Chapter 1: The accident.

It was almost six in the morning when Anna had woken up to the anguished voice of her parents and the sobs of her mother. Alarmed, she had gotten out of her bed and, still in a half-asleep state, she had stumbled to the hallway, where her mother was crying and her father was talking over the cellphone.

"I-is something wrong?" She'd asked very worried.

"Anna!" Her mother hugged her tightly still crying. "Oh, Anna, it's your sister." Anna had looked to her sister's bedroom door and had seen it open, the bed neatly done. She had sighed; she knew where she was.

"Don't worry, you know her. She wasn't kidnapped; she must be at some silly party." She had said, slightly upset for being woken up for something so trivial during summer break.

"No, Anna. She suffered a car accident." Her mother had sobbed in her shoulder.

"W-what?!" Anna had exclaimed, this time truly surprised and concerned.

"Don't worry, she's fine." Her father had said after hanging up. "I called and they told me the ambulance arrived just in time. She's suffered blood lose and one of her kidneys got damaged, but she'll survive."

"Oh, thank god." Anna's mother had said relieved letting go of her. "Where is she?"

"She's in the hospital. You should be heading there if you want to see her; I will go to Arendelle's Clone Center to get everything ready for the kidney transplant."

"Wait, so you're going to use the clone?" Anna had asked incredulous. "Isn't it just for life or death situations?"

"Yes, but I can pay for another to be made in case something else happens in the future. Besides, living with only one kidney would affect the overall health of your sister over time."

"Oh. Okay, then." She answered, not wanting to argue with her father, even though she still didn't like the idea.

"Come on, Anna." Her mother had urged her. "Let's go see your sister."

That had been at six in the morning. Now, ten in the morning, Anna was sitting at the waiting room with her mother, hoping everything would be fine.

Clone S-E-134 had woken up around seven, as It had every morning. Then a nurse had come in, checked It's vitals and led It to the showers, where It was cleaned by the usual staff. Around half-past seven It was at the dining room eating some nutritive dough, as It did every day, with the rest of the clones. All with absent stares. All doing as they were told. None of them talking.

It was just like any other day. Until a group of security men showed up. No other clone seemed to notice; just S-E-134. It's curious ice-blue eyes looked up as it heard their voices. Unlike the others, this particular clone knew what it meant; one of them would be taken by these people… and never come back. It was always the same, since It could remember, but It had never been It's turn, so there was no reason to be alarmed now. It just had to pretend that It didn't know what was going on and everything would be fine.

Clone S-E-134 got up with the rest when the bell sounded, signaling it was the end of breakfast, and started to walk to the exit. However, just as It was about to go past the door, It was stopped by a doctor and Its heart began racing. It, however, didn't dare protesting when the security men grabbed her arms and, together with the doctor, started leading her though a different hallway than usual.

"Today is your big day, S-E-134." Doctor Hans Westergard, the head doctor of the center said with a sinister smirk, confirming the clone's fears. "You'll be getting out of here, as you always wanted."

"That's not what I meant, and you know it." The clone said, scowling at his ugly sideburns, and startling the security men.

"It's alright guys." Hans tranquilized them. "She's the special case." Then he turned to look at the clone, still with that little mocking smirk of his. "You should be glad, you know? Your pathetic life finally has some meaning."

"What meaning?" It said. "To die so other people can have my organs? Am I just that, a walking bunch of spare parts for others to use?" A few anger tears felt from Its eyes. It felt so much fear and frustration, It didn't want to take even one more step, but the guards were dragging It.

"I couldn't have said it any better." He answered cynically. "Now shut up before someone else hears you talking. You know you're not supposed to do that." They arrived to a door and, pressing a few buttons, the doctor made it open. "Get in. In a few minutes the staff will come here to collect you."

S-E-134 did what It was told and, as soon as the door shut behind It, It collapsed on the chair that was inside, crying. It was just so unfair; all Its life It had been inside that building, that prison, not having a chance to see the real world or even be Its true self, and now that It was finally going out, it was just going to die so others could live. The clone would never be able to feel the fresh air on Its skin, or to touch the snow, feel the grass under Its feet, listen to the song of a bird or smell the delicious fragrance of a flower. No. In a few hours, It would be dead.

