A/N: I'm back! Okay, so this is the promised sequel to my other story titled Hide & Seek. This one will make a lot more sense if you read that one first. I should let you know that this story will contain scenes of violence and sexual assault.

Then it's just the disclaimer left. The Criminal Minds characters do belong to the CBS, as always, I'm only borrowing them for fun.


A Criminal Minds Fan Fiction

by Sweda

"Be leery of silence. It doesn't mean you won the argument. Often, people are just busy reloading their guns."

- Shannon L. Alder

Morgan had just driven off after she had thanked him for the ride when her phone started on her familiar ringtone. She let go of the key she had inserted into the lock on the door and let the rest of metal keys hang there while she reached for her phone to answer the call.

The call became a pleasant surprise compared to the other calls she had received from an unknown number during the last couple of days.

"Hi, it's Josh. I'm not waking you or anything, am I?"

"No, I'm just about to go inside actually," she answered.

"Good. I was just calling to make sure the flight went okay."

The fact that he was calling to make sure she had gotten home safely made her think even better of him. The kindness of his words made her face light up in a smile.

"Yeah, everything went fine. I pretty much slept the entire time," she confessed and turned the key.

Josh laughed softly. "That doesn't surprise me. But sleeping on planes can be rather uncomfortable so I'm guessing it didn't make much of a difference."

"No, I'm pretty much as tired as I was when I fell asleep," Emily replied.

"Then I won't keep you up or away from your reunion with, Sergio was it, right?"

"I can't believe you remembered that."

"With an unusual name like that it's hard to forget," he teased.

"Haha, so very funny of you," Emily said in a playful tone while suppressing her amusement.

"Thank you. I can be quite amusing sometimes."

Emily chuckled at his retort. She was removing the key from the lock and put the bundle of keys in the pocket of her jacket.

It was late and she was so very tired and even though she wanted to continue the conversation she knew this wasn't the time, she could call some other day when she wasn't as tired.

"I'm sorry but I need to hang up now. Trying to stop my cat from escaping the safety of his home with only one hand isn't something I'm up for tonight," she said.

"I understand," Josh said in a way that made it sound like he really did. "Besides, it's late and you better get some sleep soon."

"Yeah, you too," Emily replied. "Tell Danny I said hi."

"I will and as soon as we arrive I expect a proper introduction between me and Sergio."

"I can't promise it will be a nice one," Emily smiled. "If you need any help settling in, I'll be happy to help."

"Thank you."

"Good night then."

"Good night," Josh said. "Oh, and Agent Prentiss?"

"You can call me Emily."

"Okay then. If that's so then you can call me Josh."

"Josh it is," Emily said and nodded to herself. "You were saying?"

"Right. Take care and try to stay out of trouble."

"You too," Emily said. "Both of you," she added.

"We will. Bye."

"Bye." She sighed as she ended the call with a simple press on the glass screen.

If it had been any other day and any other time of day, she would have kept the conversation going as she was enjoying talking to Josh, but today her body wasn't up for it. She needed to sleep, a lot, and she needed to sleep now.

She felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier as she pushed the door open, careful not to miss out on a black ball of fur that was trying to sneak past her feet. Thankfully, her four legged companion didn't try anything tonight.

She opened her door and stepped inside, ready to move straight to bed after greeting Sergio with a few strokes.

The relaxed feeling she had gotten from her conversation with Josh disappeared as soon as she crossed the threshold. It was then replaced by unease. Something felt wrong, and moments later got her suspicions confirmed as something hard connected with the back of her head.

He had missed the sign telling him that roadwork was being carried out on the road he usually took home and he ended up at a roadblock. He would have to back up before he could make the very illegal U-turn to get back on the street to change his course.

As he looked over his shoulder to make sure he wouldn't back into anything or anyone, something in the back seat caught his attention but he decided to check it out later. He changed the gear from reverse to drive, made the U-turn and drove until he reached a spot where he could pull over without blocking the traffic.

He left the engine on as he turned to get a better look at what had captured his interest earlier.

There in the back seat of his car lay Emily's go-bag.

He sighed and looked at his watch. Not much time had passed since he had left Emily's. If he drove back now he would probably have time to return it before she made it to bed. It felt less exhausting to drive back now than driving back home and then having to drive all the way to her house tomorrow to return it.

He rubbed his tired eyes before he pulled back out into traffic and changed his course again, back to Emily's address.

The first blow hit her in the back of her head. It made her see stars and sent her flying to the floor without any mercy. Her knees and wrists took the worst impact but they didn't keep her from landing flat on the floor.

The blow had left her disoriented and her focus was on regaining control over her own body, which was why she didn't pay attention to the identity of her assailant.

The first kick was delivered to her already bruised ribs, making her curl into a ball to protect them. She was unsure if the cracking sound she heard was real or imagined, but the pain that followed told her it was very much real. It was so intense that she thought she might pass out from it. The breaths she tried to take sent jolts of pain through her body and it was with great determination that she managed to stay conscious.

