A/N: I know it has been a long time since I have updated but I really had a hard time writing this chapter.
Leaning against his foot, Tsuna watched as his sensei shook his head and muttered about how happy he didn't have a daughter. The reason why his sensei say that? Mirai was begging and demanding their sensei to give them a real mission. Tsuna couldn't blame his best-friend for asking for a real mission. All the missions they have been given so far were all things any civilian could do but were just too lazy to do.
No matter how hard he tried, Tsuna couldn't understand how pulling out weeds were considered a ninja mission. His siblings could do this without any problems, they might complain about it but Tsuna knew all three of his siblings could pull weeds. He took in a deep breath and glanced at Satoshi, who kept rolling his eyes at Mirai, who had her arms crossed as she gave their sensei her puppy dog look.
"Can't we do a C-rank mission at least?" Mirai pleaded, glancing at them. "Shikamaru-niisan, I don't want to do anymore chores or babysitting duties! I didn't become a ninja to do those things! I want to save people like you did during the war, like the stories Naru-obaachan used to tell Tsuna and me. I want to be an awesome ninja like Naru-obaachan and my Tou-san."
Mirai was really desperate for her to pull out the father card, Tsuna thought, putting his hands into his pockets as they made their way to his mother's office. He could count the number of times Mirai used the father card in one hand. His best-friend hated using the fact she had no father to get what she wanted. His best-friend would try other ways to get what she wanted but if she couldn't get it then she would use it.
So yes, she was desperate.
"What is wrong with staying the village? The missions here are a lot less troublesome then the ones that requires us to travel," Shikamaru-sensei asked, shaking his head. "And I don't hear Tsuna or Satoshi here complaining about the D-rank missions."
"It would be nice if we could go on a C-rank mission," Tsuna admitted, causing Shikamaru to groan. "I'm sorry Shikamaru-sensei but Mirai is right, these are missions that even my siblings could do without a problem."
"I think the only reason why the hell we're doing this is because the bastards can't be bothered to do their own work," Satoshi agreed, scowling. "Why the hell did we have to babysit the Hokage's brats with my bratty niece? Or pull weeds for some hag who looked healthy enough to do her own work?"
"That's my siblings you're talking about."
"So? I just insulted my half-brother's daughter too," Satoshi reminded him as the two of them continued on their way to the tower. "Anyways, why the hell do we have to do them? Finding a lost cat? That isn't a shinobi's job and the damn Damiyo's wife should get the idea that maybe she should just give up searching for her damn cat everytime it run away! Doesn't she get the idea that her cat hates her? Besides, we've been working our butt off doing useless missions!"
Tsuna grimaced at the reminder while Mirai nodded her head in agreement. Shikamaru shook his head at the black-haired boy and rubbed his temple before glancing up at the Hokage Monument, to be more specific the smiling face of Tsuna's mother. Knowing their sensei, Tsuna had no doubt that the man wondered why his mother saddled him with such 'troublesome' kids.
Their sensei sighed. "The three of you are such troublesome brats."
"Yet you still love us," Mirai declared, smiling cheekily at him. "C'mon Shikamaru-sensei, don't ya want to go out of the village and do some cool missions again? You can even take a break from Temari-neechan and I promise never to annoy you ever again about taking me to a dango shop."
Tsuna raised his eyebrow, Satoshi snorted at the girl's comment while Shikamaru looked at Mirai thoughtfully. Everyone in their team knew just how much the girl loved sweets, specifically dango and knew the dangers of buying her dango. One dango was never enough for Mirai, no Tsuna's best friend needed at least ten or twelve dango before she stopped eating it. It was a miracle Mirai hadn't gotten fat from the amount of dango she ate.
"We'll see what Hokage-sama have to say," Shikamaru-sensei finally said, crossing his arms.
His mother? Tsuna frowned and stared at the Hokage Tower. Would his mother be willing to let him do a mission outside of home? She was so protective of him and his siblings. Kami, he could still remember catching sight of his mother sitting on the tree on his second day of school. He never told his mother about it but Tsuna made sure his father knew about it.
