused to avoid conflicts. Now owe Sgt. Hanson a free rotation cover due to substitution.
1545 due to leaving guard shift early, get ass dragged outside the city limits to have a training 'session' with the previously mentioned obnoxious archangel, get said ass kicked because archangel is a dick
1900 finally get a decent meal after weapons check and barracks inspection. Get penalty marks for not having sword in perfect condition due to prior 'session' ruining the edge again, skip shower
1930 run back to barracks to shower because dick archangel refused entry
1945 get lecture from dick archangel about tardiness
2230 get dismissed from archangel's presence after meditating ended in disaster and aggravation from both sides, may or may not have gotten into heated argument with archangel…
2300 report to House Whele for overnight guard rotation
0330 make it back to barracks, collapse on bed to sleep, clothes still on
0500 wake up...
Alex Lannon couldn't be anymore bored with the routine of his life. The only high light of his day, if he could call it that, was the very slight variance in his routine before heading to an induction ceremony. His captain sent him to the Stratosphere with Noma and Ethan to escort Michael to the ceremony where new soldiers would graduate from training and either be assigned an army unit, or a select few would get the lucky promotion to Archangel Corps.
Due to the prestige of the situation, everyone not on duty at that very moment was in dress uniform, basically their normal gear but polished up with any badges they'd been awarded. Least to say any awards Alex had earned had been stripped because of disciplinary measures. Michael even had a dress uniform, more like thin armor that was meant for battle, due to his own schedule and preferences the archangel rarely wore the gear, opting to use it for formality such as today.
Forgoing true protocol, Alex knocked on the angel's bedroom door before entering without waiting for a response. Michael was just exiting his bathroom, wiping at his face with a cloth before nodding to them, heading for the armor stacked on a chair. Noma and Ethan made themselves busy by watching Vega from the panoramic windows, whispering quietly between themselves.
Alex stood next to Michael as the angel slid his boots on, buckling the leg pieces over his black jeans before standing. The hand and wrist guards slid up easily, displaying the Corps emblem in bright silver as Michael rolled his shoulders before reaching for the waist piece. Due to his wings he was unable to have something that completely covered his chest and back, instead the top of the piece stopped an inch below where his wings emerged. Michael grunted softly as he attempted to clasp the buckles in the back, brow furrowing as he adjusted how his arms were bent to better reach the clasps.
Alex bit back an unprofessional smirk as Michael struggled, finally glancing up when Noma turned at the delay in them leaving.
"Are the buckles broken?"
"No, merely refusing to close."
Noma grinned a little before smoothing out her expression, stepping forward to assist the archangel when he sighed in mild irritation. Her hands gripped the leather like material as she checked the straps before trying to pull the two edges together, one was supposed to overlap the other, now they wouldn't even meet.
"Huh...there's like a two inch gap."
Michael glanced over his shoulder, eyes narrowed, "That is not possible."
"Well it can't shrink...so something else changed size."
Alex silently applauded Noma for finding a discreet way to mention whether or not the angel had gained weight, it was highly unlikely as Michael didn't eat like humans did, but it was possible that his muscles shifted or were swollen slightly due to the injury he'd sustained from Furiad six weeks ago. Abdominal wounds took forever to fully recover, angel or not.
Michael didn't respond to the hint, merely shifted his stance to brace against the wall, "Pull it shut."
Noma nodded in understanding, adjusting her grip carefully to avoid grabbing Michael's black shirt beneath the armor, "Suck it in."
The soft mutter earned a frown from the angel, but he complied anyway, tightening his torso as she struggled for a moment. The buckles just barely closed, the metal hooks catching and straining to remain that way. Michael grunted as he straightened, grimacing slightly as a hand went to his side.
"You alright?"
The glare Alex received was enough to shut him up, Michael brushing past them with a nod to Noma before he grabbed his signature coat. If Alex hadn't known better due to so much time around him, he wouldn't have noticed the archangel was struggling to breathe properly, sounding like he was out of breath as they headed out.
The ceremony for inducting new Corps soldiers was honestly boring, a captain would read off their duties and their vow, the new guys taking their oath and being given the new arm patch that displayed their unit. Michael stood next to the podium, not speaking but being a constant presence and reminder what the soldiers were agreeing to. The commanding officers had the authority, but Michael had the final word.
Throughout the three hour long ceremony, Michael had stood ramrod straight, arms behind his back casually as he usually did, staring out over the rows of men and women ready to move on in their service. By the end, Alex and Noma could see the sweat starting to bead on the archangel's forehead, chest moving a bit rapidly in an attempt to get enough air into his lungs.