Oh, what It would give to just spend one week, just one, on the outside world! Was it really that much to ask? Yes, it was. Because clones don't have that luxury; they serve only one purpose, and being in the outside world could damage their precious organs, which were the only valuable thing about them.

In that moment the door opened, and S-E-134 quickly wiped its tears, terrified, but as a familiar tall muscular man with blonde hair entered, It was able to relax.

"Kristoff!" It exclaimed relieved and hugged him tightly.

"Hey, blondie." He answered with a sad voice, caressing Its hair. "Is it true, then? You're leaving?" The clone just nodded and he sighed. "I wished I could help you escape. You deserve so much more." He pressed It more firmly into his body. "You are not like the others."

"Yes, I am. I was created just like them." She sobbed.

"But you can feel, and think. You are a human being, not some animal to be sent to the slaughterhouse."

"But what can I do? It's my destiny."

"You could escape; the hospital won't have as much security as this place, and you'll be dressed as any other patient."

"I… I don't know, Kristoff." She got away from him just enough to look at his eyes. "The person I was created to save must be in danger; her death would be in my hands."

"But she's already had a life, unlike you. Besides, it could be something not life threatening."

"I… will think about it." It said hesitantly, biting Its lip.

"Okay. I understand it's not an easy decision."

"It's not."

"Come on, wipe your tears; no one should know you've been crying. I have to escort you to the helicopter that will take you to the hospital."

"This is a goodbye, then?" It asked.

"I hope not." He wiped the tear that fell from Its eyes. "But the next time, I hope I'll see you as a free person."

"Thanks, Kris. You are the only friend I've ever had. I'll miss you." The clone let go of him and wiped its tears, swallowing its pain and concealing its emotions at the same time. When it looked at Kristoff again, it seemed like any other clone; cold and distant. The man sighed.

"Come, S-E-134." He grabbed her arm and led her to the exit. "It's time. Just don't forget… You are not just a clone."

The trip to the hospital wasn't nearly as exciting as S-E-134 had expected; the clone wasn't allowed to sit with the other people and enjoy the view, no, instead it was put in a small cage made of a material that was supposed to resist explosions and falls from great heights, that way it wouldn't be damaged even if something happened to the helicopter.

Then, the clone was led trough the hallways, very similar to the ones of Its prison, to a small room where It was given some clothes. Then they'd extracted a few liters of her blood and done some medical tests to see if surgery could be started immediately or not. After that, S-E-134 was left alone, and so It started walking around to see if It could find something useful or, at least, entertaining. Soon, It found a folder on a metal drawer; a file of the girl she was made from, Elvira Summers.

As she saw her picture, she couldn't help feeling the sensation of looking straight into a mirror, which was very disconcerting. Then, there were some medical records, but nothing serious until the accident that had just occurred that day. Severe blood lose (Oh, so that's why they took some blood as soon as I entered), a few contusions and one damaged kidney.

What?! This is not life threatening! She could survive without me!

It turned out, S-E-134 knew a few things about medicine since Kristoff sometimes told it what he learned at college (he was studying to be a doctor), and it was a relief to know It could escape without really affecting anyone. But It was angered at the same time that this woman's family had decided that it was worth taking Its life just so she could have two kidneys.

Calm down S.E., They don't know you. They think you can't feel or think, it's not their fault. Besides, you need to be calm for what you are about to do now.

The clone quickly put the files where they were, closed the drawer, and casually walked out of the room, trying to act normal. Fortunately, there was no one and it could get away easily, however, It soon found that It had no idea where the exit was and that It was going in circles. In that exact moment, someone shouted behind It:

"Hey! You should be in your room" S-E-134 panicked as she turned around and saw a nurse, so It started running without thinking it'd only make It look more suspicious. The nurse, of course, started running after It, and the clone had no other option than to take the stairs and descend hoping to lose him, but this just delayed him a little. When It had already gained some distance, It turned a corner hoping to escape, but It collided with a redhead girl standing beside a vending machine.

Anna was tired of waiting to hear news of her sister's state; the nerves were killing her. Last she knew, she was stable, but waiting for more blood and about to be prepared for the operation. According to her father, the clone must've already arrived.