"We're never going to get out of the village," Satoshi commented and he slumped his shoulder
Mirai nodded her head in agreement. "I love Naru-obaachan but she won't let us do a mission as long as we have Tsuna with us."
"Agreed," Tsuna said, stuffing his hands into his pocket.
Their sensei snorted and shook his head at them. Why did he act as if they were exagerrating? Tsuna thought, rubbing his temple. Shikamaru-sensei of all people should know just how protective his mother was of sensei had seen how his mother reacted when it turned out that he swore in front of him. Tsuna hadn't known it but apparently shit was a very bad word to say in front of his mother.
Even thinking about it, reminded him of the punishment his mother gave them.
"Naru is a very overprotective mother that much I can't disagree," Shikamaru said, staring at the three of them. "However, Naru is also a shinobi. She might not look like it but she won't let her personal feelings interfere with your missions. If she allowed her emotions to take hold of her judgement then she wouldn't have let Tsuna graduate or even enter the Academy."
Tsuna blinked his eyes at his sensei.
"What do you mean?"
"Becoming a shinobi means that you will experience death in some form either from having a comrade die on you or you being killed by the enemy," Their sensei explained, rubbing his temple. "There is always a chance that you will die on the job. No parent, civilian or not, likes the idea of having their child die before them."
Their sensei gave them a hard look before gesturing for them to head towards the tower. Tsuna nodded his head but not before glancing at his teammates, who just stared at their sensei. Mirai had a troubled look on her face while Satoshi just grimaced at them. What were they thinking? Tsuna wondered, pressing his hands into his pockets. Did they understand the risk that they were in now? Just listening to his sensei's words made him worried about the future.
He knew deaths were common but would it really hurt his mother if he died?
"You're my little boy. You're the person who made me a mother…"
For some reason, his mother's words from a couple of week ago was now haunting his mind. There was just something about his mother's tone which just didn't make sense to him. Those words were filled with happiness and joy but his mother's tone wasn't happy, if anything his mother's tone was filled with pain and sadness. He shook his head and rushed after his teammates, who were walking away from him. He wondered if his biological father hurt her in such a painful way that remembering how he was made hurt her.
Tsuna shook his head. Why should he care about the man who donated his sperm? His father was Sasuke Uchiha and nothing in the world would change this fact. He didn't care about the man who helped create him but Tsuna would show the man that his mother raised a strong shinobi.
He was going to make sure he became one of the most powerful shinobi, the world had ever seen. He was going to be so powerful that his mother never ever had to worry about him dying in the field. Tsuna was going to be strong enough that he would never lose someone important to him.
"So you guys want to do a C-rank mission?" Naru asked, staring at her son's team. Shikamaru nodded his head but not before giving her the distinct hand signs that told her that this was the kid's idea. She shook her head at her friend. Why was he so troubled about this? Did he think she wouldn't allow them not to do a C-rank mission? She pursed her lips and stared at her oldest son, who stared pleadingly into her eyes.
As a mother, she wanted to tell them no but Naru knew better than to let her own feelings influence her decisions as a Hokage. She remembered being their age and how frustrating it was to do missions that any oridinary civilian could do. It wasn't fun and as a shinobi herself, she knew these D-rank missions wouldn't give them the experience they need. Out of everyone in their year group, these kids had one of the highest mission success.
If she was to be honest, those kids were more then ready for their first C-rank mission.
"Seriously, you're not going to refuse us?" Satoshi asked, staring wide-eyed at us. "I thought you were going to refuse us because of Tsuna."
Naru shook her head at the black-haired boy. "Brat, do you think the fact that Tsuna is my son is going to stop me from letting you guys do a C-rank mission? Wait, don't answer my question. As a mother, I want to say no because of the dangers which could be present in a C-rank mission but as a Hokage, I can see you guys are more then ready for your first C-rank mission. As a shinobi, I know if you want to climb to the top or get more experience then you will need to do harder missions."