The second kick landed on her already bad shoulder, which made her roll over so that she was on her back and that was when she saw him. With her back pressed against the floor she stared up at the burning green eyes she wished she didn't know.

"Thought you could just run away for a while and then I'd be gone?" Dylan snarled, gazing down at her with a furious expression. "I won't let you go that easily."

"Dylan, what...are...you...doing?" Emily managed to wheeze out, arms wrapped protectively around her injured ribs.

"I'm teaching you a lesson!" he growled and bent down to pull her up by her hair.

Emily screamed in pain as she was violently hoisted up from the floor. She could barely stand on her own legs. The world spun and her injured ribs kept her from standing up straight. The only reason she managed to stay on her feet was because of Dylan's bone crushing grip on her upper arms.

"You," he spat and slapped the right side of her force behind it had her head lolling to the side. "Need to understand that you can't sleep around with other men without setting me off!" He finished his sentence by shoving her down on the floor in the direction of the kitchen.

As she landed, Emily saw Sergio crawling under the couch to hide from the evil man that had invaded his home and was currently manhandling his owner. This time it was the elbows and her tailbone that would soon be covered in bruises.

Emily pushed herself up on her sore elbows and slowly pushed up against the floor to get back on her feet. She had hardly made it halfway when Dylan's rough hands shoved her down again.

"Stay down!"

Hell no! Emily thought and made a second attempt to get up.

This time he used his boot-covered foot to push her down, but he didn't take it away as soon as she was back down. Instead he kept it pressed against her chest and was constantly applying pressure.

"Asshole!" Emily hissed.

Dylan got down on one knee and put the knee he wasn't supporting himself on where his foot had been. "Is that really how you say hello to your boyfriend after having been gone for almost a week?" he asked as he took a hold around her wrists and pulled her hands up above her head, pressing them hard against the floor.

Emily tried to fight back as he did but he had the advantage. She glared up at him with hatred. As she did, his eyes bore into hers.

She tried to push him off her but didn't succeed, she could barely make her arms move. He was winning and she hated it. She was tired and injured but still she summoned up the energy to fight back.

In one quick, and very painful motion, she brought up a knee towards him and almost knocked him off her. The action momentarily drained her of strength and she had to wait a few seconds until she could carry out the next attack.

Her attempt to knock him off of her infuriated him even more, which Emily felt as his grip around her wrists tightened and he applied more pressure to her chest with his knee.

"You're really pushing it, Em," he growled. "I've missed you a lot, you know," he said and brought his face closer to hers, staring down.

Emily had the urge to spit at him but she stopped herself from doing so as it would only result in him getting even more angrier, anger that he would take out on her.

From out of nowhere his face changed from furious to something else and then he said, "You're beautiful when you're angry."

At that moment her blood froze. She recognised the look in his eyes. She knew what he wanted and that was when she decided to use whatever strength she had left. She squirmed under his body, threw herself from side to side, aggravating her bruises in the process but she didn't care. She tried to scream as loudly as she could, hoping that one of her neighbours would hear her and come to her rescue.

Dylan didn't buckle though. He was using all his strength to hold her down and was smart enough to use his knee to push down on her ribs, which quickly made her focus on breathing and staying conscious instead of screaming and fighting him off.

Just to make sure she couldn't put up much of a fight, Dylan eased up the pressure on her chest, released her wrists and grabbed on to the collar of her shirt. He then lifted her up from the floor and slammed her back down again. The action resulted in Emily's head connecting with the floor only to bounce back up again before landing on the floor a second time.

Her world turned black. For a few terrifying seconds she couldn't see anything, neither could she hear or feel nothing but her pounding head. She was momentarily paralysed by the blow and Dylan used that to his advantage. He changed his position so that he was straddling her. He also let go of her shirt and then used one of his hands to hold hers together and pushing them against the floor over her head. That left him with one free to do pretty much whatever he wanted.

He let his free hand slowly travel down from her hair to her waist, stroking her body and cupping her breast along the way.

Emily gulped as she felt his hands on her body. She then involuntarily shivered as he started placing light kisses on her neck.

"Dylan... stop," she struggled to form the words as the pounding in her head continued.

"Oh, come on, Emily. It's not like we haven't done this before," he mumbled against her neck as his free hand sneaked under her shirt and touched the bare skin of her stomach.

"I don't... want to," Emily whimpered as she felt her shirt getting pushed up further and further. She wanted to fight, to scream, to do something but she was still in a daze and couldn't do any of it.

"This is the least you can do for me after what you've put me through this week."

Dylan then moved his hand from her stomach to her breasts. Emily squirmed to get away but it was impossible. His weigh was keeping her down and her already battered body wasn't as strong and cooperating as it usually was.

She had just come to the realisation that her best chance at getting out of this was to alert someone that something was wrong. She had just gathered up the strength to do so when Dylan pressed his lips against hers. Emily's cry for help became a muffled sound of disgust.

His hand then went back to her stomach and before she knew it, he was working on the single button of her pants.

She had been afraid before but it was now the real, raw panic kicked in. This was not happening, it couldn't be happening!