Noma glanced to Alex quickly, receiving a tight nod to confirm he'd noticed too. Michael was oblivious to their exchange, but he did shift slightly on his feet, barely noticeable, but enough to know he wasn't comfortable standing there. Anyone unfamiliar with the angel would brush it off, Alex knew something was wrong in an instant. Michael could and had stood completely still for hours on end, not even twitching, a couple hour ceremony shouldn't elicit anything from the angel.
With a note of finality, the ceremony concluded, the upper ranks of the army applauding their new members, the Corps saluting their new comrades. Commanding officers directed the ranks out of the auditorium, a couple higher ups speaking with Michael before departing. Alex and Ethan stood from their chairs, stretching slightly before following Noma to the stage to await Michael. They escorted him here, time to escort him back, or to a Senate meeting, Alex couldn't remember where they had to go next.
Michael hadn't moved by the time they arrived, watching the last of the new soldiers file out before turning his head enough to look at them.
The look on his face was one Alex didn't want to see again, it was the same as when Furiad's blade had slid into the angel's torso, one of mild confusion and pain before he dropped.
The archangel was shaking as he buckled, falling against Alex when the soldier rushed over, arms wrapping under the angel's to try and keep him upright. Michael couldn't get his feet under him, going limp for a moment as Noma and Ethan grabbed his arms.
"Shit...what the hell?!"
Alex didn't have an answer, trying to look the angel over without prying. Michael's head lolled a little as his lips parted, face pale and sweaty as the other two soldiers lifted his arms to their shoulders.
"Private room, now."
Alex barely had enough time to reach the doors before they did, holding them open as Noma and Ethan half carried Michael from the stage and down a side hallway, heading towards a side room off the main barracks. Luckily it was evening meal time, leaving the bunk room completely empty as they ducked into the back hallway and into the little used room.
"What are these even here for?"
Noma turned her head to Alex once she and Ethan had eased Michael down onto the creaking cot, adjusting the old pillows to prop him up slightly, Michael was still unresponsive when she spoke, "There was a unit shift a couple years ago after that big assassination attempt, there was a plan for an elite protection unit but it got cut soon after, Ethan and I were on the list to be part of it and some other guys, we were supposed to use these rooms as our quarters."
Alex moved closer to check on Michael, "Why wasn't I told this?"
Ethan snorted, "You were on probation for sneaking out of the walls again."
Noma didn't respond any further, trying to examine the archangel, finally giving up with a sigh before she reached under Michael's torso, popping the buckles off the armor in a snap and yanking the chest piece off. Michael jerked up with a gasp, gulping for air as he rolled onto his side coughing.
Alex slid her the trashcan just before Michael gagged, retching into the container with enough force his whole body was shaking. It wasn't pleasant to listen to as Alex politely averted his gaze. Ethan was already rinsing out a cup at the sink in the corner, handing it full to Noma.
Michael threw up a second time before he was able to let go of the trash can, using the water to rinse out his mouth before rolling over and laying back against the pillows as he gasped for air. Noma wet a cloth in the sink after rinsing out the bucket, resting the damp cloth on the archangel's forehead as she sat back down next to him.
He didn't respond right away, taking several minutes to catch his breath and still his shaking form. "Thank you Sgt. Banks."
She nodded, standing after a moment to give him space as he rested.
Her confused and slightly worried gaze locked on Ethan and Alex, both of them shrugging, neither had any ideas or knew how to proceed. Michael didn't move for a long moment, finally grunting softly as he sat up, hand going to his head as he made to stand. Alex stepped forward to stop him, instead having to catch him when Michael buckled for a second time, dropping back to the cot in exhaustion.
"I don't think you should move."
Michael grudgingly nodded, sitting back against the wall with his eyes closed as he groaned softly, arms wrapping around his stomach in discomfort.
"That would be wise."
Noma shifted, "Shift change is in twenty minutes, if you're not steady enough by then, no one will notice if you spend the night in here, wouldn't hurt to rest for awhile….uh, sir."
Michael opened one eye enough to look at her, nodding slightly before lunging for the bucket, barely glancing at Alex in thanks when he held it up, the angel hunched over the bucket with a strangled groan. Michael heaved miserably, bringing up stomach acid and the couple sips of water he'd managed to swallow. The dry heaves weren't pleasant either, and he was officially shaking by the time he was able to sit back.