"So are we doing a C-rank mission, Naru-obaachan?"
Naru stared at their hopeful faces and for a brief moment, she saw her former team standing in front of her. Didn't she begged the Third Hokage for a C-rank mission? She could remember Kakashi-sensei sighing as she demanded for a better mission. The blue-eyed girl could distantly recall how she wanted to prove to the Hokage how she wasn't the same little girl. Yes, she could see aspects of her former team in these kids.
Yet these kids weren't like her former team. Looking back, Naru wondered if they really had been prepared for their mission if it had been a simple C-rank mission. Unlike her team, Naru knew Shikamaru had been training to the bone. She knew from the ocassional spying that these three kids were more then ready for this job.
"You guys are more then ready to do a C-rank mission."
Mirai grinned and pumped her fist up in the air, while her oldest son and Satoshi just relaxed their shoulders. What were they worried about? Her son of all people should know she wasn't terrifying, in fact if you asked Naru, she was a hell lot more relax then Sakura. Her pink-haired teammate actually broke buildings when she was furious with someone, specifically with her husband when he came back home late from drinking with his gangmembers.
"May you give me the lists of C-rank missions, Hokage-sama?" Shikamaru asked, drawing her attention to them.
Naru grinned and handed the five C-rank missions scrolls left on the table to him. Nodding his head, her friend skimmed read through the scrolls she handed him in before handing her the scroll that asked for protection from a couple of thugs. Naru raised her eyebrows at Shikamaru but he shrugged his shoulder at her.
Who was she to talk? Her C-rank mission turned out to be an A-rank mission.
If it had been anyone else, she would think that they were biting off more then they could chew but Shikamaru was smart. He knew how to pick his missions and he knew his team well. If he thought those kids could handle it then they could handle it. Still, this mission was near the entrance gate to the veil and if one of the kids took one wrong step out of the veil then they might find themselves in Japan.
Japan may be safe but Naru didn't want those kids to wonder why they were separated from the rest of the world. It also didn't help that she didn't want Tsuna to know about his past just yet but, Shikamaru trusted them. Shikamaru knew them and if there was one thing she could trust about her friend, he would try to keep them alive and safe.
He would bring them back home to their families even if it killed him.
Taking in a deep breath, Naru nodded her head.
"The four of you will report to the first entrance gate at six hundred hours," Naru informed them, staring hard into the three kids eyes. "Your job is to protect a merchant from a couple of thugs as he heads towards Nami no Kuni with his cargo."
"We're finally doing a real mission!"
I have a feeling this mission was going to change everything and I don't know if it is going to be good or bad thing, Naru thought, skim reading through the scroll's content. If they make one wrong step then those kids may find themselves in Tokyo. She might be paranod but her son just had the worse luck when it ame to these type of things. She mentally shook her head. Why was she thinking so negative? There was just no way they would go there.
Either way, something told her that this mission wasn't going to be as easy as her friend thought it would be.
"What, Tsuna-niisan isn't going to be at home for the next two weeks?" Ryo asked, staring wide-eyed at Tsuna and their mother. Tsuna nodded his head and glanced at Mio and Haruto. His youngest two siblings didn't look happy to hear this but what could he do about it? This was the first time in his life that he was leaving the village without his family by his side. It would be the first time he could experience the outside world without the presence of his family. "Mama, can we go with Tsuna?"
His mother shook her head. "No, Ryo. Your brother is going out of the village because of a mission, not because he's going on a holiday."
"But who is going to play games with us?" Ryo cried, waving his hands up in the air. "Or read storybooks to us? Can't he have a mission in the village? I don't want him to go! Papa is already gone! Now Aniki! Are you going to leave us too to go to some faraway place?"
Their mother's eyes widened at hearing his brother's accusation. Tsuna gulped when he caught sight of the pained look on his mother's eyes. He opened his mouth but closed it when Mio smiled widely at them before elbowing Ryo in the ribs.