Anna shuddered at the thought of the clone. It wasn't precisely that she was disgusted by the concept, as many were, but it always gave her chills to know that there was someone - something - out there identical to her sister… there was another one identical to herself too actually, but that was even more unnerving. The clones didn't have a brain larger than the brain of a frog, and so they possessed about the same intelligence, but still, they were almost the same as the humans they were created from.

Not wanting to dwell on it anymore, and hearing her stomach growling loudly, she told her mother she'd be going to buy some food, so she got up from her chair and went to find the nearest vending machine. Of course, she got lost and ended up climbing stairs unnecessarily a couple of times, but finally, after around ten minutes, she found one. She was about to put the money in it when suddenly someone came out of the corner and collided with her. Because of the surprise the collision provoked on her, she tried to scream, but her voice was muffled by a hand.

Whoever had captured her (Anna couldn't see them clearly because they positioned at her back soon after their encounter) held her tight and dragged her behind the vending machine, clearly trying to hide from someone who was searching for them. Panicked, knowing that this person was probably some criminal hiding from the police, Anna fought against their grip, even going as far as trying to bite their hand (without success, it was pressed way to tightly into her face), but it was useless. They didn't let her go until, after at least one minute of struggling, Anna was finally able of digging into their ribs with her elbow, which resulted in her capturer falling to the ground and the redhead breaking free.

She was about to run without sparing that person a second glance, but curiosity won over and she turned just to peek a look. However, what she saw left her astonished. It was a woman, about a few years older than herself, with smooth and long platinum blonde hair (her older sister also had that hair color, but she'd never liked to wear it long), beautiful (and scared) blue eyes, and was dressed like a patient of the hospital, but even that plain gown couldn't hide her long perfect legs, hips to die for, waist smaller than one would think possible, and a pair of soft mounds in her chest that were just the right size. Anna felt herself salivating… and it wasn't for food.

No, Anna, she attacked you! Remember that?

Suddenly Anna didn't feel that much attraction for the gorgeous… er… the mad woman.

"What the fuck was all that about?" She asked furrowing her brows and trying to keep a stern face, which was really difficult since the blonde had a pained expression and was rubbing soothingly her ribs (clearly she was still affected by Anna's jostle), which made Anna want to get on her knees and apologize even if she knew it wasn't her fault at all. There was something about that woman that just made her want to protect her, maybe the stunning resemblance to her sister combined at the same time with vulnerability and helplessness Anna had never seen in her own sibling. "Look, I'm sorry for hitting you, but you really left me no option." Anna said instead.

"No, no, it's fine." She answered with a pained but beautiful voice trying to get up, but failing because she was still tightly clutching her ribs. Anna, then, took her and helped her get up, blushing madly when she felt the woman's curves under the thin material of the hospital gown. "I shouldn't have done that, but you were about to scream and I panicked." She gave her an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry." Her look was so genuine that Anna found herself relaxing.

"Oh, in that case it is fine. I'm glad you weren't some criminal trying to steal my money or something" Anna smiled and the woman giggled softly behind her hand, a gesture that Anna found utterly cute. "So, who were you hiding from?" Anna asked curious, instantly making a despaired look appear on the other woman's face. Anna almost kicked herself. "Sorry, I shouldn't… I… That's not my business." She quickly apologized.

"It is." She sighed. "I almost got you involved." Seeing the worried look on her face, Anna tried to put her at ease.

"Oh, come one, drop that face, I'm sure it's not something serious. What? Did you run out of the OR?" She teased pointing at her clothes.

"Yes." She answered, looking down and rubbing her arm.

"Oh." Anna simply stared, not expecting that answer; the woman seemed perfectly healthy, and she didn't appear to be in any kind of pain, what would she need surgery for? "Why?" She asked even if she knew it was impolite.

"There are… people who want to kill me." Anna gasped at hearing her words. Who could even think on killing such a beautiful and harmless girl?

"So… they were about to make you undergo an unnecessary surgery that would get you killed in the process?"

"You could say that." She nodded.

