There was no more tears left to fall. She cried so much she could feel the swelling of her eyes. She felt empty as she quietly packed her things in a small flower printed cloth. She didn't feel the need to take so many things. She was probably going to die within a week under the demon so a few undergarments and a tooth brush will do. She heard her door slide open but she didn't look back to see who it was. The figure seated itself next to her and held out a picture. It was a picture she had lost years ago. A picture of her mother when she was pregnant with her little sister Hanabi. Her father seemed surprisingly happy and content as he held her mother's shoulder. And there was her... the little girl holding so dearly on to her mother's hand smiling. This picture was the only picture left of her mother. She remembers her father burning all the others when she passed away. This picture was all that she had left until it disappeared one day. "I'm giving this back to you" Hinata didn't look up as she took the picture from her hands. "Thank you Hanabi for keeping this safe for me" Hinata gave her a warm smile. Hanabi blushed and stared down at the floor in anger. Why was she thanking her? It was her who had stolen the picture and kept it for herself. "You welcome" she spat in anger and they both sat there in silence. Hanabi clutched her hands as she tried to hold back her tears. She didn't like her weak big sister. She hated her for receiving the love she have never gotten from her mother. She hates how she acts all though like nothing is wrong. She wants her to disappear. Just disappear from her life! So... Why does she feel so angry at her for leaving? For all she knows she should be happy that her annoying sister isn't going to be around anymore. Hinata watched as Hanabis tears fell to the floor. This was the first time she has ever seen her cry in front of her. She chuckled at the sight and embraced her little sister. "Don't go...Hiā€¦Hinata" Hanabi hugged back. "I'll be fine Hanabi. I'll come visit you so don't be sad Hanabi" she smiled. "Liar! Don't lie to me!" She yelled out and ran out the door. Hinata tried to lift herself up by balancing her weight on the bed next to her. But the throbbing pain occupying most of her chest prevented her from standing. "I'm so sorry Hanabi" she cried and her legs gave out in a wobble. "I'm sorry"

The Demon King Raza stared down at his three children as he rested both arms on his throne. His first child Temari, the demon of wind stood silently meeting his gaze. A big fan rested at her side as she patiently waited for his announcement. Next to her stood Kankuro, A telekinetic demon and his second child. Unlike Temari he stood their restless like he couldn't stand being in silence. Raza than looked over to his third child Gaara, the demon of sand. Gaara stood motionless with a blank look plastered across his face as he patiently waited for him. Raza hated this child of his because he was stronger than the Demon King himself. The child possessed so much power that his birth killed his mother. His first true love. He has sealed half of Gaara's power at birth within his forehead forming a character of love to seal away some to prevent use. He did not want to risk being over thrown by his own son. "Father. Why have you brought us here? "Kankuro asked. He just couldn't stand the silence and didn't want to stand next to his creep of a brother any longer. They were all demons but Gaara was more than a demon. He was more like the devil himself! "It is that time again my children" Razas voice rang deep. Kankuro saw Gaaras lip form into a twisted smile. Well that sent shivers down his spine. "You mean the sacrifice ceremony?" Temari asked. "Yes the four virgins will be arriving in 7 days' time" the Demon king answered. "Well can't they send a virgin male this time? I'm fed up with those little bitches screaming in my ear. And what fun am I supposed to get out from a girl?" Temari complained. "Nobody cares about what you think Temari so stop complaining" Kankuro spat only to have his head crushed by Temari's fan.

"With your command father Konohagakure could make an exception this time can't they? They wouldn't dare go against your wishes" Temari pleaded. The thought of his daughter with a human boy brought up some disturbing images. What would she want with a human man? (Me: He knows what) But for his daughter maybe he can make an exception this one time and see how it plays out. "I will send out a messenger immediately if that is what you wish my daughter" the demon king roared. Temari squeaked in happiness and flapped her bat like wings. Kankuro rolled his eyes and glanced over to Gaara. He held no expression but he could see Gaara's eye darken with malice.

The servant demon Matsuri headed for the sky with a scroll held firmly in her right hand. She has been assigned on a mission to deliver the message to the 5th hokage of Konohagakure before the sacrifice ceremony begins. The desert night was cold and the wind pierced her wings like knives as she increased her speed. She has been working under the demon King for over a year now with no mistakes made. And she didnt want to break that record anytime soon either. It would take a human 15 days to travel to Sunagakure on horse and a hanoni 5. But a pure blooded demon such as herself would only need a day to travel to Konohagakure. Only two days left until the ceremony in Konohagakure begins.

Hinata came to accept her fate by the hour. The ceremony was drawing near and she had to come to terms with it. The village has a tradition to gather all friends and family of those that are to be sacrificed before the ceremony at Naka Shrine to pray for their safe return. Not one sacrifice has ever came back alive but the people could not give up on hope. Hinata felt Hanabis grip tighten around their intertwined fingers as they stood in front of the Naka Shrine gate. "This tradition is stupid" Hanabi spat. "Don't say that Hanabi. The village made this tradition so that we can say goodbye to our friends and family before we... um go" she gave her little sister a warm smile as they walked hand in hand into Naka Shrine.