"Mio, how many times have I told you not to hurt your brother? The two of you shouldn't be fighting with each other," Mio opened her mouth but their mother shook her head at Mio. "What Ryo said was rude but it doesn't mean you can hurt your brother. He has a right to tell me how he feels about your brother going on a mission."
"But Mama, he hurt your feelings!" Mio cried. "Ryo-oniichan always say mean things to you even when Haruto and me tell him that you are busy because of work. Mama, I can't let him say anything mean to you."
"I'm happy that you want to save me from hearing Ryo's words but Mio, it shouldn't be your job to discipline him. I know how your brother feels towards my job but Ryo, I am never ever going to leave you or your sibling," Naru declared, smiling sadly at them before glancing out at the shelf, where the picture of their grandparents stood. "To me, the four of you are the most important people in my life. The four of you gave me something that I have always dreamed, something I never really had until I had Tsuna. I know I am not always there for you and I know it frustrates the four of you that I can't be there but, I will always try my best to be there. When your brother leaves for your mission, I promise to play with you Ryo and I will give tips on how to improve your pranks."
"What about the paperwork? If you are going to play games with us then who is going to do the paperwork? Sakura-obaachan will kill you if she finds out you skipped the paperwork," Haruto said, tilting his head at her.
"I will have my shadow clones deal with it Haru," Their mother informed him, waving off his youngest brother's concerns. "And even Sakura-chan will understand if I let them do work, she's the one telling me to take it easy."
Tsuna rubbed his eyes and smiled when he caught sight of the smile on his mother's face. He glanced at his younger siblings. He saw the hopeful looks on Ryo and Mio's faces, and then glanced at his youngest brother, who grinned at their mother. Their mother would try her hardest to keep her promise but Tsuna wouldn't hold it against her if she didn't keep to her promise with his siblings. His mother did have a mountain of paperwork to do and he doubt any shadow clone would get rid of it.
"Mama...when is Papa coming back home?" Haruto asked, tilting his head at them. "Papa has been gone longer then three weeks now, Mama. Is his mission going alright, Kaa-chan? It has been a week already, Mama so why isn't he back home yet?"
Tsuna frowned at his little brother and glanced at his mother, who just rubbed her forehead at the reminder of his father's lack of presence in their home. From the twitching of his mother's eyebrows, Tsuna knew without a doubt that when their father came back home that he would be sleeping in the couch. He grimaced and silently thanked Mirai for demanding a C-rank mission.
He did not want to be there when his mother grilled his father for being late.
"Your father will try his best to come back home on time but it doesn't mean your father won't be late," Naru informed Haruto, taking a seat on the couch. The blond-haired woman rubbed her forehead. "Still, I don't know why your father is late in coming back. It just isn't like him to be so damn late to come back home. If he knows what is good for him, he will come back home before this weekend or else I will end him. "
Tsuna gulped when he saw his mother long golden hair splitting into nine distinct tails. Oh no. Their mother was going to kill their father as soon as he came back home from his mission. He glanced at his siblings, who stared at him. He gave a weak shrug. How could he calm their mother down when she was in this state? Just one wrong word spelled death for him.
"Mama, didn't you say Papa will come back home as soon as he finished his job?" Tsuna asked, rubbing the back of his neck. "You know Papa always come back home. He will never ever leave the village without reason...you said it yourself."
Naru took in a couple of deep breaths and slumped her shoulders. "I know your father always come back to us but if he doesn't come back soon then he will be facing some very obvious news."
"Obvious news?" Tsuna asked, furrowing his eyebrows at his mother.
Their mother smiled and patted her stomach. Tsuna frowned and opened his mouth to question his mother but closed it as the memory of his mother's pregnancy with the twins rushed through his mind. Didn't she say a similar thing at that time too? In fact, she said the same thing when it came to Haruto's birth. He glanced at the twins and Haruto, who all just stared at their mother in confusion. Tsuna gulped and made a curving motion of his stomach.