"Well… that sucks." Anna gave her a concerned glance. She couldn't let those people find her. "Do you have somewhere to hide?" When the woman shook her head, she instantly knew what had to be done. "You can come with me… if you want. My home isn't that far away, and I could let you stay there for a few days until we can figure out an escape plan."

"A-are you sure?" She asked with uncertainty and also… hope.

"Yeah, I mean, I can't just let them find you and kill you, right? What kind of person would that make me?" She eyed her for a moment, probably trying to discern if she was being honest.

"Thank you." She finally said, giving her a radiant smile that made Anna's legs weaken.

"Y-your welcome." Anna stuttered, nervously pulling a strand of hair behind her ear. "Come, you can hide in the restroom while I go find some clothes at my car… er… " In that moment, Anna realized she hadn't asked the woman's name.

"Uhm… E." She answered after a few moments of hesitation. "For now, you can call me E."

"Uh… alright." Anna was confused and a little hurt that she wouldn't tell her her name, but she knew she'd probably had some traumatic experiences and so she didn't pressure; she figured she'd tell her eventually. "You can call me Anna." She gave her a smile and then led her to the restrooms.

Everything went just as Anna said and, after E was already dressed and with Anna's cap covering her face completely, they could get out of the building without any problems. Anna then took her to her house, (after telling her mom she had some things to do and assuring her she'd be coming back in the afternoon) and helped installing her in a spare room next to hers. The redhead was just really glad to be doing something useful for a change and it was a plus that the woman she was helping was such a beautiful one.

Once it was all done, however, something happened. Something that'd change the growing relationship of the two women forever: the telephone rang.

"Hello? Mom?" Anna answered after she saw the calling number.

"Anna, something happened." Her mother said sounding very alarmed, which made Anna's heart skip a beat.

"What is it? Is Elvira... ?" Anna swallowed. She didn't dare finishing that phrase.

"She was about to enter to the OR; she was already sedated and her clone had arrived. However, when they went go search for It at Its assigned room, It had disappeared."

"How? Did It escape?"

"Come on, Anna don't be silly. A brainless clone couldn't have made it far, it obviously got out of the room by accident and someone took it."

"So it was stolen? Why would someone do that?"

"For it's organs. Not everyone can afford a clone of their own."

"Well, that's unfortunate. But Elvira will still live, right? Even if they don't find it?"

"Yes, but her life will be shortened." She sighed. "Anyways, we'll be there in the afternoon; Elvira will be able to stay at home until they find the clone."

"You sound too sure."

"The Clone Center itself apologized and offered to hire the best detectives to find it. There's no way it won't appear."

"Uh... Okay then. See you."

"See you. Don't eat junk."

"Ugh. Fine."

Anna hung up the phone and turned to E, but in that moment her eyes widened. She couldn't understand how she hadn't seen it before; her face was an exact copy of her sister's, just paler and with less freckles, and her eyes, her hair, her nose... Everything was just the same (Well, except her body... not that Anna was paying attention to it). Even her strange attitude at the hospital suddenly made sense. If she'd known the clone had disappeared before, she would've had no problem making the connection. There was no doubt; E was Elvira's clone.

She had been gawking at her sister's clone.

"Anna? Is something wrong?" E asked after seeing her strange expression.

"You are a clone, aren't you?!" Anna exclaimed. The woman backed away and seemed to be scared for a moment before covering it up with a cold mask.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me. You look just like me sister." The redhead said confidently.

"Your sister?" She seemed to think for a moment. "Elvira Summers?"

"How do you know her name?"

"I... Well... I mean... " She stammered nervously. Anna frowned. A normal answer would have been 'You are obviously the daughter of president Summers' but of course clones wouldn't have that information; they were kept at the Center without any sort of contact with the exterior. But it made sense she knew the name of the person she'd been created from.

"Don't lie to me." She said furious. "I helped you escape, I think I deserve the truth."

The blonde gulped and looked down as she nervously played with her hair. Then she murmured with a scared voice:

"F-fine... Yes I... I am a clone… But please don't let them find me. They'll kill me."

Again, there was that fear and vulnerability that broke Anna's heart and made her want to hug that woman. She, however shook that feeling reminding herself that it was probably just because she resembled Elvira.

However, if she was really a clone, there was something off.