The shrine was crowded with familiar faces of Konohagakure. Hinata received words of remorse and some words of rage from her friends and family. She even saw tears fall from her childhood friend Shino as he gently placed a hand over her shoulder. Naruto and Sakura came to say their goodbyes as well. It still pained her to see the couple together. But Hinata still felt happy that he came to say goodbye. Her cousin Neji came and said his goodbyes as well along with his two friends Lee and Tenten. "I hope your life in Sunagakure won't be as displeasing as you imagine" Neji embraced his little cousin tightly. He didnt want to see her go. She is such a fragile thing. Neji was sure she would break. She wouldn't even last a day in that hell hole.
And there was Kiba. He immediately burst into fits as soon as he laid eyes on her. Kiba was her best friend since childhood. She remembered all the time he would tease her and make her laugh. And the time he asked her to be his girlfriend as he held out a small yellow flower, his face red as tomatoes. She wondered what would have happened if she accepted his proposal back then. "Hinata... I could have helped you. Even if it wasn't true love. It could still have prevented this from happening!" Kiba stared down at his hands that was now tightly holding on to Hinata's. "I'm sorry Kiba-kun... I...I ju..just couldn't" her voice trailed off. "Couldn't what Hinata?!" She felt his grip tighten. "Couldn't sleep with someone you didn't even love? Look where that got you!" He yelled. Shino came up behind Kiba to restrain him. "This is not the place" Shino whispered. "But I love you. You knew my feelings for you was real!" Kiba sobbed. Hinata didn't know what to say. He was right. If she had just given him the chance. If she wasn't as stupid enough to stay blind for this long, she wouldn't be standing here today. "I'm sorry Kiba-kun" Hinata sobbed. "It's not too late! We can make this work. I can make you mine before the ceremony begins" Kiba cried as he held her in his arm. She buried her face into his hoodie and let the tears flow down her face. "I'm sorry Kiba-kun but it's too late now..." she carefully looked up to see tears form from his canine like eyes. Kibas shoulder dropped as he now faced his back to her. All he wanted was her to be safe. To be happy. What pissed him off was that he wasn't able to fulfill such simple tasks for the one he loved so dearly. He felt hesitant as he clutched his fist by his sides. "I... I'm going to miss you" he cried as he faded away into the crowd.

After hours of farewells and goodbyes the 5th Hoakage gathered the four virgin to the center back of the shrine. Hinata glanced at the other three sacrifices and was surprised to see Ino as one of the three next to her. "Ino-chan" Hinata whispered. Ino turned her head towards her and her eyes followed. "Hinata-chan?" Ino gasped. Ino, the pretty blond girl who worked at the flower shop Hinata often went to was famously known as a promiscuous Hussie who changes men like how she changes clothes in Konoha. So it was a surprise for everyone to see Ino standing before them as one of the the four virgin Sacrifices. So it seems that rumors were just rumors when word spread that she have slept with all Konoha men in town.

"Ino..." Hinata whispered as her gaze fell down to the ground. Just like her Ino couldn't find the one in time. The one that was willing to take her body and soul. "Everyone be quiet!" Tusunade commanded. The audience all turned to face the Hokage and at the four virgins behind her. "We are here to pray and thank the four virgins behind me and wish for their safe return" the crowd listened as sobs were still heard from crying friends and family members. "This is a sad day for all of us but for the safety of the village th-" Tusunade was cut off by a loud bang from the doors. Everyone in the shrine turned to see a demon with crow like wings standing infront of the gates holding up a scroll. "Orders from the Demon King Raza" the demon roared

All at once people fell down to their knees. Only the hokage stood in the presence of the demon. Matsuri smirked and handed the scroll. This has never happened before. Cold sweat ran down her neck as she unraveled the scroll to see what lies written. The silence was hard to bare. Everyone wondered what was written on the scroll until the Hokage finally spoke. "One of the virgin sacrifice will be replaced with a male virgin. Who will be willing to take the part?" Tusunade yelled over. No one dared to say a word. As minutes pass the hokage was getting irritated. "Is there no hero in our village willing to sacrifice for our people?" Tusnade hollered out once more. Matsuri laughed at the sight of her cowardly men "pathetic!" Matsuri screeched as she crossed her arms together. "I am willing to sacrifice myself in replacement of Ino Yamanaka". Ino and Hinata looked up to see Shikamaru with his hand raised. "No! Shikamaru!" Ino cried. "Hn. A volunteer?" Matsuri smiled. She wondered how long a guy like him would last under Princess Temari. He probably might not make it through a day. "Shikamaru don't do this" Ino sobbed. Shikamaru walked over to Ino and grabbed her arms and lightly squeezed it. Shikamaru leaned in and gave a soft peck on her forehead and whispered that it was going to be alright. "And stop being so troublesome and give Choji a chance dummy" he smirked

A/N I didn't want Hinata to be alone when she got to Suna so I decided to place Shikamaru to help her keep her sanity. And one of you wanted to see her confession to Naruto so I just might write that in the next chapter. And thank you for reviewing :] Reviews tend to scare me but thank you for the encouraging words :D