His mother laughed and nodded her head.
"What's happening? Why is Tsuna look like he seen a ghost?" Mio asked, bouncing up and down. "What do you mean by obvious news? What news is Papa going to find out? Tell us! We are old enough to find out, Mama."
Their mother smiled. "You are going to have a little brother or sister in seven months time."
Mio blinked and blinked her eyes before squealing outloud at this declaration. Haruto grinned at this announcement. Tsuna had no doubt his youngest brother was just happy to know he wouldn't be the baby of the family. The brown-haired boy smiled and glanced at Ryo, who just stared blankly at their mother's stomach as if he didn't know what to think of the news their mother gave them. Tsuna grimaced. He hoped his baby brother wouldn't be causing troubles for their mother because she was pregnant again.
"I am going to be a big brother again?" Ryo finally said, staring wide-eyed at their mother. "You are going to give me another little sibling? Can I decide on the name of my new brother or sister? Mio got to name Haruto! So can I name my new sibling?"
Tsuna relaxed his shoulders and laughed while Haruto just fixed his eyes on Mio, who laughed nervously at the blond-haired male. It still surprised him how Ryo could remember it was Mio who named his youngest brother. Ryo and Mio had barely been two years old when his youngest brother was born. Tsuna smiled softly as he remembered the excited looks on his siblings' face when their mother presented them with Haruto.
"Ok but your father and I will have to approve of it," Naru said, grinning. "I don't want you to give your little sister a boy's name."
"The baby is going to be a boy!" Ryo declared, crossing his arms against his chest. "And I am going to give him the coolest name ever! It is going to be a name so strong and powerful that no one will ever make fun of him."
Mio scowled. "The baby could be a girl, Ryo-oniichan!"
"It is a boy."
Tsuna bit his lips and stared at the arguing twins, who were now glaring at each other as they debated about the gender of their new sibling. It was just like them to argue about the gender of the baby, Tsuna thought, gazing at his mother's glittering blue eyes. Why couldn't they be happy with the fact their mother was giving them a new sibling? Then again, this would be the first pregnancy that they would be fully aware of.
He shook his head and gazed at his smiling mother, who just shook her head at Mio and Ryo's antics. What did his mother hope for? Did she want another girl? Or was she just happy to have another child again? Tsuna sighed and glanced at Haruto, who now had his eyes fixed on him. The blue-eyed boy had his eyebrows furrowed as he gazed at their mother and then at him.
"Tsuna-niichan, are you fine?"
Tsuna glanced at Haruto, who had his blue eyes fixed on him. The brown-haired boy smiled, ruffled his little brother's hair and nodded his head. Tsuna didn't need to be a mindreader to know his youngest brother wasn't asking about his feelings towards the baby. He knew his youngest brother was asking another type of question and while Tsuna didn't know what Haruto was asking, he did know that he was fine with everything.
He was just happy to have another addition to their family.
"Shouldn't I be asking you Haruto?" Haruto blinked his eyes and Tsuna grinned. "You aren't going to be the baby of the family anymore, which means your cuteness will have less effect on Mama."
"If Mama is pregnant then that means Haruto is going to join the big brother club!" Ryo declared, jumping off of his seat. The black-haired boy rushed towards Haruto and hugged the little boy so tight that Haruto was turning blue from the lack of air. Tsuna pulled Ryo away from Haruto, who was now grasping for air. Ryo just grinned at Haruto. "It seems like I will teach you how to be a cool big brother while Tsu-niichan is on his mission."
"No, thank you."
"C'mon aren't you worried that you will suck as a big brother? Don't you want to be an awesome brother?"
Staring at his two arguing brothers, Tsuna knew right then and there that he wouldn't trade his family for the world. It was only in this family that his siblings would worried about not being an awesome brother or sister. He glanced at his mother, who had a large smile on her face. Yeah, he wouldn't trade his family for the world.