He had finished with the button and was roughly tugging her pants down her hips when he froze. Dylan then replaced his mouth with his free hand to keep her quiet.

That was when she realised what had stopped him dead in his tracks; there was someone at the door!

Another knock sounded and then a familiar voice, "Hey, Prentiss! You in there?"

It was Morgan, there was no question about it.

Help was finally arriving! Emily thought and some of her panic slipped away.

"I found your bag in the back of my car and thought that you might need it. I think I saw you put your wallet in it."

Emily watched as Dylan began looking around in the room, almost as it he was searching for something. As he was distracted, she opened her mouth wider so that a part of his hand slipped into it. She bit down hard.

Her teeth sank into his flesh and the scream that escaped his lips was very satisfying to her ears. She then used the situation to alert Morgan that something bad was going on inside her home.

She only managed to get out his name in a raspy and not very loud voice before Dylan had his hand back on her mouth, pressing down hard and crushing her lips between her teeth and his hand.

"Prentiss, you okay?"

Emily tried to scream through Dylan's hand but there wasn't much sound.


"Shut up!" Dylan spat at her in a low voice, but she ignored his words and kept making as much noise as she possibly could.

Dylan then quickly moved his hand, elbowed her in the stomach and put his hand back over her mouth. The blow left Emily out of breath and her screams stopped.

"I'll give you five seconds to answer me before I break down this door," Morgan shouted through the door as he sensed something wasn't right.

Emily watched Dylan turning his head from side to side, probably trying to find the best way to escape all while she fought for air and listened to Morgan counting down from five on the other side of the door.

"This is not over," Dylan growled in a low voice before he flew off her and bolted towards the back door.

He had just made it out when Morgan crashed through Emily's front door, gun in hand.

She couldn't see him but she could hear him. No matter how grateful she was for him showing up and realising something was wrong, the only thing she could think of at the moment was that he could not see her like this. Not with her shirt pushed up and her pants down her thighs, she would like to keep some of her dignity. And besides, he would assume the worst and she didn't want to put him through that.

She reached for her pants and hooked her fingers through two of the loops before beginning to pull them up. What she hadn't expected was the explosion of burning pain that spread through her left wrist as she did. She must have sprained it when she used it to break her fall during the beginning of the attack.


She realised that she must have given away some sound without noticing it as Morgan called her name from the hallway. It didn't matter though, the only thing that mattered was to get her pants up over her hips and her shirt down.

She bit down on her lip to keep herself from making any sound, gave her pants one forceful tug and then they were back on. She then used her right hand to pull down her shirt over her exposed stomach in one quick motion.

Only then did she allow herself to fully acknowledge the pain rushing through her body and the darkness that insisted on invading her vision.

"Damn!" she heard Morgan swear and that was when she knew he had spotted her on the floor behind the kitchen island.


She felt something warm encircling her hand, thankfully the non-sprained one, and managed to get her eyes open. Her visual focus was off but it was definitely Morgan that was crouching down next to her, taking her hand in his.

"Who did this to you?"

Morgan suspected it to be Dylan and his anger towards the man increased as she confirmed his suspicions.

"Is he still here?" Morgan asked through clenched teeth as he alternating from looking around the room and gazing down at her.

"Don't... know," Emily whispered quietly as she let her eyelids fall back down.

Morgan was torn between what to do. He needed to clear the rest of the house but he didn't want to leave her. "Hold on for me," he said and gave her hand one last, gentle squeeze before he reluctantly let go. He then rose and began the search.

Emily was oblivious to how much time that had passed when she once again felt Morgan's hand on hers. "He's not here," Morgan breathed as he came to sit next to her.

"Jesus," he exclaimed as he looked her over. Her cheek and lips were both swollen and bleeding. She had bruises all over her arms and her left hand had turned into a blue shade and was starting to take on a very prominent swelling. As if that wasn't enough, her breathing sounded very much like it shouldn't, ragged and strained.

"Hang on, Emily," he urged as he reached for his phone and dialled 911.

He quickly told them what was going on and they promised him both police and an ambulance. He then felt her fingers wrap themselves tighter around his as he ended the call.

"Help is on the way," he told her and carefully squeezed her hand.

"Don't let me go," Emily whispered.

Those words. Those four words filled him with so many mixed emotions. They reminded him of the last time they had been like this, she barely conscious and him waiting for help to arrive, unable to do anything. There were guilt and sorrow, but also hope because this time she didn't ask him to let go. This time her will to live was stronger than what it had been a little over a year ago.

Morgan blinked back the tears in eyes the memories and the current situation caused. "I didn't the last time, even though you told me to, so why would I do it now?" Morgan said with a voice full of emotions, smiling down at his partner.

"Yeah... you're right. I forgot...about that," Emily breathed and smiled weakly without opening her eyes.

"You're gonna be okay," Morgan mumbled as he gently stroked her hair. He was filled with dread as he saw his fingers turning red.

Where the hell was that ambulance he had called for?

A/N: That's it. And yes, I know I'm mean leaving you like that. It's scary to post the first chapter but hope you found it interesting. Until next time!