It was a dark and stormy night

Just the kind of night not fit for man nor beast nor magical princess from another dimension nor average karate-obsessed earth turd. Which is why Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz were spending it indoors, waiting out the storm and spending their first night alone together in the house.

Mr. And Mrs. Diaz had decided that tonight of all nights they were leaving the two alone for the evening, perhaps because they hoped the poring rain would at least put out any part of the house that Star could possibly set on fire, perhaps they had an ulterior motive, who knows?

And though Marco was okay now with Star he still was not exactly sure how he felt to be trapped for the entire evening in the house with her. Star herself was overly excited. After all, this was the first time she had technically been left 'by herself' (or at least alone with Marco) on earth, meaning the Diaz trusted her at least a tiny bit. She felt proud.

"Bye Mr. and Mrs. Diaz! Have a great evening, I promise I won't burn down your house!"

Marco cautiously grabbed the fire extinguisher from the hall closet as he shut the door after his parents and he and Star made their way to the kitchen.

"MARCO can you believe it? Your parents trust me enough to leave me here almost alone, BYOURSELVES! My parents would never do that, well they did and it didn't turn out that well, but I'm so excited! They trust me! They trust us! Like we're almost adults or something!"

"Yeah that's great Star,"

Marco smiled and tried not to concentrate on the fact that they had, indeed left him alone in the house with a girl. A very pretty girl, he conceded. Not that Marco would try anything, or wanted to try anything, did he? No. Just stupid puberty hormones talking. That's what he told himself.

Star flew around the kitchen excitedly preparing dinner for the two, which she had specifically asked if she could do tonight, even though Marco had been secretly worried she would catch the kitchen on fire. As I said before though, the rain would at least help in putting that out.

"Look MARCO I'm cooking tacos!

By ourselves!"

"I'm washing tomatoes!

By ourselves!"

"I'm making pico de gallo!

By ourselves!"

"I just burnt my arm with splattering grease from the meat!" She cried out

By ourselves!"

"Star!" Marco pulled her over to the sink and ran cold water on her arm.

Star's constant reminder of the fact that they were alone in the house was making his nerves frazzled, and then standing close behind her at the sink while he ran water on her arm wasn't helping either. He could feel the heat rise into his cheeks as he tried to swish these new thoughts away, these thoughts that had been increasingly plaguing him, regarding Star. Holding her close, her hair was right under his nose and it seemed so soft and smooth.

"We're applying cold water to my burn like responsible adults.

By ourselves." She reiterated proudly looking up at him.

Her eyes shone and they felt themselves getting a little lost for a moment as brown met blue. Suddenly a thunderclap brought them back to earth and they both jumped, as Marco quickly reached over and turned off the sink.

"We shouldn't have water running in a thunderstorm," he said "it could cause a lightning strike."

"Yeah." Star just nodded softly and in the awkward silence that settled around them they finished up dinner together.