This family of his was the reason for his desire to become stronger, because Tsuna knew in his heart that they made him the person he was today.
"Team Nine meet Kudo Soshi," Shikamaru-sensei said, gesturing to the old man standing in front of the gates.
Tsuna stared at the old man standing in front of them. The old man had messy gray hair and grey eyes that was so dark that it almost reminded Tsuna of the storm clouds. There were wrinkles around his eyes and mouths, telling Tsuna that the man must smile a lot. He looked so harmless with his crane but the dragon tatto decorated in his arm told him that the man wasn't as peaceful as he looked.
"So you three are the youngesters, who are going to take real good care of me?" Soshi asked, flickering his eyes at the three of them. He leaned against his crane and stared at them. His stare was so intense- it felt like Tsuna would combusted just from the man's gaze. It was that hard. The old man's eyes lingered on him the most and for a brief moment, the man had a flash of recognition of them. "You kids don't really like to introduce yourselves do you? Where I come from, it is considered very rude."
"My name is Uzumaki Tsunayoshi but you can call me Tsuna," Tsuna said, bowing at the old man. He elbowed Mirai, who winced and raised her eyebrows at him. The brown-haired boy rolled his eyes and gestured for her to continue on.
"My name is Yuuhi Mirai but you can call me Mirai," Mirai said, smiling at the old man. She glanced at Satoshi, who just stared blankly at the old man and then at Shikamaru-sensei, who rolled his eyes at him. Their sensei gestured for Satoshi to do what the old man asked.
"My name is Hashimoto Satoshi," Satoshi said, straightening his back as he stared at the old man. Soshi nodded his head at Satoshi. The old man scratched his head, shrugged his shoulders and smiled widely at them. There was a glint in the old man's eyes which told Tsuna that the man knew something they didn't but Tsuna didn't know what it could be.
"You guys don't look like you are going to be cowards," Soshi declared, rubbing his arms. "I do hope Shikamaru-san that these kids are strong enough to deal with a couple of thugs. I had hoped Chunnin would have taken my mission but these three would have to do."
"We are strong enough to deal with a couple of thugs!" Mirai declared, puffing her chest at the old man.
Soshi raised his fuzzy eyebrows at her, before throwing a dagger at the black-haired girl. The red-eyed girl tilted her head and blinked at the old man, who laughed and shook his head. Was the man insane? Why the hell would he throw a dagger at Mirai? Was this normal? Tsuna glanced at Shikamaru, who just blinked at the sudden move.
"Soshi-san, why did you throw a dagger at Mirai?"
"The girl talks big, I need to see if she can do the walk too," Soshi answered, shrugging his shoulder. "This mission is no joke Shikamaru-san. My cargo means the world to me and if your team doesn't protect it with their life then I will withdraw my business with Konoha. Besides...I do enjoy throwing daggers at people and seeing their reaction."
"I think we have an insane client," Satoshi muttered to Tsuna as he picked up the dagger from the ground. "Who the hell throws a dagger because he thinks it is fun? Can we switch missions?"
"And have my mother laugh at us for being terrified of the client...no way in hell," Tsuna declared. "Just ignore him Satoshi. We just have to put up with him for two weeks and then everything is over. Besides, do you want Mirai to rant at us for being sissies?"
Satoshi glanced at Mirai and then at Shikamaru-sensei before shaking his head at him. If there was one thing Tsuna could not stand, it was the idea that Mirai thought he was a coward. He might not like jumping into action like Mirai but he wasn't a damn coward. If he was a coward then his mother would be so pissed with him. No child of his mother was supposed to be a coward.
"I do have high expectations of all of you," Soshi said, nodding his head. "Since I do have the son of the Hokage with me and the bastard son of the head of the Yakuza with me."
They all blinked their eyes at him.
"I do my research on the people who agreed to take my job offer," Soshi said, waving their hands. "Now let's get this show on the road. I need to have this cargo delieved as soon as possible and I do hate to rip you people away from your families."