"Wait. If you are a clone, how can you speak?... And think? And feel?" Anna asked.

Please don't tell me I've been lied all my life and that clones are actual people like us.

"I don't know. I don't think the scientists knew either, but sometimes errors like myself happen. However, it's very strange. As far as I know I was the only one in the Center with this condition, but there could be others around the world."

"Oh." Anna let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. "Okay then."

"So… will you hide me?"

"I don't know." Anna bit her lip. "It's complicated." Very complicated actually; she could maybe hide her for a couple of days, weeks even, but eventually her parents would find out and they wouldn't be happy. Besides, maybe her sister wouldn't die in that moment, but her life would be shortened. Was the life of a stranger really worth risking Elvira's health? Looking at those beautiful and scared eyes, Anna knew that yes, it was.

Wait, but it wouldn't have to cost her life. If Elvira can live without a kidney, surely her clone can too?

"Hey, don't worry." Anna said giggling. "They won't kill you; my sister only needs a kidney, and you can still live without one of those." Anna expected her to relax at her words, but she just hugged herself, looking even more distressed.

"You don't know how it works, do you?" She asked and, when Anna just gave her a confused look, she sighed. "Taking a kidney out of me surely wouldn't kill me, but toxins would accumulate in my body at a greater rate, and my organs or blood would be useless in a shorter amount of time. No, if they take a kidney out of me, they'd more likely see if your sister needs something more. If not, the rest of my organs would be sold and the money would be used to make another clone for your sister."

Anna's eyes widened when she understood the implications. Clones were seen just as sacks of organs, and organs were just products to be sold... but…

"Wait, aren't you like… Elvira's property? If we ask them to let you live, then…"

"No." She interrupted. "It's impossible, even if you did that, the Clone Center would never allow it; they don't want the world to know that sentient clones like myself exist. Cloning may even be prohibited."

"Oh… well, then what do you suggest?!" Anna almost shouted, her voice getting desperate. She wanted to help E, she really did, but there didn't seem to be a solution. "That I run with you? That we live the rest of our lives in hiding? That I leave my friends, family, school and everything I know just for you?" E took a step back and shrank. Anna regretted her outburst immediately and was about to apologize when the blonde spoke.

"No." Her voice sounded like she was about to cry, and she wiped her tears just before they fell from her eyes. "Sorry, that was selfish. You're right, I can't ask that from you."

"No, listen I…"

"No, Anna, you listen." E finally looked up and their gazes locked. "When I escaped, I just wanted to know what life really is, to experience it as every human does… But, to do that, I don't really need a lifetime." Anna was about to protest again, but the stern gaze of this woman soon shut her mouth. "One week, that's all I ask. Make the next seven days the best days of my life and I'll leave this world satisfied. Surely that's not out of your hands?"

Anna bit her lip. Yes, what E asked seemed reasonable, and since she was on summer break and had plenty of money, she could fulfill almost every wish she asked. However it still unnerved her to know that she'd have to die after the week ended. She promised herself that, as this week progressed, she'd find a solution. She wouldn't be letting her die so easily.

"Okay, then. It's a deal."

"Thanks." She answered, but there was still sadness on her eyes. Anna thought of something to cheer her up a little and suddenly she remembered that the girl hadn't told her her name. Actually, did clones even have a name?

"Uhm, do you have a name or should I keep calling you E?"

"Well… actually I don't have a name. In the center I was Clone S-E-134."

"Oh, then can I give you a name?" Anna asked hopeful.

"You want to give me a name?" the clone asked, happily surprised. Anna nodded enthusiastically.

"What about Elsa? That's the name my parents were originally going to give me, but they decided it was too similar to Elvira. I think it suits you."

"Because I'm similar to Elvira too?"

"No, because it sounds softer and gentler… and beautifuller, just like you." Elsa giggled and tried to hide her blush, but Anna noticed it anyways, and she promised herself that she'd make the next days of Elsa's life like a dream come true. But they hopefully wouldn't be the end, just the beginning of their journey together. Yes, she liked the sound of that much better.

A/N: This was originally a one-shot made for the elsanna week, so forgive me if it's a little bit rushed and doesn't make that much sense. But the rest of the chapters are better, I swear!