Noma and Alex kept him from falling as he laid back, stretching out a little stiffly on the cot. He refused the blanket, eyes already drifting shut when they stood back. Within minutes he was asleep, head slightly tilted to the side. The three soldiers slipped from the room silently, keeping the door cracked a hair just in case before glancing at each other.
Ethan spoke first, sounding just as confused and panicked as they were feeling, "What the hell?!"
Michael remained asleep well into the night, waking for about ten minutes when Alex brought him some crackers and soup from the late night shift meal. He slipped into sleep soon after eating, breathing deeply as Alex settled onto another cot in the back room. Ethan was covering for him at House Whele for the night shift, and Noma had slipped some of her scotch to the captain on duty who was making barrack rounds that night. With a little luck they'd make it til morning with none the wiser that something was wrong with the archangel. Michael had merely stated he must have eaten something bad before the ceremony, ignoring any further questions as he shifted to lay on his side and fell back asleep.
Noma waited until both she and Alex were positive he was unconscious before turning to her comrade and friend, "Ok wonder boy, got any ideas?"
Alex woke up just before six in the morning, rubbing at his eyes as he rolled to sit up and glancing around the dimly lit room. Noma was curled up with her back to them, still sound asleep as her watch alarm hadn't beeped yet. Michael was also still asleep, now at least a blanket was over him as he'd started shivering slightly late at night when the two soldiers had finally gone to bed. Noma didn't dare check for fever in case her touch woke him up, instead draping the blanket over him and hoping for the best. Michael had merely shifted beneath it, head turning to the other side without him waking at all.
The angel looked terrible, almost as bad as when Alex had brought him to the hospital after Furiad had stabbed him, pale and breathing weakly, like even while he was asleep he was exhausted. Lannon watched him rest for several minutes, Michael shifting a little as he swallowed reflexively, not even stirring when Ethan slipped into the room with covered plates of food.
Noma growled at them when they prodded her awake, blinking blearily but accepting the peace offering of eggs and waffles with half a grin.
It was easier for them to wait for Michael to wake up then daring to disturb him, eating in silence and ensuring the cover on the archangel's plate remained tight so to keep the food hot. Michael started to stir shortly after they began opening the synthetic syrup packets, the sweet smell invading the room as Ethan stole Alex's to drench his food in. Alex didn't mind, instead taking the guy's pepper packet to season his eggs with. The archangel let out a soft noise as he woke up, halfway making it to a sitting position before looking around to realize they were there. Noma was about to speak a greeting when the archangel gagged, hand going to his mouth in a flash before Alex jumped to his feet and grabbed the bucket.
Whatever was making the angel sick, it couldn't be the food, no one else in the entirety of the barracks had gotten sick from the soup last night, and anything lingering from beforehand was well gone from Michael's stomach by this point. Ethan quickly removed the food from the room when it became apparent the smell was what was bothering the angel, returning with a pack of crackers and a bottle of water. Michael managed a few swallows before throwing up again like he had the night before, collapsing back against the pillows in exhaustion.
"This is getting ridiculous…"
The soft murmur was enough for the soldiers to go on edge, glancing to each other for ideas.
Alex shifted on his feet, "This has happened before?"
Michael nodded slightly, groaning a little as he rested a hand over his eyes, "...off and on...several weeks now…"
His heavy gasps for air prompted Noma to pull out her med kit, running the thermometer over the angel's forehead while she had the chance. When nothing came up she sat down next to him, waiting until he looked to her with a sigh.
"Permission to examine you? Angel or no...getting sick constantly is not acceptable."
Michael nodded in consent, holding up a hand to make her wait as he rolled onto his side and heaved again, back rippling with the action of expelling the minimal food he'd eaten a few hours ago. Alex left to dispose of the bucket, bringing back a fresh one and finding Noma carefully prodding along Michael's abdomen. Due to his discomfort from the armor the day before and the inability to eat easily, it was possible the archangel still had lingering damage from the stab wound.
Noma's face remained impassive for most of the examination, brow only furrowing once before her features smoothed out. Michael didn't see the change, eyes closed as he attempted to control his breathing to keep from throwing up again. Noma glanced up to the two guys, a faint look of worry in her eyes before she turned to Michael and lightly shook his wrist.
"I think you need to get to the hospital...I am not trained in enough medical standings to proceed."
Michael sat up smoothly, showing no signs of his illness as he moved, but he swayed once upright, "And this is prompted by what?"
Noma shook her head firmly, "You don't want to hear it."
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