"I hate him!" Mirai declared, puffing her chest at him.
"Sweetheart, you can hate me all you want but I am the one paying you," Soshi reminded her as four of them walked out of the gates. "Besides, you four may learn something from me...especially you young Tsuna." Tsuna furrowed his eyebrows but the old man just stared at him with somber eyes. "Men with your appearance never did have any good luck in life...they all have the unfortunate chance of dying young. It might be in their blood but I do hope you won't end up like them. I do hope you will make something of yourself, just like your grandfather and ancestors has done."
For some reason, Tsuna felt his whole body shiver when the old man said those words. It felt as if this man was warning him about something. The brown-haired boy licked his lips. If he didn't know any better, he would say the man was telling him that he might die young just like his grandfather. Tsuna shook his head. No, he might be imagining things.
There was no way he would allow himself to die at a young age.
"Fight me, herbivore."
Sasuke blinked and blinked his eyes as he stared into the silver eyes of a teenage boy, who clutched the tonfa like it was his lifeline. Sasuke grimaced and glanced at his watch. He had barely been in Namimori for a day and already he had people wanting to fight him. He didn't want to fight some kid, who he could easily beat. It also didn't help he looked like a mini-version of his friend, who had been an amazing taijutsu specilist despite his lack of chakra. Still if he didn't know Fon was a man who was careful, Sasuke would have thought that the boy was his friend's kid.
"You are very cocky kid aren't you?" Sasuke commented, tilting his head when the teen swung his tonfa at him. He really did need to finish this fight soon because it had been nearly a month since he left and Sasuke knew that Naru was more then ready to kick his ass. He grabbed hold of the tonfa, pulled it against his chest and stared into the boy's silver eyes. "You are not strong enough to deal with me, brat."
With those words, Sasuke pulled the tonfa out of the boy's hands and stared at the growling kid. The way the boy growled at him reminded him of the cute little wolves that his daughter loved to watch on T.V. They looked so innocent but that innocence would die away when they grow up. The boy may be stupid to ask for a fight but, one day he would someone terrifying for civilians to deal with. He really did pity anyone who crossed the boy's path.
"I am not a brat," the boy growled, launching himself at him. "And you are breaking the rules, Carnivore. Your identification has not been found by the Namimori database and for that reason alone, you deserved to be bitten to death."
Sasuke grabbed hold of the boy's wrist and slammed the teen against the wall. In the back of his mind, Sasuke knew he had to be gentle with boy but he was tired and irritated at the fact he couldn't go back home faster. Why the hell did he agree to go to Namimori? Oh yes, he agreed to give Iemitsu's present to his son, which he had done as soon as he got here. It was a good thing the house was empty because Sasuke doubt he would have the patience to deal with Iemitsu's wife.
"You know you should not fight people who are stronger then you, brat," Sasuke hissed, flashing his sharingan at him. "You are lucky you are dealing with me brat because if you were facing anyone else, you will be dead. Now you are going to pretend I wasn't here and go back to doing whatever kids like you do."
With those words, Sasuke let go of the boy's wrist and watched as the boy started to head the opposite direction. Why the hell must he always be in this situation? He shook his head and pulled out his airplane tickets and family photo from his pockets. At least the boy was gone and if Sasuke was lucky he would never ever have to see such an annoying brat ever again. He rubbed his forehead and glanced at the photo of his family. He was never ever going to complain about Ryo ever again. His son was at least smart enough to know when not to fight with someone stronger then him.
He really did pity the boy's guardian.
Though Sasuke felt more sorry for himself because he knew Naru was going to give him an earful for being late. He sighed. Maybe the news about Tsuna's family would cheer her up a bit because god knew, he didn't want to deal with a depressed Naru.
If that didn't work then telling her that Tsuna and her were cousins would make her happy...and hopefully, it would be enough for him not to sleep on the uncomfortable couch.
A/N: Please review and tell me what you think.