Hey guys, this is my first pic and I just really wanted to get this out, please comment and review I would leave to hear what you guys think about this pic :)
The darkness of the night seemed to wrap around Matt's body, he took a deep breath of the cool air before beginning to climb the fire escape that lead to his apartment. He would prefer to enter his building to reach his apartment but the slight chance that someone might see him in his armour made him extra cautious. It had been a remarkably quiet night, even the police radio lines Matt tuned into had been silent all night. He supposed he should've been pleased with the temporary peace, but the restlessness within him did not cease.
Once he'd entered his apartment, Matt popped open a beer and changed into a pair of sweatpants and tshirt. Settling down on his couch Matt thought through the latest case the firm had gotten from a peculiar client. The light pitter patter of rainfall put Matt in a calmer and more relaxed state than before, within moments he felt himself nodding off.
His senses on high alert, Matt's blood raced as he made his way towards his front door. He paused his hand an inch away from the door knob, if it was Foggy he'd have heard something, smelled Foggy's cologne. Whoever was knocking at Matt's door this late at night was a stranger, whether this stranger was dangerous or not was something Matt had yet to determine.
"Hellooooo, is anyone home? Its kind of cold and wet outside and i lost my phone. I'm just looking for a good samaritan...not a rapist or a murder or you know any other kinda baddie." The young female's voice had started off strong and frustrated but near the end her voice had softened to just be heard under her breath revealing a quiver Matt assumed was an effect of the cold night. Matt heard the soft thud of an unbalanced step, a quick gasp and a clatter, without realizing it Matt had whipped his door open.
A louder gasp of startlement reached Matt's ears, he could feel a blockage of air flow that was much smaller than him standing in his doorway. A shaking hand gripped his door frame, an unreasonably heaving laptop bag hung from the crook of her arm and swayed in reaction to the sudden motion that had caused the girl to steady herself.
"Hello," he found himself saying as he opened the door wider.
"Uh, hi." The girl straightened up and pulled the heavy bag to rest a top her should again. Matt could sense a dampness that surrounded the girl and realized that she mustve gotten drenched in the rain.
"You wanna come in?" Matt asked as he heard the girl's heart rate jump then settle. Her heart was working at a lethargic pace, but it seemed to be the natural speed for it, something that piqued Matt's interest.
"Well, uh, i dont wanna be a bother. I just only need to make a phone call really." Her hand came up to adjust something on her face, Matt assumed that it was glasses since he heard no ruffling of hair.
"Yeah, thats no problem. Come in, here I'll take that" Matt reached for the bag resting on her shoulder she gave it over with no complaint. As he moved behind the door she braced herself on his door frame before kneeling down again. About to question her actions, the words died on Matt's lips as he realized that she had carefully lifted herself to a standing position using the support of a cane.
"Thanks," she mumbled under her breath as she entered his home. Matt fumbled around his wall before he found the light switch and turned on the light, it made no difference to him but he assumed his guest might need it.
"Have a seat, you want something to drink? I'm told i make decent coffee." She chuckled softly, in a deeper voice that gave the impression that she was familiar with a guttural language.
"Coffee sounds downright divine." He could hear the smile in her voice as he began to brew a pot. "Nice place you have here."
"Thanks, I wouldnt really know, you know," he vaguely pointed at himself as he brought a towel and some blankets for her. She gave a small murmur of amusement, and thanked him for the blankets.
"How did that happen by the way?" Her voice was gentle and curious as he handed her a mug and sat himself down next to her with his own mug.
"I think i could ask you the same thing," he gestured towards the cane that she had placed lying on the floor.
"Its not a worthwhile story i'm afraid," there was a trace of dark humor, a warning that told Matt not to enquire further.
"Mine neither," he responded with a cocky grin. "I'll go get you my phone," Matt placed his mug on the coffee table and was halfway to his bedroom when he heard the soft click of a gun.
"There's no need for that... Daredevil."